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Radical activist judge in VA

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A radical homosexual activist has just been appointed judge in Virginia, despite the state’s legislature’s adamant rejection of his qualifications.

And Governor Bob McDonnell (VA-R) applauded it!

Here’s the full story:

About a month ago Public Advocate won a major victory in Virginia when thousands of led the charge to remove Tracy Thorne’s name from the list of judicial nominees.

You see, Thorne has a track record of more than 20 years of radical homosexual activism.

He sued the Department of Defense to remove Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.

And he is pretending to be in a homosexual “marriage” despite Virginia’s law marriage as only one man and one woman.  He’s even taken his “husband’s” name -- styling himself Thorne-Begland -- in a pretense of true marriage!

And despite all common sense, the ready-to-compromise conservatives in Virginia’s House of Delegates were willing to give this man a judge’s bench to serve on...

With one ruling this man could have legalized homosexual “marriage” in the state.

Thankfully Del. Bob Marshall sent out an alert to pro-Family Virginias and this nomination was derailed through an intense grassroots phone-in campaign -- spearheaded by Public Advocate.

You and I won that round, but the Homosexual Lobby found a loophole.

Despite the fact that Mr. Tracy Thorne-Begland was declared unfit by Virginia legislators, Chief Judge Richard Taylor just appointed him to the exact seat he was previously denied!

This move, while not technically illegal, is nothing less than an end-run around the legislators and the will of the people.

It is absolutely disgusting.

And it should be condemned.

But Governor Bob McDonnell immediately released a statement applauding the move!

“Mr. Thorne-Begland is well-qualified to serve on the bench.  [I] congratulate him on the appointment.”

Gov. McDonnell is sorely out of touch with the America people.

The very pro-Family Virginians that he claims to represent fought tooth and nail to deny this self-serving activist a place of judicial power.

And now he has the gall to ignore everything you and I did!

But there is even more to this fight my friend.

Here is the number for the governor’s office, and a link to an email-in form.

Email the Governor

Please contact him right away and let him know how you and hundreds of thousands more pro-Family Americans feel about homosexual activist judges.

You can also let him know this judicial fight is not over.

Right now there is no legal venue for anyone to challenge Mr. Thorne’s appointment as judge...

...But his position expires if it not confirmed by the next meeting of Virginia’s General Assembly.

And you can be sure that Public Advocate will be ready and waiting for that fight.

For the Family,

Eugene Delgaudio
President, Public Advocate of the United States

P.S. Please prayerfully consider chipping in with a donation of $10 or more to help Public Advocate fight for traditional values.

ACLU of PA Action Alert

Let your state representative know that you want them to stand for privacy!
Dear friend of liberty,
We're disappointed to tell you that on June 13, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives voted to expand the ability of the government and civilians to spy on our fellow citizens. Find out how your representative voted and tell them to protect privacy in Pennsylvania!
House Bill 2400 allows the recording of anyone without their consent if notice has been posted – somewhere – that they might be recorded. It allows the government to use illegal civilian wiretaps, such as those produced in private and without a person's consent or knowledge, in its investigations. And the bill even allows the police to intercept incoming messages and send outgoing messages from seized mobile phones, without ever getting approval from a court.
This legislation is a step toward turning Pennsylvania into a surveillance state. Urge your rep to protect privacy in Pennsylvania!
Yours in liberty,

Andy Hoover
Legislative Director
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