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Tell PA Governor Corbett to Sign HB 818 into Law Stopping Tax-Funded Abortions!

I have more good news!

National Pro-Life Alliance members and other pro-life activists in your state of Pennsylvania have won an important battle in the fight to stop the Obama administration from forcing taxpayer funding of abortion down your throats.

The Pennsylvania House of Representatives and Senate recently passed a bill requiring Pennsylvania to opt-out of tax funding of abortion coverage in the ObamaCare state health insurance exchange.

We now need Governor Tom Corbett to sign HB 818 into law.

As you know, there has been tons of controversy as to the real financial cost of ObamaCare -- both to individual citizens and the nation's economy.

But the one thing that is clear is that federal funding of abortion is so ingrained in multiple places in the law that it is impossible for your state to participate without channeling tax dollars to abortionists.

And thanks to a recent Supreme Court decision, Pennsylvania has to power to refuse to participate in President Obama’s scheme.

You see, after reviewing challenges to the law, the Supreme Court struck down the part of President Obama's plan that forces states to implement his federal mandates requiring taxpayer funding of abortion.

The Obama Administration has since been desperately trying to increase enrollment in ObamaCare’s health insurance exchanges, to the point of paying millions of dollars to a slick public relations firm to lure people in.

Make no mistake, Pennsylvania’s participation in Obamacare will force your state to absorb huge costs of the program, AND you will be forced to follow all of Obama's federal regulations which require coverage of abortion drugs or worse.

And although today, they "only" want to force you to pay for abortion-inducing drugs, with a stroke of the pen tomorrow, Obama's bureaucrats can add forced coverage of surgical and even late-term abortions.

HB 818 would stop the Obama administration right in their tracks -- preventing them from forcing taxpayer funding of abortion via ObamaCare in Pennsylvania.

That is why I'm hoping you'll contact Governor Corbett IMMEDIATELY.

Please contact Governor Corbett by e-mail ( or by calling 717-787-2500.

If you choose to write the Governor, I urge you to cut and paste something like my sample message below when you write.

Demand that Governor Corbett sign into law HB 818 to end taxpayer funding of abortion through Obamacare in Pennsylvania.

Sample Message:

Dear Governor Corbett:

Every abortion is a gruesome act that ends an innocent human life and cannot be tolerated in a civilized society.

Yet the Obama Administration is attempting to force taxpayers to become complicit in this slaughter.

Federal funding of abortion is so ingrained in multiple places in the Obamacare law that it is impossible for Pennsylvania to participate in the scheme without channeling tax dollars to abortionists.

Since the Supreme Court's recent ruling allows states to opt-out of Obamacare’s taxpayer funding of abortion, I urge you to do so by by signing into law HB 818.


For Life,

Martin Fox, President
National Pro-Life Alliance

P.S. Pennsylvania pro-lifers have an opportunity to stop taxpayer funding of abortion in ObamaCare by enacting HB 818. Please contact Governor Corbett at once, urging him to sign HB 818 and stop tax funding of abortion in Pennsylvania.

And if you can, I hope that you will also consider chipping in with adonation of $50, $25 or $10 to help me get this critical message out to other pro-lifers.

URGENT ACTION: Massive government spying program exposed

ACLU Action

ACT NOW: Join the public outcry against the massive government spying program exposed last night.


Do not forward: The links will open a page with your information already filled in.

This isn't going to be a regular email, because we have to respond quickly. Here's what you need to know.

Last night, The Guardian exposed a massive government spying program.

Using the Patriot Act, the U.S. government has been secretly tracking the calls of every Verizon Business Network Services customer—to whom they spoke, from where, and for how long—for the past 41 days.

Verizon Business Network Services is one of the nation's largest telecommunications and internet providers for corporations, so this could apply to the calls of millions of Americans.

What we don't know yet is how many other telecommunications companies have been issued similar orders by the government or what the scope of the government's program is.

This program is a disgrace. It's all over the news RIGHT NOW, so we have to respond immediately, with a strong public outcry to President Obama. He has to know that Americans will not stand for this gross abuse of government power.

Call on President Obama to put an immediate stop to this unconstitutional government spying program.

In 2012, Sens. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Mark Udall (D-Colo.) wrote, “When the American people find out how their government has secretly interpreted the Patriot Act, they are going to be stunned and they are going to be angry."

It's time to get angry. Make an urgent statement against this program by signing the petition right away and sharing it with all of your friends to let them know what's happening in this country.

Sign the petition.

Thank you for taking action,
Anthony for the ACLU Action team

"NSA collecting phone records of millions of Verizon customers daily," The Guardian, June 5, 2013.

"U.S. Is Secretly Collecting Records of Verizon Calls," The New York Times, June 5, 2013.

House Votes To Stop Homeland Security From Buying Ammo Until DHS Explains Need For Large Purchases

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