Breaking News from Western Journalism

The Western Center for Journalism

Dec 10, 2012 01:30 pm | Kris Zane

Jamie Foxx Great to Kill Black People

Dec 10, 2012 01:25 pm | Richard Larsen
I was astounded recently to hear someone say they believe the talk of a “fiscal cliff” is artificial and not a legitimate threat. There is an artificial component to it in that government created it, but the threat is legitimate,… Continue to Post

Dec 10, 2012 01:20 pm | Kris Zane

Dec 10, 2012 01:15 pm | Kris Zane

Dec 10, 2012 01:10 pm | Kris Zane

Conservatives blamed for Javon Belcher jpeg

Dec 10, 2012 01:05 pm | Emma Karlin
Now that the Democrats have gained total control of California, we are beginning to see what they want to do to all of us should they ever get total control of America. Jus a few of the oddities in California:… Continue to Post

Dec 10, 2012 01:00 pm | Gabor Zolna

Dec 10, 2012 12:55 pm | Doug Book
In November, Michigan voters roundly defeated ballot Proposal 2, a union-sponsored measure “…which would have amended the state constitution to guarantee collective bargaining rights to public and private-sector employees.” For the first 2 years of his term, Governor Rick Snyder… Continue to Post

Dec 10, 2012 12:50 pm | Kris Zane

Dec 10, 2012 12:45 pm | Kris Zane

Dec 10, 2012 12:40 pm | B. Christopher Agee
As Christians around the world take time to remember the miraculous birth of Jesus, a Washington, D.C., group will be raising money at its Christmas party to help make any birth a miracle. The D.C. Abortion Fund doesn’t hide its cause. If not… Continue to Post

Dec 10, 2012 12:35 pm | B. Christopher Agee
There are enough obvious tax hikes and fees associated with ObamaCare to concern any fiscal conservative – or working American, for that matter. Perhaps more upsetting, though, are the unknown financial consequences set to hit businesses. These added expenses, by… Continue to Post

Dec 10, 2012 12:30 pm | Breaking News
As your Jewish friends celebrate Hanukkah this year, let this commemoration also remind you that preparations are presently underway to set the stage for the final countdown. Each year, around the time we prepare to celebrate Christmas, our Jewish friends… Continue to Post

Dec 10, 2012 12:25 pm | Breaking News
John Boehner, the House Speaker, was urged by senior Republicans to relent over a new top rate of income tax in an attempt to win cuts to America’s expensive entitlement programmes. Bob Corker, a senator for Tennessee, said Republican leaders… Continue to Post

Dec 10, 2012 12:20 pm | Breaking News
It seems like every Sunday, there’s a new face sitting in the pews of the Church of Saint Verena and the Three Holy Youth in Orange, Calif. Most are young professionals or families with small children and some have been… Continue to Post

Dec 10, 2012 12:15 pm | Breaking News
The Icelandic Success Story Emotionally, I love Iceland’s financial policies since the crash of 2008: Iceland went after the people who caused the crisis — the bankers who created and sold the junk products — and tried to shield the general population.… Continue to Post

Dec 10, 2012 12:10 pm | Breaking News
According to Sunday Times, troops on the ground to monitor Syria’s non-conventional armaments and sabotage their development • U.N. to reinforce units stationed on Golan Heights after Syrian rebels reportedly capture large areas near Israeli border. Israel is keeping a… Continue to Post

Dec 10, 2012 12:05 pm | Breaking News
While the White House and congressional Republicans shadow box on the verge of the fiscal cliff, the federal government is busy digging below the cliff and raising its height. According to a Congressional Budget Office report released on Friday, the… Continue to Post

The Conservative Byte

December 10, 2012
Today's Politically Incorrect Headlines: Today's Featured Article:
ObamaCare Worst Case Scenario Coming True

Today's Politically Incorrect Laugh:
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Godfather Politics

Muslim Brotherhood Torture Chambers Discovered

by NTEB News Desk

The fruits of the Arab Spring
Al-Masry Al-Youm spent three hours in total in the torture chambers established by the Muslim Brotherhood at the gates of the Ittihadiya Palace in the suburb of Heliopolis. The central torture chamber, which is located in front of the gate facing the Omar Ibn Abdel Aziz Mosque on al-Merghany Street, is secured with a cordon and iron barriers, where the Central Security Forces (CSF) prevent the access of any persons without the authorization of the Brotherhood.
Al-Masry Al-Youm Reports  On Muslim Brotherhood Torture Chambers
Protesters who were injured during overnight clashes between supporters and opponents of Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, are pictured with their hands bound while being detained in front of the presidential palace in Cairo, December 6, 2012. (photo by REUTERS/Mohamed Abd El Ghany)
We entered the chamber with a great difficulty, after a fellow journalist from the Misr 25 TV channel facilitated. The channel is owned by the Brotherhood. There are brigades and police officers in military uniforms, as well as others in civilian clothes from al-Nozha police station, who oversee the beatings, whippings and torture. Fifteen others from the group, distinguished by their strong bodies, are supervised by three bearded and well-dressed men who decide who will be in the chamber and who may leave, even if the person is a member of the Brotherhood.
Now what was that again about the Arab Spring being a "youth movement protest for democracy". How "democratic" would you think this man feels right about now?
The torture process starts once a demonstrator who opposes President Mohammed Morsi is arrested in the clashes or is suspected after the clashes end, and the CSF separate Morsi’s supporters from his opponents. Then, the group members trade off punching, kicking and beating him with a stick on the face and all over his body. They tear off his clothes and take him to the nearest secondary torture chamber, from which CSF personnel, members of the Interior Ministry and the State Security Investigations Services (SSIS) are absent.
It is hard to determine how many locations there are, given that the torture chambers are established as near as possible to where a person is arrested. Before the interrogation process starts, they search him, seize his funds, cellphones or ID, all the while punching and slapping his face in order to get him to confess to being a thug and working for money.
They ask him why he took to the street, whether he got paid to take part in the protest and whether he supports Mohamed ElBaradei, founder of the Constitution Party, or Hamdeen Sabahi, founder of the Egyptian Popular Current or the dissolved Egyptian Nationalist movement. As long as this person denies the allegations, they beat him and insult his parents. After that, a person will videotape the interrogation and contact the Misr 25 TV channel to tell them about the interrogation and arrest.
After a while, the detainee is transported from the secondary torture chamber to the central one. On his way, the beatings and insults continue. Every time the prisoner encounters a member of the Brotherhood, that person gets in his share of the insults and beatings.
They also may collectively insult him before he enters the central room, while a Brotherhood lawyer hands over his national ID card, his funds and his belongings to the SSIS chief. Some members of the group claim to have seized weapons from the detainee and handed them over to the officers at al-Nozha police station. However, we were unable to verify that.
A young detainee shouted in the faces of the men in the chamber: “I am a bearded sheikh, and Sheikh Safwat Hijazi will avenge me. I am a friend of all sheikhs. God is all I need and he is the best guardian; I am a Muslim just like you.” Another bleeding man said, “I am educated; I am not a thug, leave me alone.” A third person, born in the region of Sayyida Zaynab, was accused of following Fathi Srour, former speaker of the People's Assembly, and got a significant share of the beatings.
The health conditions of some of the prisoners was very bad and they were unable to answer questions. Some of them were bleeding all over their bodies, severely exhausted and not receiving any medical aid. However, some got a bottle of water to drink or something to use to stop their bleeding.
Once 10 people had been arrested, police officers and state security chiefs in the chamber demanded that the three Muslim Brotherhood leaders in the room secure passage for the prisoners to the nearby al-Nozha police station and prevented the Brotherhood members from attacking them again.
This all really happened
Once the arrested group left, another arrived. Outside the central torture chamber, three people were detained and brought into the security room within the palace at the main gate on Al-Ahram Street.
The Brotherhood youth don't have control over this location. Their role ends once they hand over the arrestees to the guards. We successfully took a picture of one of the detained men, but the other two were already in the palace. The Brotherhood youth accused one of them of possessing a weapon and shooting a member of the group. Some detainees remained in the secondary torture chambers and were not handed over to the state security officers.
We left the place and found blood flowing on the sidewalk of the palace. Someone had tried to cover the blood with soil to remove it. However, no one will be able to clean the image of this blood from the memory of Egyptians for hundreds of years. source - Al Monitor

Stop Obama's education mandate by signing this petition

Did you get a chance to sign the petition against the Homosexual Classrooms Act I sent around recently?

If you haven't, I hope you will take just a minute to sign it now by clicking here.

If you have signed it, could you spread the word of this threat by forwarding this email to your friends and family?

Every signed petition will be delivered directly to the new Congress to show them mainstream Americans still oppose pro-homosexual education.

And we expect our elected officials to defend our children's classrooms.

Click here to sign the "Protect Our Children's Innocence" Petition.

For the Family,

Eugene Delgaudio
President, Public Advocate of the United States

Public Advocate Banner

The Radical Homosexuals infiltrating the United States Congress have a plan:

Indoctrinate an entire generation of American children with pro-homosexual propaganda and eliminate traditional values from American society.

Their ultimate dream is to create a new America based on sexual promiscuity in which the family values you and I cherish are long forgotten.

I hate to admit it, but if they pass the deceptively named "Student Non-Discrimination Act," that's exactly what they'll do.

Better named the "Homosexual Classrooms Act," its chief advocate in Congress is Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO), himself an open homosexual and radical activist.

And it's dangerously close to becoming the law of the land.

Last session, the Homosexual Classrooms Act had 170 co-sponsors in the House and 39 in the Senate.

And with their Election Day victories, the Homosexual Lobby will certainley pick up where they left off in the new Congress.

That's why I need you to act quickly -- right away -- to protect our nation's youth.

I have prepared the official "Protect Our Children's Innocence" Petition to Congress for you to sign.

Please click here to sign it right away so I can rush it to the Capitol with thousands more.

You and I must defeat this disastrous legislation.

You see, the Homosexual Classrooms Act contains a laundry list of anti-family provisions that will:
*** Require schools to teach appalling homosexual acts so "homosexual students" don't feel "singled out" during already explicit sex-ed classes;
*** Spin impressionable students in a whirlwind of sexual confusion and misinformation, even peer pressure to "experiment" with the homosexual "lifestyle;"
*** Exempt homosexual students from punishment for propositioning, harassing, or even sexually assaulting their classmates, as part of their specially-protected right to "freedom of self-expression;"
*** Force private and even religious schools to teach a pro-homosexual curriculum and purge any reference to religion if a student claims it creates a "hostile learning environment" for homosexual students.
And that's just the beginning of the Homosexual Lobby's radical agenda.

In fact, it will set them up to ram through their entire perverted vision for a homosexual America.

My friend, I'm sure I don't have to tell you this is not a fight we can afford to lose.

That's why Public Advocate is leading the fight against this immoral legislation.

But I need your help to do it.

You see, it's becoming harder and harder to send my message to pro-Family advocates.

The radical Homosexual Lobby is working day and night to censor Public Advocate's warning about the Homosexual Classrooms Act.

That's why, along with your signed petition, I need you to seriously consider chipping in a special contribution to Public Advocate.

A contribution of just $20 will enable me to email 1,000 potential new supporters.
This is a battle for the survival of American values and the fact is, there's no time to waste.

The Homosexual Classrooms Act will turn America's schools into indoctrination centers and its classrooms into social laboratories -- and they're pulling out all the stops to pass it.

You see, they've disguised the bill's wicked purpose behind an innocent name: "The Student Non-Discrimination Act."

The Homosexual Lobby knows that if the public knew the truth about their radical agenda, they'll have no hope of success.

And they're dangerously close to ramming their perversity into law.

Last year the Homosexual Classrooms Act had 170 co-sponsors in the House and 39 in the Senate.

You can bet the Homosexual Lobby will pick up where they left off in the new Congress.

You and I need to take action right now to stop the growing momentum of this disastrous legislation.

I've developed a massive program to launch the second they try to push this bill through in the new Congress -- mail, email, phones, and even radio and TV ads.

But that's only possible with your support...

None of these things are cheap.  In fact, running a program of the size necessary to defeat this bill can get quite expensive especially with increases in postage and printing costs.

That's why I ask for your generous contribution.  In addition to your signed "Protect Our Children's Innocence" Petition, will you contribute $250, $100, $50 or even just $35 or even $20 right away?

$250 will allow me to email more than 10,000 potential new supporters.  $100 or even $50 would mean 5,000 or 2,500 new chances to alert more Americans to the threat of the Homosexual Classrooms Act.

Every dollar counts in this fight.  Even if you can only chip in $10 or $20, it will mean 500 or 1,000 new emails.
This agenda is nothing new.

In fact, other countries like Britain are already experimenting with this kind of legislation, such as mandating public schools inject pro-homosexual content into every aspect of education.

Word problems in math classes are now to include homosexual characters.  History classes will document the "civil rights" struggle against the "oppressive" pro-family establishment.

And it's even started to infiltrate our state governments.

In parts of California, lawmakers "require schools to portray lesbians, homosexuals, transsexuals ... as positive role models to children in all public schools."

Sexual deviants being held up as models of virtue?

If that makes you as sick as it makes me, you simply must join me in this battle for America's children.

Please sign the "Protect Our Children's Innocence" Petition to Congress and then send a generous contribution of at least $20 right away.

Your action will make all the difference.
And if all that wasn't enough to convince you that action must be taken immediately, there's more.

Many say that there will always be private schools and traditional homeschool families to teach traditional values to the next generation.

But the truth is, this radical agenda is NOT restricted to public schools.

Kevin Jennings, Obama's former "Safe Schools Czar," has clearly stated that "every school, public, private or parochial has an obligation" to teach a pro-homosexual curriculum.

In fact, Jennings denounced school choice programs as "very dangerous" because they make it much harder to impose the Homosexual Agenda on our kids.

"Lord forbid a Baptist or Mormon school," he added.

Jennings' ultimate goal is for all curriculum in "kindergarten, and first grade, and second grade – every grade" be infused with a pro-homosexual slant.

Traditional values will be squashed and demonized as old fashioned or out-of-date, or even as bigotry.

You and I cannot let them succeed.

Please sign the "Protect Our Children's Innocence" Petition to Congress I've prepared for you right away.

And along with your petition, would you please send a generous contribution of $250, $100, $50 or even just $35 or $20.

The Homosexual Lobby has done their worst to censor my message about the Homosexual Classrooms Act -- and it's absolutely critical that I send more emails.

If you contribute as little as $20, I will be able to email 1,000 new people, maybe even more!

You see, every dollar counts in this fight so even if you can only chip in $10 or $20, it will make a significant difference.

Thank you so much for all you have done.


Eugene Delgaudio
Public Advocate of the U.S.

P.S. Radical homosexuals in Congress have a plan to indoctrinate our children in schools -- both public and private.

But Public Advocate is taking a stand.  Will you join me?

Please sign the "Protect Our Children's Innocence" Petition to Congress I've enclosed.

And please, along with your petition, would you please send a generous contribution of $250, $100, $50 or even just $35 right away?

Every $20 will allow me to contact up to a 1,000 potential new pro-Family supporters -- or more! News

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