In March of this year,
Michael Voeltz,
a registered Democrat, filed a lawsuit in Florida challenging the
eligibility of Barack Obama to run for or serve as President of the
United States. Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch USA served as Voeltz’s
attorney in the case. He explained that the legal challenge was being
made on two issues.
The first had to do with Article 2, Section 1 of the US Constitution
that states that the President of the United States much be a ‘natural
born citizen.’ In 1875, the US Supreme Court ruled that a natural born
citizen is a person who is born in the United States and that both
parents are US citizens at the time of birth. In Obama’s case, his
father was a British citizen, never had US citizenship and therefore,
according to the Constitution and Supreme Court, is not eligible to hold
the office.
The second aspect of their case rested on the legitimacy or lack
thereof, of Obama’s birth certificate. They cited the findings of the
Maricopa County Sheriff’s Department Cold Case Posse investigation and
findings that provide substantial evidence that the birth certificate
presented by the White House is a forgery.
In July,
Florida Circuit Judge Terry Lewis
ruled that Obama was a US citizen and dismissed the case with
prejudice, citing at the time that Obama was not the official candidate
of the Democratic Party and thus his eligibility could not be
contested. In the case, Lewis stated that everyone born in the US is a
citizen, but he did not address the issue of ‘natural born citizen’
which was one of the main aspects of the lawsuit. Lewis also ignored
all of the evidence submitted by Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
Now that the election is over, Klayman, on behalf of Voeltz, has
refilled a legal challenge to Obama’s right to hold the office of
President. The challenge explains that under Florida state law, this
lawsuit is within the proper time frame to contest the election statutes
of the state. In the complaint received by
Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner, it read in part:
“Defendant Barack Hussein Obama is a direct threat to the
safety and security of the United States, and it’s Constitution, which
plaintiff must protect and defend by oath.”
“Plaintiff asserts that Defendant Barack Hussein Obama is not a
natural born citizen of the United States because he was born a British
subject of a British subject father, Barack Obama Sr., who was married
to the mother of Barack H. Obama at the time…”
“Barack Obama Sr., a citizen of the British colony of Kenya, and his
children, were subject to the operation of the British Nationality Act
of 1948. By the operation of Part 1 Section 1 of that Act, Barack
Hussein Obama became a British subject, upon birth to a British subject
father. It is not known whether he has lost that birth allegiance to the
British crown.”
“Law of Nations defines the term of art ‘natural born citizen’ as one
born in the country [to] parents who are that country’s citizens.”
“Plaintiff Michael C. Voeltz has standing, as a Florida voter, and
taxpayer, to challenge the ‘nomination or election of any person to
office’ based on the winning candidates’ eligibility for the office
sought. … The state of Florida has chosen, by popular election, the
electors for Defendant Barack Hussein Obama to be president … Plaintiff
has fulfilled all aspects of the Florida election statutes for this
challenge of eligibility, as to timing, venue, and indispensable
The timing of the case was made at this point in time before the
Florida electors cast their formal vote for president. The lawsuit asks
that upon a:
“Judicial determination of the ineligibility of Barack
Hussein Obama to serve as president … and to certify the electors for
Mitt Romney as the winner.”
If by some rare chance a judge rules on law in this case, Barack
Hussein Obama should be declared to be ineligible to hold the office and
that Florida electors would have to go to Mitt Romney. A cascade of
similar lawsuits could then result in an overturn of the election for
the first time in US history.
However, as much as l would love to see this happen, I am not going
to hold my breath for it to happen. The Obama administration is far too
corrupt to allow such a ruling to happen. They will do everything
possible to coerce or threaten any judge who would dare rule against
Obama, regardless of what the law and Constitution say, and thus ends
the last freedom recourse we have as voters short of another revolution.