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DOJ Declares War On All Non-Muslims

The Western Center for Journalism
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Jun 03, 2013 01:00 pm | Breaking News
A professor in West Virginia provides yet another example of the inescapable reality that the real threat to America, beyond a complicit media, is likely to be found in college classrooms. Christopher Swindell, journalism professor at Marshall University, is calling… Continue to Post

Jun 03, 2013 12:55 pm | NewsEditor

Jun 03, 2013 12:50 pm | Dale Dawson
Holder and Justice.  Two words that just don’t work well together.  Holder equals ‘political agenda.‘  Justice equals ‘a level playing field for all legal, law-abiding American citizens. Our United States Attorney General, Eric Holder, with marching orders (I have no doubt)… Continue to Post

Jun 03, 2013 12:45 pm | Breaking News
Interviews with IRS employees have established that the Washington, D.C. headquarters of the Internal Revenue Service was engaged in targeting tea party groups and other conservative organizations for unfair levels of scrutiny when they applied for tax-exempt status. Rep. Darrel… Continue to Post

Jun 03, 2013 12:40 pm | NewsEditor
As  the Obama administration descends into a whirlpool of scandals, a race has begun  among Congressional committees and news organizations to find the proverbial  smoking gun — the document that will  link President Obama directly to the IRS’s targeting of… Continue to Post

Jun 03, 2013 12:30 pm | Breaking News
And the next brick in the road to tyranny: A U.S. attorney in Tennessee says that posting comments critical of Islam on Facebook and other social media could violate civil rights laws. Translation: The Feds are monitoring your Internet postings… Continue to Post

Jun 03, 2013 12:25 pm | NewsEditor

Jun 03, 2013 12:20 pm | Breaking News
The IRS agents in Cincinnati who were involved in the targeting of conservative groups were “being directly ordered from Washington,” Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., said Sunday. Issa, who is heading the House investigation into the affair, accused the White House… Continue to Post

Jun 03, 2013 12:12 pm | Richard Larsen
To anyone with any sense of political propriety, the growing story of IRS abuses targeting conservative groups is beyond unsettling. Even administration supporters must realize that with a change of administration, groups and individuals of their political orientation could be the… Continue to Post

Jun 03, 2013 12:10 pm | NewsEditor

Jun 03, 2013 12:05 pm | NewsEditor

Jun 03, 2013 12:00 pm | John Careccia
Can anyone feel safe from persecution? Despite the neglect of the liberal media, the world is learning about the corruption of the IRS in targeting conservative groups.  But the corruption goes much deeper than harassing groups seeking first time non-profit designations,… Continue to Post

Jun 03, 2013 11:55 am | NewsEditor

Weiner-Holder 2016

Jun 03, 2013 11:50 am | Breaking News
Forty years ago, President Nixon finally succeeded in having Secretary of State Henry Kissinger complete the negotiation for the repatriation of the Vietnam POWs from North Vietnam. On the weekend of May 23rd, for the last time, the surviving Vietnam… Continue to Post

Jun 03, 2013 11:45 am | Breaking News
Medicare will reach insolvency by 2026 while Social Security’s two trust funds will become insolvent by 2033, the program’s trustees reported Friday. Unless Congress acts, Social Security will no longer be able to pay full benefits to retirees after 2033.… Continue to Post

Jun 03, 2013 11:40 am | Daniel Greenfield
A week ago, Obama declared that Al Qaeda was on a path to defeat. Not only is that not true of Al Qaeda as a whole; it’s not even true of Al Qaeda in Iraq. During his multiple withdrawals from… Continue to Post

ALERT: Barack Obama to sign the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty - Tell Senators to vote 'NO!'
ALERT: Barack Obama to sign the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty - Tell Senators to vote 'NO!' Fax the Senate! Tell them to OPPOSE the Arms Trade Treaty!

American Conservative,

Barack Obama is the most anti-gun president in American history.

Not only has he continually urged Congress to craft legislation to disarm us and destroy our Second Amendment rights, he has also done - and is doing - everything he can to achieve the same ends on his own without Congress. Remember his twenty-three anti-gun "executive actions" on the 16th of January?

With these facts in mind, Obama's willingness to sign the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty - a major component of the global organization's disarmament agenda - comes as no surprise whatsoever.

After years of preparation, the U.N. Treaty was approved by a vote of 154 to 3 on April 2, and today the doors open for U.N. member nations to ratify it. This said, Barack Obama is expected to add this signature to this international gun-control agreement within the next few hours!

However, the good news is that Obama's signature is only symbolic without the consent of the United States Senate. This is to say that even if Obama adds his signature to the treaty today the United States will not yet be bound by its language.

The real battle is in the United States Senate - the body that does have power ratify and adopt international treaties. If the Upper Chamber of Congress accepts the Arms Trade Treaty then, and only then, will we be bound by the globalist language that the treaty contains.

If we want to remain a sovereign and independent nation under Constitutional rule, it is absolutely imperative that the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty be rejected. Should Barack Obama's signing spark Majority Leader Harry Reid to bring the treaty to a vote in the coming days, we must urge Senate right now to vote against it!

Take action and demand that United States Senators oppose the ratification of the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty, else the United States be bound by supranational law not founded by the U.S. Constitution!

Just like the United Nations Small Arms Treaty, this Global Treaty is incompatible with the Second Amendment to the Constitution... despite what its advocates claim.

The Treaty would provide the United States Executive sweeping powers to regulate which guns can and cannot enter or exit our country. Further, this treaty is likely a stepping-stone to a mandatory international gun-registry.

Senator Mike Lee of Utah, one of thirty-four Senators who voted on a resolution in April opposing the Arms Trade Treaty, says that he will block the anti-gun U.N. effort "as long as [he is] breathing in the U.S. Senate."

In a statement, Sen. Lee said: "I have great concerns that this treaty can be used to violate the second amendment rights of American citizens, and do not believe we should sign any treaty that infringes on the sovereignty of our country."

Likewise, Senator James Inhofe has committed to oppose this treaty's ratification. The Oklahoma Senator says, "The U.N. Arms Trade Treaty that passed in the General Assembly ... would require the United States to implement gun-control legislation as required by the treaty, which could supersede the laws our elected officials have already put into place. It's time the Obama administration recognizes it is already a non-starter, and Americans will not stand for internationalists limiting and infringing upon their Constitutional rights."

In order to prevent the Arms Trade Treaty from carrying any force in the United States it must be rejected by the upper house of the United States Congress. We must make sure that we are making clear our demands and securing as many pro-gun advocates as we can to defeat this supranational attack on our Second Amendment!

Take action and tell U.S. Senators that you oppose the ratification of the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty!

Take action and demand that United States Senators oppose the ratification of the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty, else the United States be bound by supranational law not founded by the U.S. Constitution!

Senate gun-grabbers are not a small minority - in fact, we have already witnessed their full-fledge assault on our right to keep and bear arms this year! We know that there are plenty of lawmakers on both sides of the aisle that seem to think that increased gun-control is "common sense" and that ignoring our God-given, constitutionally-protected liberty is acceptable.

When the "Safe Schools, Safe Communities" gun-control bill was tabled in April, we remember that Mr. Reid said that it's only a matter of time before he brings gun-control legislation back to the Senate floor.

The fact is, Senate gun-grabbers are far from retiring their agenda, and this dangerous U.N. treaty - which so many falsely claim is innocuous - would greatly aid them in their illegal and unconstitutional cause.

The Senate needs a 2/3 majority to adopt this treaty, and as Barack Obama adds his signature of approval we must make sure that we are doing all we can to stop the Senate from doing the same.

Like the United Nations Small Arms Treaty, this Arms Trade Treaty can and must be defeated! Will you send faxes, call Senate offices, and sign the petition to stop this attack on our right to keep and bear arms?

Take action and demand that United States Senators oppose the ratification of the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty, else the United States be bound by supranational law not founded by the U.S. Constitution!

Fax Now

For America,
Conservative Action Alerts

P.S. Tell the Senate to OPPOSE the United Nations disarmament agenda! Don't forget to send a free message to your U.S. Representative and both of your U.S. Senators! Sign the petition and message your lawmakers here.

Conservative Action Alerts (CAA) is a media outlet protected by the first amendment; no financial contribution to support our efforts is tax-deductible. Diener Consultants, Inc., 10940 S Parker Rd Ste# 763, PARKER, CO 80284-7440

Ben Swann: Liberty Is Rising Truth in Media Project


I want to begin by saying thank you for signing up for this email list and for your incredible support of my work with Reality Check and Full Disclosure over the past 2 years.

As promised, you are now the first to hear in detail about my- actually our- next step. Beginning next week on Monday, June 10, we will officially launch the "Liberty Is Rising Truth in Media Project" on Kickstarter. As I have told you, this is the most involved and meaningful project I have ever been involved in and it is not something I can do on my own.

The "Liberty is Rising Truth in Media Project" is a 3 step process:

Inform, Engage, Activate:

Step 1: INFORM
The first step of this project and the primary use of Kickstarter is to create high-end, high-quality Reality Check style segments that can be presented to the public via streaming content sites such as Netflix, Hulu, Spotify, or devices such as Roku and Our goal is to produce 100 high quality five to six minute shows and by launching this project independently, the restrictions on subject matter by corporate bosses will not be an issue.
Why do the videos need to be so high quality? Simple, we need to spread this message as far out as we can. Like it or not, we live in a very media-savvy culture and if the public at large is to take this kind of journalism seriously, they need to be able to hear and see it in a way that is deemed credible. You can watch network news programming all day and never hear anything of substance but it sure looks pretty. If we are to educate and inform the public on issues of war, the drug war, monetary policy, drone strikes, the NDAA, CAFR, crony capitalism, etc... it MUST be done in the style and format generations of Americans have been trained to accept as "professional".

The films will be distributed via multiple platforms. First, we continue to share new content virally via Facebook, YouTube, Twitter,, and continue to allow alternative media blog sites to use our films without charge and embed them, as long as they are shown in their entirety. This is important because we want as many people exposed to our journalism as possible.

We will be rolling out a highly interactive, informative website that will include all Full Disclosure episodes, a forum, Ben Swann podcasts, and a mobile app.

Also, as I mentioned, we are going to attempt to spread these films into new arenas such as streaming sites like Netflix, Hulu, and Spotify. Again, the goal is to engage the largest audience possible.

Step 2: ENGAGE
Each of us must impact our own circle of influence.
We are currently building out a multi-faceted platform of engagement where you and I will work together to take single issues and impact public opinion. This platform will contain resources like stats, infographics, archived articles, and other educational materials that will be available to download or share.

This platform will work directly with college student groups like Young Americans for Liberty, Young Republicans, Young Democrats and politically independent groups, giving students hard facts and data to share with peers and teaching them how to hold information sessions on campus.

We will work with journalists across the country challenging them to engage in critical thinking and questioning of local, state and national leaders on issues of importance. We'll equip them on how to challenge the status quo in their newsrooms and move beyond reading press releases.

Faith Based Communities:
We will engage faith-based communities (Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, etc) and challenge the acceptance of government control over their religious activities.

Local Lawmakers:
We will engage local and state lawmakers and challenge the over-reach, over taxation, and policing for profit that is taking place in every city and town in America.

Tea Party:
We will engage those in the Tea Party movement who entered the movement for the right reasons, to protest over taxation and government control.

We will engage those in the Occupy movement who rightly protested the consolidation of wealth among a small group of people and who have created a crony capitalist system (that isn't capitalism at all).

Building Consensus:
The goal is to help Americans escape the Left/Right paradigm of arguing with each other while politicians and big money run the nation and our lives. We desire to create unity among all these groups in the areas where we can agree. That happens when we are defined not by who we stand against, but what we stand for. It is not about Left vs. Right or Republican vs. Democrat... but Liberty vs. Tyranny.

You and I will go through this process together. Beyond just sharing the content, you will be instrumental to the gathering of information and the actual creation of that content. With your engagement we will be able to create public awareness and social willingness to drive change.


The best part of this step is that the work you and I will have already done is key. Having forced important issues into the forefront of public awareness we will have already changed minds and that will allow action to be taken.

Through strategic partnerships with established political and student groups as well as individual experts in the fields or medicine, education, economics, security, drug policy etc. we will begin to crowd-source "change strategies".

The end result of these strategies will include legal and legislative process for changing U.S. policy overseas and here at home. We will challenge lawmakers who continue to engage in hypocritical behavior and are unwilling to stand up for rule of law. As a long-term goal, we will eventually work with lawmakers to draft legislation to correct the nation's trajectory. Dr. Ron Paul borrowed the words of Victor Hugo when he declared in 2008, “An idea whose time has come cannot be stopped by any army or any government.”
Ron Paul Said It Best:

I recently had the chance to interview Dr. Paul and we talked in depth about the changing media landscape. How has media changed for a man who has spent his entire life attempting to change the system?

"When I first started in politics in the 70's, we basically had three major networks and they were very, very close together on philosophy…..But now the options are great…..Now the information is going out differently. It's going out on handheld devices and computers and telephones and they can turn you on and off when they want. They have so many more choices."

Dr. Paul then added:

I'm optimistic that things are going to do well and I'm optimistic because you're (Ben Swann) involved in this fight with us."

Again, I want to thank you for your support so far. As you can see this next step is a very ambitious project. There is risk here but I believe that every great movement in history has been accompanied by great challenge and risk.

Between now and June 10th, I need your help.

1. Please go sign up for this Facebook event for the project:
  2. Please forward this to friends and family who you believe might want to be a part of this project.

3. Please share the new cover photo featured on my Facebook pages that can be found here.

There has never been a moment like this before in world history where a society has had this kind of collision of technology and information. This is our moment. I hope that next Monday, you will commit to helping me to shake the media landscape in America! I leave you with these words from a great patriot Samuel Adams who once proclaimed,
"It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” - Samuel Adams
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Obama, IRS Smoking Gun in Plain Sight

Vision to America
June 3, 2013
barack-obama-irs Obama, IRS Smoking Gun in Plain Sight
staples Staples Disqualifies Gun Store from Marketing Contest ABOUT VisiontoAmerica.COM Vision To America is a division of Christian Worldview Communications, LLC. Founded in 2006 by Gary DeMar and Brandon Vallorani, Vision to America exists to help America return to our Founding Father's vision for a Christian Republic. America was once a light to the world—a place that God blessed with liberty and prosperity. Today, Americans are taught that the Almighty State has all the answers. As a result, our God-given liberties are being traded for a false sense of security. It is our Vision to see Americans once again recognize that we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights and that this Creator is the God of the Bible.