Help Save the PA Lottery: It will no longer benefit senior citizens and the disabled

Pennsylvania House Democratic Caucus
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Help Save the PA Lottery
Pennsylvanians have good cause to worry about Gov. Tom Corbett's plan to privatize management of the Pennsylvania Lottery.

Months of secret negotiations between Corbett's privatization consultant and the sole bidder on the project is cause alone to scrap this scheme before it goes one step further.

Corbett's consultant stands to gain some $30 million or more if the deal goes through. The sole foreign-based company that wants to take over our successful lottery is setting up shop in Delaware (tax loopholes) instead of Pennsylvania.

The most important cause for alarm, though, is that this plan devoid of public hearings and legislative oversight threatens to weaken the senior citizen programs our lottery funds. Every single dollar diverted from PA Lottery profits to a for-profit management company is a dollar taken from our elderly.

Corbett's proposal must be signed by all parties by Dec. 31 – one day before the legislature convenes for the 2013-14 session. Help us stop this dangerous and irresponsible scheme before it's too late.

Contact Gov. Tom Corbett. Tell him and lawmakers to abandon all plans to privatize this critical state asset. Take action now!


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  PA House of Representatives Democratic Caucus
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December 18, 2012
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Iran Exploits Newtown Shooting

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December 18, 2012

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