Mac Slavo
You may have entertained the idea of an improbable civilization ending events such as a ‘global killer’
asteroid, earth crust displacement or
massive solar storms, but what if there existed a situation right now that was so serious that it literally threatened our very existence?
According to a host of scientists, nuclear experts and researchers,
were are facing exactly such a scenario – and current efforts may not be
able to stop it.
When the Fukushima nuclear plants sustained structural damage and a
catastrophic failure of their spent fuel cooling systems in the
aftermath of the Japanese earthquake and Tsunami in 2011, it left the
government of Japan, Tokyo Power and nuclear regulatory agencies around
the world powerless to contain the release of deadly radiation. A year
on, the battle for control of Fukushima continues to no avail.
It’s estimated that tens of thousands of people in Japan and
the whole of North America
have been affected, with reports indicating that children in Japan and
the U.S. are already being born with birth defects, as well as thousands
who have already succumbed to radiation related illness. As we
initially followed the
breaking news during the first thirty days of the accident, we suggested the Fukushima disaster would be worse than Chernobyl. Not even we could have imagined how
much worse it would be.
current estimates
are correct, Fukushima has already released as much radiation into the
atmosphere and Pacific Ocean as Chernobyl, and the potential for a
disaster at least ten times worse is
highly probable in the event of another earthquake or accident that leads to a collapse of the cooling structures which are above ground and have already suffered significant damage.
According to U.S. Army General Albert N. Stubblebine (ret.) of the
Natural Solutions Foundation,
the situation is extremely serious and poses a significant danger to
our entire civilization. Since TEPCO and the Japanese government have
refused the entombment option (as the Russians did with Chernobyl) the
world is at the mercy of nature. A mistake here would cause the deaths
of tens of millions of people across the globe.
If there ever existed a threat that could cause the end of the world
as we know it, it’s the ongoing and unresolved nuclear saga in Japan:
When the highly radioactive Spent Fuel Rods are exposed to air, there will be massive explosions releasing many times the amount or radiation released thus far.
Bizarrely, they are stored three stories above ground in open concrete
storage pools. Whether through evaporation of the water in the pools, or
due to the inevitable further collapse of the structure, there is a severe risk. United States public health authorities agree that tens of thousands of North Americans have already died from the Fukushima calamity. When
the final cataclysm occurs, sooner rather than later, the whole
Northern Hemisphere is at risk of becoming largely uninhabitable.
Fact. On March 11, 2011, Fukushima Daichi nuclear power station with
six nuclear reactors suffered cataclysmic damage that some believe was
a man made event,and the resulting Tsunami. Hydrogen explosions…at least
one nuclear explosion… and then subsequent deterioration of the visible
plants at five of those reactors have created a threat situation
unparalleled in human history.
Fact. Despite denial and cover-up, the reality has emerged, that
enormous amounts of radioactive material has been spewing into the
atmosphere, polluting the groundwater, and the food of Japan, and
entering by the tens of millions of gallons the waters of the Pacific.
There’s no way to sugarcoat these facts. Denying them, blocking them
out, pretending that they are not real is of no help to you and your
family, and it leaves you totally unprepared for a danger that the
Natural Solutions Foundation has been warning about since the first day.
As of three weeks ago the levels of radiation inside of the spent fuel pools of unit no. 2 are too high to measure.
Get that… too high to measure. And, the water there is evaporating,
meaning that heat and radiation could easily build to very high levels.
Very simply put, if this much Cesium 137 is released, it will destroy
the world environment and our civilization. This is not rocket science,
nor does it connect to the pugulistic debate over nuclear power plants.
This is an issue of human survival.
We can play the denial game all day long and pretend that, because the
mainstream media is not reporting on it, there is no threat, but the facts are quite clear.
This is, without a doubt, the most immediate threat faced by the
world. It’s so serious, in fact, that the Japanese government has
considered and put into place
evacuation plans for the whole of Tokyo
– some 40 million people. Reports are also emerging that suggest a
collapse of the spent fuel pools would be so serious that the entire
country of Japan may have to be evacuated. The entire country – that’s
125 million refugees that will cause an unprecedented humanitarian
Before you argue that these are the ravings of just alternative media
conspiracy theorists and fearmongers, consider the assessment
put forth by Robert Alvarez , a senior policy adviser to the Secretary for National Security and the Environment for the US Department of Energy:
The No. 4 pool is about 100 feet above ground, is
structurally damaged and is exposed to the open elements. If an
earthquake or other event were to cause this pool to drain this could
result in a catastrophic radiological fire involving nearly 10 times the
amount of Cs-137 released by the Chernobyl accident.
The infrastructure to safely remove this material was destroyed as it
was at the other three reactors. Spent reactor fuel cannot be simply
lifted into the air by a crane as if it were routine cargo. In order to
prevent severe radiation exposures, fires and possible explosions, it
must be transferred at all times in water and heavily shielded
structures into dry casks.. As this has never been done before, the
removal of the spent fuel from the pools at the damaged
Fukushima-Dai-Ichi reactors will require a major and time-consuming
re-construction effort and will be charting in unknown waters.
The total spent reactor fuel inventory at the Fukushima-Daichi site
contains nearly half of the total amount of Cs-137 estimated by the
NCRP to have been released by all atmospheric nuclear weapons testing,
Chernobyl, and world-wide reprocessing plants (~270 million curies or
~9.9 E+18 Becquerel).
It is important for the public to understand that reactors that have
been operating for decades, such as those at the Fukushima-Dai-Ichi
site, have generated some of the largest concentrations of radioactivity on the planet.
Regulatory agencies all over the world are warning of the
potentiality of a further degradation of the Fukushima nuclear reactors
and spent fuel pools, and the subsequent nuclear fallout that would
If these reactors go – and they could at any moment for any number of
reasons – we’re looking at a situation for which you simply cannot
stock enough food, or water, or supplies. Radiation would spread across
the entire northern hemisphere and would be impossible to contain.
While we’ve argued in the past that there is no place we’d rather be
than in the United States of America in the event of a socio-economic
collapse or global conflict, if these spent fuel pools collapse, then an
international exit strategy may be the only option.
Because details are sparse and research limited, it is difficult to
predict what nuclear fall out from Japan may look like. The following
map may be of some help, as it details the estimated fallout pattern
resulting from a nuclear war between Russia and the United States.
You’ll note that, while most of the world would be irradiated, the
southern hemisphere would be your best bet to avoid the brunt of it:
Beachfront property in Antarctica sounds quite appealing right about now.