Benghazi Victim’s Mother on Hillary: “She Has Her Child, I Don’t Have Mine Because of Her”

Benghazi Victim’s Mother on Hillary: “She Has Her Child, I Don’t Have Mine Because of Her” “I want to wish Hillary a Happy Mother’s Day. She has her child. I don’t have mine because of her.” If this scandal had occurred under a Republican president, Pat Smith would be a household name, a [...] ... READ MORE
Benghazi: Hillary Could Eat Kittens While Stomping on Granny and the “Media” Would Hail It as ‘Poetry’Benghazi: Hillary Could Eat Kittens While Stomping on Granny and the “Media” Would Hail It as ‘Poetry’ Hillary better thank her god, The Father of Lies, that she’s not a conservative like Sarah Palin, because if she were a conservative, after last week’s blistering testimony against her by the Benghazi whistle blowers, [...] ... READ MORE

Anti-Christian war raging at Pentagon

Anti-Christian war raging at Pentagon

What on Earth is going on inside the Pentagon concerning prosecuting Christians for sharing their faith?
Read the latest now on


All of America is buzzing about the revelation Barack Obama's IRS targeted conservative and tea-party groups during last year's election because of their politics. But why the admission NOW?
One of the biggest names among conservatives and tea partiers has the eye-opening answer.
Click here for details

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Watchman Video Broadcast 05-12-2013

A Bad Week For The Obama Administration As Lies, Cover-Ups And Abuse Take Center Stage

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Latest From Bob Livingston May 13, 2013
The Politics Behind The Immigration Reform Movement The Politics Behind The Immigration Reform Movement »
The elected class is as dishonest as the day is long. Its sole desire is to gain and hold its parasitic existence and sit at the seats of power. Until you realize this, you will never break the bonds of conventional wisdom and understand what's going on behind the scenes. More »

On Your Own

Use Baking Soda In The Kitchen And Beyond Use Baking Soda In The Kitchen And Beyond »
Baking soda is a staple in many homes for baking. It acts as a leavening agent in baked goods, helping them rise and hold their shape. Baking soda also can also be used in a multitude of ways to replace household cleaners made with chemicals. In addition, baking soda has medicinal uses. More »


A Bad Week For The Obama Administration As Lies, Cover-Ups And Abuse Take Center Stage A Bad Week For The Obama Administration As Lies, Cover-Ups And Abuse Take Center Stage »
Every so often, a Presidential Administration is plagued by a report that reveals unconscionable crookedness, depravity or incompetence. And those reports, given the nature of the country's political system, usually come as no surprise to the American everyman. More »

Personal Liberty News
Department Of Defense Censors 3-D Print Gun Schematic: 'The United States Government Claims Control' Department Of Defense Censors 3-D Print Gun Schematic: 'The United States Government Claims Control' »
One of the key proponents of a technology allowing a plastic gun to be assembled through a three-dimensional printing process has been forced to remove all firearms-related schematics from a personal defense website that had made the designs available for free. More »

Entitlement-Inflated University Costs May Soon Succumb To Market Forces Entitlement-Inflated University Costs May Soon Succumb To Market Forces »
Ever since the first round of ex-soldiers went to college for free on the post-World War II G.I. Bill, the U.S. higher-education network of public and private universities has had its own miniature Federal Reserve-style money printer, in the form of Federal student aid entitlements. More »

House Bill Would Prioritize Debt Reconciliation House Bill Would Prioritize Debt Reconciliation »
Last week, the Republican-controlled House approved a bill that would require the Federal government to make efforts to pay back foreign-held debts before committing to additional domestic expenditures. More »

Questions For Bob

Are Coins Better Than Bars?

Dear Bob,

You refer to gold and silver coins in your letter (The Bob Livingston Letter, subscription required). What about those of us that have invested in 100 oz. silver bars? How do I fare when the boom is lowered?

Martin C.  More »

Benghazi, Alinsky & Sacrificing Souls For The Unachievable Utopia


Why Obama released embarrassing IRS bombshell

May 12, 2013
Today's Politically Incorrect Headlines: Today's Featured Article:
Why Obama released embarrassing IRS bombshell

Today's Politically Incorrect Laugh:
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