Cruise Missle Hits Pentagon CLASSIFIED

Ron Paul: The only way to Repeal Obamacare

The Supreme Court let us down again. They let Obamacare stand. I was not surprised.

I wish I had been wrong, but the courts have a terrible record when it comes to protecting our Liberties. Upholding Obamacare was just one more time they failed.

Now, there is only one way to repeal Obamacare and reclaim our freedom. We must speak with our voice in the Congress and repeal it. And, we must do it next year.

But unless we get more game changers inside Washington, we are going to have trouble voting enough Obamacare supporters out of office.

We have to take it right to the big statist politicians. And I know a candidate who can beat an entrenched incumbent.

That candidate is Kurt Bills.

Kurt is running for Senate in Minnesota and, with the help of our friends, is the official endorsed Republican to take on big government Amy Klobuchar.

Kurt is just like you and me: a regular guy (and an economics teacher using my book “End the Fed” as classroom textbook) who got fed up and ran for office. And he did a dynamite job in the Minnesota state legislature.

Now he needs our help.

Today marks the end of the fundraising quarter, and Kurt needs every dollar he can get to show a strong campaign finance report.

The special interests, Wall Street tycoons and military industrial complex all have his opponent well heeled, but Kurt has the issues and a grassroots army of Liberty supporters on his side and is campaigning hard.

Please consider chipping in $50, $100, $250, $1,000 or even the maximum amount allowable of $2,500 right now.

I have already sent him the maximum contribution from Liberty PAC, and hopefully you can do even more.

Believe me, your investment will be well worth it. Kurt will:

*** Repeal Obamacare and restore our healthcare freedom.
*** Stand up to the overseas adventurism, stop the nation building and keep our troops out of harms way.
*** Introduce legislation like my Restore America plan that actually cuts spending and balances the budget.
*** Fight for a real and thorough audit of the Federal Reserve.
We need Kurt Bills in the United States Senate. If we come together and support him now, we can put Washington on notice that we are here, Kurt Bills is one of our champions, and we can win in November.

In Liberty,

Ron Paul

P.S. The Establishment will be keeping an eye on our efforts!

Your contribution of $50, $100, $250, $1,000 or even the maximum allowable $2,500 will immediately register on Kurt's website and show the big spenders, the special interests and the statists that we mean business!

Ron Paul to Speak at LPAC

It seems each summer flies by faster than the last.

So the 2012 Liberty Political Action Conference (LPAC), which takes place September 13-15 in Chantilly, Virginia, is quickly approaching!

I wanted to make you aware of two important updates regarding our Conference.

1.) I’m proud to announce that Congressman Ron Paul is confirmed to speak!

For over 30 years, Congressman Paul has stood up in defense of the Constitution and individual freedom, and his founding of C4L in 2008 ensured a continuing grassroots impact on the political landscape by liberty-minded activists.

Congressman Paul joins Senator Rand Paul, Senator Mike Lee, Joel Salatin, Jack Hunter, Mike Church, and many more as an LPAC 2012 speaker.  

2.) Our Early Bird rate, which discounts tickets to all three days of main stage activities to only $85 (and includes our grassroots training), was scheduled to expire July 1. 

But to help as many people as possible attend LPAC 2012, we’re extending the time to take advantage of this rate.

The Early Bird discount will now be available through July 8!

We won’t be able to stretch our deadline again.  So once this deal is gone, it’s gone!

Although we’ve extended our Early Bird rate, don’t wait until the last minute to save your spot.

LPAC 2012 is guaranteed to be an exciting, motivating, and encouraging weekend for all those desiring to reclaim the Republic and restore the Constitution.

And our grassroots training will equip you with the tools you need to turn your passion into effective action.

Visit to learn more about our Conference activities and reserve your ticket(s) today.

If you have any questions, be sure to contact us at

In Liberty,

Matt Hawes
Vice President

P.S.  I’m excited to announce that Congressman Ron Paul is confirmed to speak at LPAC 2012!

And I also wanted to let you know that our Early Bird rate on LPAC 2012 tickets, which includes access to all three days of main Conference activities and our grassroots training for just $85, has been extended until July 8.

Even though our deadline to obtain our Early Bird discount has been extended, don’t wait until the last minute to save your spot.

Visit to learn more about our Conference activities and reserve your ticket(s) today!

And be sure to contact us at with any questions.

Freedom Outpost

The Conservative Byte

June 30, 2012
Today's Politically Incorrect Headlines: Today's Featured Article: Secret Wiretaps Rock Department of Justice

Today's Politically Incorrect Laugh:
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The Cowboy Byte

June 29, 2012 News and Thoughts for the day
Today's Cowboy Headlines: Headlines you might have missed: Today's Featured Article:

White House Website Still Says Obamacare Individual Mandate Is Not A Tax…HUH?

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