Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 6/4/12: War Drums for Syria?


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War in the White House: attorney general Eric Holder and top Obama adviser David Axelrod ‘had to be separated’

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ANOTHER Alinskyite emerges from Obama's past
Those shadowy figures from Barack Obama's past keep emerging. Here's the latest name ...
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Is evolution about to collapse in 2012? There are three trends that suggest Americans are rejecting Darwin's theory.
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And Chuck Norris enters the 2012 political ring
Legendary action star Chuck Norris is not about to let liberal powerhouses take over America, so he says he's now entering the political ring to stop it. And seriously, would you want to grapple with Chuck Norris?
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Latest From Bob Livingston June 4, 2012
Who Is Brett Kimberlin And Why Should You Care? Who Is Brett Kimberlin And Why Should You Care? »
The Democratic Party is the party of tolerance. We are told this with regularity. What it doesn't tolerate is free speech. In fact, it goes to great lengths — even engaging in criminal activity — and great expense to ensure that dissenting views are squelched, particularly views from the right. And that's where Brett Kimberlin comes in. More »

On Your Own

Are You Ready To Barter? Are You Ready To Barter? »
When the dollar begins to drop, what will we do? Sure, you can hunt for food and you can filter your own water. But at some point, we will need to build back the communities that we once had and function together. The economy will grow again, but in a different way: by bartering.  More »

Personal Liberty News

Barack Obama And Mitt Romney: An Issues Overview Barack Obama And Mitt Romney: An Issues Overview »
Now that Presidential candidate Mitt Romney has the "magic number" of delegates needed to be named the GOP candidate, Americans will be subjected to five months of red herring mudslinging and distractions from both him and President Barack Obama. Here's where they stand on some of the top issues. More »

Obama To Revise UnConstitutional Health Law? Obama To Revise UnConstitutional Health Law? »
In the event that the Supreme Court strikes down his healthcare overhaul, President Barack Obama is preparing a revised version. According to reports, Obama told high-paying donors at a private event that he has plans to revise the law if it is struck down by the Court. More »

Mayor Combating Obesity Promotes Doughnuts Mayor Combating Obesity Promotes Doughnuts »
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the Mayor who doesn't want citizens slurping a sugary soft drink, is OK with the good people of New York City scarfing down massive doughnuts. Bloomberg presented a proclamation recognizing Friday as National Donut Day.  More »

Green Lantern Is Gay Green Lantern Is Gay »
When a new DC Comics comic book comes out, the main character will as well. Wednesday's issue of "Earth 2" depicts the Green Lantern passionately kissing his boyfriend. LGBT groups believe gay superheroes will empower gay youths. More »

Commenter's Corner

Commenting on NYC Mayor Wants To Ban Sugary Drinks,
Steve E says:
June 01, 2012 at 8:27 am
It too bad that most people in NYC do not own automobiles. If they did, they would be able to drive out of the city and see that there are other places you can go where there if more freedom. Thus, they may throw that bum dictatorial mayor out of office.

Commenting on Thinking Of Fleeing The
United States?,
DaveH says:
June 01, 2012 at 8:32 am
Chuck Schumer said — “Saverin has turned his back on the country that welcomed him and kept him safe, educated him and helped him become a billionaire”.

Sure, Chuck. You kept him safe (?) and educated him with OPM (other peoples’ money). And helped him become a billionaire? How exactly did the Government do that? By regulating him to the point of his stubbornly resisting the obstacles set up to thwart his efforts?

You see, folks, this is how the Progressives work. First they take other peoples’; then they offer you unsolicited gifts; then they obligate you for those unsolicited gifts. Like a guy who buys dinner for a lady with stolen money and then tells the lady she owes him sex.

Beware of Progressives Bearing Gifts.


CNN Admits Ron Paul Might Be The Man America Needs!!!

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