Patriot Update

obama-steals-the-vote-election-2012 WARNING! Liberals Now Predicting Election May Not Happen Obama now knows he cannot win on a legit vote, so he must employ a series of dirty tricks to make sure he retains his stranglehold on the Oval Office. His greatest defenders – the liberal … READ MORE
election November 6, 2012: A Pivotal Day in American History   All presidential elections in America are important, but the one that takes place tomorrow, November 6, 2012, will represent a pivotal day in American history. On November 6th America will choose between once again ... READ MORE
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Christian Right putting politics before God

Stephen Prothero writes for CNN belief blog:

Voting booth
Why are evangelicals like Billy Graham and Ralph Reed stumping for Mitt Romney? And why are roughly three-quarters of white evangelicals inclined to vote for him?

Because politics matters more to them than religion. . . .

Until quite recently, many evangelicals saw Mormonism as a dangerous cult spreading false theology and dooming its followers to hell. In fact, only after Romney showed up for a meet and greet with Billy Graham in North Carolina earlier this month did the website of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association erase a reference to Mormonism as a “cult.” . . .

Ralph Reed, too, is forsaking his theology for his politics, mobilizing his Atlanta-based Faith and Freedom Coalition to place voter guides in Ohio churches in the run-up to election day.

I am old enough to remember when the main purpose of Reed’s Christian Coalition and other groups on the religious right was to put born-again Christians in the Congress, the White House, and the Supreme Court. And for decades those who were running those groups saw Mormons as non-Christians. . . .

I used to believe that the purpose of the religious right was to infuse American politics with Christian politicians and Christian politics. I no longer believe that. The purpose of the religious right is to use the Christian God for political purposes. Why any Christian, conservative or liberal, can say “Amen” to that is beyond me.

I am perfectly happy to see Reed stump for Romney in Ohio and Graham plump for Romney in an ad in The Wall Street Journal. Just don’t tell me they are doing so as Christians. They are doing so as shills for the GOP.

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It's coming down to the wire

Advocate Banner

The fight for marriage is coming down to the wire.

Polls across the country show that pro-homosexual support is roughly tied with support for real marriage.

Maine, Maryland, Washington and Minnesota are all facing critical decisions on the future of real marriage.

That’s why Public Advocate Battleground Action Initiative is so important.

Right now your Public Advocate is running pro-family and pro-marriage internet ads in all 4 states facing marriage referendums and 6 other pro-family battleground states -- 10 states total.

Since the beginning of Public Advocate’s Initiative the Homosexual Lobby has been steadily losing ground in each fight.

Our ads have already been seen almost 16 MILLION times!

The original goal of the program was 10 Million ads -- but we have already blown way past that.

That’s why I am doubling our targeted goal to 20 MILLION banners.

20 Million views across 10 states, and it’s only possible because of the support you and thousands of other pro-family activists have given.

Past fights have proven that this kind of direct, targeted alert can have a major effect in state level decisions.

I know that in the time remaining we can secure victory for the Family.

You can click here to see some of the education ads we are running in the battleground states.

For the Family,

Eugene Delgaudio
President, Public Advocate of the United States

P.S. Please chip in with a donation of $10 or more to help Public Advocate fight for traditional values.

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