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CONTRIBUTOR: Peter Santilli.
Monday December 17, 2012 Listen To The Live Stream 24/7">Listen To
The Live Stream 24/7 Pete Santilli speaks with Sheriff Richard Mack in
the first hour who gives an in-depth interview about what we can expect
to happen after the death of 20 first grade students,and six adults in
Lone-wolf terrorists offered 'Electromagnetic Blaster Gun, Gen II' WND
byF. Michael Maloof ditor’s Note: This is the second of a two-part
series, and describes how easy it would be to create a portable EMP
weapon. The first story described the ability of a lone-wolf terrorist
to inflict major, anonymous damage...
All Light News LIBOR Rates Credits: Courtesy of CNN Money In the wake
of the mass murders that took place in Newtown, Connecticut on Dec. 14,
information on the shooter, and his family, is slowly being discovered
by law enforcement other sources. One interesting connection to the
tragedy that took...
CONTRIBUTOR: Sherrie Questioning All.
I am a seeker of TRUTH sharing it with others. Sometimes truth
frightens people which is not my intent. My intent is for everyone to
claim their own power through knowledge! Everyone has untapped Energy
within themselves and truth channeled into LOVE for each other and all
things can change...
CURATOR: Umayyad Ulemma.
Newtown, Connecticut: How to Prevent More Tragedies Devin Barras 5:32
PM The number one story within the media, mainstream and alternative, is
the Newtown, Connecticut shooting at Sandy Hook elementary school. As
reported, 26 individuals are now dead. We know that 20 of the 26 were
children and the rest...
CONTRIBUTOR: ActivistPost.
Mick Meaney, Contributor Activist Post RINF News reports the truth
behind Google’s controversial changes to its privacy policy, a move
which outraged privacy advocates and left many wondering what the
company's true motives were. Here we reveal how the corporate media
ignored the truth about how Google is using its...
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room The Drugging Of Our Children (Full
Length) - YouTube Posted By: VforVictory [Send E-Mail] Date: Sunday,
16-Dec-2012 23:16:48 The first boy interviewed says he woke up on a
school day and didn't feel very well, so he decided to sleep in until
3rd period...
Time is running out,not enough people are prepared for what is
coming.The end game is nearly upon us.They can no longer kick the can
down the road any longer.All the media keeps talking about is the fiscal
cliff ,like they have a bad case of OCD.The fiscal cliff is not...
CONTRIBUTOR: Washington's Blog.
Scientific Evidence Shows that New Anti-Depressants MAKE Disturbed
People Violent The number of school shootings, murders and
murder-suicides, workplace violence, road rage, and random violence by
soldiers by people taking anti-depressants is staggering. It is a
reasonable – but false - assumption that mentally disturbed people who
commit violence would...
'Exactly what it talks about in the Book of Revelation' A ruling is
expected in days from a federal court in the case of a student in Texas
facing possible expulsion over her decision to contest a mandatory
“spychip” implemented by her school district, a system she and her
CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die
CURATOR: Mort Amsel
CONTRIBUTOR: Ophelia Océane
CONTRIBUTOR: jonrappoport
CONTRIBUTOR: Alton Parrish
CONTRIBUTOR: Riehl World View