Reality Check: President Obama's "Kill List"

By Ben Swann - bio | email

(FOX19) -
Two big stories have now been run in the New York Times and Newsweek, featuring details of President Obama's so called "kill list".
A list of supposed terror targets, the President has personally ordered the deaths of.
But is a Presidential "kill list" even lawful?
Ben has the Reality Check you won't see anywhere else.

American Vision News

The Conservative Byte

Today's Featured Article:  
Former Prominent Obama Backer Leaves Democratic Party

Today's Politically Incorrect Laugh:

Today's Politically Incorrect Headlines:

Former Prominent Obama Backer Leaves Democratic Party

Former Democratic Rep. Artur Davis is switching sides, abandoning his former ally President Obama to become a Republican — lamenting that the country has “gone backward” since Obama took office.
Davis is making the announcement in the run-up to a possible congressional comeback in Virginia, though he says he has not yet made up his mind whether he’ll challenge Democratic incumbent Rep. Gerry Connolly. He used to represent Alabama.
In an interview with Fox News on Thursday, Davis explained the rationale behind his switch. He said he “took inventory” and decided “what we’re doing is not working.”

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Why I Am Endorsing Mitt Romney For President (And Not Ron Paul)

Ron Paul 2012I understand that there are a number of Republicans (including Yours Truly) who are currently campaigning to become delegates to the Republican National Convention who have formerly expressed support for the presidential candidate, Ron Paul.

Like me, they may be running into some questions about their loyalty to the “presumptive candidate”, Mitt Romney.

For that reason, and others that I will soon explain, I thought it was high time for me to officially switch my support from Ron Paul and go on record endorsing Mitt Romney for President of the United States.

While I hope that my endorsement will help, in some small way, to promote party unity, I am also aware that there will probably be some cynics who doubt my sincerity. After all, it is public record that I have donated the maximum amount to the Ron Paul 2012 campaign. And my neighbors might have noticed the four foot “Ron Paul 2012” banner in my yard or the the eight by four foot sign that I bolted to an unused utility pole (lit by two floodlights and surrounded by twinkling multi-colored Christmas lights).

So to reassure any sceptics, here is a partial list of the reasons I am endorsing Romney for president:

1. Consistency - Mitt Romney has been unwavering in his public devotion to the principles and issues that would help to advance the political career of Mitt Romney.

2. Flexibility - Unlike Ron Paul who has been ridiculously rigid in his defense of the U.S. constitution, personal liberty, a balanced budget and the sanctity of life (so much so that he earned the nickname “Dr. No” in congress); Romney has shown that he is capable of rolling with the punches, going with the tide, changing with the times, and bending with the breeze.

3. Supporters - The top six donors to Romney’s campaign are banks (including Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, Bank of America, etc.). Who knows what is best for the average American? Why, multi-billionaire bankers, of course. Obviously Romney’s supporters have the kind of deep pockets that can not only pay for his campaign, but also buy the kind of congress that will make SURE that America will have another TARP bailout if we need it.
On the other hand, 97% of Ron Paul’s donations come from individuals. His top three donor groups are the active military in the US Army, US Navy and US Air Force. Many of his donors live paycheck to paycheck, are small business owners, or are even unemployed. No wonder a lot of them are running out of money. Ron Paul has only himself to blame. After twelve terms in congress, lobbyists from the big corporations don’t even bother to come to his office. They know it would be a waste of time.

4. Public image - With unrelenting national and international press coverage labeling him as the “frontrunner” (and now the “presumptive candidate”) Mitt Romney has tremendous credibility. He has pearly teeth, perfect hair, tailored suits and looks, well... “presidential”. Ron Paul wears suits that could have come off the rack at J.C. Penney, has kind of a squeaky voice, talks for an hour without notes (let alone a teleprompter), and looks like your favorite uncle. You would never catch Mitt talking about things like “monetary policy”. Borrrrrrring!

5. Freedom - Romney knows that the greatest threat to our freedom are the “Islamo-fascists”. Not the Chinese, that manufacture everything that we consume and that we depend on to finance our national debt. Not the politicians, that treat the constitution like a blank piece of paper and the U.S. Treasury like their personal piggy bank. Not federal agents, that can track us by GPS, tap our phones without a warrant, watch the books we read and websites we visit, and monitor the politicians we support. And certainly not the President of the United States who now has the legal authority to order the execution of any American citizen that he suspects might be a “terrorist”. Or the American-born underage son of a “terrorist”. Or the underage friend who happens to be standing next to the American-born underage son of a “terrorist”.
After all, Obama has promised not to execute any U.S. citizen within the borders of the United States without a trial and I am fairly confident that Romney wouldn't either. At least not without a really good reason.
Ron Paul thinks the National Defense Authorization Act is unconstitutional. That’s just crazy. The Bill of Rights prohibits “unreasonable search and seizure”, it doesn’t say anything at all about “vaporization by a drone missile”.

6. Foreign Aid - Romney understands why we should continue to mortgage our children’s future to give foreign aid to ANY government of ANY country that isn’t actually at war with us; including countries that are run by a dictator or whose citizens have a higher per capita income than the United States. Romney knows that the only TRUE friends are the ones that you buy and the best way to foster economic independence is to GIVE a country hundreds of billions of dollars.That is why Afghanistan, where 97% of the gross national product comes from the United States treasury, is so loyal and has such a vibrant economy.

7. Foreign Policy - Here again is where Romney really shines. He knows that American exceptionalism means that we should police the world. He knows that in this age of global economy, there are no nations in which the United States does not have a “vital national interest”. And even if there were, we could always justify bombing them to “prevent a bloodbath” or “promote democracy” or “enforce a U.N. resolution”. That means that Americans can rest easy knowing that we are spending ourselves into bankruptcy paying for the defense of impoverished countries like Germany, Japan, and South Korea so that they don’t have to tax their corporations which can then manufacture inexpensive cars and flat screen TV’s that put Americans out of work.

8. National debt - Romney is against it. How do we know? Because he said so a whole lot of times in a very convincing tone of voice. And just as soon as he is elected president he will show us how we can eliminate the budget deficit without raising any taxes, eliminating any cabinet departments, reducing military spending, or cutting Social Security, Medicare, or any other popular program. How will he do this? Well he hasn’t explained his whole program but it has something to do with getting rid of all of those federal regulations that are smothering small businesses like Goldman Sachs.

9. Immigration - Romney is the only candidate who has had the guts NOT to come out with a firm stand on this thorny issue.

10. Charisma - Romney has tons of it. Almost as much as Obama. Why is this important? Because in 2016, when the national debt has soared to record heights and unemployment is still in double digits it will take a lot of “charisma” to convince the voters to put him (or any other Republican) back in office.

11. Economy - Romney is a businessman. That means he is an expert on “economics”. He is also in favor of “free enterprise”. That’s why he likes the Federal Reserve. They print all of our money. Then they GIVE it to Goldman Sachs, which LOANS it back to the U.S.Treasury and charges the taxpayer interest. How is this “free enterprise”? Because Goldman Sachs gets to take our money, for FREE!
But that isn’t the reason Goldman Sachs is the biggest contributor to the Romney campaign. Its because they know he is the “best man for the job”. And he knows a lot about the economy.
Romney had enough sense to know that the only way out of the 2008 crash was to give $700 billion dollars to the same guys that had caused the problem. Like Obama, he knew they were “too big to fail”, especially after Goldman Sachs and J.P.Morgan had bought them at fire sale prices. That is because Romney understands “free enterprise”.

12. Electability - Romney is electable. Everybody knows this because we heard it on Fox News. He knows that he doesn't need the support of the thousands of young people who have been attending rallies for Ron Paul or attending conventions or campaigning door to door or becoming delegates or GOP party officials for the first time. Why? Because he isn’t Obama. And he understands “free enterprise”.


Anyway, those are a few of the reasons why I am endorsing Mitt. But I saved the best for last. The main reason I am endorsing Mitt Romney is for my children.

You see, they need to understand the way the world REALLY works. My son and daughter need to see that their dad knows the score and why their hero should be someone like Mitt Romney. They need to learn from his and my example.

They need to know that it is never too late to learn from your mistakes, especially when it is politically convenient.

I want them to decide what is right, make a stand and never waiver,... until it becomes unpopular.

They need to learn that when the going gets tough, they should take a poll.

They need to know that if all of their friends want to do the wrong thing, it’s time to join the crowd.

Because after all, NOTHING is more important than getting along.

And that’s why I am endorsing Mitt Romney for president.

Tea Party News

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Obama Ad: Little Girls Need Government Condoms to Make 'Dreams' Come True

The Obama campaign has cut a new ad in which it suggests that little girls are being endangered by Republicans who want to do away with mandated contraception coverage. The ad, produced by Obama/Biden 2012, takes the usual Obama tack of addressing the ad from a common citizen to President Obama, like an open letter – even though the ad itself is an open love letter from Obama to Obama, apparently.

It begins with meaningful piano music, and a young mother explaining that she has two daughters, one six and one ten. The six-year-old wants to be a “doctor for dolphins”; the ten-year-old wants to be a fighter pilot. The intro to these two little girls takes nearly a minute.
Then, for no apparent reason, the mother launches into a diatribe about birth control, as the music rises:
It is upsetting to me that in 2012, the use of birth control has become controversial. Birth control isn’t just for family planning. It’s preventative care and treatment, it’s medication that most women need and use at some point in their lives, and it is as common in a woman’s medicine cabinet as cough medicine … That’s just one reason I’m so passionate about getting you re-elected this year. We need a president who will stand up for women’s health … The dreams of all our daughters are at stake.
In what world is use of birth control controversial? What does condom mandating by the federal government have to do with whether this woman’s daughters become veterinarians? Nothing. What does the health care mandate have to do with the woman’s daughter entering the Air Force? Nothing. And just because a woman has condoms in her cabinet doesn’t mean the government should provide them – after all, does the government provide that cough medication? Or the Q-Tips next to it? But there’s gushy music, so it must be true.
This is the most dishonest entry yet in the long ledger of “war on women” dishonesty from the Obama campaign.

America: The Obituary of a Nation

A Scary Obituary
In 1887 Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of
Edinburgh ,
Had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years prior:
"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a
Form of government.
A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that
they can
Vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury.
From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise
Most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy
will finally
Collapse over loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a
"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of
history, has
Been about 200 years.
During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following
From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage."
The Obituary follows:
Born 1776, Died 2012
It doesn't hurt to read this several times.
Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University School of Law in  St. Paul ,
Minnesota ,
Points out some interesting facts concerning the last Presidential election:
Number of States won by:            Obama: 19                 McCain: 29
Square miles of land won by:       Obama: 580,000        McCain: 2,427,000
Population of counties won by:    Obama: 127 million   McCain: 143 million
Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by: Obama: 13.2  McCain: 2.1
Professor Olson adds: "In aggregate, the map of the territory McCain won was
Mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of the country.
Obama territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in low income
Tenements and living off various forms of government welfare..."
Olson believes the  United States is now somewhere between the
"complacency and apathy" phase of Professor Tyler's definition of democracy,
With some forty percent of the nation's population already having reached
The "governmental dependency" phase.
If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal
Invaders called illegal's - and they vote - then we can say goodbye to the
USA in fewer than five years.
If you are in favor of this, then by all means, delete this message.
If you are not, then pass this along to help everyone realize just how much is
Stake, knowing that apathy is the greatest danger to our freedom..
This is truly scary!
Of course we are not a democracy, we are a Constitutional Republic .
Someone should point this out to Obama.
Of course we know he and too many others pay little attention to The
There couldn't be more at stake than on Nov 6, 2012.
If you are as concerned as I am please pass this along.
"Fathom the hypocrisy of a Government
That requires every citizen to prove they are insured ...
But not prove they are a citizen."

Johnson County Iowa Delegate - RON PAUL

Not Natural Born Citizen: Romney's birth certificate evokes his father's controversy

The birth certificate of Repbulican presidential hopefull Mitt Romney is pictured in this undated handout photo obtained by Reuters May 29, 2012. Romney's campaign released the copy of his birth certificate on a day on which real estate and media mogul Donald Trump was trying to help Romney by stirring up a new round of questions about whether Democratic President Barack Obama was born in the United States. REUTERS/Romney Presidential Campaign/Handout.

WASHINGTON | Tue May 29, 2012 7:30pm EDT
(Reuters) - Finally, there is definitive proof: The presidential candidate was born in the United States, and his father was not.
Yes, Republican Mitt Romney appears eligible to be president, according to a copy of Romney's birth certificate released to Reuters by his campaign. Willard Mitt Romney, the certificate says, was born in Detroit on March 12, 1947.
His mother, Lenore, was born in Utah and his father, former Michigan governor and one-time Republican presidential candidate George Romney, was born in Mexico.
So on a day when real estate and media mogul Donald Trump was trying to help Mitt Romney by stirring up a new round of questions about whether Democratic President Barack Obama was born in the United States, Romney's own birth record became a reminder that in the 1968 presidential campaign, his father had faced his own "birther" controversy.
Back then, George Romney - who died in 1995 - was a moderate who was challenging eventual President Richard Nixon in the Republican primaries.
Records in a George Romney archive at the University of Michigan describe how questions about his eligibility to be president surfaced almost as soon as he began his short-lived campaign.
In many ways, they appear to echo today's complaints that Trump and some other conservative "birthers" have made about Obama while questioning whether Obama - whose father was from Kenya and mother was from Kansas - was born in Hawaii.
In George Romney's case, most of the questions were raised initially by Democrats who cited the Constitution's requirement that only a "natural born citizen" can be president.
As early as February 1967 - a year before the first 1968 presidential primary - some newspapers were raising questions as to whether George Romney's place of birth disqualified him from the presidency.
By May 1967, U.S. congressman Emmanuel Celler, a Democrat who chaired the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee, was expressing "serious doubts" about George Romney's eligibility.
The next month, another Democratic congressman inserted a lengthy treatise into the Congressional Record in which a government lawyer - writing in a "personal capacity" - argued that George Romney was ineligible for the White House because he was born outside U.S. territory.
In what today might seem like deja vu, eminent legal authorities soon were queuing up to argue in favor of George Romney's eligibility.
The New York Law Journal published a lengthy argument by a senior partner from Sullivan & Cromwell, one of Manhattan's elite law firms, arguing that the fact that both of George Romney's parents were U.S. citizens clearly established him as a "natural born citizen" who was eligible to be president.
George Romney himself was unequivocal.
"I am a natural born citizen. My parents were American citizens. I was a citizen at birth," he said, according to a typewritten statement found in his archives.
At one point, the Congressional Research Service - an arm of the Library of Congress that is supposed to provide authoritative but impartial research for elected members - advised that its analysts agreed with George Romney, according to a congressional source.
In a paper in November aimed at clarifying presidential eligibility, the Congressional Research Service declared that the practical, legal meaning of "natural born citizen" would "most likely include" not only anyone born on U.S. soil but anyone born overseas of at least one parent who was a U.S. citizen.
Mitt Romney has tried to avoid getting caught up in Trump's focus on Obama's birthplace.
"Governor Romney has said repeatedly that he believes President Obama was born in the United States," said Eric Fehrnstrom, a senior adviser to Romney.
However, the presumed Republican nominee has not distanced himself from Trump, creating what some analysts said seems to be a quiet endorsement of Trump's efforts to raise questions about Obama among voters.
Michael Cohen, special counsel to Trump, said that Trump and Romney never talk about issues Trump has raised elsewhere regarding Obama's birth certificate. Instead they talk about jobs, the economy and other matters of public policy.
Asked whether Trump sees any double standard in going after Obama when Romney's father faced similar questions about his presidential eligibility, Cohen told Reuters: "I don't think (Trump) has ever thought about Mitt Romney's father's birth certificate."
Cohen said Trump recently revived the issue of Obama's birthplace because journalists asked him about the issue after a right-wing website published an old blurb for an Obama book that suggested that Obama was born in Kenya. The literary agent who wrote the blurb subsequently said it was written in error.
Cohen said Trump believes "the president of the United States should be the single most transparent human being on this planet. This president lacks that transparency."
(Editing by David Lindsey and Christopher Wilson)
To view Romney's birth certificate, go here