Before It's News

Top 10 Trending Stories

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Don't Believe Martial Law Is Coming? (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: Greg Ericson. Those who believe a police state can't happen here are poor students of history - Ron Paul Obama thinks government tyranny doesn't exist? Should people worry about tyranny? Not according to the President. President Obama gave the commencement address at The Ohio State University graduation on Sunday. During his...


US Gun Lobby Warns Of Obama 'Plot' (video)

US Gun Lobby Warns Of Obama 'Plot' CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die. An 'Apocalyptic picture of approaching tyranny' was shared with US gun owners yesterday in Houston, Texas. The incoming leader of the National Rifle Association, the largest gun lobby in the US, has told supporters they're at the front line of a 'culture war', fighting for the right to bear arms....


Israel Used Depleted Uranium Shells In Air Strike Syrian Source RT News

Israel Used Depleted Uranium Shells In Air Strike  Syrian Source  RT News CONTRIBUTOR: Laura Tyco. All Light News ‘Israel used depleted uranium shells in air strike’ – Syrian source Get short URL Published time: May 05, 2013 19:08 Video still of Hezbollah TV’s footage claiming to show the aftermath of an alleged Israeli airstrike on a military facility near Damascus, on May 5 2013 Share...


Big Sis And DHS, Seeks Millions More Rounds of Ammunition (Video) (video)

CURATOR: Josey Wales. With 1.6 billion rounds already on order, why would Big Sis and DHS want to know how fast these manufacturers can deliever 2 million rounds? The Department of Homeland Security has released a market survey asking companies if they are able to provide 2 million rounds of ammunition within a...


Keep This Second Amendment Argument In Your Back Pocket (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: Tin Hat Ranch. Are you tired of argueing with people who have no idea why we have the right to bear arms? Why do people just not understand the need for a rifle with a standard capacity magazine? Why do they feel the Second Amendment is antiquated? It is plain and simple, they...


Afghanistan: Gut Check On What We Are Doing To Ourselves

CURATOR: Frosty Wooldridge. By Frosty Wooldridge Over the weekend, three more American soldiers lost their lives to IED roadside bombs in Afghanistan while two lost their lives to Afghanistan troops turning the weapons that we provided them—and shot our own young men. Military people call those deaths: “insider attacks.” (Source: Associated Press report)...


Boston False Flag Used Local Production Studio Personnel Contracted by DHS

CURATOR: John Rolls. H Saive * GeoEngineering Exposed May 5, 2013 Instead of fleeing the scene as most did, a few women stayed behind to perform as task. The lady with scissors was apparently assigned to shred crisis actors’ clothing. Enter Margie Sullivan, Exec. Producer of Redtree Film Productions Coincidence?. One of two...


Cell Phone Video Of Deadly Limo Fire Emerges: Neriza Fojas, 4 others killed, 4 Injured

Cell Phone Video Of Deadly Limo Fire Emerges: Neriza Fojas, 4 others killed, 4 Injured CONTRIBUTOR: Riehl World View. Roxana Guzman video taped the tragic fire on her cell phone as she drove past: “I was like oh my god, there’s one car, maybe there’s people there, that’s the first thing I thought,” said witness Roxana Guzman. Guzman shot this cell phone video believing everyone had made it out...


The 5 Strangest Mental Disorders

CURATOR: Sebastian Clouth. by


Be Better Prepared: 12 Brilliant (And Slightly Badass) Ways to Do It

CONTRIBUTOR: The Suburban Prepper. Everyone wants to be better prepared. Today we will share 12 brilliant and slightly badass ways to do it. You and your family have to be ready and prepared for all scenarios. But what happens when you are forced to evacuate for an extended period of time? You will be...

CURATOR: Mort Amsel

CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die

CURATOR: Josey Wales



CURATOR: Sebastian Clouth


CONTRIBUTOR: 21st Century Wire

CURATOR: Mort Amsel

CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die

Vision to America

Vision to America
May 6, 2013
250313bullets Big Sis Seeks Millions MORE Rounds of Ammunition
images Obama: Americans are Root Cause of Violence in Mexico ABOUT VisiontoAmerica.COM Vision To America is a division of Christian Worldview Communications, LLC. Founded in 2006 by Gary DeMar and Brandon Vallorani, Vision to America exists to help America return to our Founding Father's vision for a Christian Republic. America was once a light to the world—a place that God blessed with liberty and prosperity. Today, Americans are taught that the Almighty State has all the answers. As a result, our God-given liberties are being traded for a false sense of security. It is our Vision to see Americans once again recognize that we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights and that this Creator is the God of the Bible.

Zionica News May 6, 2013


You shall loosen your hand from your heritage that I gave to you, and I will make you serve your enemies in a land that you do not know, for in my anger a fire is kindled that shall burn forever.” Thus says the Lord: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart turns away from the Lord. He is like a shrub in the desert, and shall not see any good come. He shall dwell in the parched places of the wilderness, in an uninhabited salt land.(Jeremiah 17:4-6, 1599 Geneva Bible)

Massive Disaster Drill Planned at Pennsylvania “Dorney Park & Wildwater Kingdom” on May 13


The Drill will take place on May 13th at an amusement park called “Dorney Park & Wildwater Kingdom” in central Pennsylvania, and will involve hundreds of emergency responders from around the country.

While there is a very significant probability that this will only be a drill, it is important to get the word out about these exercises before they actually happen so people are already aware if the drill does go live.

According to a local news source[1]:
With the terror of the Boston Marathon fresh in mind, Dorney Park & Wildwater Kingdom will be the site of a large-scale emergency preparedness drill on May 13.  The drill, sponsored by the Northeast Pennsylvania Regional Counter Terrorism Task Force, will center on an emergency incident at the amusement park in South Whitehall Township, replicating “a hazardous condition with multiple casualties during the peak of the park’s summer season,” according to a township news release.
“When an emergency occurs you always revert to the manner in which you have been trained, and during an emergency it’s too late to exchange business cards,” task force manager Robert G. Werts said.

“The goals of [the task force] are to provide training for emergency personnel who will respond to the dangerous conditions they confront and allow those persons to become familiar with the needs and operational abilities of other first responders prior to arriving at an actual emergency,” Werts said.

“Dorney Park is pleased to work with this group of federal, state and local agencies to assist in their training efforts,” said Jason McClure, the park’s vice president and general manager.

The article also mentioned that participants will include the South Whitehall Emergency Management Agency and police department; Lehigh Valley Hazmat/Special Operations; Cetronia Ambulance Corps and Cetronia Fire Department; Lehigh County 911; the Lehigh County coroner’s office; Lehigh Valley Health Network and St. Luke’s University Health Network; and the Allentown and Bethlehem fire departments.

This may only just be a drill as they are saying it is, but these drills are important to look out for, because all too often when something goes wrong, the government is coincidentally staging a drill nearby.

Prophecy News Headlines

Prophecy News Headlines
Israel’s two air force strikes on Syria in three days – the second targeting the emblems of Assad rule overlooking Damascus from Mt. Qassioun – appear to be part of a tactical plan put together by the US Israel, and two Sunni powers, Turkey and Qatar, to break up the Tehran-Damascus-Beirut radical bloc and eventually force Iran to give up its nuclear bomb aspirations.....  Click here for full story
Where is the United States in Prophecy?
Inside the Ring: Russia Builds Up, U.S. Down
As the Obama administration prepares to launch a new round of strategic nuclear missile cuts, Russia’s strategic nuclear forces are undergoing a major modernization, according to U.S. officials .......  Click here for full story
The administration of President Barack Obama has been recruiting Arab states to support a U.S. drive for a Palestinian state in 2014 ....  Click here for full story
Once upon a time, schism was the stuff of doctrinal issues -  disputes over the sacraments, or grace vs. good works, or the theological like. Not anymore. The Falls Church dispute concerned something that neither Martin Luther nor John Calvin could have seen coming ....  Click here for full story
The Church of Scotland, once a staunch supporter of the Jews' right to their ancient homeland, casts serious doubt on the biblical Jewish claim to the land. The new church report is a culmination of more than a decade of increasingly strident anti-Zionism and pro-Palestinian activism by the church, especially by its local Palestinian Christian chapters. ... Click here for full story
Last year more Christians were killed in Nigeria than any other country. The onslaught of bombings gave Nigeria the sad distinction of being the nation with the highest Christian death toll ....  Click here for full story
Increase in Knowledge/New Technologies
Insect-Size Drones Take To The Sky
A robotic fly with a body not much taller than a penny standing on edge has taken to the air, passing its tests with flying colors. The RoboBee, as it's called, is the smallest artificial insect yet flown, according to the team that built it .....  Click here for full story

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WND News

Sheriff Joe injects new life into Obama eligibility

So, you thought the fight over Barack Obama's eligibility for office was over, huh? Well, look who just rode into town to expose the pretender-in-chief ...
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She's the gorgeous CNN news anchor who recently made fun of the "strange leg crossings" by the women on Fox News. But now, she's venting her anger after being mugged on the street by a teenager.
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American Vision News

Gun Owners rips polling agency: "a cheap prostitute" for Bloomberg, gun-grab crowd
A great Gun Owners of America article shreds Public Policy Polling’s alleged gun-control poll numbers, revealing that the polling agency “has worked hand-in-glove with New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg in an effort to pass gun control.”

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