Obama Has Won! Is Civil War Inevitable?’s Doug Giles Slams Gun Grabbing Leftists on The Price of Business’s Doug Giles Slams Gun Grabbing Leftists on The Price of Business.                   ... READ MORE
Obama Has Won!  Is Civil War Inevitable?Obama Has Won! Is Civil War Inevitable? Some of you are already shaking your head and arguing with my headline. I can hear the conservative craniums rattling all across America’s fruited plains, her mountain’s majesty, and from sea to shining sea. Let [...] ... READ MORE

Security Concerns: 500 Pounds of Explosives Stolen from Federal Bunker

May 11, 2013

Security Concerns: 500 Pounds of Explosives Stolen from Federal Bunker

Around the same time the nation was transfixed on the hunt for the Boston Marathon bombers last month, thieves on the other side of the country pulled off a little-noticed heist — swiping 559 pounds of explosives from a federal … Continue reading

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Even as Obama was praising NBA basketball player Jason Collins' recent announcement to the world he's sexually attracted to other men, his Pentagon was threatening court martials for military personnel who take seriously Jesus command to take the Gospel into all the world.
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Welfare For Terrorists And Other Outrages

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Latest From Ben Crystal May 11, 2013
Bye-Bye, Benghazi!Bye-Bye, Benghazi! »
Breaking news — Obama lied. They give awards for that? And I expected 90 percent of America to look bigger. All this, plus — remedial history for liberals. Presented in 1080 hi-def, FOR FREE! It's The Great Eight, from the Personal Liberty Digest™More »

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Well, well, well. It seems the accused Boston bombers managed to swallow their disdain for all things American long enough to enjoy years of taxpayer-funded welfare benefits. Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and their relatives collected more than $100,000 in benefits since their arrival in this country. More »

Four Years, Four Reasons Why I Loathe Obama Four Years, Four Reasons Why I Loathe Obama »
I respect the office of the Presidency. While I haven’t liked some Presidents, I did not hold them in disdain. But I’ve been writing about Barack Hussein Obama for more than four years, and it has been like covering a train wreck. More »

Statists Use Twisted Logic To Attack The Bill Of Rights Statists Use Twisted Logic To Attack The Bill Of Rights »
In the war for the continued existence of our Nation’s Constitutional principles, I had long wondered whether statists were simply confounded by the Bill of Rights and ignorant of its function or whether they were maliciously inclined, knowing exactly what it means but seeking its destruction anyway. In recent years, I have decided it is a combination of both faults. More »

The Ponzi Scheme That Masks The Obama Great Depression The Ponzi Scheme That Masks The Obama Great Depression »
At this moment, despite the lies and distortions you hear from the Barack Obama-adoring mainstream media, we are experiencing an Obama Great Depression to rival anything we experienced in 1929. But the truth is being covered up by an ever-rising stock market (that is completely disconnected from the economy) and a country awash in "Obama money." More »

Benevolent Totalitarianism Benevolent Totalitarianism »
Benevolent totalitarianism is the concept of government control by and through deception. As we know, very corrupt government can have the appearance of normalcy and even benevolence. This is a deception to cover political and economic corruption even on a grand scale as in the United States today. More »

Stupid Or Crazy Stupid Or Crazy »
Normally, someone who oversees the engineering of a program that leads directly to the murders of hundreds of people and then acts as if questions about the program are somehow unfair or even racist is either an absolute idiot or an outright sociopath. But "normally" and "President Barack Obama" seldom collide in the same sentence. More »

BBC Apologizes for Benghazi Coverage: Hillary In Trouble, 'Heads Will Roll'

Mark Mardell, the BBC's North American editor, issued a mea culpa of sorts today after Jonathan Karl at ABC News dropped his bombshell that proves beyond any doubt that the Obama Administration lied about its involvement in editing the CIA's talking points surrounding the September 11 attack on our consulate in Libya.

In a piece titled, "After Benghazi revelations, heads will roll," Mardell writes, "In the interests of full disclosure I have to say I have not in the past been persuaded that allegations of a cover-up were a big deal." He adds, "It seemed to me a partisan attack based on very little."

That all changed with today's revelations. Mardell now believes:

This is the first hard evidence that the state department did ask for changes to the CIA's original assessment.

Specifically, they wanted references to previous warnings deleted and this sentence removed: 

"We do know that Islamic extremists with ties to al-Qa'ida participated in the attack."

There's little doubt in my mind that this will haunt Hillary Clinton if she decides to run for president, unless she executes some pretty fancy footwork.

State department spokesperson Victoria Nuland is directly implicated, and the fingerprints of senior White House aides Ben Rhodes and Jay Carney are there as well.

If the rest of the mainstream media shows the integrity Mr. Mardell just did, the Obama Administration is about to finally be held accountable for an unforgivable coverup that started back in September and has lasted straight through to today.

Big hat tip to @RaganEwing.

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