Ted Cruz Seeks to Ban Illegal Immigrants in U.S. from Citizenship

Vision to America
May 9, 2013
Ted Cruz Ted Cruz Seeks to Ban Illegal Immigrants in U.S. from Citizenship
huckabee Huckabee Predicts President Obama Will Resign Over Benghazi ‘Cover-Up’ ABOUT VisiontoAmerica.COM Vision To America is a division of Christian Worldview Communications, LLC. Founded in 2006 by Gary DeMar and Brandon Vallorani, Vision to America exists to help America return to our Founding Father's vision for a Christian Republic. America was once a light to the world—a place that God blessed with liberty and prosperity. Today, Americans are taught that the Almighty State has all the answers. As a result, our God-given liberties are being traded for a false sense of security. It is our Vision to see Americans once again recognize that we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights and that this Creator is the God of the Bible.

Shock, Beyond Outrage! Obama Secretly Brought In Muslim Cleric To Curse Bodies Of Slain SEAL Team 6 Members

Top 10 Trending Stories

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Navy Seal Team 6 Families Press Conference Live Stream 10:00am EST

Navy Seal Team 6 Families Press Conference Live Stream 10:00am EST CURATOR: Mort Amsel. Three families of Navy SEAL Team VI special forces servicemen, along with one family of an Army National Guardsman, will appear at a press conference May 9th, 2013 to disclose never before revealed information about how and why their sons along with 26 others died in a fatal helicopter crash...


Shock, Beyond Outrage! Obama Secretly Brought In Muslim Cleric To Curse Bodies Of Slain SEAL Team 6 Members

Shock, Beyond Outrage! Obama Secretly Brought In Muslim Cleric To Curse Bodies Of Slain SEAL Team 6 Members CONTRIBUTOR: Pat Dollard. Excerpted from YAHOO – WASHINGTON, May 8, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ – Three families of Navy SEAL Team VI special forces servicemen, along with one family of an Army National Guardsman, will appear at a press conference on May 9, 2013, to disclose never before revealed information about how and why their...


UN Stand-Down - Pulling Out Of Border Region seperating Israeli and Syrian armed forces - WW3 is Imminent (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: Blogdog. Published on 9 May 2013 The four UN Peace-keepers that were abducted on Tuesday remain unharmed according to a UN Peacekeeping spokesperson. Negotiations to free the men all four of whom are Filipino are underway and the UN Secretary-General has condemned the incident. The UN confirms that the foreign backed...


The Coming World Financial Crisis: Lindsey Williams & Jeff Rense (video)

The Coming World Financial Crisis: Lindsey Williams & Jeff Rense CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die. Lindsey Williams joins Jeff Rense in this new video to discuss the latest insider information from Lindsey's 'elitist' insider source. Lindsey shares with us how we ourselves can confirm the information that he'll be giving us and that if we listen to him, we can save our family great heartache....


Is "Our" Goverment Staring At Collapse? #n3 (video)



26 Five Minute Prepping Projects

26 Five Minute Prepping Projects CONTRIBUTOR: Backdoor Survival. One of the excuses used for not prepping is that it takes a lot of time.  True enough.  Anything that you pursue with passion and intensity is going to take some time. On the other hand, there are plenty of prepping activities that can be undertaken in just five minutes....


Clean Your Arteries With One Simple Fruit

Clean Your Arteries With One Simple Fruit CONTRIBUTOR: Natural Blaze. Natural By Sayer JiThe future of cardiovascular disease prevention and treatment will not be found in your medicine cabinet, rather in your kitchen cupboard or in your back yard growing on a tree.Pomegranate Found To Prevent Coronary Artery Disease ProgressionA new study published in the journal Atherosclerosis confirms that...


Benghazi What You're Not Being Told [SCG News] (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: BARRACUDA. Published on May 8, 2013 StormCloudsGathering What really happened in Benghazi on September 11th, 2012? One thing's for sure the government isn't going to tell you. ---- Follow us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Donate: Visit our website: Get weekly email updates: __...


8 US Soldiers Disappear Removing 5000 Yr Old Flying Machine from Afghan Cave (Video) (video)

8 US Soldiers Disappear Removing 5000 Yr Old Flying Machine from Afghan Cave (Video) CURATOR: Mort Amsel. What caused the sudden rush of these most powerful leaders of the Western World to go to Afghanistan, this report continues, was to directly view the discovery by US Military scientists of what is described as a "Vimana" entrapped in a "Time Well" that has already caused the "disappearance" of...


O'Reilly And Kirsten Powers Bash Dems For Defending Obama, Clinton, In Benghazi Hearings (Video) (video)

CURATOR: Josey Wales. Bill O'Reilly tonight took on the Benghazi hearings in Congress today and, in particular, how much Democrats on the House committee were going out of their way to defend Hillary Clinton and President Obama. Kirsten Powers and Kate Obenshain piled on the Democrats for aiding in a potential...

CONTRIBUTOR: It Makes Sense Blog

CURATOR: Mort Amsel


CONTRIBUTOR: muckracker1

CONTRIBUTOR: mountainman

CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die


CONTRIBUTOR: Riehl World View


CURATOR: Mort Amsel

Government Is Buying Up Ammo, So the Public Can’t — Senator Imhofe


Ron Paul's original staff economist, Dr. Gary North!

Thursday, May 9, 2013
“Butt Out,” 60% of 18 to 34-Year Olds Tell Federal Government
Despite a horrendous unemployment rate of 45% for this aghe group — almost as bad as Spain’s and Greece’s — about 60% of America’s young adults believe that the government should get out of their lives. Even more amazing, half believe that the government is not helping the economy. Two-thirds favorable to entrepreneurship. These opinions [...] READ MORE

Gun Violence in the USA Has Declined for 20 Years
Gun violence has been falling in the United States for two decades. Between 1993 and 2010, the gun homicide rate fell by 49%. The public does not perceive this, thanks to media attention to specific cases of gun violence. Rates for all categories of violence have fallen. This includes gun violence. The same study revealed [...] READ MORE

The Internet Sales Tax: Taxation Without Representation
Supporters of this tax argue that this tax is not a new tax. Not only is it a new tax, it is a grotesque tax: a violation of the principle, “no taxation without representation.” Republicans in the Senate voted for this tax, all in the name of a fantasy: “It really is not a new [...] READ MORE

Democrats Hail the Defeat of a Democrat as a Victory, Sort Of
Mark Sanford, who became famous for hiking the Appalachian Trail in 2009, was elected to the House of Representatives yesterday. He defeated the sister of political comic Stephen Colbert by a vote of 54% to 46%. The election was not close. I normally pay little attention to political races, but this one revealed the extent [...] READ MORE

The New World Order in Europe Is Inevitable, Says #1 NWO Spokesman
The head of the European Union, whose name hardly anyone knows, says that the full union of 27 nations is inevitable. This will include monetary union, he says. Problem: the Eurozone’s monetary union has only 17 members, and is going to break apart. The experiment is a disaster. How will the EU pull 10 more [...] READ MORE

Consumers Hit the Brakes, Reduce Credit Card Borrowing
American consumers in March decided to slow their rate of borrowing on their credit cards. This caught economists by surprise. In February, they borrowed $18.6 billion. That looked as though the recovery was taking hold. But in March, they hit the brakes: $7.97 billion. “Estimates of the 31 economists surveyed by Bloomberg ranged from gains [...] READ MORE

Internet Sales Tax Passes the Senate, 69 to 27
Republicans in the U.S. Senate caved in. They voted to force businesses located in one state to serve as unpaid tax collectors for 45 other states. (Five states have no sales tax.) The RINO Party Line is that this is not a tax increase. It is a huge tax increase. Voters will pay it. Businesses [...] READ MORE

Government Is Buying Up Ammo, So the Public Can’t — Senator Imhofe
The procurement officer of the Department of Homeland Security says the DHS has the right to buy 750 million rounds of ammunition. This is three times what the Defense Department buys to train soldiers in the U.S. Army. What will be done with this ammo? Nothing, says Oklahoma Senator James Imhofe. It’s not being bought [...] READ MORE

China’s Yuan Has Risen 1% So Far This Year
The Chinese currency, which is rigged, has risen 1% against the dollar this year. If it were not rigged, it would have risen far more. The Chinese central bank inflates. The Federal Reserve inflates. The Bank of Japan inflates. The European Central Bank inflates, the Bank of England inflates, the Reserve Bank of Australia inflates. [...] READ MORE

Leftist Washington Post: Income Down 85%
The liberal media took another major hit. First quarter earnings at the Post were down 85% from last year. There is no economic recovery at the Washington Post. This is good news. The staggering dinosaurs of print media, owned by left-wing Democrats, are all caught in the digital tar pit. Newspapers’ influence is waning. Their [...] READ MORE

Testimony: Ambassador Stevens Taken to Hospital Run by Terrorists Who Attacked Benghazi Consulate

Benghazi Hearing Reveals Administration Incompetence And Lies

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Latest From Wayne Allyn Root May 9, 2013
The Ponzi Scheme That Masks The Obama Great Depression The Ponzi Scheme That Masks The Obama Great Depression »
At this moment, despite the lies and distortions you hear from the Barack Obama-adoring mainstream media, we are experiencing an Obama Great Depression to rival anything we experienced in 1929. But the truth is being covered up by an ever-rising stock market (that is completely disconnected from the economy) and a country awash in "Obama money." More »

Outside The Asylum

The Choice Is Ours The Choice Is Ours »
President Barack Obama's supporters have shrugged off myriad scandals and lies. Either Americans can live with that, or we can't. If the former is true, then we deserve no better than Obama. If the latter is true, the elections in 2014 and 2016 will likely be our last chance to do something about it. More »

Personal Liberty News

Benghazi Hearing Reveals Administration Incompetence And Lies Benghazi Hearing Reveals Administration Incompetence And Lies »
House Republicans took the Barack Obama White House to task with renewed vigor on Wednesday over charges that the Administration orchestrated a shameful cover-up of the Benghazi, Libya, terror attack in September. More »

Bloomberg's Gun-Control Group Eats Its Own With Ads Assassinating Democrats Who Break Rank Bloomberg's Gun-Control Group Eats Its Own With Ads Assassinating Democrats Who Break Rank »
Mayors Against Illegal Guns, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's charity for municipal elected Democrats who view gun control as a palliative for urban violence, is being less than charitable to a few U.S. Senators who helped defeat the Manchin-Toomey gun control bill last month. More »

Top Business-Friendly States Share Common Traits: Low Regulations, Low Taxes, Happy Workforce Top Business-Friendly States Share Common Traits: Low Regulations, Low Taxes, Happy Workforce »
A survey of more than 700 corporate chief executives has produced a ranking of the Nation's most business-friendly States, using a few basic criteria. Not surprisingly, the States that top the list have a lot in common. More »

War Museums Can't Display Guns In Chicago War Museums Can't Display Guns In Chicago »
In Chicago, only cops and criminals are allowed to own guns. Even museums in the city are barred from displaying guns of historical significance, according to a local official seeking a change in ordinance. More »

Preparedness Tip

7 Reasons To Store Canned Foods

Stockpiling food is a no-brainer when you are prepping.

Most grocery stores stock less than two days of food, which will quickly get gobbled up when a panic hits. Smart folks who have food and water stored are going to be able to deal with the crisis a lot better than those who don't. More »