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Dec 31, 2012 09:48 pm | capblack
America was founded by White people. Everybody okay with that? I hope nobody’s feelings were hurt. Everyone else contributed to our national project; but this one obvious fact gets intentionally overlooked by socialist revisionists. Slavery is a non-issue to me.… Continue to Post

Dec 31, 2012 09:16 pm | Susan Stamper Brown
With dark shadows of uncertainty descending upon the hearts of so many at the conclusion of 2012, one can only hope 2013 will be a year of promise. But even in these dark days, miracles do still happen, especially when… Continue to Post

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The Conservative Byte

January 1, 2013
Today's Politically Incorrect Headlines: Today's Featured Article:
Fiscal Cliff Deal: $1 in Spending Cuts for Every $41 in Tax Increases

Today's Politically Incorrect Laugh:
(Click to Enlarge)
The Ball Dropped

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Video: Legal Gun Owners Must Surrender To ATF (video)

CURATOR: Umayyad Ulemma. Bill: Legal Gun Owners Must Surrender To ATF...


‘High-Capacity’ Ammunition Magazine Ban Bill To Be Introduced Thursday In U.S. House

CONTRIBUTOR: Survival And Prosperity. Gun “control” looks to be a priority for some on the first day of the new Congress. On December 17, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) announced she would introduce legislation for a new “assault weapons” ban on the day the 113th Congress first meets. And right before this weekend, Democrats in...


A Massive Electromagnetic Pulse Could Collapse The Economy In A Single Moment

CONTRIBUTOR: Michael The Patriot Blogger. What would you do if all the lights went out and they never came back on?  That is a question that the new NBC series "Revolution" asks, but most people have no idea that a similar thing could happen in real life at any moment.  A single gigantic electromagnetic pulse over...


10 Events Prove Obama Planned Gun Control Long Before Newtown Tragedy (video)

10 Events Prove Obama Planned Gun Control Long Before Newtown Tragedy CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die. How are we REALLY supposed to know if this 'gun grab' is for real or a farce that had been planned out long ago? Wouldn't the best way to figure it out for sure to go ahead and look over past events that have occurred surrounding this issue? Thankfully, Aaron...


Police Claim To Arrest Occupy Activists With Cache Of Weapons And “The Terrorist Encyclopedia”

Police Claim To Arrest Occupy Activists With Cache Of Weapons And “The Terrorist Encyclopedia” CONTRIBUTOR: RussiaToday. RussiaToday Protesters rallying near New York police headquarters, St. Andrew's Church in the background in November in 2011 Credit: Wikipedia New York City police claim they found bomb-making materials and a ‘Terrorist Encyclopedia’ at the Greenwich Village home of a young Harvard graduate and his 9-month pregnant girlfriend. Morgan Gliedman,...


Obama Seizing Control of the US Military – Potential Cataclysm Ahead

CONTRIBUTOR: NEW ZEAL. Barack Obama has worked with pro Moscow marxists including Frank Marshall Davis and Alice Palmer, and pro Cuban radicals like Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, his entire life. Their number one priority has always been the destruction of the US military, the only significant block remaining, to global revolution. Now...


Why Has This Story Been Censored?

Why Has This Story Been Censored? CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die. Why is this story being censored by google, firefox and safari? I will not provide a link back to the original but you can find it. Merely linking back to it will also censor the new story, as Beforeitsnews has recently found out. There is something in this story the...


Must See: Choose Your Own Crime States (video)

Must See: Choose Your Own Crime States CONTRIBUTOR: ActivistPost. Youtube Enter Your Email To Receive Our Newsletter Close 2013-01-01 02:15:44 Source:


Americans’ Surprising Food Vows for 2013

CONTRIBUTOR: Truth Is Scary. Follow TIS on Twitter: @Truth_is_Scary & Like TIS of Facebook- LiveScience Even more than wealth, good health is at the top of consumers’ to-do lists for 2013, a new survey shows. So jumping aboard the health wagon while it’s still picking up speed may be a savvy move for...


Up to 300 Birds Mysteriously Fall From The Sky In Seymour, Tennessee?!

Up to 300 Birds Mysteriously Fall From The Sky In Seymour, Tennessee?! CONTRIBUTOR: Andre Heath. Residents and those passing by near Dogwood Hills subdivision on Boyd Creek Highway Sunday afternoon were met with an unusual scene. Dozens of dead birds littered the highway and surrounding fields after falling from the sky. Sgt. Robert Stoffle of the Sevier County Sheriff's Department said a call about the...

CURATOR: Mort Amsel



CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die



CONTRIBUTOR: Alton Parrish


CONTRIBUTOR: Bluegrass Pundit