The Cowboy Byte

August 31, 2012 News and Thoughts for the day

Stop Another Kennedy from Taking Over Congress

Today's Cowboy Headlines: Headlines you may have missed: Today's Featured Article:

Romney: What America needs is jobs, not hope and change

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Keep Fighting

By now, you’ve likely heard about the Republican National Committee’s disturbing powergrab at the Republican National Convention in Tampa.

It’s clearer than ever that the Establishment realizes how much influence liberty-minded activists are gaining – and they’re shocked at how quickly we’ve grown.

The Establishment in all parties and levels of government knows that grassroots Americans of varying political stripes are getting involved every day in every state to challenge the status quo, stand up to their control, and defeat their statist schemes.

They watched our overwhelming victory for Audit the Fed in the House in July.

They’ve seen C4L grow to over half a million members in only four years.

This week's lashing out is just the latest example of how scared they’ve become.

And you know what?

They should be!

Contrary to what they probably hoped, this powergrab has ignited a fire within the grassroots.

But it’s time to learn how to channel that righteous indignation we’re all feeling into effective political action.

In order to successfully stand toe-to-toe with the Elite anywhere and everywhere as we advance, we must arm ourselves with the tactics it takes to win.

No infantryman would dare go into battle without his rifle.

Likewise, good political activists shouldn’t go into political dogfights empty-handed, either.

You can pick up your arms by attending the 2012 Liberty Political Action Conference, where our top-notch grassroots trainers will be on hand to teach you what you need to know -- including how to avoid the pitfalls the Establishment sets to trip up well-meaning activists.

In fact, our discounted hotel room rate expires this Friday, August 31st, so I hope you’ll reserve your spot right away.

At LPAC, we’ll band together to make it clear that nothing will discourage us from advancing our beliefs – and that we have the energy, enthusiasm, and motivation it will take to claim victory in the future.

Our training will prepare you to become the most effective activist possible, regardless of which party you’re involved in or how long you’ve been active in the movement.

After what’s happened this week at the RNC, it’s easy to just throw up your hands in disgust and say, “I QUIT!”

I admit it’s certainly the easiest thing to do.

But that’s just what the Establishment wants.

And let’s face it, when have we let what they want stop us before?

When C4L announced our top legislative priority would be Audit the Fed, it was hardly the easiest battle we could have undertaken.

The Old Guard scoffed, “That’s a fool’s errand.  It’s impossible.”

And you know what? We led the charge anyways. And we’ve made history!

We've even seen core issues - including Audit the Fed, a call for a new gold commission, no war without a declaration of war, defending our freedoms online, and a call for restrictions on the use of domestic drones - made an official part of a major party platform.

In reality, this action has only hardened my resolve to double-down on my efforts and continue to take the fight to the Elite everywhere.

And I hope it has for you, as well.

The liberty movement has an advantage over the Establishment.  We’re already armed with the right ideas - the philosophy of liberty.

But being right all the time simply isn’t enough. 

You owe it to yourself, and more importantly, to your ideas, to learn how to win!

So join us at the 2012 Liberty Political Action Conference from September 13-15, where you will be armed with the tactics necessary to stand up and fight back against the Elite in any party or level of government - and WIN BIG!

In Liberty,

Tim Shoemaker
Director of Legislation

P.S. This week, the Republican Party Establishment made it very clear they’re vehemently opposed to grassroots influence over the direction and ideology of the party.

How much we’ve grown and what we can accomplish has the Elite in all parties and levels of government worried.

But quitting and walking away is what they want from us.

You owe it to yourself and your ideas to learn how to take the fight to the Elite anywhere and everywhere and WIN!

Join us at the 2012 Liberty Political Action Conference, where our top-notch grassroots trainers will arm you with the tactics you need to know to turn the tables on the Establishment and claim victory.

Our discounted rate on hotel rooms runs out this Friday, August 31st, so visit right away and sign up today!

C4L’s training will prepare you to become the most effective activist possible, regardless of which party you’re involved in or how long you’ve been active in the movement.

New York priest says child often seducer in sex abuse cases

Rev. Benedict Groeschel

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A Roman Catholic priest in New York expressed sympathy this week for some clergy who sexually abuse children, saying that it is often the "youngster" who is the seducer, then later apologized for his remarks.

Comments by the Rev. Benedict Groeschel, 79, co-founder of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal in Westchester County outside New York City, in which he expressed sympathy for convicted child rapist Jerry Sandusky, drew strong criticism from the Archdiocese of New York and the support group Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests.

"Suppose you have a man having a nervous breakdown, and a youngster comes after him. A lot of the cases, the youngster — 14, 16, 18 — is the seducer," Groeschel said when asked by an interviewer from the National Catholic Register, the nation's oldest Catholic newspaper, about his work with priests who abuse children.

Groeschel, who has published numerous books and hosted shows on the Eternal Word Television Network, suggested that children might seduce priests because they lacked a father figure, adding, "They won't be planning to get into heavy-duty sex, but almost romantic, embracing, kissing, perhaps sleeping, but not having intercourse or anything like that."

On Thursday evening, Groeschel apologized, claiming his mind and ways of expressing himself "are not as clear as they used to be."

"I apologize for my comments. I did not intend to blame the victim. A priest (or anyone else) who abuses a minor is always wrong and is always responsible," he said in a statement. "I deeply regret any harm I have caused to anyone."

The Catholic Church has been rocked in recent decades by accusations that it tried to cover up the sexual abuse of children by priests and has paid out billions in settlements to abuse victims, bankrupting several U.S. dioceses.

Similar scandals have shaken the lucrative world of college sports, most notably the conviction of Sandusky, a former Penn State assistant football coach, for sexually abusing 10 boys over 15 years, most of them in the campus football showers.

Groeschel referred to Sandusky as "this poor guy." Pondering how Sandusky's attacks could have gone on for so long, Groeschel added, "Well, you know, until recent years, people did not register in their minds that it was a crime."

The interview was published on Monday but was removed from the National Catholic Register's website by Thursday. It was replaced with a note from Jeanette De Melo, the Register's editor in chief, apologizing for what she called an "editorial mistake," saying the publication should have attempted to clarify or challenge his comments.

"Child sexual abuse is never excusable," she wrote.

The Archdiocese of New York said Groeschel's comments were "simply wrong" and could not go unchallenged, although it does not have direct authority over Groeschel, who retired from teaching in the archdiocese's seminary last year.


Colleagues of Groeschel suggested on Thursday that he was recovering from a fall and was mentally frail.

The Rev. Glenn Sudano, a spokesman for the Franciscan Friars, likened him to an elderly relative.
"He said something like grandpa would say and it's like 'Grandpa, why would you say that?'" Sudano told Reuters in a telephone interview.

"Obviously we don't agree with what he said. Obviously it's terribly disappointing that people are hurt or upset," Sudano said. "We feel very bad about it."

Sudano said he did not know if Groeschel would face any consequences for his remarks.
Barbara Blaine, president of Survivors Network for those Abused by Priests, called the remarks "callous."

"A teenager does not have the power to seduce anyone. The adult is in the position of power and authority," Blaine said. "He should be removed from speaking as a Catholic leader."

Archdiocese spokesman Joseph Zwilling said, "The harm that was done by these remarks was compounded by the assertion that the victim of abuse is responsible for the abuse, or somehow caused the abuse to occur.

"This is not only terribly wrong," he said in a statement, "it is also extremely painful for victims."

(Editing by Peter Cooney and Stacey Joyce)

The Republican Party Has Committed Suicide! Go Libertarian Party!

Blatant cheating at the RNC

The Liberty Avengers

Well, I cannot really say I am surprised, but I am however disgusted. I did not think it would be so blatant.

Watch this video and SHARE:

We have been pretty quiet here with all that has been going on as we were in Tampa and helped Ron Paul with his "We are the Future" rally. It was a GREAT success. The energy was amazing and ended up with almost 12,000 people total in attendence.

But the question is, now what? What do we do? Should we still fight in the Republican party with all that has gone on? Well, in September I will be attending LPAC and will find out from the man Ron Paul himself. We will have a plan!

However, for now the plan is to start building this website. We will be working on our groups pages next week and hopefully will get that done be the end of September. It takes a lot of work!

OK I am going to keep this one short, but PLEASE start inviting people to the site to sign up and become a volunteer. LOTS to come!

Thanks for all you have done so far for the movement!

In Liberty,
David Foster | Avenger

The Liberty Avengers

The Liberty Avengers · 501 E Tennessee St, Suite C, Tallahassee, FL 32308, United States

RNC Sham 2012

Front Porch Politics

Victoria Jackson Show

I’m at the RNC!
I’m at the RNC! Just arrived in Tampa for the RNC, my first time! I rented a car and ran into 5 Ron Paul supporters and 1 liberal protestor. Here is his opinion, basically it’s Bush’s fault for everything bad that ever happens for all ... READ MORE
I Met Ted Nugent!
I Met Ted Nugent! I didn’t know that Ted Nugent wrote “masterpieces” for the WashingtonTimes, Townhall, and Newsmax. That’s what he told me while we sat together alone on the couch in his dressing room, right before his rock ... READ MORE
  • is helmed by SNL alum Victoria Jackson, the show tackles issues big and small with a conservative mind and a Godly heart

Doug Wead: Romney Threatened Ron Paul with PR A-Bomb

Freedom Outpost