World Bank Whistleblower Arrested After Radio Interview on The Pete Santilli Show

Top 10 Trending Stories

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CNN Calls For Real Time Police State Surveillance (video)

CURATOR: Zen Gardner. Kurt Nimmo The establishment media is calling for the implementation of Big Brother technology following the Boston bombing last month. In order to prevent terrorist attacks, CNN argues, there must be real-time surveillance cameras planted everywhere. Panopticon technology is required if we are to expect government to protect us...


Obama Becomes Nixon As BenghaziGate Evidence Becomes Overwhelming

Obama Becomes Nixon As BenghaziGate Evidence Becomes Overwhelming CONTRIBUTOR: Now The End Begins. Scandal politics are sweeping Capitol Hill Just days after news broke that the IRS targeted conservative nonprofits, Speaker John Boehner’s House committees will morph into mock courtrooms where the White House will be the defendant in what amounts to a number of high-stakes political trials. The most recent scandal to grip...


25 Cases Of SARS Coronavirus In New York At St. Lukes Hospital? 7 Critical, 3 Dead? (Video) (video)

25 Cases Of SARS Coronavirus In New York At St. Lukes Hospital? 7 Critical, 3 Dead? (Video) CURATOR: Mort Amsel. There are reports that there are 25 cases of a SARS like disease being treated in an undisclosed hospital. Authorities have actively been keeping this from public knowledge. Of the 25 cases, 7 are reported to be being treated in Intensive care and apparently already there have been...


Giant Ice Meteor Slams To Earth Near Kids Playing in Tennessee = Video Report (video)

Giant Ice Meteor Slams To Earth Near Kids Playing in Tennessee = Video Report CONTRIBUTOR: Extinction Protocol: 2012 Earthchanges and News Event. May 14, 2013 – GRAY, TN (WJHL) - A Tri-Cities man has video of what appears to be a large chunk of ice that he says fell from the sky on Wednesday (May 8) and landed in a yard in Gray, TN. Andy Miller says his children were playing outside...


#LongHotSummer: Drudge Issues Warning! "Assume ALL Communications Being Monitored" (video)

#LongHotSummer: Drudge Issues Warning! CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die. Matt Drudge has issued a warning to ALL press and sources: Assume that ALL communications are being monitored in light of the unfolding Associated Press 'spy' scandal involving these NWO Nazis. Welcome to Stasiland, Barack Obama's 'new' America. Due to these new developements, it will be wise for all of...


Horrific CIA Torture Stories Revealed By Black Site Guantanamo Bay Lawyer (video)

Horrific CIA Torture Stories Revealed By Black Site Guantanamo Bay Lawyer CONTRIBUTOR: Alexander Higgins. Lawyer for innocent CIA torture detainees, David H. Remes, tells horrific stories of torture after victims were kidnapped and thrown in jail with no rights by the US Government. David Hemes is a human rights lawyer who volunteered to work for torture detainees at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, which is...


World Bank Whistleblower Arrested After Radio Interview on The Pete Santilli Show

World Bank Whistleblower Arrested After Radio Interview on The Pete Santilli Show CONTRIBUTOR: Peter Santilli. Please share this information by clicking the "Recommend this Story", "Recommend Contributor" button, as well as share on Facebook and Twitter by clicking the share buttons below. The Pete Santilli Show broadcasts live on The Guerilla Media Network. Please join us on the Guerilla Media Network broadcasting your favorite talk...


RT: CIA Agent Trying To Recruit Russian Intelligence Officer Detained In Moscow

RT: CIA Agent Trying To Recruit Russian Intelligence Officer Detained In Moscow CONTRIBUTOR: Prince Vega. Russia’s counterintelligence agency has detained a CIA agent in Moscow trying to recruit an officer of the Russian secret service, the Federal Security Service (FSB) announced. The agent was operating under guise of career diplomat. The FSB Public Relations Center has announced that the person detained is Ryan Christopher Fogle,...


Terror Super-Axis To Hit Within U.S - Imminent Attacks Planned By Al-Qaida, Quds Forces, Hezbollah

Terror Super-Axis To Hit Within U.S - Imminent Attacks Planned By Al-Qaida, Quds Forces, Hezbollah CONTRIBUTOR: BARRACUDA. Reza Kahlili WND Iran has given the go-ahead to operatives of three terrorist groups that have infiltrated the United States to carry out missions, including what is expected to be a Mumbai-style attack on a hotel where innocent bystanders would be killed, WND has learned. A full report with many...


2,300 Year Old Mayan Pyramid Bulldozed In Belize

2,300 Year Old Mayan Pyramid Bulldozed In Belize CURATOR: Mort Amsel. A construction company has essentially destroyed one of Belize's largest Mayan pyramids with backhoes and bulldozers to extract rock for a road-building project. The head of the Belize Institute of Archaeology says the destruction was detected late last week. Only a small portion of center of the...



CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die

CONTRIBUTOR: Natural Society

CONTRIBUTOR: Alexander Higgins



CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die



State ordering girls' locker rooms open to boys May 14, 2013


May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent. For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.(Colossians 1:11-20, 1599 Geneva Bible)

Days after terrorist bombing, Boston leaders honor radical anarchist protest

Obama takes a break from scandals to party at three high-dollar NYC fundraisers

May 14, 2013
Today's Politically Incorrect Headlines: Today's Featured Article:
Three Scandals a Charm?

Today's Politically Incorrect Laugh:
(Click to Enlarge)
IRS Target 590 LI

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Homeland Security Funded Exercise Portrayed Homeschoolers as Terrorists

Prophecy News Headlines
The immigration reform measure the Senate began debating yesterday would create a national biometric database of virtually every adult in the U.S., in what privacy groups fear could be the first step to a ubiquitous national identification system ....  Click here for full story
A dangerous game of brinkmanship is unfolding in the Middle East pitting Israel against Syria and its militant Shi‘ite ally Hizballah in what threatens to expand the two-year Syrian civil war into a full-blown regional conflict. .......  Click here for full story
The arrest of the Jerusalem Mufti for throwing chairs at Jews on the Temple Mount prompted the Jordanian parliament to demand that King Abdullah expel the Israeli envoy. The legislators also called to start a draft for a law to scrap the peace treaty with Israel ....  Click here for full story
Jesus at the Check Point is a “Christian” organization with a liberal socialist twist – and will soon be speaking at a church near you. “Zionism is the obstacle to peace,” they write, and they want to “educate evangelical Christians” to “understand the Bible from a Palestinian Christian perspective,” which openly supports a “divided state” as the solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict... Click here for full story
Taken on its own, the news report out of Seattle paints a stark and frightening picture of police battling “angry parents” in a simulated shooting at a school. The practice of police training to take on everything from homeschoolers to patriots and constitutionalists – “rightwing extremists” in government parlance – is anything but a rarity. Such exercises are now a prominent feature of the expanding police state .... Click here for full story
A growing number of Canadians are identifying themselves as having no religious affiliation, although more than two-thirds of the country’s population says they’re Christian ....  Click here for full story
Russian Navy Admiral Viktor Chirkov said Sunday, May 12, that the process is underway for creating a permanent staff to run Russian fleet operations in the Mediterranean Sea  .....  Click here for full story

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Russia Detains U.S. Diplomat It Says Is C.I.A. Agent

Infowars Magazine - IX Edition