Is There a Message on St. John the Divine Cathedral?

The destruction of New York city (including the Twin Towers) sculpted right on the building… Strange occult symbols on the floor… Weird rituals being performed in the sanctuary… Home of the Temple of Understanding which admittedly seeks to instate a new world religion… This cathedral is definitively “different”, as some people might say. But the “difference” lies in the fact that the cathedral is in fact a temple of  Neo-Pagan-Bordeline-Satanic-the-Environment-is-more-important-than-human-life beliefsI personally couldn’t care less about each individual’s beliefs, but to trick unsuspecting church goers into an occult house of worship is nothing less than Evil.
“The pagan intellectuals reclothed their original ideas in a garment of christian phraseology but bestowed the keys of the symbolism only upon those duly initiated and bound to secrecy”
- Manly P. HallThe Secret Teachings of All Ages

Background and History of the Cathedral

This unfinished building has been claimed as being the world’s largest cathedral. It is realistic to maintain such high aspirations when your sources of funding include tycoons like JP Morgan and prominent figures like the Grand Master of the Masons of the state of New York. The completion of the cathedral was such a prized accomplishment for the Freemasons that it was featured on the front page of “Masonic World” of March 1925.
The article states:
“It is particularly fitting that the Masons, who were the principal builders of cathedrals and churches during the greatest cathedral-building period, should now have a prominent part in the movement to build America’s greatest cathedral (…) Little need be added to the story of Freemasonry during the cathedral-building period; its monuments are its best history, alike of its genius, its faith and its symbols.”
The article openly admits that masonic cathedrals represent the best legacy of the Brotherhood and the symbolism is prominently showcased. The masses are however too ignorant to recognize the meanings behind the art, so they just stare at them, thinking “it’s pretty nice”.
Illuminati Pyramid and All-Seeing Eye on the Cathedral
Freemasonry and the Occult
As you might know, Masonry has been, through the ages, the keeper of the “ancient mysteries”, which are occult and esoteric teachings only communicated to the initiates. I will not explain here the mystery religion as it takes several years of studies to get some understanding. I can however say that the occultists draw their teachings from ancient Egyptian, Babylonian, Kaballah and Gnostic cultures, who predate by many centuries the Christian era. Secret societies have been forced to hide the true nature of their philosophies in a veil of Christianity to avoid persecution by the Church. Freemasons and their fellow organisms, the Rosicrucian Order and the Knights Templar have all been accused of devil worship and idolatry in Europe.
While many low-level Freemasons may be practising Christians, those looking to reach higher degrees within the Brotherhood are required to study the tenants and the philosophies of the Mystery Religion.  Freemasons do not necessarily seek for the world to embrace their brand of spirituality, as it is strickly reserved to the initiates. However, people in high places, who often happen to be Masons are seeking to steer the population towards a “dumbed-down” version of their paganism, as you will read later.

The Symbols

The impressive exterior of the cathedral provokes a humbling sensation at whom gazes at it. But what are you humbling yourself to? We’ll examine the details of the artwork.

WARNING: If you live in New York, this video may disturb you!!! I came across with an article exposing the Cathedral of St John The Divine, in Manhattan, as an Illuminati temple where is realized evil rituals and where is flagged the destruction of New York in its building. Actually it’s quite explicit and was carved with richness of details, by stonemasons, in the so called “apocalyptic pillar. This sculpture was made in 1997 and flagged the WTC fall, besides the collapse of the entire NY, as the next Babylon. After I’ve analyze carefully all data available, I came to conclusion that such cathedral have nothing to do with Christianity and only attends the Illuminati agenda, as you will see in this video. “


1- The Apocalyptic Pillar

On the western facade of the building, stonemasons have sculpted numerous scenes that seem oddly out of place for a Cathedral. The most striking one is the chilling depiction of the destruction of New York city and its landmarks.
Twin towers collapsing
The scene above was done in 1997, four years before the destruction of the Twin Towers.  Other recognizable skyscrapers are the Chrysler Building and the Citigroup center.
Apocalyptic New York
The scene above might be unsettling for New York residents. We see the Brooklyn bridge crumbling with cars and buses falling into agitated waters. At the right is the Statue of Liberty, which seems to be sinking in the water. Beneath this horrifying prophecy is the New York Stock Exchange, with people trading goods around it.
So, what is the purpose of this weird carving? Well, the first thing that needs to be mentioned is the actual St. John the Divine is credited for writing the Book of Revelation in the Bible, which describes in symbolic imagery the events of the apocalypse. Occultists believe that the Book of Revelation has been hermetically coded to reveal its true meaning to the initiates of esoteric teachings. This scene, carved on the west entrance of the cathedral, depicts New York as being ”Babylon the Great”, the city who gets completely destroyed by the wrath of God. The Book of Revelation mentions:
“Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!
She has become a home for demons
and a haunt for every evil spirit,
a haunt for every unclean and detestable bird.
For all the nations have drunk
the maddening wine of her adulteries.
The kings of the earth committed adultery with her,
and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries.”
-Book of Revelation 18
The columns are placed next to the Cathedral’s entrance, under saintly figures.
Posted in the original article on St. John the Divine, this pillar depicts an apocalyptic New York city being engulfed by enormous waves.
Also posted in the original article, this column depicts the destruction of the Brooklyn Bridge. Underneath is the New York stock market and people trading goods. Is this a reference to the Babylon of the Revelation?
Horsemen of the Apocalypse?
A scene depicting a birth from some kind of flower, surrounded by mummies and above a lamb with its legs tied. Who is being born? Is the Anti-Christ who is said by the Book of Revelation to the beast “coming up out of the earth; and had two horns like a lamb“? Underneath is a spiral vortex (symbolizing change of consciousness?) and people apparently praising or worshiping the figure.
Pillar symbolizing death with the “wheel within a wheel, full of eyes all around” from the vision in the beginning of the book of Ezekiel.
Pillar with the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. The Book of Revelation is said to be encoded with Kabbalistic numerology to reveal its esoteric meaning.
The man above the Tree of Life is also uncharacteristic for a Cathedral. It is one-eyed (see the Eye of Horus) and wears a huge clear quartz amulet, which is said to have magical and metaphysical properties.
Little to no documentation exists about the meaning of the pillars and the rest of the Cathedral contains a lot of art with strange symbolism alluding to catastrophe and a new era. Strange place.
The artists might be on to something because there is indeed numerous similarities between the actual New York city and the description of Babylon the Great in the Bible.  The Book of Revelation mentions:
  1. A “Great Prostitute” who sits on many waters – peoples, multitudes, nations and languages – holding a golden cup. She rules over the kings of the Earth. = The Statue of Liberty
  2. Merchants of the Earth who grew rich of her “excessive luxuries”, weeping because nobody buys their goods anymore = New York Stock Exchange
“The merchants who sold these things and gained their wealth from her will stand far off, terrified at her torment. They will weep and mourn and cry out:
” ‘Woe! Woe, O great city,
dressed in fine linen, purple and scarlet,
and glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls!
In one hour such great wealth has been brought to ruin!’

- Book of Revelation, 18
Knowing that, still today, over 70% of the world’s capital goes through the NYSE, we understand why the building was depicted on the apocalyptic pillar. It represents the “financial” aspect of the Book of Revelation, where it repeatedly refers to rich merchants and trading goods.
So, a landmark of NYC, the St. John the Divine Cathedral, predicts in vivid detail the destruction of its home city. Pretty unusual. Under the rendering of the NYSE, we a skeleton and strange creatures, who seem to represent death and destruction. Is this some sort of prophecy?

2- Pagan Sculpture
Side of the tired moon

Pretty disgusting body

This sculpture above, which basically symbolizes the struggle between Good and Evil, features numerous elements we can find in paganism: Sun worship, mythical creatures and sun versus moon duality. Called “Fountain of Peace”, the sculpture borrows the fantastic, bizarre and distorted art style of the Grotesque. All sorts of animal creatures are emerging from a smiling sun, which represents the basic paradigm of Sun Worship (the Sun as giver of life).  The idol points to the east, an ancient pagan tradition. There is also weird stuff on the sculpture like a DNA symbol (a DNA symbol also appears at the entrance of the Cathedral). We all know how genetic modification is as Christian as it gets. We can also find a quote of John Lennon saying “…one day the world will live as one”. Think this is spooky? Read on.

Strange Rituals

A) Procession of the Ghouls

Every year, at Halloween, St. John the Divine is the host of a strange event called “The Grand Procession of the Ghouls”. It is basically a parade taking place right inside the sanctuary of the Cathedral where people dressed in costumes of demons, ghouls, monsters and other creepy things, walk around to macabre organ music. This thing resembles the strange rituals held behind closed doors by occult groups. Outside of the great number of costumes representing demons and Satan (already extremely bizarre for a Cathedral), some costumes seem to make a mockery out of Christianity.

Does this look like Jesus crucified to you?

A priest-monster with a evil looking crucifix floating behind him

The “bishop” standing in the pulpit while the ghouls parade
Don’t satanic rituals make fun of Christian rituals by distorting them? Well that’s as distorted as it can get. Processions are a pagan tradition like the “Procession of the Prechten” in Germany, which is very similar to the one at St. John the Divine in many ways.
Procession of the Perchten in Germany

A video shot by a tourist of the event.

B) The Blessing of the Animals

Another bizarre ritual is the Blessing of the Animals that takes place in September of every year. You have a bunch of animals INSIDE and outside the sanctuary of the Cathedral “worshiping God” (in their words). Since when do animals read the Bible and such? They never did. An article published in 1996 by the California Forestry Association describes the scene:
“…goats, horses and other animals are led to the alter to receive blessings. Camels and elephants walk the aisles as worshipers march to the alter with bowls of compost and worms.”
This is another pagan ritual, taking place inside a church. Notice the white robes everybody is wearing.
Hope this horse won’t poop while getting its blessing
This cow is all worshiped out
Did you notice those white robes? Look at those pictures of other pagan rituals:
Celebrating “Lucia”
Pagan ritual in Greece
Notice a similarity? Yes, white robes! Anyways, this is a video captured during the actual mass. There are UNCANNY resemblances with pagan rituals.

So we’ve blessed, horses, monkeys and aunt Sylvia’s poodle dressed like a ballerina. What is there left to bless? Why not people’s bicycles while we’re at it? Oh crap, shouldn’t have said that.

C) The Blessing of Bicycles

I won’t even talk about this, its is too stupid.
The environment is our religion and we don’t know it yet

D) Paul Winter’s Winter Solstice Celebration

Can’t worship the Sun more than that
This famous New Age musician celebrates the Winter solstice, one of the most ancient pagan rituals. He says on his website about the consort:
In ancient times, observers watched the sun sink lower in the sky each day, and feared it would disappear completely and leave them in darkness.
People practiced special rituals intended to entice the sun’s return. Bonfires and candles, with their imitative magic, helped fortify the waning sun and ward off the spirits of darkness. These symbols live on in our modern seasonal customs: the candles of Hanukkah and Christmas are kin to the fiery rites of old, which celebrated the miracle of the earth’s renewal.
So, yes he is Pagan, he’s proud of it and he performs inside a cathedral. Here’s a video of his rendering of “Silent Night”. Tell me who/what is being worshipped?

The Temple of Understanding

St. John the Divine is the headquarters of the Temple of Understanding, an interfaith effort to steer away people from traditional religions to a hybrid kind of spirituality based on New Age philosophies, Neo-Paganism and a mix of organized religions’ traditions. The “friends” who have assisted the founder Juliet Hollister include John D. Rockefeller II, the XIV Dalai Lama, Pope John XXIII, Eleanor Roosvelt, UN Secretary-General U Thant, International Planned Parenthood and the Jewish Theological Seminary. Jean Houston, a New Age guru and supporter of the Temple of Understanding wrote in her book “Trojan Horse”:
“The Temple’s purpose is to facilitate the one world religion, through the promoting both the acceptance and the embrace of all religions, beliefs and rituals. The Temple of Understanding’s Meditation Room was to be known as the “Hall of Illumination”‘ where the Illuminati, Masters of Wisdom, Our Leaders of the Temple of Understanding will train the public in the new humanistic cult…to create a new type of mystic”
The Temple has received full UN accreditation and has been a key actor in the “spiritual” department of the UN. Twelve individuals listed as Directors or Advisors of the Temple of Understanding are also members of the UN’s Global Forum councils. Those Forums have received numerous speakers who’ve openly supported a neo-pagan world religion based on Earth worship. James Lovelock, one of the speakers mentioned that “Gaia” (an ancient term describing the Earth as a Goddess) was the giver of life and had the capacity to heal herself. He describes humans as being cancers to Gaia, an “illness too overwhelming for her to heal herself”. In other words, humans are parasites to the goddess Gaia.
Al Gore has been a guest several times at the Cathedral of St.John the Divine where he infamously said “God is not separate from the Earth“. Well, in Christianity, Judaism and Islam, God IS in fact separate from the Earth (in the Heavens). If you decipher Gore’s phrase:
God = Earth = Earth is God
Gore has been repeatedly applauded by Pagan groups for his books and lectures. The Church of All Worlds congratulated the Clinton/Gore victory in 1996 by writing:
“We are Neo-Pagans — implying an eclectic reconstruction of ancient Nature religions, and combining archetypes of many cultures with other mystic and spiritual disciplines — and our beliefs and values are no different from those you describe as your own. Your book, Earth in Balance, is heralded by our People as a manifesto for all we hold dear…Know that there are half million NeoPagans out here who support you, and who voted for you, and who will rally to the aid of your policies for the salvation of the Earth and the reunification of the Great Family”.
Another member of the board of directors of the Temple of Understanding is Thomas Berry. He believes that the world is being called to a new, “post-denominational”, even a post-Christian belief system that sees the earth as a living being — with mankind as her consciousness.
Ok, so what the heck does this mean?
If you read my article about the  Georgia Guidestones  or the Denver International Airport, you’re already aware of unusual monuments and art placed by powerful yet secretive groups calling for a new type of global spirituality.  Key words or expressions are often used to make this religious shift socially acceptable: “Peace” , “balance with nature” or  ”harmony with the infinite”. How can you be against peace? You can’t.  Those buzz words hide however the means that will be used to obtain those objectives:  “Peace” will only happen when all there will be a single world government. “Balance with nature” will only happen when the world population will drastically decrease and “harmony with the infinite” will only happen when the world will give up traditional religions to embrace neo-pagan humanism.
The St. John the Divine Cathedral acts as a nervous center for the spiritual side of the global shift. Through numerous forums and UN summits, the Temple of Understanding reunites leaders from all major religions to devise a universal message.  This message will later be communicated to the masses  through local religious networks. In a slow yet steady manner, all religious faiths are leaning towards the same sets of values and will eventually converge into humanism.
Interfaith meeting at the Temple of Understanding
An example of this is Madeleine L’Engle’s courses given inside the Cathedral (she also is  one of the founders of the Temple). Her teachings include shamanism, out-of-body experiences, astral projection, Tarot methods of fortune telling, earth worship, psychic abilities, yoga, Tantric Toga (sexual form of Black Magic) and astrology. Almost all of those practices have have been severely condemned by Christianity for centuries yet they are being accepted within the Cathedral. Those types of courses are being promoted in various religious temples across the world.
But the main value that needs to be globally accepted is environmentalism. By creating a sense of urgency and fear regarding the degradation of Nature, it is easy to pass laws that would be otherwise unpopular, to raise taxes for the sake of environment and to shift the masses’ focus from their respective religions’ laws to the worship of the Earth. People embracing this New Age spirituality are more likely to accept controversial projects like Planned Parenthood and eugenics. When Nature is your religion, you see human life as a parasitic presence and more likely to rationalize the death of masses of population.
Article first appeared on Vigilant Citizen website.

Has the Illuminati flagged the destruction of NY, in the Cathedral of St...

Japan Attack, German Terror-Intel Group Complicit

Yes, We Can Drop the Sea Bed, Watch Us Do it Again, For Real This Time

Confirmations of Nuke Move Against Japan, South Korea and US

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor and Michael Shrimpton, UK  VT-Bureau

Japan’s top secret Plutonium production and storage facility facing attack, a radiation catastrophe for North America planned.  Based on multiple confirmations from official sources, plans are afoot to use a Russian nuclear device to destroy the secret Japanese weapons grade facility at Rokkasho Mura in the Aomori Prefecture.
We now have strong reason to believe that the Fukajima earthquake and tidal wave were not a natural event but one engineered to damage Japan and as a “first volley” in a radiation war against the United States.
A second, far more serious attack has been discovered, the agencies involved are the NSA, the British Covert Services, the Royal Navy and the Office of Naval Intelligence.
A “repeat performance” is scheduled, one we hope this detailed report will offset.  The United States, North America in general and Northern Europe will suffer extreme radiation contamination at a level capable of inducing widespread cancers and a drastic reduction in population.

Fukajima - Before it got really bad. Act two is in progress.
This is the plan and, at the end of this article, we will specifically describe the confirmed organization that is responsible for Fukajima and the manipulation of hundreds of events that began even before the end of World War II.
The organization described includes one former two former presidents, minimally two former CIA directors, planned the assassination of JFK, has, at its disposal dozens of nuclear weapons and “energy devices” of unknown description.
Several key members of congress are active members, one a former presidential candidate, some willingly, some blackmailed, either by pedophile rings in the US and Europe or through threats and extortion.  Of the “secret organizations” and “terror groups,” those we describe count, to a very large degree as both, the visible part of what we are not ever allowed to see, what no one sees, the rulers, whose visage is as fatal as looking on the face of god.
Well known families are involved, in some cases, those scheduled to rise to power have been “replaced” with trained agents.  What had been “Internet rumor” is no longer such, it is fact.
Breivik is a member of this organization as are the police in Norway, Poland and elsewhere.  The P2/Gladio operation, responsible for acts of terror through the 70s, 80s and 90s were this organization, sanctioned by NATO and the CIA but purely working for a cabal of pseudo-ubermenchen, delusional super-humans.

Widely known for many years - But widely unknown at the same time.
By their own pronouncement its members of ancient bloodlines who stand above the Bilderbergers, Skull and Bones or the more public low ranking secret societies.
Freemasonry, the Jesuits and hundreds of high ranking Satanists who sit at the forefront of American government and power, at the forefront of all of Europe, are served by this organization.
The bizarre patters of rendition, the secret prisons, the need to oversee everything from intersection cameras to cash registers that calculate our eating habits, these things represent far more than incursions on privacy.
Were we to speak unpleasant truth one would note that it wasn’t democracy that won World War II.  America lost, just as General Patton told Eisenhower.  Russia would rule the east and infiltrate the West.  Germany’s services under Carnaris would bring America to her knees, even if it took decades, which it did.
The end of the Cold War and the beginning of the War on Terror, as smooth a transition as imaginable, its own “Pearl Harbour,” planned so carefully, timed so easily, wars that last decades, faith in everything disappearing, a world taught to “take it in the behind and keep its mouth shut,” that was so much more, even than expected.
An important aspect of putting together the coup of 2001 began in 1945 when “the defeat” turned into American disarmament and the establishment of political organizations that would turn America from global superpower to slave state.
“Paperclip” was part of that takeover, Allen Dulles, his brother John Foster Dulles, both Hitler’s lawyers at one time, Richard Nixon joined the cabal bringing Kissinger, General Dornberger and Colonel Werner Von Braun of the SS were tasked with strangling the US missile and space programs.

Fort Bliss Texas - 104 captured German rocket engineers
It was George H.W. Bush, aided by his elderly father, Senator Prescott Bush, that positioned them for their work.
“This third day of October, 1942, is the first of a new era in transportation, that of space travel… ” —Walter Dornberger, speech at Peenemünde 3 October 1942
“I have had to apologize only to two men in my whole life. The first was Field Marshal von Brauchitsch. I did not listen to him when he told me again and again how important your research was. The second man is yourself. I never believed that your work would be successful. ” —Adolf Hitler, Apology to Major-General Dornberger, 8 July 1944

Gen. Dornberger and von Braun after capture - WWII
Learn all you can about Dornberger, about him, about Bush, about Dulles, about Lee Oswald, about von Braun.
Bush, war hero of Chi Chi Jima or something very different, shot down over water or landed and was later delivered to a waiting American submarine as arranged through our Japanese enemies and Admiral McCain.
He, the senior Admiral McCain,  is said by a knowledgeable few to have been the architect of naval disasters, nearly responsible for the deaths of 25,000 abandoned Marines on Guadalcanal.  They claim he was working for the Axis, promised much if he assured America lost the war, all rumor and inuendo, of course.
Japanese sources say they still have “41′s” PBR, looking like the day it came off the assembly line, buried in a cave on Hokaido next to the skeletons of the Korean workers tasked with burying it.
There could, of course, be no truth to this no matter how reliable the source or how much sense the story makes based on investigations of that day, reports from other crews or the miraculous survival of one so conveniently  saved while the rest of the crew disappeared though their plane could have floated for an hour.
Ah, but I digress…
Are these the rumors the Internet brings us or suppressed history, knowledge and proof of which, were such proof to exist, to be a sentence of death.
Years later we saw another McCain, an admiral, engineer the attack on the USS Liberty, arranging the killing of an American crew.  Who and what can order such things, profit from such?

John McCain - Fellow Hanio Hilton Pows wanted him courtmarshalled
We saw his son on 32 broadcasts while a prisoner of war, standing accused of treason, now serving in the Senate alongside Senator Lieberman, McCain enjoying a heroic history and a presidential pardon at the same time.  We even have one Medal of Honor winner with similar qualifications.
Patton is turning over in his grave, these and so many like them, either heroes or respected and esteemed, having spent lives as petty plotters, minor pirates or war criminals, this is, of course, if there is any substance to what so many tell with such reluctance.
This being “Bilderberger Week,” we find ourselves asking who our masters are.  I will simply offer you a glimpse at their enforcers and tell you the history you have been taught, much of it you have read, seen on television, watch daily on The Military History Chanel and such is, not just a blend of truth and a sea of propaganda but more insidious.
To the rulers, the wars, I and II, so many others, are but squabbles, opportunities for profit, signposts along the way toward an end that will leave the planet unrecognizable and depeopled.
Our elite, the CRF, the Bilderbergers and such wouldn’t be allowed to serve tea to our rulers.  I won’t discuss them but were one to take a DNA sample, more would be understood.
Now there is another task, one aimed at the United States, willing to sacrifice more of Japan, a nation dying as we speak, willing to lay waste to even Northern Germany, and environs, the “homeland” Hitler was so willing to see destroyed as undeserving of his trust.
As we are told, the dates will be June 21 or 22.  We have a second confirmation for August 17.  Both are earthquakes, same area, tremendous damage, one a nuclear disaster, one predicted as natural but reported by an intelligence agency.
We looked for responses from South Korea, none, and from China, who I believe has been active in moving to control North Korea through a series of assassinations.  I have been told I am totally wrong, totally wrong though mostly correct.  I had trouble understanding that one.
Let me be clear.  If there is an earthquake along the area we are predicting in Japan then it will be an act of war against the United States and require a response.  It will most certainly require for us to abandon our Disneyesque disinformation campaign, convincing Americans they live in an imaginary world populated by “liberals and conservatives.” a shoddy cover for something far more sinister, far more global and even beyond economic determinism.
We are dealing with forces that don’t even care about wealth and what we have come to understand as power.

Japanese Weapons Enrichment Facility on this Map..Somewhere
You may be able to find it.  It is large, it looks like something else, it is isolated, it appears to serve a national purpose but lacks certain facilities, taking advantage of the innate lack of curiosity Japanese suffer and America’s ambivalence at seeing an ally ready to “step up” and accept its historical destiny.  Others have ideas of derailing that destiny.
We are only hinting here, this is a story too dangerous to tell.  We can mention the Bush and McCain family, generations of it, the Dulles family, so many familiar names
Japan has several thousand kilograms of machined Plutonium “pits” in storage here, enough to “go nuclear” in hours if threatened by China.  This facility is under threat of destruction by what is meant to appear as an earthquake.
The source of the quake will be a Russian nuclear warhead, currently on-board a German diesel/electric Model 21 submarine heading for refueling at this time in the Philippine Islands.  There it will take on a new crew.
Refueling will take place adjacent to the Eversley Yacht Club near Mindoro.  We have the names of those involved, the exact location of this operation and the path the submarine will take.
This will be along the Chinese coast, inside Taiwan, past Shanghai and very close to the Korean Peninsula, close enough to be of interest to the government of South Korea.
Planned speed is 13 knots and the submarine will arrive off Japan on June 7, 2012 for a planned rendezvous with the MV Hi Chikyu Maru, the deep sea drilling vessel reported by some to have been conveniently placed during the destruction of the Fukajima nuclear plant, the largest “accident” or “event” of its kind, a thousand times worse than Chernobyl.
Perhaps the most amazing part of this is the cover being used by the Chikyu Maru.  It’s “quasi-official” role is the destruction of Japanese defense infrastructure on behalf of a dozen or more named conspiracies.
Meaning, of course, any convenient “mishap” near this ship cannot be attributed to them as they have been “vaccinated” by planted stories in the fringe press
The nuclear weapon involved had left Bremerhaven, one of four, weeks ago.  We had been told it was taken ashore in the UK, “dialed” or “detuned” to 100 kilotons for an attack to disrupt the London Olympics.  Several intelligence agencies were involved after the American VELA satellite system detected the weapon which disappeared when the submarine submerged immediately after loading.
Gossip from Whitehall indicated that a “certain ministry” had grounded Britain’s aircraft capable of detecting nuclear material, something we were able to confirm from many sources from intelligence agencies to simply Facebook gossip originating from operational personnel.
Days later, the “all clear” was given, and a “not very public” statement was issued to intelligence agencies that the weapon had been recovered.  We now believe this announcement to have been purposefully misleading, that the weapon was moved, not “recovered” and was reloaded onto a German Model 21 U Boat.   Quote from a knowledgeable source on the logistical questions raised by this mission:
“Confusion re U-Boat probably engendered by refit – we think she IS a  Type XXI, but refitted with new diesel engines for surface running and  Type 212 type Air Independent Propulsion.
 Transit time right in the ball-park – we are thinking 13 knots,  journey 13,000 nautical miles, transit 1,000 hours, ie approximately  41 days 16 hours.  Allowing for estimated departure on 23rd April, and  two days for refuelling, crew changeover, routine maintenance etc,  arrival in the target are on June 7th is credible, plus or minus say  two days.”
The form of delivery, doom will come in such a historical package, a Nazi superweapon, a submarine decades beyond what was capable, refitted, one of several, on another mission.
Editing: Jim W. Dean



By Michael Shrimpton for Veterans Today


This is a hot intel topic and one which has provoked a certain amount of debate within the Intelligence Community (INTELCOM).  That is partly because much of the material, including SATINT of the agency’s HQ in Dachau Germany (about a klick from the old concentration camp, a former DVD facility) has been classified at too high a level in this author’s humble opinion.  As Gordon Duff can confirm this author is very humble.  (Ed: Mike is humble…not.)
DVD stands for Deutsches Verteidigungs Dienst, or German Defense Service.  It was set up by German spymaster Admiral Wilhelm Canaris in 1943/4, after he appreciated that Germany was going to lose the war.  He and his deputy, GeneralLeutnant Erwin von Lahousen, a serious Kraut, were determined that Germany would win the peace, which to date she has done.  They started moving files, gold, officers and other stuff down to Dachau from Berlin as early as the fall of 1943.  Nazis were not invited.  The DVD are not and never have been Nazi – these were the boys who installed the Nazis, and they were a lot smarter.  Your average Nazi was pretty dumb, no smarter than your average Democrat.
The DVD arranged to extend the war for 6 months, by pushing Operation Market Garden, the abortive attempt to cross the Rhine and outflank the Krauts.  They used assets in the British Army to hold up the advance of XXX Corps on Arnhem and assets in the Air Ministry to suppress photo-intel of the SS Panzer Division they moved in to the Arnhem area, ie our guys were ambushed.  The extra time was needed to move gold, cash and folk out of Germany into Argentina and elsewhere, using a covert fleet of modified Type XXI U-Boats, used for cargo work (they were never put through the books of the Kriegsmarine).  Three at least of that fleet are still in business, 67 years later, refitted with Air Independent Propulsion and new diesels.  If that sounds old remember the Big E – great ship – is still going strong more than 50 years after she was commissioned, indeed her proposed decommissioning is premature.
Canaris faked his death in ’45 – he has two graves.  As I reveal in my forthcoming history of the DVD, Spyhunter, there is even a post-war photo of Canaris, in the biography by one of his more loyal lieutenants, one Colonel Whiting, of the OSS and DVD, allegedly taken in 1944 (t wasn’t).    His head of air intelligence was GeneralMajor Adolfo Galland, who has two interesting gaps in his resume, covering the Korean War and the Vietnam War.   The ‘Chinese’ Mig-15s in Korea (a German design by the way) never flew over South Korea and always returned north of the Yalu because most of their pilots were German.
Dolfo repeated the same trick in Vietnam.   You won’t find many genuine North Vietnamese air aces signing prints of their Mig-21s – most of the Mig 21 pilots over ‘Nam were Luftwaffe, ie West German, with some East Germans as well.  There was no Cold War split in German intelligence – the DVD ran both the West German BND (Gehlen was DVD) and the Stasi, their key man in East Berlin being the author’s old ‘friend’ (strictly an enemy, but the old boy and he got on well) GeneralOberst Markus Wolf.
It is only in recent years that the last senior Luftwaffe officers with operational experience in ‘Nam have retired.  Many of them were trained by the USAF, eg in Texas, in American air combat tactics, a gross deception by the Germans, who were of course very familiar with the capabilities of the F-4.  The author once ‘congratulated’ a German air force general at a drinkies on shooting down 4 B-52s over Hanoi – the poor guy had nowhere to go.  Of course the author would have much preferred it had the general had been shot down, but if you want your Hun to cough you have to be nice to him.   The author didn’t get intel out of Markus Wolf by being offensive – and you had to get up pretty early in the morning if you wanted something out of Markus.  He was treated badly by his own people by the way, one reason why we know so much about them.  They can’t stop double-crossing their own – your Jerry will always sacrifice another Jerry for the Fatherland.
The DVD control most of the world’s cocaine and heroin trade, all the major paedophile rings and the COREA Group.  They have a UK operation, known as GO2, inspiration for Ian Fleming’s fictional ‘OO’ section.  The Bilderberg group and Trilateral Commission are DVD front organisations, although most of their members are unaware of that – you have to get through to the hard, inner core before you get the intelligence connection.  Nice Trilats like Judge Bill Webster (hi Bill!) are nothing whatsoever to do with the DVD.   The DEA boys south of the border will occasionally encounter the Krauts who control the cartels, but they usually stay pretty deep.
Their political assets are legion, one reason the US lost the Vietnam War and the UK fouled up so badly over the IRA.   They specialise in talent-spotting and blackmailing future leaders.  Several US Presidents have been close to the DVD, Eisenhower being a prominent example.    Kennedy wasn’t, which is why he became an ex-President, sadly.  If you know that Allen ‘von’ Dulles and Richard ‘von’ Helms were DVD it’s a lot easier to make sense of that operation.   In Britain Macmillan, Wilson and Heath were all DVD assets, hence their enthusiasm for the UK joining the EU, aka the German Sphere of Influence.  The bad guys are still in business, in a big way.  The agency seems to have about 10,000 people and its HQ complex is quite large, mostly underground.

Michael Shrimpton
Michael Shrimpton was born on 9th March 1957 in the RAF Hospital, Ely, in Cambridgeshire, the son of an RAF fighter pilot and a former RAF nursing sister.  Brought up in Australia, where his family emigrated after his father took up a second career as an Air Traffic Controller, Michael returned to England to study law in 1978.
He graduated with honours from the University of Wales in 1981 and was elected President of the Union of University College Cardiff the same year.  He was called to the Bar by Gray’s Inn in 1983.  Whilst at university he joined the RAFVR’s University of Wales Air Squadron, flying first solo in 1979 on the Bulldog T Mk. 1.
Originally a member of the Labour Party and a Parliamentary Candidate in 1987 he defected to the Tory Party on the issue of Europe in 1997.  He has always been opposed to UK membership of the EU.
In 1999/2000 he represented the late General Pinochet in successful negotiations in Washington with inter alia the late Lt-Gen Vernon Walters, formerly Deputy Director of the CIA, ensuring the general’s return to Chile.  After that he was increasingly drawn into the intelligence world, representing intelligence officers and providing analysis to governments and intelligence agencies.
After 9-11 he appeared on specialist counter-terrorism panels in Washington and LA with former general and flag officers.  His analysis on the true pilot training of the 9-11 pilots has never been seriously challenged within INTELCOM.   He assisted both Joint Congressional Inquiry into 9-11 and met with a member of the 9-11 Commission in Washington.
Michael has briefed staffers on the House Foreign Relations Committee and the Senate Intelligence Committee.  He was a frequent visitor to the Pentagon in the Bush-Cheney years.  He was a speaker at the inaugural Intelligence Conference (Intelcon) in 2005 and the Intelligence Summit in 2006, after which he was flown out to the USS Enterprise at sea by the US Navy, as part of their Distinguished Visitor Program.  He is one of comparatively few British civilians to have completed a carrier landing and catapult take-off cycle from a US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.
In 2006 he was appointed to the Adjunct Faculty of the American Military University, where he taught on the Masters in Strategic Intelligence Program.  He has been a sometime member of the Royal United Services Institute, the Military Commentators Circle, the International Institute of Strategic Studies and Chatham House.   He has published in the national security field and in 2010 took an 18 month sabbatical to write his ground-breaking intelligence text Spyhunter.
He has a wide range of defence and intelligence contacts.  Although mostly concerned with intelligence analysis, teaching and writing Michael has popped up in the occasional hotspot, such as the West Bank, the Golan Heights and Israeli-Lebanese frontier.   He has travelled widely, including Eastern Europe and has visited over 35 US states, including Alaska.

Personal Liberty Alerts

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Wowee, some folks are sure angry that Eduardo Saverin, one of the co-founders of Facebook, decided to unfriend the country that helped make him a billionaire. In response, two Senators introduced the Expatriation Prevention by Abolishing Tax-Related Incentives for Offshore Tenancy (or Ex-PATRIOT) Act. More »

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If you've noticed a shortage of Joe Biden gaffes this week, it's because he's on vacation. After nearly four years of hard work, the Vice President took this week off. For those of you who have been missing Uncle Joe, we at Personal Liberty Digest™ put together a compilation of his finest moments. More »

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Chip Shots


More people join the 'anybody but Barack Obama' club. It was no surprise that Mitt Romney won the Republican primaries in Arkansas and Kentucky last week. But did you hear what happened on the Democratic side? Forty-two percent of the voters in the Democratic primaries in those two States voted against the incumbent President. In Kentucky, where there wasn't even an opponent on the ballot, Democrats selected "uncommitted." That's almost as embarrassing as what happened in West Virginia, where 41 percent of Democratic voters chose a prison inmate rather than our current President.  More »

Obama to mandate immoral education in schools

Public Advocate

The Radical Homosexuals infiltrating the United States Congress have a plan:

Indoctrinate an entire generation of American children with pro-homosexual propaganda and eliminate traditional values from American society.

Their ultimate dream is to create a new America based on sexual promiscuity in which the values you and I cherish are long forgotten.

I hate to admit it, but if they pass the deceptively named "Student Non-Discrimination Act," (H.R. 998 & S. 555) that's exactly what they'll do.

Better named the "Homosexual Classrooms Act," its chief advocate in Congress is Rep. Jared Polis, himself an open homosexual and radical activist.

And it's dangerously close to becoming the law of the land.

H.R. 998 already has 157 co-sponsors in the House!

And S. 555 already has 37 co-sponsors in the Senate!

That's why I need you to act quickly -- right away -- to protect our nation's youth.

You've already signed our "Protect Our Children's Innocence" Petition, and I thank you.

PBut while your petition along with thousands of others are rushed to the capitol, I fear they will not be enough.

That's why I need your most generous contribution of $25 right away.
You and I must defeat this disastrous legislation.

You see, the Homosexual Classrooms Act contains a laundry list of anti-family provisions that will:
*** Require schools to teach appalling homosexual acts so "homosexual students" don't feel "singled out" during already explicit sex-ed classes;
*** Spin impressionable students in a whirlwind of sexual confusion and misinformation, even peer pressure to "experiment" with the homosexual "lifestyle;"
*** Exempt homosexual students from punishment for propositioning, harassing, or even sexually assaulting their classmates, as part of their specially-protected right to "freedom of self-expression;"
*** Force private and even religious schools to teach a pro-homosexual curriculum and purge any reference to religion if a student claims it creates a "hostile learning environment" for homosexual students.
And that's just the beginning of the Homosexual Lobby's radical agenda.

In fact, it will set them up to ram through their entire perverted vision for a homosexual America.

My friend, I'm sure I don't have to tell you this is not a fight we can afford to lose.

That's why Public Advocate is leading the fight against this immoral legislation.

But I need your help to do it.

You see, it's becoming harder and harder to send my message to unaware pro-Family advocates.

The Radical Homosexual Lobby is working day and night to censor Public Advocate's warning about the Homosexual Classrooms Act.

That's why I need you to seriously consider chipping in a special contribution to Public Advocate.

A contribution of just $20 will enable me to email 1,000 potential new supporters.
This is a battle for the survival of American values and the fact is, there's no time to waste.

The Homosexual Classrooms Act will turn America's schools into indoctrination centers and its classrooms into social laboratories -- and they're pulling out all the stops to pass it.

You see, they've disguised the bill's wicked purpose behind an innocent name: "The Student Non-Discrimination Act."

The Homosexual Lobby knows that if the public knew the truth about their radical agenda, they'll have no hope of success.

And their dangerously close to ramming their perversity into law.

H.R. 998 already has 157 co-sponsors in the House!

And S. 555 already has 37 co-sponsors in the Senate!

You and I need to take action right now to stop the growing momentum of this disastrous legislation.

I've developed a massive program to launch the second they try to push this bill through -- mail, email, phones, and even radio and TV ads.

But that's only possible with your support...

None of these things are cheap.  In fact, running a program of the size necessary to defeat this bill can get quite expensive especially with increases in postage and printing costs.

That's why I need your generous $25 contribution.

$250 will allow me to email more than 10,000 potential new supporters.  $100 or even $50 would mean 5,000 or 2,500 new chances to alert more Americans to the threat of the Homosexual Classrooms Act.

Every dollar counts in this fight.  Even if you can only chip in $10 or $20, it will mean 500 or 1,000 new emails.
This agenda is nothing new.

In fact, other countries like Britain are already experimenting with this kind of legislation, such as mandating public schools inject pro-homosexual content into every aspect of education.

Word problems in math classes are now to include homosexual characters.  History classes will document the "civil rights" struggle against the "oppressive" pro-family establishment.

And it's even started to infiltrate our state governments.

In California, lawmakers want to "require schools to portray lesbians, homosexuals, transsexuals ... as positive role models to children in all public schools."

Sexual deviants being held up as models of virtue?

If that makes you as sick as it makes me, you simply must join me in this battle for America's children.

Please send a generous $25 contribution right away.  Your action will make all the difference.
And if all that wasn't enough to convince you that action must be taken immediately, there's more.

Many say that there will always be private schools and traditional homeschool families to teach traditional values to the next generation.

But the truth is, this radical agenda is NOT restricted to public schools.

Kevin Jennings, Obama's "Safe Schools Czar," has clearly stated that "every school, public, private or parochial has an obligation" to teach a pro-homosexual curriculum.

In fact, Jennings denounced school choice programs as "very dangerous" because they make it much harder to impose the Homosexual Agenda on our kids.

"Lord forbid a Baptist or Mormon school," he added.

Jennings' ultimate goal is for all curriculum in "kindergarten, and first grade, and second grade – every grade" be infused with a pro-homosexual slant.

Traditional values will be squashed and demonized as old fashioned or out of date, or even as bigotry.

You and I cannot let them succeed.

Please make a generous contribution of $25.

The Homosexual Lobby has done their worst to censor my message about the Homosexual Classrooms Act -- and it's absolutely critical that I send more emails.

If you contribute as little as $10, I will be able to email 500 new people, maybe even more!

You see, every dollar counts in this fight so even if you can only chip in $10 or $20, it will make a significant difference.

Thank you so much for all you have done.


Eugene Delgaudio
Public Advocate of the U.S.
P.S. Radical Homosexuals in Congress have a plan to indoctrinate our children in schools -- both public and private.

But Public Advocate is taking a stand.  Will you join me?

Please send a generous contribution of $25 right away.

P.P.S. If you haven't yet signed the "Protect Our Children's Innocence" Petition, you can sign on at this link.

American Vision News