Ron Paul's original staff economist, Dr. Gary North!

Saturday, December 15, 2012
WEEK IN REVIEW: The top stories of the week

Michigan Union Members Punch Fox News Commentator
Union members punched out a Fox News commentator who favored the right-to-work legislation that the legislature voted to pass. This video shows what happened. Violence is not the way to settle debates over government policies on labor negotiation. It is hard to believe that Michigan, which is UAW country, is going to have a law... READ MORE

Forecaster Predicts 100% Chance of a U.S. Recession Beginning in 2013
I don’t think there is a 100% chance of a recession next year, but I do think it will begin. Japan is in a recession. So is Western Europe. It is a stretch to think that the USA will sail through this in the black. Germany’s economy is slowing. It has been the tide that... READ MORE

Housing Market: Good News for Investors
It had to come. The government laid down the law. You will not be able to buy Liberty Dollars, the privately issued medallions on eBay. The government knows what it is doing: killing competition. If you have not bought any American eagles, you had better start. Use the Web to shop for the best prices. ... READ MORE

The Silliest Political Prediction I Have Ever Heard
Up and down the nearly bankrupt state of California are school districts that have borrowed hundreds of millions of dollars. They are now in the hole ten to one. They sold bonds. These bonds are not payable by amortization. Interest builds. Then, one fine day, the districts will have to come up with the money... READ MORE

“We’re Number 2!” — America Falls Behind Asia in Millionaires
How many millionaires are in North America? Go on. Guess. Now guess how many millionaires there are in Asia. Asia is ahead of North America. This includes Canada. Millionaire wealth in the United States and Canada in 2011 fell 2.3 percent to $11.4 trillion – still the wealthiest region by this measure – though it... READ MORE

The Conservative Byte

December 15, 2012
Today's Politically Incorrect Headlines: Today's Featured Article:
New Rule: All Teachers Should Be Allowed to Carry Guns

Today's Politically Incorrect Laugh:
(Click to Enlarge)
Horror in Connecticut

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Personal Liberty Digest

Personal Liberty Digest: Live Free in an Unfree World

Latest From Ben Crystal December 15, 2012
Merry... Christmas?Merry… Christmas? »
From the hymnal in Jeremiah Wright's "church," it's a very special edition of The Great Eight. Presented in 1080 hi-def, FOR FREE! The Great Eight, from the Personal Liberty Digest™More »

Personal Liberty News

Barack Obama’s Phony Mandate Barack Obama’s Phony Mandate »
Barack Obama says he wants $1.6 trillion in new taxes over the next 10 years. And our “don’t call my bluff” President made it abundantly clear that he’ll play hardball to get it. More »

No Room For Conservatives In The GOP No Room For Conservatives In The GOP »
The Republican Party is no place for conservatives. Conservatives reject statism, embrace small government and abhor confiscatory taxes. Conservatives advocate liberty and personal responsibility. The GOP is now ruled by CINOs (conservatives in name only). More »

Hypocrisy Served With Rice Hypocrisy Served With Rice »
There is no limit to the hypocrisy of the Administration of President Barack Obama. The latest example is the “green” President’s candidate for secretary of state, Susan Rice.  More »

Teaching House Speaker Boehner How To Negotiate Teaching House Speaker Boehner How To Negotiate »
House Speaker John Boehner is negotiating like a man who believes he is already outflanked and defeated by President Barack Obama. As a Republican, I am embarrassed for Boehner and my party. More »

An Unholy Union An Unholy Union »
During the course of the pitched battle Tuesday between union thugs and the people of Michigan, the Democratic Party tweeted its endorsement of the union thugs’ physical tactics: “There will be blood.” More »

More Phony Employment Numbers More Phony Employment Numbers »
Statistician John Williams ( calls the government’s latest jobs and unemployment reports “nonsense numbers.” The rate of unemployment you read in the news is one-third the actual rate.  More »

Clash Daily

New Rule: All Teachers Should Be Allowed to Carry Guns
New Rule: All Teachers Should Be Allowed to Carry Guns My heart is sick. I feel so sorry for the children that were murdered, as well as the parents and loved ones of the slain kids and teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown. Connecticut—and all of us here in the U.S., ... READ MORE
Purple Heart Adventures: Trophy Whitetails for Wounded WarriorsPurple Heart Adventures: Trophy Whitetails for Wounded Warriors Dear God & Country Lovers, January 13-17 I will have the privilege of hosting, along with singer/songwriter Rod Williams and my daughter Regis Giles of, four Purple Heart recipients for a trophy ... READ MORE

  • is a mosh pit of breaking news, edgy opinion, lots of attitude, and a call to action for God- and country-loving patriots. Yes, loves America's founding documents and its Judeo-Christian worldview, and we will defend the aforementioned with an unapologetic zeal and an irreverent sense of humor. Enjoy.

WND News

With judges like this, can Shariah be far away?

Your boss orders you to attend a religious service at a mosque, but you decline because your Christian faith tells you that would be wrong.
He then orders you to send one of your subordinates ... to something that violates your faith and perhaps the subordinate's faith.
Simple First Amendment case, right?
Wrong. It's "creeping Shariah" in America's heartland ...
Read the latest now on


On Jan. 6, 2013, Congress could finally be forced to grapple with the issue of Barack Obama's eligibility to be president ... if just two people -- one U.S. representative and one U.S. senator -- have the courage to speak up.
Here's how it works ...
Click here for details

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  • Huckabee: Removing God has made schools place of carnage
  • BBC told to put more 'gay' presenters on kids TV
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  • Ray Comfort's 'Genius' movie goes viral

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Cowboy Byte

December 15, 2012

Dozens Killed in Conn. School Shooting

A man armed with two semiautomatic pistols killed 20 children at an elementary school Friday in a rampage that left 27 people dead and one injured in this suburban town before he took his own life, authorities said. Police said … Continue reading

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News You May Have Missed

Father of Alleged Connecticut Shooter is VP of GE Capital According to Reports

Peter Lanza: the father of the alleged Sandy Hook Elementary Shooter, Andy Lanza.
Peter Lanza: the father of the alleged Sandy Hook Elementary Shooter, Andy Lanza.

Echos of the Batman Massacre – James Holmes father a high priest of computer economics at FICO – Allegedly investigating the LIBOR scandal which has indeed faded after the Aurora shootings… GE Capital is onwed by GE – yeah THAT GE that operates outside of the law! Founded by JP Morgan to corner the market in electricity (stolen Tesla patents) – GE is now a media – military industrial complex kingpin! Morgan Stanley has also been implicated in the LIBOR Scandal!

According to Yahoo news, the alleged shooter at the Sandy Hook Elementary School, Adam Lanza, is the son of Vice President of GE Capital, Peter Lanza. Peter Lanza is also a partner at Ernst & Young, and major accounting firm. The older brother, Ryan Lanza, is also reported to be employed at Ernst & Young.

Peter Lanza, who drove to northern New Jersey to talk to police and the FBI, is a vice president at GE Capital and had been a partner at global accounting giant Ernst & Young.

Adam’s older brother Ryan Lanza, 24, has worked at Ernst & Young for four years, apparently following in his father’s footsteps and carving out a solid niche in the tax practice. He too was interviewed by the FBI. Neither he nor his father is under any suspicion.