Woman Calls Police, Police Won’t Come, She Gets Raped

I’m Gonna Vomit Alert: Michael Douglas Blames HPV and Oral Sex for His Throat Cancer

What A Coincidence: Wife of Former IRS Commissioner Joined Occupy Wall Street Susan L. Anderson, wife of embattled former IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman, was a supporter of, and active participant in, the Occupy Wall Street movement, attending and promoting Occupy DC in Oct. 2011. In the fall [...] ... READ MORE
Hey, Teacher, Leave Those Dogs Alone: Teacher Busted for Boinking a DogHey, Teacher, Leave Those Dogs Alone: Teacher Busted for Boinking a Dog Here’s some solid, universally-applicable advice: Never have sex with dogs and never, ever photograph any sexuality activity between you and a dog. With this helpful counsel firmly in mind, meet Stephanie Mikles, a behavioral ... READ MORE

Catholic Church's Influence On Gay Marriage Waning

WASHINGTON -- Muslims in the United States have grappled with the consequences of extremism since Sept. 11, 2001, when the actions of 19 men affiliated with al Qaeda ushered in a new era, when fingers are invariably pointed at followers of Islam whenever a terrorist attack takes place.

Since then, Muslim activists have spearheaded efforts to eradicate the perception that Islam is a violent or extreme religion -- often laboring to disseminate the simple message that the vast majority of Islam's 1.6 billion followers worldwide denounce terrorism.

The Boston Marathon bombings in April posed not only a major setback to more than a decade of work, but also a new challenge: how to counter online radicalization, a known recruitment tool used by terrorist networks overseas, which appeared to have a significant impact on the suspected perpetrators of the attacks that left three dead and hundreds injured. Continue reading...

Obama punts on signing UN arms trade pact opposed by NRA

June 4, 2013

Plouffe, White House Aides Target Issa

House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa appeared to be getting under the skin of Democrats as they hit back hard — bringing up the congressman’s past from more than four decades ago. Issa’s allegations about what the White House knew … Continue reading

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