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Latest From Brandon Smith May 7, 2013
Statists Use Twisted Logic To Attack The Bill Of Rights Statists Use Twisted Logic To Attack The Bill Of Rights »
In the war for the continued existence of our Nation's Constitutional principles, I had long wondered whether statists were simply confounded by the Bill of Rights and ignorant of its function or whether they were maliciously inclined, knowing exactly what it means but seeking its destruction anyway. In recent years, I have decided it is a combination of both faults. More »

Outside The Asylum

Stupid Or Crazy Stupid Or Crazy »
Normally, someone who oversees the engineering of a program that leads directly to the murders of hundreds of people and then acts as if questions about the program are somehow unfair or even racist is either an absolute idiot or an outright sociopath. But "normally" and "President Barack Obama" seldom collide in the same sentence. More »

Personal Liberty News

2nd Amendment Litmus Test: 'Peaceful' Armed March On D.C. Planned For Fourth Of July 2nd Amendment Litmus Test: 'Peaceful' Armed March On D.C. Planned For Fourth Of July »
A libertarian radio show host is organizing a Fourth of July march on Washington, D.C., by inviting participants to open carry their loaded firearms in a nonviolent organized demonstration. More »

Blow Up Your TV: MSNBC Transparent In Its Propagandizing Blow Up Your TV: MSNBC Transparent In Its Propagandizing »
Nowhere has the lengths to which mainstream media will go to push a political agenda been more embarrassingly evident than it has over at MSNBC, where selective video editing is modus operandi for producing "news" content. More »

The Government Knows Everything You've Ever Done Digitally The Government Knows Everything You've Ever Done Digitally »
A CNN interview last week with former FBI counterterrorism agent Tim Clemente should give pause to any American citizen who is wondering what implications the latest technological gadgets have on privacy. More »

Obama Exhorts OSU Grads To Embrace Government, Dismiss Vigilance Against Tyranny Obama Exhorts OSU Grads To Embrace Government, Dismiss Vigilance Against Tyranny »
On Sunday, President Barack Obama delivered the commencement address to graduates of Ohio State University, urging them to trust the state and view government as a friend. More »

Health Tips

Toxins, Carcinogens Found In More Than 5,000 Children's Products

Toxic metals like cadmium, mercury and antimony and organic compounds like phthalates are among more than 41 chemicals identified as harmful to children that are found in more than 5,000 children's products, according to reports filed with the Washington State Department of Ecology. The toxins are linked to cancer, hormone disruption and reproductive problems.

Major manufacturers who reported using these chemicals include Wal-Mart, Gap, Gymboree, Hallmark and H&M. Some of these lobbied hard to defeat a Washington State bill, the Toxic-Free Kids and Families Act, that would have required manufacturers to stop using flame retardants in children's products and find safer ways of manufacturing products for children. More »

Freedom Outpost


Fascist World Governement is led by The Corrupted Vatican

Freedom Outpost



Total Onslaught (playlist)

Biden asks clergy to make moral argument on guns

WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice President Joe Biden wants pastors, rabbis and nuns to tell their flocks that enacting gun control is the moral thing to do. But another vote may have to wait until Congress wraps up work on an immigration overhaul.

Biden met for two-and-a-half hours Monday with more than a dozen leaders from various faith communities — Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Sikh, to name a few. Both Biden and the faith leaders encouraged each other not to give up on what has been an arduous and thus far fruitless effort by Biden and President Barack Obama to pass new gun laws in the wake of December's schoolhouse shooting in Connecticut.

Around a large, circular table in a conference room on the White House grounds, Biden waxed optimistic about prospects for passing a bill, according to four participants who spoke to The Associated Press after the meeting. Biden's chief of staff, Bruce Reed, joined the group, as did a handful of Obama aides who work on faith-based outreach. The meeting closed with a meditation and a prayer for action.

But don't expect a vote any time soon.

"The conversation presumed the vote would happen first on immigration," said Rabbi David Saperstein, who directs the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism. "That seemed to be the back-and-forth on both sides — that immigration was a key priority right now. When that vote took place, it would be an opportunity to refocus on this."

A far-reaching immigration overhaul is in the early stages of advancing through the Senate. Obama said last week he's optimistic it can be completed this year.

Although momentum on gun control stalled in the Senate last month, Biden has insisted the issue is very much alive, and has been meeting regularly with gun violence victims and law enforcement to build support for a second go at legislation to expand background checks, improve mental health care and take other steps to reduce gun violence. Monday's session reflects an attempt to broaden the coalition calling for new gun laws to include a wide array of religious groups — including evangelicals and conservative faith communities.

Without naming names, Biden alluded to senators who opposed background checks — the centerpiece of the Obama administration's push — who have faced a backlash in the weeks since and could possibly be picked off if the issue comes back for a vote.

Lingering concerns from some participants illustrated the ongoing challenge the administration faces in winning support for the proposals, even though Biden and Obama regularly tout polls suggesting they enjoy broad support. Some participants raised questions about whether background checks could lead to a national gun registry or whether mental health provisions would be used to create a list of individuals permanently banned from obtaining guns.

"There were some very powerful evangelical leaders in the room who needed to be reassured," said Pastor Michael McBride of the PICO National Network, a faith-based organizing network.

Citing what he described as misinformation from the National Rifle Association and others, Biden said the renewed push for gun control must correct misconceptions about what the proposals do and don't do, participants said. He asked clergy to keep up the pressure and to reframe the debate for their followers in moral terms.

A spokeswoman for Biden declined to comment on the meeting. But Rabbi Julie Schonfeld, executive vice president of the Rabbinical Assembly, said a diverse spectrum of denominations and religious orders were represented. She said they included evangelical leaders Richard Cizik and Franklin Graham, the son of evangelist Billy Graham, as well as Sister Marge Clark of Network, a Catholic group.


Associated Press writer Nedra Pickler contributed to this report.


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