The Conservative Byte

June 28, 2012
Today's Politically Incorrect Headlines: Today's Featured Article: What Happened to John Roberts?

Today's Politically Incorrect Laugh:
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Obamacare Upheld

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Hearing June 28 2012 Fractional Reserve Banking

Will you let the Homosexual Lobby steal away our right to speak?

Public Advocate Banner

This battle has never been about "equality."

This has always been about silencing you and anyone else who disagrees with the Homosexual Agenda.

And with Independence Day soon upon us, it's time for you and I to take back our freedom of speech.

You see, the Homosexual Lobby has recently stepped up the pressure to silence Public Advocate for good.

They demand you and I cease all communications... that I step down from all public roles... that I stop talking about the radical Homosexual Agenda altogether...

It wasn't long ago the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) launched an online petition to have Public Advocate banned from all communications on the internet.

Then the Homosexual Lobby upped the ante with another front group, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

You see, the Washington Times calls the SPLC "a fabulously wealthy bully used by the Left to apply the 'hate' stamp to people and groups with whom the left disagrees."

The SPLC has declared Public Advocate to be a "hate group" and blacklisted us with many mainstream media outlets.

On top of that, they've unleashed the wrath of thousands of radical activists across the nation to silence me personally.

I've received death threats and endless hate mail -- even been harassed in public by hecklers!

Obama's activist website,, has launched an online petition with public attacks against me in my hometown.

Every day, more and more of the people and organizations I've worked with for years are cutting off all contact.

They claim the pressure is just too high...

...that the threats and intimidation from radical homosexuals put themselves and their businesses at an unacceptable risk of violent attack.

Will you let the Homosexual Lobby steal away our right to speak?

Next week marks the most important date in our nation's history, the Fourth of July.

236 years ago, our Founders fought for our precious freedoms -- first among those being our freedom of speech.

And I can think of no better day to begin our counter attack against the political correctness and liberal bullying.

I have worked up a plan to blast our pro-Family message across the internet, proving that we cannot be silenced.

But this campaign will not be cheap.

You and I must raise $80,000 by midnight on July 4th.

And in addition to sending this clear message, your contribution of $10, $15, or even $25 will allow me to spread our warnings about the Homosexual Lobby even further.

We are going to fight this battle because I trust in God and believe we can win, but I can't win without you.

I'm reminded of the late Cardinal Spellman's wise advice:

"Pray as if it all depends on God, but act as if it all depends on you."

Public Advocate must unite a larger force than ever before or the Homosexual Lobby will succeed in its campaign to silence the Family and outlaw our voices.

This is not a fight we can afford to lose.

Without Public Advocate standing watch at the gates, there will be little to protect against radical homosexuals who seek to inject their "lifestyle" into every aspect of our lives.

The Homosexual Lobby's lapdogs in Congress will be free to ram the entire Homosexual Agenda into law:

* The Homosexual Classrooms Act which they will use to push their agenda into our schools.  Children will be taught homosexuality is moral, natural and good.  High school students will learn perverted sex acts as part of "safe sex" education.
* Special job rights for homosexuals.  Businesses will be forced to adopt hiring quotas to protect themselves from lawsuits.  Every homosexual fired or turned down for a job becomes a potential federal civil rights lawsuit.
* Same-sex marriages and adoptions.  Wedding gown-clad men smooching before some left-wing clergyman or state official is just the beginning.  To avoid "discrimination" lawsuits, adoption agencies will push aside truly married couples for homosexual applicants.
I know the thought makes you as sick as it makes me.

That's why you must act right away!  Your continued support of Public Advocate is critical to taking back our voices.

I can't do it without you.

Will you help me reach my goal by making a generous contribution of $10, $15, or even $25?

With the growing fights for real marriage in Maryland, Washington and California -- it's not only our fights at the federal level that are at risk.

Your Public Advocate is the last line of defense in some of these states. One after the other, fellow pro-family groups have folded under the pressure.

And if they break our lines, the flood gates will open and the Homosexual Agenda will flow like sewage throughout our entire country...

That's why I need your help today.

If we reach my goal of $80,000 by midnight on Independence Day, I will fully implement the plan to launch our pro-Family message nation-wide.

By bypassing the mainstream media, your contribution will help me spread our message even further than before.

For example, a contribution of $25 will buy 6,250 banner ad placements on WorldNetDaily.

And $10 will pay for 5,800 banner ads on, $50 will pay for 7,150 banner ads on Newsmax, and $100 will buy 15,000 banner ad placements on Drudgereport.

So can I coun't on you to make a generous contribution of $10, $15, or even $25?

You and I are not a fringe minority.

In fact, we both know the majority of Americans are still committed to moral virtue and defeating those who seek to tear it down.

But if you and I don't fight back against the censorship and political correctness today, none of us may be able to publicly speak out in future battles.

That's why I have to ask, will you please send a generous contribution to save our freedom of speech?

The Homosexual Lobby will stop at nothing to tear down Traditional Values across our nation -- and silencing your Public Advocate is the first step.

Public Advocate's best hope is to show the Homosexual Lobby we will not be intimidated.  Your generous contribution will give me the resources necessary to do just that.

So will you please contribute $10, $15, or even $25 to keep your Public Advocate strong?

The fact is every dollar is critical to reach our $80,000 goal by July 4th.

We will not be silenced.

We have to show them that this country will be true to the principles it was founded on.

Eugene Delgaudio
President, Public Advocate of the United States

P.S. This fight isn't about equality.

The Homosexual Lobby wants to silence everyone who may disagree with the Homosexual Agenda.  And they are winning.

I've created a plan that will smash any illusion they had of intimidating the pro-Family Movement into silence.

Will you help me raise $80,000 by midnight on July 4th?

Can you chip in a contribution of $10, $15, or even $25 right away?

Let us stand together this Independence Day.

Share a meal with the homeless, go to jail

Houston’s homeless are still hungry, and those who want to feed them are still at odds with City Hall, since City Council approved an ordinance that prevents giving food to the hungry at will.
Seven people, who feel it is their right to share food with the hungry, slapped the city with notice of a lawsuit, requesting the city ditch the ordinance which will take effect July 1st.The city didn't care to comment, saying the media is simply perpetuating the argument.
Shelby Stewart of Coalition to Defend Civil Rights and Human Dignity says, "I think that if Jesus were here today, and had 5 loaves and 2 fish, he would be in danger of going to jail for following the tenants of his faith.
But for now, if you feel charitable and want to share a meal with someone less fortunate, you can jump through the city's hoops of red tape, or risk getting arrested and have the city feed you in jail.

Freedom Outpost

Breaking News from Western Journalism

The Western Center for Journalism

Jun 29, 2012 02:46 pm | Tim Powers
I just wanted to take this oppertunity to thank Chief Justice John Roberts for assisting the Obama regime in placing another nail in America’s coffin. Not only did he agree with the liberal communists; he gave them an out by… Continue to Post

Jun 29, 2012 02:40 pm | Doug Book
John Roberts is said to be quite concerned about the way in which history will view his tour of duty as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Well, he doesn’t have to worry any longer; for his remarkable decision allowing… Continue to Post

Jun 29, 2012 02:39 pm | Daniel Noe

Jun 29, 2012 02:31 pm | Cagle Cartoons

Jun 29, 2012 02:27 pm | George T. Weir
Due to the hard work of Stanly Kurtz from National Review Online, the American people are finally asking: ”Will the real Barack Obama please come forward?” I have seen a lot of Presidents come and go, but I have never… Continue to Post

Jun 29, 2012 02:21 pm | Kevin "Coach" Collins
Virtually at the moment Barack Obama was elected, he plunged us into a state of war on our freedom. We have been under attack by the very people forward-looking Americans like Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan warned us about. Now… Continue to Post

Jun 29, 2012 02:16 pm | Daniel Noe

Jun 29, 2012 02:06 pm | Michael J Nellett
Christians stoned in Dearborn, Michigan! Wow, at first I thought it was a cult calling themselves Christians who were indulging in pot and cocaine. Imagine my shock when I found out that it was Muslims in Dearborn attacking a group… Continue to Post

Jun 29, 2012 02:00 pm | B. Christopher Agee
Let me preface this article by saying I am a huge fan of both Oreo cookies and Hallmark greeting cards. Both proved to be successful in a marketplace of ideas and products and have become household names in every corner… Continue to Post

Jun 29, 2012 01:53 pm | Daniel Noe

Jun 29, 2012 01:48 pm | Michael J Nellett
(Editor’s note: read part 1 here.) My next step as President would be to secure our borders. I would institute a gun program called “Slow & Deliberate” whereby I would have Congress allocate to me funds to purchase LEGAL weapons,… Continue to Post

Jun 29, 2012 01:47 pm | Jo Lynn Kraina
When Muslims first started coming to America in the early 1920′s, they began building a mosque in Dearborn, Michigan. Christians had such a strong, loving witness that they were winning the Muslims to Christ as fast as they were coming… Continue to Post

Jun 29, 2012 01:46 pm | Daniel Noe

Jun 29, 2012 01:42 pm | Breaking News
RUSH: Hey, folks, have you seen the economic news today? Have you heard about the unemployment numbers today? (laughing) Gross domestic product, have you heard about any of that? Because I have it here, and it sucks. It’s a disaster.… Continue to Post

Jun 29, 2012 01:36 pm | Daniel Noe

Jun 29, 2012 01:33 pm | Breaking News
Update 5:40 p.m.: Attorney General Eric Holder was cited in contempt of Congress on criminal and civil charges for failing to comply with subpoenas for key documents in an investigation of the government’s failed “Fast and Furious” gun-walking scandal. The criminal contempt… Continue to Post

Jun 29, 2012 12:53 pm | Daniel Noe

Jun 29, 2012 12:52 pm | Breaking News
Watch the latest video at Watch the latest video at The contempt vote Thursday against Attorney General Eric Holder could spell trouble for President Obama — not just for his administration’s efforts to lock down Fast and… Continue to Post

Jun 29, 2012 12:43 pm | Breaking News
Thursday was a banner day for President Obama and congressional Democrats as the Supreme Court validated the signature accomplishment of his first term in office. But, even as Democrats celebrated, Republicans insisted that their rivals — and members of the… Continue to Post

Jun 29, 2012 12:24 pm | Breaking News
WASHINGTON (OfficialWire) — The White House is pushing back against questions about whether President Barack Obama’s health care law would mean new taxes for many people. A day after the Supreme Court upheld the law, White House press secretary Jay… Continue to Post

Jun 29, 2012 12:15 pm | Breaking News
PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Get ready for Occupy Fourth of July in the cradle of liberty. Occupy groups from across the country are headed to Philadelphia for a national gathering on Independence Mall, seeking to unify their far-flung movement against economic… Continue to Post

Jun 29, 2012 12:08 pm | Breaking News
Regardless of whether you call it debt saturation or diminishing return on new debt, the notion that taking on more debt will magically enable us to “grow our way out of debt” is not supported by data. Correspondent David P.… Continue to Post

Jun 29, 2012 11:28 am | Breaking News
Republicans have seized on the Supreme Court’s decision that the health insurance mandate is a tax, believing it will help them argue a second term for President Obama would be devastating for the economy. Presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney employed… Continue to Post

Jun 28, 2012 06:00 pm | Cagle Cartoons

GVR - Drake Mid-Week Update - PREEMPTIVE PREPAREDNESS 06/27 by Global Voice 2012 Radio | Blog Talk Radio

GVR - Drake Mid-Week Update - PREEMPTIVE PREPAREDNESS 06/27 by Global Voice 2012 Radio | Blog Talk Radio

Home of DRAKE.  Tonight Drake will be giving mid-week updates concerning our freedom.
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Posted on 06/28/2012   

It was expressed to me through ‘channels’ to state the following :

A -  The Cavalry is coming.
B -  If needed we will be contacted.
C -  Sit back and watch the fireworks

There are two parts to this:

- First are the actions to be taken by our military in support of FREEDOM.  This will be extraordinary in all ways. It does involve extremes in tacticalas well as logistical implementation. You may see some troop movement and supporting roles in public.
There may be minor delays in the usual traffic flows.  The design is to make sure as much as possible is taken care of without problems.

- Second was the statement made that all of us are to be on full Alert. Engage drones and any troops under U.N. insignia. This is still in effect.
Be absolutely sure of your target. Do not engage our military.

IF needed our military will contact us. In the field this will be a couple of troops, an NCO, and an officer, lieutenant, captain, major, or colonel. They should be saying hello, or some other greeting, telling you they are there and want to talk.
Otherwise, sit back and watch the fireworks.
I suggest we remain fully alert and vigilant just in case.

According to the information that has been given, we beat their time table.  Plus it seems that our military has won its battle/argument internally, the good guys won and are now in charge.

The three items above are what was given to me to broadcast.

The last item was the call of GREEN LIGHT.

There are TWO green lights. One as stated about the above (tactical) and the other deals with financials. Two commands, both acting according to what was decided as the best way to handle both.

Each being as complicated as they are, separation of these two was the best tactical maneuver because of the acceleration or move up of our enemies’ plans of execution. This had been considered before, but left alone because both were to take place at the same time. Obviously that changed according to the enemy moving their plans ahead of their original schedule.

I was told that a tactical GREEN LIGHT was to be called if asked about it, and I did so. We are still waiting for the secondary GREEN LIGHT of finance. I look for this very soon.

Those who are experienced should be followed, as it is these people who demonstrate calm and cool under extremely intense situations. This can be anyone with this ability.   Military personnel offer the ability to operate effectively under extremes and know how to offer the structure for success where any objective or mission is possible. Pay attention to them.

What we have before us is the awesome responsibility of freedom.  Most have no idea as to the changes this will bring about at all levels, personal, social, and publicly. Everyone will discover that we all need each other, talents, professionally, and personally.  Some hard places to get past are defined as race, creed (beliefs), and superiority.

I have never been prejudiced, as I didn’t see a lot of difference between people. Sure, some people are different looking than me, but, other than that, the person inside was the same.  Most people I’ve ever gotten to know, all had their own personal beliefs, no matter what church they attended. A sort of peace made between a person and their belief in a superior entity.

Superiority is going to be directed by what a person is able to do. A specific talent should be respected in that the person who knows and works with it, should be given a superior respect within that area.

Due to the changes in operation and the outing of this information, it should be obvious that  plans of any kind need to be fluid in order to remain viable. Just as a football play may be changed on the field, tactics change to maintain advantage. Bear in mind that this is our last chance and all of us need to make sure we win.

Thank you,

~ Drake

Letter Exposes Plan To Train Nurses For Combat Scenario On US Soil In St. Louis

Tyranny Watch recently received an interesting letter from a local whistleblower within St. Louis, MO who we will refer to as “Andrew Jackson”. His mother, who is a nurse, was sent this letter by the Army in hopes of recruiting RN’s to serve. The disturbing, but subtle, facts spelled out in the letter are these:

  • Stay locally (in St. Louis)

  • Learn how to drive a humvee

  • Learn how to fire a gun

  • Learn map reading

  • Learn combat skills

Our question is why would a nurse, even if you are in the army reserves and travel into foreign countries, need to know all of this? Then add unto the fact that there is a promise of staying locally. With all of the civil unrest training and military exercises happening in STL, does this letter dovetail with all of the other activity happening? It’s not clear as of yet but TW will be keeping a close eye on this situation as election time nears. Here is the letter:

Here is Mr. Jackson’s transcription of the letter:

Ok my mother was telling me about this letter, when i saw it, it rang bells in my head. She is a RN Nurse for a retirement home here in St.Louis.

It definitively dovetails what is going on in St. Louis right now with the armored vehicles rolling in the streets.

The letter is from U.S Army Health Care Team located in Northwest Plaza

Now this gets interesting.

Read more @

The Cowboy Byte

June 29, 2012 News and Thoughts for the day
Today's Cowboy Headlines: Headlines you might have missed: Today's Featured Article:

Romney: If we want to get rid of ObamaCare, we have to get rid of Obama

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