Pro-Gay-Adoption Is Now A Conservative Position

Pistol Packing Pastors May 13, 2013


The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge. There is no speech, nor are there words, whose voice is not heard. Their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them he has set a tent for the sun, which comes out like a bridegroom leaving his chamber, and, like a strong man, runs its course with joy. Its rising is from the end of the heavens, and its circuit to the end of them, and there is nothing hidden from its heat.(Psalm 19: 1-6, 1599 Geneva Bible)

Forget Gold: Only Food, Tools and Resourcefulness Will Matter In a Mad Max Scenario

Top 10 Trending Stories

Welcome to the Before It's News Top Trending Stories. Each weekday we deliver the most important and interesting alternative stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.

Judge Jeanine on Benghazigate: Obama lied and left Americans to die (Sad Video) (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: Fellowship of the Minds. ~Eowyn...


General Petraeus To Testify On Benghazi This Week

General Petraeus To Testify On Benghazi This Week CONTRIBUTOR: Fellowship of the Minds. Yep, I’m going to beat Benghazi Like A Dead Horse. OK,   This article looks like things are going to rock and roll when General Petraeus Testifies this week. Seems he may have an ax to grind with skippy. I’d like to pull one paragraph out and highlight how Jay Carney answers a reporter’s question....


The Obamacare “Death Panel” is Real: Republicans Refusing to Appoint Serving Members

The Obamacare “Death Panel” is Real: Republicans Refusing to Appoint Serving Members CONTRIBUTOR: It Makes Sense Blog. Brett LoGiurato One of the most politically intense fights over the Affordable Care Act was over the creation of the Independent Payment Advisory Board, infamously dubbed a “death panel” by Republicans during the 2010 elections. On Thursday, Republican House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell signaled that...


Extreme Weather : A Giant Wall of Ice destroys homes in Minnesota and Canada (May 12, 2013) (video)

Extreme Weather : A Giant Wall of Ice destroys homes in Minnesota and Canada (May 12, 2013) CONTRIBUTOR: JayWill. Extreme Weather : A Giant Wall of Ice destroys homes in Minnesota and Canada (May 12, 2013) Massive ice floes rose out of a lake in Canada over the weekend, destroying a dozen homes and damaging fifteen others. Within mere moments, strong winds drove piles of ice onto...


Obama Murdered Benghazi Victims: Forbes - White House Watched Benghazi Attacked And Didn't Respond (video)

Obama Murdered Benghazi Victims: Forbes - White House Watched Benghazi Attacked And Didn't Respond CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die. This story from is telling: White House Watched Benghazi Attacked And Didn't Respond. In the story we learn that our 'commander-in-chief', vice president, secretary of defense and their national security team gathered together in the Oval Office listening to phone calls from American defenders desperately under siege and watching...


Forget Gold: Only Food, Tools and Resourcefulness Will Matter In a Mad Max Scenario

CONTRIBUTOR: Mac. When we talk about Mad Max scenarios, we are talking about events where the world as we know it no longer exists. No banks, no credit cards, no grocery stores, no gas stations, and a landscape devoid of law & order. It’s an outlier to be sure, but one that...


Obama CIA Director Called Benghazi Talking Points “Useless” – Then He Was Forced To Resign

Obama CIA Director Called Benghazi Talking Points “Useless” – Then He Was Forced To Resign CURATOR: John Rolls. Most who have been following the now exploding Benghazi Massacre scandal that is justifiably pummeling the Obama administration, likely recall former CIA Director David Petraeus’s sudden departure following an admission he had carried on an affair with his biographer. Today we have learned that the details of that scandal were...


Pandemic Red Alert: New Deadly Coronavirus Spreads To France, Has Killed 18 Of 34 Infected And Can Be Spread From Human 2 Human Contact

Pandemic Red Alert: New Deadly Coronavirus Spreads To France, Has Killed 18 Of 34 Infected And Can Be Spread From Human 2 Human Contact CURATOR: Mort Amsel. Health officials have said a deadly virus which has killed 18 people worldwide appears to be able to spread from person-to-person. There have been 34 reported cases of the Sars-like novel coronavirus, known as hCoV-EMC, which causes severe pneumonia in victims and sometimes kidney failure. The deadly...


“Master of the Universe” Steven Hawking Withdraws from Israeli Conference in Solidarity with Academic Boycott

“Master of the Universe” Steven Hawking Withdraws from Israeli Conference in Solidarity with Academic Boycott CURATOR: Tom Dennen, the paranoid historian. UK cosmologist Prof Stephen Hawking has withdrawn from a high-profile Israeli conference, in support of an academic boycott of the country. He initially planned to speak at the event in June but pulled out following advice from Palestinian academics. Pro-Palestinian campaigners said the 71-year-old wrote to the organisers on...


ICE Whistleblower Drops Bombshell: La Raza Running Obama's Immigration (video)

ICE Whistleblower Drops Bombshell: La Raza Running Obama's Immigration CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die. In this shocking interview, ICE (Immigration Customs Enforcement) Union President Chris Crane was invited on to the Mark Levin Show Thursday night to explain how the Obama administration has been 'cooking the books' on immigration enforcement. What he had to say was startling. ICE, given the task of protecting Americans...

CONTRIBUTOR: Alexander Higgins



CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die

CURATOR: Mort Amsel

CONTRIBUTOR: Natural Society




CONTRIBUTOR: Alexander Higgins

FBI Monitors G-Mail, Yahoo, Hotmail, and Facebook Accounts

Ron Paul's original staff economist, Dr. Gary North!

Monday, May 13, 2013
Ammunition Tight, Will Stay Tight
Ammunition manufacturers are not adding capacity. They think this run on ammo is temporary. So, buyers cannot buy it. The buyers want it. Retail sellers are imposing rationing: limits on purchases. There is no let-up in sight. Ammunition manufacturers are reporting record profits and sales, with increases that number in the double and sometimes triple [...] READ MORE

The CEO of the Biggest Bond Fund Says the Government Has Rigged the Game Against Investors
Bill Gross is the CEO of Pimco, the largest bond fund on earth. In his latest newsletter, he lays it on the line. The government is working against all investors. In the language of finance, the government will give investors a haircut. During and after World War II most countries with high debt overloads resorted [...] READ MORE

FBI Monitors G-Mail, Yahoo, Hotmail, and Facebook Accounts
If you store your emails for over 180 days, the FBI says it can legally monitor them without a warrant. It took a Freedom of Information Act inquiry to find this out. This defies a ruling made in 2010 by a federal appeals court. An FBI “Operations Guide” makes exemptions for any email that stored [...] READ MORE

One of the Great Hatchet Job Movie Reviews of All Time
Rex Reed has outdone himself. He is known for hatchet job reviews, but what he did to The Great Gatsby will become the stuff of legend. I have seen two TV “trailers” — why are previews called trailers? — of this movie, and I concluded: “Stinker.” But Reed’s review persuaded me that I had underestimated [...] READ MORE

Feds Ban Blueprints for All-Plastic 3D Pistol
The Department of State, ever alert to national security threats, has banned the publication online of blueprints for a one-shot pistol. The pistol can be made at home, if you have a 3D printer. Maybe you saw the video, with the loud music and the stock movies of some World War II bombers. The reason [...] READ MORE

Government Lures Naive College Students into Debt of $850 Billion
Average student debt for college is now $26,500. That is up 5% from last year. As with almost everything else in life, Pareto’s 20-80 rule governs student debt. About 20% of students with debt carry 80% of this debt. Median debt is half this: about $13,600. Half owe more; half owe less. What the stories [...] READ MORE

Unemployment Today: Recession Level
Unemployment has fallen, but it is still in recession-level territory. With respect to long-term unemployment (15 weeks to 26 weeks), it is rising fast. To prevent a return to 2008 numbers, the Federal Reserve creates $1 trillion a year to buy government bonds. READ MORE

Unauthorized Free, Private Bus Stop Benches Will Be Removed in Detroit, Bureaucrats Say.
A technology class came up with an idea: free benches at bus stops. This would help elderly people, the students imagined. So, they went to work. They designed, then built, a bus stop bench. They put it at a bus stop with no bench. The Detroit Department of Transportation informed them that this was not [...] READ MORE

“Butt Out,” 60% of 18 to 34-Year Olds Tell Federal Government
Despite a horrendous unemployment rate of 45% for this age group — almost as bad as Spain’s and Greece’s — about 60% of America’s young adults believe that the government should get out of their lives. Even more amazing, half believe that the government is not helping the economy. Two-thirds are favorable to entrepreneurship. These [...] READ MORE

Gun Violence in the USA Has Declined for 20 Years
Gun violence has been falling in the United States for two decades. Between 1993 and 2010, the gun homicide rate fell by 49%. The public does not perceive this, thanks to media attention to specific cases of gun violence. Rates for all categories of violence have fallen. This includes gun violence. The same study revealed [...] READ MORE

Holding Politicians Accountable: Because Journalists Don’t Know How