Taxpayer Bailed Out GM to Build New Plant in CHINA

America- The Islamic Grand Jihad Although the government and mainstream news outlets are slow to put the Islam label on acts of Islamic terror, I am convinced, many Americans are no longer fooled by this politically correct attempt to hide truth.. In the 14 ... READ MORE
Taxpayer Bailed Out GM to Build New Plant in CHINATaxpayer Bailed Out GM to Build New Plant in CHINA General Motors Co., the largest foreign automaker in China, said it won regulatory approval to build a Cadillac factory to boost sales of luxury vehicles in the world’s biggest automobile market. The National Development and ... READ MORE

  • Time to Shift the Focus from Gun Control to Muslim Terrorist Control

  • On Government Spending…..

Shocking Video Sting of Abortion Mill

If a baby survives a botched abortion, does the physician have the responsibility to try and save the baby?

The abortion lobby likes to pretend that late-term abortionist Kermit Gosnell, who routinely performed post-birth abortions, was an outlier.

But a recent series of undercover stings reveal otherwise.

Check out what our friends at LiveAction discovered in an undercover sting in an abortion mill in Washington, DC.

When the 24-week pregnant woman asked if her baby could be born alive in a late term abortion, the abortion doctor came across like a mafioso.

“We’ll make sure it doesn’t happen.”

According to him, the only thing that could go wrong is if she went to a hospital where they would actually try to save the baby.

When she pressed and asked what would happen if the baby survived the abortion, the abortionist readily assuaged her fears.

"Then we would do things – we would – we would not help it."

He then compared the infant to a terminal cancer patient, saying that "you wouldn't do any extra procedures to help that person survive. Like, 'do not resuscitate' orders... We would do the same thing here."


But it clearly points out the real issue. Does abortion kill a human being?

A clinic worker at another abortion mill herself nailed it in a similar sting: “depend[s] on what you consider life, conception of life, or whatever.”

We have laws against murder because we don’t let individuals decide for themselves who they can kill.

That’s why NPLA members have been fighting so hard for the Life at Conception Act -- to overturn Roe v. Wade stopping the slaughter of the unborn.

It’s the #1 Priority of the National Pro-Life Alliance and we’re making progress.

In fact, just this week added another two cosponsors to the Life at Conception Act, bringing the total to 93.

Thank you for all that you do.

For Life,

J.D. Harris
Executive Director

P.S. If you can, please chip in with a contribution by clicking here. Your National Pro-Life Alliance is entirely dependent on voluntary contributions to keep our vital programs running. We receive no government funding.

P.P.S. We also recently expanded our operations to facebook. Please click here to like our page.

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