Jan Morgan Media

Bloomberg Tells Lawmakers “If you go with the NRA, you are against the lives of our children.” New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg says that lawmakers who are “going with the NRA” are “going against the lives of our children.” “And we have an obligation to tell each other and to try to convince people that ... READ MORE
Saudi Arabia ‘Warned the United States IN WRITING about Boston Bomber Tamerlan in 2012′Saudi Arabia ‘Warned the United States IN WRITING about Boston Bomber Tamerlan in 2012′ The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia sent a written warning about accused Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in 2012, long before pressure-cooker blasts killed three and injured hundreds, ... READ MORE

  • On Government Spending…..

  • Redistributing the Wealth…. Obama Style

Joe for America

Patriot Update


Creation Revolution

Banning Christianity in the military?

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I have some very disturbing news you'll want to know.

Mikey Weinstein is the founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF).

Weinstein has been very vocal about the "fundamentalist Christian monsters" that terrorize fellow Americans.

He claims that Christian extremists force their "weaponized and twisted" version of Christianity upon the nation's armed forces, and he plans on putting an end to Christianity in the military once and for all.

It should come as no surprise that Weinstein endorses the ultra-liberal Southern Poverty Law Center.

According to at least one published account, he even agrees with the SPLC in naming traditional pro-Family organizations like Public Advocate as hate groups.

But now the Obama White House has appointed Weinstein to the Pentagon to develop new policies on religious tolerance!

Weinstein will be consulting on a new policy for court-martialing military chaplains who share the Christian Gospel during counseling of American troops.

Do you see what is happening here?

First they forced homosexual values in the military.

Now they are throwing out Christian spiritual guidance for our troops and even going so far to call it a national security threat for chaplains committing "spiritual rape."

And what will be the penalty for chaplains who give spiritual guidance?

Just ask Weinstein.

The new consultant on religious tolerance says those guilty of this "treason" must be "punished."

And Obama is ordering this man to craft new policies for "religious tolerance" in our military?

You and I both know this is just another absurd attempt by the Obama administration and the Homosexual Lobby to force their agenda upon the rest of the nation.

It should never be the official policy of the United States to decree what a human being's spiritual needs are.

This is a fight we cannot afford to lose.

And with your support, Public Advocate will spread the word and fight against Obama's attempts to destroy this nation's morality from within.

For the Family,

President, Public Advocate of the U.S.

P.S. Please consider chipping in with a donation of $10 or more to help fund Public Advocate's fight for traditional values.