Credentials 2012: Criminal Coercion & Captive Committee Seats hundreds of illegally elected Romney Delegates

by Doug Parris
Wednesday afternoon, the State Credentials Committee held a surprise meeting at the Tacoma Convention Center, 24 hours before the date and time announced at the Moses Lake meeting. The tricky schedule and lack of notice did not deter Republicans across  the State from attending the meeting thanks to “leaks” from the ethical minority, but the leadership’s determination not to allow any testimony or any evidence unless it was hand-fed by Kirby Wilbur continued unabated.

[Ed. note: An observer present at the meeting reports that at one point, the committee decided it wanted to hear from Whatcom County representatives, but no challengers had been invited to testify, thus no one from Whatcom was available to answer questions of the committee and instead, Whatcom resident and Credentials Committee co-chair Charlie Crabtree was fetched from his work at the state convention credentials desk, and predictably, assured the committee that all had been well in Whatcom County.]

Kirby Wilbur continues to act as a Romney Campaign surrogate, and as if he had authority to change State or National Rules at will. Whether or not the RNC Committee that will hear challenges to Delegations from the States agrees with this approach or decides to salvage some legitimacy for a Romney nomination remains to be seen.

The old adage, “strain at a gnat and swallow a camel” was in full operation as the committee continually changed its standards to seat whomever they wanted, asserting alternatively, that the (false) allegation of missing a filing deadline by three days could disqualify an otherwise legitimate challenge when it helped Romney, but missing a crucial and substantive deadline by THREE WEEKS made no difference at all when it could have hurt him by disqualifying FIFTY illegally-elected Romney delegates and three illegally-elected Romney Convention Committee representatives from the Kitsap “Klown Konvention.”

But as if to make the point that no device is too unethical, no tactic too evil for the Romney supporters within the WSRP, Kirby colluded with Lori Sotelo in what I believe was a criminal act to prevent me from attending the meeting:
  1. Sotelo, by making false statements, under oath, and without notice or hearing obtaining a court order barring Doug Parris from being within 100 feet of “her place of employment.”
  2. Tacoma Convention Center Staff said they had been told Lori Sotelo had been hired by the WSRP [read Kirby Wilbur] as a “presenter” and that therefore  the State Convention location was her “place of employment” for the duration of  the convention.
What a pair!

Sotelo has been skirting the law for years, but you would think that regardless of the politics of the situation, Kirby, at the very least, would be embarrassed to engage in such infantile skulduggery.
Not so.

Apparently, Wilbur loves Willard. Romney’s presidential nomination appears capable of motivating Wilbur to pull out any stops, to twist, fold, spindle, and mutilate any moral precept in the pursuit of Romney delegates.

RCW 9A.36.070
  1. A person is guilty of coercion if by use of a threat he or she compels or induces a person to engage in conduct which the latter has a legal right to abstain from, or to abstain from conduct which he or she has a legal right to engage in.
Based on the false representation that Lori Sotelo was an employee of the WSRP, the Staff of the Tacoma Convention Center, albeit apologetically, told me that if I didn’t vacate the premisses they would have to call the Police.

I called my attorney. The best attorney in the state.

He said that although the action was improper on its face (even though we did not yet know whether or not Kirby had actually hired Sotelo for the plan), the action of the officers responding could not be relied upon to conform to the law, that I might be arrested and he said to leave the building immediately.

There is no question that this was an act of  criminal coercion by the collusion of Sotelo and Wilbur to get Doug Parris “to abstain from conduct which he or she has a legal right to engage in,” to wit, attend the Credentials Committee meeting, “by use of a threat,” to wit, the threat of arrest.

So while Kirby’s agents, by crafted prevarication and parliamentary cheating, seated HUNDREDS of illegally-elected Romney delegates, and while the challengers who were being cheated and looked to me for leadership, sat alone, I was engaged in consultations, first, with legal council and then, with Tacoma Police to eventually determine that, because the claims were bogus there was no threat of arrest. 

But by the time I returned to the Convention Center, the meeting was over, the damage done, the trap sprung.

The Cable News Nightmare: CNN (and Piers Morgan) in audience crisis

Viewers are turning off in droves, lured by brash rivals and popularity of internet news sources

Guy Adams   

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Stories aren't the only thing that high-profile studio anchors at CNN apparently know how to break. Judging by the latest TV ratings, they also seem to be uncannily successful at destroying the loyalty of viewers.

Figures from ratings agency Nielsen show that America's most famous rolling news brand has just experienced its worst month for almost 20 years, parting company with more than 50 per cent of its audience in 12 months.

The development follows years of unrelenting decline for the network, which pioneered 24-hour news in the 1980s, and was for years the top-rated news channel. It has in recent years suffered intense competition from Fox News and MSNBC, which both now outperform it in almost every time slot.

The figures also raise questions about the future of Piers Morgan, hired to shake up its prime-time schedule with an hour-long weeknight interview show. He drew an average of 417,000 viewers, a fall of 50 per cent and the network's worst figure for the slot since the early 1990s. Morgan's show is largely admired by critics. But his audience is volatile, and seems to vary according to the calibre of guests. In early 2011, when he took over from octogenarian Larry King, who boasted around 600,000 viewers, Morgan said his show should be judged "by how we settle down in between six months and a year". By that measure, he's in trouble.

May saw CNN's average audience fall to 388,000, of which a mere 113,000 are adults in the 25-54 age bracket that advertisers covet. The figures represent an exponential increase in the rate of decline for the channel, which is also undermined by the internet's rise in popularity as a breaking news source.

They also suggest that CNN is losing viewers quicker than rivals. For Fox, comparable figures (1.65m and 319,000) are down just under 10 per cent annually. MSNBC (658,000 and 213,000) is declining by around 20 per cent.

"It's really a bloodletting; there's no other way to describe it," says Robert Thompson, professor of Television and Popular Culture at Syracuse University. "The biggest problem is inherent in their brand. They are trying to stick to old-fashioned, unbiased news broadcasting when their rivals have worked out that to draw an audience when there aren't major stories breaking you need to do the opposite."

CNN, based in Atlanta, retains an expensive network of overseas bureaux and is still regarded as the nation's most reliable TV news brand. It has resisted the temptation to follow Fox and MSNBC in using partisan anchors.

As a result, CNN remains a go-to destination only when major breaking news stories unfold. May 2012 was particularly tough because it was a relatively quiet news month – whereas May 2011 saw the killing of Osama Bin Laden and major tornadoes in Missouri and Alabama.
CNN is hoping that two high-profile hires, the chef-turned-TV-star Anthony Bourdain and ABC News star John Berman will help to stem the bleeding.

Turn-offs: CNN's flop presenters

Piers Morgan
Hired in a blaze of publicity almost 18 months ago, the former Mirror and News of the World editor brings Fleet Street bombasity to his 9pm slot. But ratings for the show are highly volatile and on one night recently hit a low of just 39k in the all important 25-54 bracket.

Erin Burnett
"Smart, entertaining, and ahead of the news," is how CNN describes its 7pm anchor. The public must see things differently, given this respected (but perhaps monochrome) former financial journalist's prime-time show draws only 409,000 viewers – of which a woeful 46,000 belong to the 24-54 demographic that advertisers covet.

Anderson Cooper
Famed for his black T-shirts, perfect quiff and the live-on-air takedowns of public figures (on a slot he calls "Keeping 'em Honest!"), Mr Cooper is a cable news institution and the unofficial "face" of CNN. That hasn't stopped him managing to lose a quarter of his viewers in the past 12 months.

Wolf Blitzer
Bearded, bespectacled, and a fixture of CNN's line-up for more than 20 years, the ever-reliable Blitzer should be required viewing in an election year. But viewing figures for his 4-6pm Situation Room, billed as a "raw, unfiltered, and live" breaking news programme for the just-got-home-from-work crowd, are down more than half.

Ron Paul: Thoughts on Louisiana, Civility and Winning

Here’s the response to the events in Louisiana today from National Campaign Manager John Tate. John rightly condemns the violence suffered by some of our supporters and also rightly praises the Romney campaign for taking the high road to make sure our duly elected delegates assume their rightful place in Tampa.

Establishment Republicans sometimes claim that Ron Paul supporters occasionally get out-of-hand. This has been true, and to the extent that some Paul supporters have exhibited poor behavior not only reflects badly on the individuals involved, but Dr. Paul. I have seen great strides toward more civility and having more respectful attitudes moving forward. Our side currently has all the ideas; we don’t need to yell the loudest. The GOP is an ideological vacuum that is currently being filled with our people right before our eyes. Our superior philosophy will win the day. It is already winning.

Establishment Republicans who don’t like to see Ron Paul supporters winning seats and positions of authority—completely playing by the rules—do not have the right to turn around and disenfranchise Paul supporters simply by making up new rules. No one has the right to use some of the strong-arm tactics we saw on shameful display today in Louisiana.

When Barry Goldwater’s supporters began reshaping the GOP in 1960, ’64 and beyond, it got pretty messy. But Goldwater’s forces won the day by playing by the same rules as the Rockefeller Republicans—whether those establishment Republicans liked it or not.

When presidential candidate Pat Robertson’s supporters began making the GOP a more substantively pro-life party in 1988 and beyond through groups like the Christian Coalition, this too was not always pretty. Many establishment Republicans did not like religious conservatives making inroads into “their” party.

The Republican Party today is just as much the party of Ron Paul supporters as anyone else’s. Moving forward, I believe it will become even more “our” party than it already is today. The party is defined by those with the most powerful ideas and who are willing to fight for them.
But not physically. This is a battle of ideas, not brute force. Anyone involved in the physical harm done to Ron Paul supporters today in Louisiana should be ashamed of themselves. Thanks to the Romney campaign for stepping in and taking the high road. Thanks to Paul supporters who have taken the high road since the beginning by playing by the rules–and winning—whether some in the establishment like it or not.

Ron Paul campaign statement on Louisiana GOP convention

The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign released the following statement concerning the outcome of the Louisiana State Republican Convention. Below please find comments from National Campaign Manager John Tate:
“The Ron Paul campaign condemns the unfortunate activities that took place at the Louisiana Republican State Convention in Shreveport.
“However, we also wish to highlight and applaud the fact that the convention ended on a high note reflective of the cooperation all Republicans wish to see toward the mutual aim of defeating President Obama in the November general election.
“The unnecessary conflict, and positive conclusion as we understand it, transpired as follows.
“LAGOP officials ignored the vast majority of duly elected delegates and attempted to use illegally adopted rules to deny Ron Paul supporters an opportunity to attend the Republican National Convention in Tampa. Louisiana has 46 delegates. Five were pledged to Mitt Romney based on the March 23rd primary result and Rick Santorum received 10, meaning most delegates were contestable at the state convention.
“Delegates to the state convention were chosen at caucus meetings on April 28th. Ron Paul slates won four of six congressional district contests. Of the approximately 180 delegates attending the state convention, 113 voted to remove the LAGOP chairman when he failed to respond to requests for information and other motions from delegates. Nearly two-thirds of the delegates began physically moving their chairs, literally turning their back on the GOP chair appointed by the party hierarchy.
“In another instance, State Central Committeeman and Ron Paul supporter Henry Herford Jr. of Franklin Parrish was attacked by some security officials who didn’t realize that the body had voted out the previous chairman. Mr. Herford has a prosthetic hip and according to a doctor at the scene it appears as though the prosthetic was dislocated and may require replacement. The injury occurred as he was beginning to call to order the newly re-formed convention.
“In yet another instance, Ron Paul supporter Alex Helwig, Chairman of the Rules Committee who made the motion to remove the chair, was arrested by Shreveport police and released. During his brief detainment, some of his fingers were broken and when he returned to the event he was walking with aid of a cane.
“By 10:50 a.m. today, the newly formed convention completed its work. Newly-elected national delegates met with the Romney campaign’s Louisiana Chairman, Scott Sewell, who graciously said ‘that he supported the effort and would do everything he could to make sure the delegation was seated’ in Tampa.
“Despite the divisiveness that characterized the Louisiana state convention initially, we are thankful that the Paul and Romney campaigns took the high road to guarantee the enfranchisement of Republicans whose candidate preferences differ.
“Republicans of goodwill agree that following the spirited primary season, the general election presents us with an opportunity to defeat Obama and place the nation on a path to recovery.
“Our thoughts and prayers are with those who were injured at the convention. And, we thank all responsible convention participants for ending the day on a more unified note.” 

Alex Helwig assaulted by Shreveport Police at LAGOP State C

Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin to build the Third Temple


So when you see standing in the holy place 'the abomination that causes desolation,' spoken of through the prophet Daniel-let the reader understand. Matthew 24 :15. NIV 
Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door. Matthew 24:32-34.
"For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be" Matthew 24:21 King James Version (KJV) 

Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin to build the Third Temple. 

Friends I have posed this interesting article and video, as this is a must watch. 

The Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu sent official word to the Arab leaders of Israel's intention of taking control of the Temple Mount to build the Third Temple next to the Dome of the Rock! Rioting broke out by Palestinians on the just days after the announcement February 20th. Steven Ben-Denoon reveals the Biblical blessings and warnings that come with this momentous event

Netanyahu Will Take Control of The Temple Mount!

Matthew 7:7, Seek and you will find

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U.S. Drone Policy: Standing Near Terrorists Makes You A Terrorist


DronesThe Obama administration has in turn been secretive about its use of targeted drone strikes, boasted about the program's success, and fended off critics who say the strikes are killing and injuring too many civilians. A New York Times story published Tuesday has the administration's human rights critics buzzing again. A key revelation comes near the end of the article, written by Jo Becker and Scott Shane, under the heading, "'They Must All Be Militants.'"
Obama, Becker and Shane write, was angry when informed that the first drone strike after he took office had killed innocent Pakistanis. But one of the measures the administration embraced to prevent future innocent casualties was to embrace a method of counting combatants that would rope in more innocents.
"It in effect counts all military-age males in a strike zone as combatants, according to several administration officials, unless there is explicit intelligence posthumously proving them innocent," the Times reports. "Counterterrorism officials insist this approach is one of simple logic: people in an area of known terrorist activity, or found with a top Qaeda operative, are probably up to no good."
Earlier Tuesday, Jake Tapper of ABC News pressed White House spokesman Jay Carney on the reported policy, which one former CIA official called "guilt by association." But Carney didn't directly answer the question, instead ticking off other policies he says the administration has implemented to avoid killing innocents. "[O]ur military and our broader national security team is able to pursue al-Qaida in a way that significantly reduces the potential for and the fact of civilian casualties," Carney said.
Tapper pressed again. "[T]his is the question -- with the assumption that if you are with a terrorist when a terrorist gets killed, the presumption is that you are a terrorist as well and -- even if we don’t even know who you are, right? Isn’t that part of the reason you’re able to make these assertions?"
And Carney again ducked the question: "I am not going to get into the specifics of the process by which, you know, these decisions are made."
The administration has long discounted estimates of civilian drone strike casualties from the Pakistani media and human rights groups. In December, for example, the CIA claimed to have executed a perfect strike that killed nine militants near Pakistan-Afghanistan border. But British and Pakistani journalists on the ground reported that the strikes killed at least 18, including six innocent civilians.
The CIA in fact said that drone strikes didn't kill a single civilian in 2011, a claim almost no one believes. In January 2011, an anonymous administration official told Bloomberg News, "The CIA since mid-2008 has executed about 200 strikes, killing roughly 1,300 militants and 30 non-combatants." According to today's Times report, another administration official put the number of civilian deaths since Obama took office "in the single digits."
Most non-government estimates put the civilian count much higher, but ascertaining even an approximate number of civilian casualties has been difficult. Pakistan forbids journalists and human rights workers from traveling to the sites of attacks, and the U.S. government, again, wavers between refusing to acknowledge the drone program exists and crowing about its successes. So estimates among journalism outlets vary, as do estimates among human rights organizations. Even estimates within a single organization often include wide ranges. The Bureau of Investigative Journalism estimates 2,464-3,145 drone killings in Pakistan alone since 2004, with 484-828 of the deaths civilian. The New American Foundation's estimates are 1,807 to 2,795 deaths, with approximately 300-500 of them civilian. Daniel Byman of the Brookings Institution puts the civilian count much higher, estimating 10 civilian deaths for every militant killed by U.S. drones.
The new revelations about the administration's method of classifying militants isn't likely to make efforts to estimate actual civilian casualties any easier.

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