Obama Signs Global Internet Treaty Worse Than SOPA

Paul Joseph Watson

White House bypasses Senate to ink agreement that could allow Chinese companies to demand ISPs remove web content in US with no legal oversight.

Months before the debate about Internet censorship raged as SOPA and PIPA dominated the concerns of web users, President Obama signed an international treaty that would allow companies in China or any other country in the world to demand ISPs remove web content in the US with no legal oversight whatsoever.
Obama Signs Global Internet Treaty Worse Than SOPA   government stickers acta protest.n
The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement was signed by Obama on October 1 2011, yet is currently the subject of a White House petition demanding Senators be forced to ratify the treaty. The White House has circumvented the necessity to have the treaty confirmed by lawmakers by presenting it an as “executive agreement,” although legal scholars have highlighted the dubious nature of this characterization.
The hacktivist group Anonymous attacked and took offline the Federal Trade Commission’s website yesterday in protest against the treaty, which was also the subject of demonstrations across major cities in Poland, a country set to sign the agreement today.
Under the provisions of ACTA, copyright holders will be granted sweeping direct powers to demand ISPs remove material from the Internet on a whim. Whereas ISPs normally are only forced to remove content after a court order, all legal oversight will be abolished, a precedent that will apply globally, rendering the treaty worse in its potential scope for abuse than SOPA or PIPA.
A country known for its enforcement of harsh Internet censorship policies like China could demand under the treaty that an ISP in the United States remove content or terminate a website on its server altogether. As we have seen from the enforcement of similar copyright policies in the US, websites are sometimes targeted for no justifiable reason.
The groups pushing the treaty also want to empower copyright holders with the ability to demand that users who violate intellectual property rights (with no legal process) have their Internet connections terminated, a punishment that could only ever be properly enforced by the creation of an individual Internet ID card for every web user, a system that is already in the works.
“The same industry rightsholder groups that support the creation of ACTA have also called for mandatory network-level filtering by Internet Service Providers and for Internet Service Providers to terminate citizens’ Internet connection on repeat allegation of copyright infringement (the “Three Strikes” /Graduated Response) so there is reason to believe that ACTA will seek to increase intermediary liability and require these things of Internet Service Providers,” reports the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

The treaty will also mandate that ISPs disclose personal user information to the copyright holder, while providing authorities across the globe with broader powers to search laptops and Internet-capable devices at border checkpoints.
In presenting ACTA as an “international agreement” rather than a treaty, the Obama administration managed to circumvent the legislative process and avoid having to get Senate approval, a method questioned by Senator Wyden.
“That said, even if Obama has declared ACTA an executive agreement (while those in Europe insist that it’s a binding treaty), there is a very real Constitutional question here: can it actually be an executive agreement?” asks TechDirt. “The law is clear that the only things that can be covered by executive agreements are things that involve items that are solely under the President’s mandate. That is, you can’t sign an executive agreement that impacts the things Congress has control over. But here’s the thing: intellectual property, in Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution, is an issue given to Congress, not the President. Thus, there’s a pretty strong argument that the president legally cannot sign any intellectual property agreements as an executive agreement and, instead, must submit them to the Senate.”.
26 European Union member states along with the EU itself are set to sign the treaty at a ceremony today in Tokyo. Other countries wishing to sign the agreement have until May 2013 to do so.
Critics are urging those concerned about Obama’s decision to sign the document with no legislative oversight to demand the Senate be forced to ratify the treaty.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

Will Washington State be #7 ?

Advocate Banner

Right now we are on the very edge of losing the fight to defend real marriage in the state of Washington.

You see, despite overwhelming opposition from the actual citizens of the state, the government could vote to legalize homosexual “marriage” any day.

Governor Gregoire, a strong supporter of the radical Homosexual Agenda, has managed to gather the bare minimum of senators needed to pass this despicable bill -- and he has already pledged to sign it into law!

My friend, it is time for Public Advocate’s supporters to get in this fight with a vengeance.

Right now Public Advocate is already in Washington, working to gather support, but it’s time to bring in the big guns:

You and thousands of other pro-Family Americans around this country.

You and I have done it before.  Last year in Tennessee, we flooded the state capitol with never-ending calls demanding they pass a bill protecting school children from radical homosexual indoctrination.

And we won.

Now you and I need to do it again.

You see, the faction formed to pass this assault on marriage is not strong.

Most of them have been tempted with promises of limitless homosexual funding...

...and others have had their arms twisted until they gave in.

They were told that standing against homosexual “marriage” would make them a target of the homosexual lobby.

And I guess this is true -- but it’s also true that working against real marriage has set them against millions of mainstreams Americans!

And its time you and I made it clear to these wavering senators that there are consequences for endorsing immorality.

I need you to immediately call Sen. Mary Margaret Haugen.

She has only recently decided to endorse this homosexual “marriage” bill and it is up to you to get her to change her mind back.

Please call her at (360)786-7618 in the capitol, or at her district office at (360)682-6274.

Public Advocate has proven this tactic works time and again.  No senator can stand up for something they know to be clearly wrong when they are beset by hundreds of THOUSANDS of angry phone calls.

The more pressure you and I bring to bear, the greater chance of victory in Washington State.

While I am proud to stand at the forefront and honored to suffer the radical homosexual slings and arrows -- my words mean nothing to the politicians unless I can prove that I am speaking for untold millions.

And your phone call is the clearest proof of the legitimacy of Public Advocate’s work.

But let me also warn you, this battle will not be won in a single day, let alone a single week.

I will be asking for your support in the future, and soon.

And you best prepare yourself for the backlash we will suffer once the radical Homosexual Lobby realizes that we intend to fight this bill with everything we have.

When we defended classrooms in Tennessee, they unleashed a campaign of hate against us I can’t even begin to describe.

And just the other week, they raised a nation-wide uproar over our email to potential new members.

Their reaction will be severe and vicious, but nothing that you and I can’t survive, Blaine.

So please, call:

Sen. Mary Margaret Haugen: (360)786-7618 capitol office; (360)682-6274 district office.

For the Family,

Eugene Delgaudio
President, Public Advocate of the United States

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Spanking could result in life sentence if MS bill passes


Spanking could result in life sentence if MS bill passes

by Joel McDurmon on Jan 25, 2012

As with so many bills, the devil is in the details of the legal language for this one. Despite the deceptive appearance of good intentions and even safeguards, this bill opens doors for leftist activists to exploit and oppress traditional family values. HSLDA reports,

If Senate Bill 2180 passes the Mississippi Legislature, a parent would be in jeopardy of receiving a life sentence in prison for spanking a child. Sponsored by Senator Brice Wiggins (District 52-Jackson), this legislation would make it a felony to “whip, strike or otherwise abuse any child,” thereby causing “bodily harm” to the child. “Reasonable discipline” would be an exception to this offense. The minimum penalty upon conviction of this crime would be 10 years in prison. The maximum penalty would be life in prison.

Unfortunately, the terms “bodily harm” and “reasonable discipline” are not defined in the law, so it would be up to judges to determine whether parents had crossed the line and committed a crime worthy of imprisonment. Would bodily harm include inflicting pain or leaving red marks or bruises on a child? Is it reasonable discipline to use a switch, a paddle, or other object in spanking a child? Obviously there are differing opinions on this subject, and because of this, any child abuse legislation must precisely define terms to ensure that parents maintain the right to administer reasonable corporal discipline without fear of being imprisoned.

Home School Legal Defense Association will continue to track the progress of SB 2180 and work with the homeschoolers of Mississippi to bring about a defeat of this dangerous bill.

This would greatly broaden the courts’ power to define abuse on its own, as opposed to current Mississippi law which requires the much stricter standard of a physician determining physical injury: “Physical discipline (not to include any form of sexual abuse) performed on a child by a parent, guardian or custodian shall only be deemed to be abuse under this paragraph when a licensed physician has determined that physical injury has occurred. § 97-5-39(2(m)). [Criminal Code],” according to

NDAA (FaceTime BLOG)