Strong quake hits off Japan near Fukushima disaster zone

TOKYO (Reuters) - A strong quake centered off northeastern Japan shook buildings as far away as Tokyo on Friday and triggered a one-meter tsunami in an area devastated by last year's Fukushima disaster, but there were no immediate reports of deaths or serious damage.

The quake had a preliminary magnitude of 7.3, the U.S. Geological Survey said, adding that there was no risk of a widespread tsunami.

The March 2011 earthquake and following tsunami killed nearly 20,000 people and triggered the world's worst nuclear crisis in 25 years when the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear plant was destroyed, leaking radiation into the sea and air.

Workers at the plant were ordered to move to higher ground after Friday's quake. Tokyo Electric Power Co, the operator of the Fukushima nuclear plant, reported no irregularities at its nuclear plants.

All but two of Japan's 50 nuclear reactors have been idled since the Fukushima disaster as the government reviews safety.

The quake measured a "lower 5" in Miyagi prefecture on Japan's scale of one to seven, meaning there might be some damage to roads and houses that are less quake resistant.

The scale measures the amount of shaking and in that sense gives a better idea of possible damage than the magnitude. The quake registered a 4 in Tokyo.

The one-meter tsunami hit at Ishinomaki, in Miyagi, at the centre of the devastation from the March 2011 disaster. All Miyagi trains halted operations and Sendai airport, which was flooded by the tsunami last year, closed its runway.

Five people in the prefecture were slightly injured.

"I was in the centre of the city the very moment the earthquake struck. I immediately jumped into the car and started running away towards the mountains. I'm still hiding inside the car," said Ishinomaki resident Chikako Iwai.

"...I have the radio on and they say the cars are still stuck in the traffic. I'm planning to stay here for the next couple of hours."

Narita airport outside Tokyo was back in action after a brief closure for safety checks. There were small tsunamis, measuring in the centimeters, elsewhere near the epicenter.

Last year's quake, which measured 9.0, triggered fuel-rod meltdowns at Fukushima, causing radiation leakage, contamination of food and water and mass evacuations. Much of the area is still deserted.

The government declared in December that the disaster was under control.

"Citizens are now escaping to designated evacuation centers and moving to places on higher ground," office worker Naoki Ara said in Soma, 30 km (18 miles) from the Fukushima-Daiichi plant.

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda cancelled campaigning in Tokyo ahead of a December 16 election and was on his way back to his office, but there was no immediate plan to hold a special cabinet meeting.

Public spending on quake-proofing buildings is a big election issue.

Japanese were posting photos of their TV screens with tsunami warnings on Facebook, asking each other whether they're safe, confirming their whereabouts.

"It shook for a long time here in Tokyo, are you guys all right?" posted Eriko Hamada, enquiring about the safety of her friends.

Phone lines were overloaded and it was difficult to contact residents of Miyagi.

"Owing to the recent earthquake, phone lines are very busy, please try again later," the phone operator said.

The yen rose against the dollar and the euro on the news, triggering some safe-haven inflows into the Japanese currency.

(Additional reporting by Tomasz Janowski, Leika Kihara and Aaron Sheldrick; Writing by Nick Macfie; Editing by Ken Wills)

Christmas Exposed as Pagan Idolatry!

Jesus is NOT the Reason for the Season: Warning to Christians!!

This show will be very hard to take for many of you. If you are someone who celebrates Christmas, I ask you, do your homework, study your Bible, and the pain you feel after this show will make you realize the Truth can hurt, but the Truth shall set you free!

(Warning: You may sleep for days)

The Establishment's Stench

Campaign for Liberty

The political establishment in BOTH parties in Washington, D.C. is doubling down, and the stench from their smoky backroom deals is getting stronger every day.

Earlier this year, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke announced a program of PERMANENT "Quantitative Easing" - a move virtually sure to help finish off the U.S. Dollar.

Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner wants the President to be able to raise our nation's debt ceiling at will.

Now - desperate to avoid the so-called "fiscal cliff" - House Speaker John Boehner has already laid out an offer to President Obama to hike takes by a whopping $800 BILLION.

And just days ago, Speaker Boehner and the House GOP establishment stripped some of the strongest pro-limited government Members of the House - including Representative Justin Amash - of their Committee positions.

Representatives Amash and Huelskamp were removed from the Budget Committee, which happens to be chaired by Paul Ryan.

One has to be curious if we're witnessing a little payback, since both representatives opposed the Ryan budget.

Both men realize we have to address spending problems now - not wait decades to balance the budget.

What were the reasons given for Boehner's "purge"?

Not voting with Republican leadership enough. In other words, being "too principled" and actually believing in the talking points GOP candidates do their best to mouth on the campaign trail.

The message is clear.

Speaker Boehner is determined to cut a deal with President Obama to hike taxes and keep spending skyrocketing.

And rank-and-file House Republicans better get in line. Or else.

Forget demanding spending cuts.

Forget drawing a line in the sand and saying "NO" to economically destructive new taxes.

Our nation is over $16.3 TRILLION in debt, but that has nothing to do with wasteful politicians.

It's the fault of "selfish" people like you who don't hand over every red cent to Big Government bureaucrats in their mad rush to destroy every last memory of free markets in our country.

That's what the statists want you to believe.

Only to a politician could people who want to keep the fruits of their labor be considered "greedy," while those who would effectively STEAL those fruits be considered bighearted.

This fight is just beginning, of course.

But as you and I get closer to the holidays, it gets ever more dangerous.

Politicians think you and I aren't paying attention.

And the statists can hardly contain their excitement at RAMMING through a massive deal with President Obama to hike our taxes and earn praise from Big Government mouthpieces like the New York Times.

In fact, just thinking about it puts tears in Speaker Boehner's eyes.

That's why you and I are going to have to be more vigilant than ever.

I'll keep you updated on new developments in this fight over the next few weeks.

There will be many. And this fight will move fast.

Please be ready to take action. Grassroots citizens like you can derail the establishment's schemes.

But only if we're ready to show Washington, D.C. we mean business.

You can start today by calling John Boehner's office at (202) 225-6205 to demand he reinstate the members he "purged" to their committees.

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S. Speaker John Boehner just announced his $800 billion tax hike plan and removed some of the most pro-limited government representatives from key legislative positions in a threat to ensure House Members follow his lead to hike taxes.

You and I are going to have to be ready to respond at a moment's notice against further compromises in the coming weeks.

If you can, please chip in $10 or $25 to help Campaign for Liberty FIGHT BACK against these Big Government schemes.

Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).

PPEC and Liberty First hosted Ann Barnhardt for a combined December 2012...

Freedom Outpost

Defense Department wasted 100K on study of Klingons


The nation is headed for a fiscal cliff and is going broke, but a report by Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) says the Defense Department spent nearly $100,000 to study Klingons, a fictional alien species, reported Thursday.

According to Coburn's report, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, "paid nearly $100,000 for a strategy planning workshop on the 100 Year Starship project last year (that) included an interesting discussion involving the Klingons, a fictional alien species who were villains and then later allies of humanity in the Star Trek series."

According to Coburn's report, the workshop included something that would normally have groups like the Freedom from Religion Foundation and the ACLU up in arms.

"The session entitled 'Did Jesus die for Klingons too?' featured philosophy professor Christian Weidemann of Germany’s Ruhr-University Bochum who pondered the theological conflict to Christianity if intelligent life was found on other planets."

"This September," Coburn said in the report, "the 100-Year Starship organization spent $21,000 from the Pentagon to host another gathering for space travel enthusiasts."

According to the report, the focus of the meeting was to discuss ways to get a manned spacecraft to another solar system within the next century.

Breitbart's Jaci Greggs explained that the goal of the 100-year Starship Project is to "foster a rebirth of a sense of wonder" to "make interstellar space travel practicable and feasible."

"So far," Greggs said, "the 100 Year Project has consumed more than $1 million."


Patriot Update

jim-demint Tea Party Leader DeMint to Leave Senate Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.), a leading Senate conservative and founding member of the Senate Tea Party Caucus, will resign from office in January to become president of The Heritage Foundation. DeMint, who frequently clashed with the ... READ MORE

  • is dedicated to the ideals of a free press, featuring headlines submitted by our readers as well as daily commentary provided by our editors and guest writers. Of particular note are the regular syndicated columns of well-known thinkers, including Michelle Malkin, Thomas Sowell, Chuck Norris, Dick Morris, Floyd Brown, and Michael Reagan. 

No Tax Hikes - Period!


By now I'm sure you've heard the talk about the fast-approaching "fiscal cliff."

And if you listen to Washington insiders, the media elite and the big spenders on Capitol Hill - the only solution is massive tax hikes on the American people.

Even some of my Republican colleagues are "warming up" to the idea of hiking taxes as a "solution" to our economic problems.

But the truth is, we don't have a revenue problem in Washington. We have a spending problem.

And the tax hikes being talked about by the big spenders in Washington are sure to send our economy into a tailspin!

That's why I'm counting on you to sign your No Tax Hikes petition IMMEDIATELY.

Click Here to sign your No Tax Hikes

Like most conservatives, I understand a tax hike would unquestionably make things worse.

The last message you and I should be sending Washington is that it needs more money. I don't want the government to have more revenue.

I want YOU to have more money in your pockets. Money YOU earned.

When I was first elected in 2010, I made a pledge to the good folks of Kentucky that I would never vote to hike taxes.

And as a man of my word, a pledge is not something I'm going to go back on.

Instead, I'm going to lead the fight to cut spending and stop any new tax hikes the big spenders try to ram through Congress.

I'm sure you agree the solution to our economic problems isn't higher taxes on hard-working Americans.

The solution is for my fellow Republicans to stand up unashamedly in the fight against any attempt to raise our taxes.

Can I count on you to stand with me by signing your No Tax Hikes petition right away?

Click Here to sign your No Tax Hikes Petition

As I'm sure you remember, last year we had a huge controversy over raising the debt ceiling.

Eventually, a "compromise" that automatic cuts that would take place if a special "Super Committee" failed to cut spending was reached.

Guess what? They failed.

Not only did the committee fail to find cuts - they now want to get rid of the automatic cuts, jack up our taxes and raise the debt ceiling again.

This is insanity!

Unfortunately, many of my Republican colleagues are dropping like flies.

House Speaker John Boehner offered Barack Obama a "compromise" to hike taxes by a staggering $800 BILLION.

And my dad tells me the entire House is in disarray. I know the sessions and meetings I've witnessed in the Senate give me more fear than hope.

That's why it's never been more important constitutional conservatives like you stand up and demand Congress oppose any new tax increases.

So please, sign your No Tax Hikes petition right away.

Click Here to sign your No Tax
Hikes Petition

My goal is to circulate your petition - along with hundreds of thousands of others - to members of Congress to put them on notice that the American people are tired of the big government, big spending status quo in Washington.

And along with your No Tax Hikes petition, I hope I can count on you to make a generous contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50 - or whatever you can afford - to RAND PAC.

Your generous contribution will help me contact millions of Americans to turn up the heat on their Congressman and Senators to OPPOSE any attempt to raise taxes on hard-working Americans.

So please, sign your No Tax Hikes petition and make the most generous contribution you possibly can afford IMMEDIATELY.

Of course, you and I certainly have our work cut out for us. The recent election proved this to be truer than ever.

But I'm confident that together you and I can stop the Big Government, big spending establishment in Washington from passing new tax hikes.

In Liberty,

Senator Rand Paul

P.S. After being defeated in the recent elections, many establishment Republicans are talking about caving in to the Democrats' demands for massive tax hikes.

You and I must stop this madness by standing firm for our conservative principles.

So please sign your No Tax Hikes petition and make a generous contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50 - or whatever you can afford - to RAND PAC.

Click Here to sign your No Tax Hikes Petition

Your generous contribution will help mobilize millions of Americans to turn up the heat on Congress to oppose any attempt to raise taxes on hard-working Americans.

© RAND PAC, 2012. All Rights Reserved.

Paid for by RAND PAC and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions to RAND PAC are not tax-deductible.

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