Top 10 Trending Stories
Welcome to the Before It's News Top Trending Stories. Each weekday we
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U.S. Nuclear Aircraft Carrier Arrives In South Korea
CONTRIBUTOR: Prince Vega. Facebook Fan Page:
Powerful Video: Mother Of Benghazi Victim: Mother’s Day Message To Hillary Clinton
Ouch: Mother Of Benghazi Victim: Brutal Happy Mother’s Day Message To
Hillary Clinton - VIDEO BELOW: ( Clip via Right Scoop. The latest on
Benghazigate here. ) Note: in the full interview Pat Smith gives an
emotional plea for the People to rise up and not allow this to
Senator Confirms Obama/Globalist Ties Working To Destroy US Constitution
CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die.
Senator Rand Paul has confirmed what millions of Americans already
know, Barack Obama is working with anti-American globalists to overthrow
the United States Constitution. I've received the following email from
Rand, an email that is now getting LOTS of attention around the country,
including this new linked story from the...
Shock: MSNBC Turns On Obama, Calling Benghazi A Cover-Up (video)
Freedom Outpost by Tim Brown MSNBC has been one of the media lapdogs
for the Obama administration. Far from being a news organization, it is a
merely a mouth-piece for Socialists and the far Left and they have
towed that line consistently. However, now even MSNBC is beginning to...
ICE Whistleblower Drops Bombshell: La Raza Running Obama's Immigration (video)
CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die.
In this shocking interview, ICE (Immigration Customs Enforcement) Union
President Chris Crane was invited on to the Mark Levin Show Thursday
night to explain how the Obama administration has been 'cooking the
books' on immigration enforcement. What he had to say was startling.
ICE, given the task of protecting Americans...
CBS Anchor: 'We Are Getting Big Stories Wrong, Over and Over Again'
"Our house is on fire," said Pelley. The video of Pelley's speech is
courtesy of "These have been a bad few months for
journalism," he added. "We're getting the big stories wrong, over and
over again." The CBS newsreader was quick to take at least partial
blame. "Let me...
BBC: Heads Will Roll, White House Benghazi Cover Up Exposed
CONTRIBUTOR: Alexander Higgins.
New documents show the CIA was ordered to change Benghazi Talking
Points 12 times and the White House is being accused of issuing a
stand-down order to protect the consulate from the attack. After ABC
News dropped a bombshell earlier proving the Obama administration was
directly involved in editing the...
Red Alert! Frontside INTEL Coming In: Trillions Of Dollars Coming Back To The US!
Word on the “street” is that there are trillions of unused, unwanted US
dollars coming back to flood our markets in the next few weeks!!! Do
with it what you will! Funny… I didn’t see CNBC carry this story yet… I
wonder why not… Is this the reason the...
HP, EMC & Cisco Terminate 30,300 Jobs Globally
CONTRIBUTOR: Intellihub.
Massive Unemployment Continues to Build as Fortune 500 Companies
Terminate 30,300 Jobs over 12 Months Special Report PALO ALTO, CA –
SEPTEMBER 16: The HP logo is displayed on the entrance to the
Hewlett-Packard Headquarters September 16, 2008 in Palo Alto,
California. Hewlett-Packard announced on Monday that it is planning...
Obamacare: Taxpayers Must Report Personal Health ID Info to IRS
CONTRIBUTOR: Vine Of Life News.
Vine of Life News, your premier Christian news source. Americans For
Tax Reform When Obamacare’s individual mandate takes effect in 2014, all
Americans who file income tax returns must complete an additional IRS
tax form. The new form will require disclosure of a taxpayer’s personal
identifying health information in order...
Sick Video: Obama Has Islamic Iman Curse Dead Soldiers at Their Memorial Service (Seal Team VI) (video)
CURATOR: Josey Wales
CURATOR: Sebastian Clouth
CURATOR: youngneill
CURATOR: Mort Amsel
CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die
CURATOR: Mort Amsel
CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die