Right now, what is keeping the new world order from really rearing its ugly head is an armed population, which is the militia at large. The State Governors and the State Legislatures are within their legal right to call up the state militia.
The state militia is not the National Guard. The State Guards or militias proceeded before the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of confederation and the US Constitution. The state defense forces are the not Regular Army or a Professional force. They are unorganized and irregular formations consisting of the people possessing arms not under a centralized command structure.
To prevent such abuses from a centralized government. The Bill of Rights were adopted by the Congress and the original 13 states. The militias and the possession of arms in the hands of a decentralized power is the alternative to having a standing army in peacetime.
The 10 Articles in the Bill of Rights was adopted as expressed in the preamble stating:
“In order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best insure the beneficent ends of its institution.
The Bill of rights as a means to restrain Federal; power over the sovereign states and the individual.
In the second Amendment, “A well regulated militia being necessary for the security of a FREE STATE”. That means it is not the National Guard that only came into existence because of the Militia act of 1903(The Dick Act). Many anti-gun advocates on the left argued the “well regulated militia” means the National Guard, which is supposed to be under the command of the state governors. The second part of the second Amendment says after the comma states:
“The right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”. That means arms in the hands of the people and not a standing army in peacetime.
The original definition of militia is:
Every able bodied man and a force not under a centralized government control.
The Sheriff’s posse is the Militia at large in his county consisting of the armed populace under the Posse Comitatus. He can call up every armed person to assist him keeping order. This is why the office of Sheriff is being attacked, the tyrants are working hard trying to get rid of this elected office with an appointed yes man. They took away this office in Connecticut and now they are trying to get rid of the office in Delaware.
State guard, citizen militias and Sheriff Posse that are outside Federal control or any centralized power is legal and necessary in the preservation of liberty as an alternative to a standing army. George Washington who was the commander of the continental army that defeated the British and our first President said:
“Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people’s liberty teeth and keystone under independence … From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to insure peace, security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable . . . the very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference – they deserve a place of honor with all that is good”.
What Washington also said about standing armies is:
“A standing army in peacetime is the bane of Liberty”
Now President Obama is threatening 14 State Governors for forming state defense forces outside Federal control. These forces are not the State National Guard, which is already federalized. Military formations no longer under the control of the governor and now under the Pentagon command. The President threatened these governors being tried for Treason.
I do not see an act of Treason among the 14 State Governors. What they are doing is legal and moral to form state defense forces outside federal control. President Bush signing the Military Commissions Act and the John Warner Defense Authorization Act that calls for invading states that rebel against federal rule.
In addition, President Bush signing PD-51, which is classified even congressional representatives with high-level security clearances, cannot even read the document. The President Obama signs the National defense Authorization Act 2012 and the Executive Order called the National Resource Defense Preparedness. It is good people are buying firearms and the State governors are forming State defense forces to stand against tyranny coming out of Washington. People will rather fight, than be arrested without charge to be taken to a FEMA camp.
With Obama trying to ram UN Agenda 21 trying to force people off their land into compact cities, to shut down family farms and any small industry outside the crony capitalism. President Obama thinks he is a law unto himself. He will not succeed lording over America as a dictator.
He can try to put TSA on interstates and in shopping malls. If the President thinks he can can deploy NORTHCOM troops to state capitals to overthrow sovereign states that nullify the dictator’s decrees might be Obama’s downfall showing the nation for what he really is. An arrogant despotic tyrant and a narcissist that needs to be removed or our nation falls into darkness.
The State governors forming defense forces outside centralized Federal control is Constitutional and Legal. It is their moral obligation to protect his state and the people from tyranny. It is the duty of the people to resist tyranny as a moral obligation.
When the sheriff or governor calls them up in the defense of the state when it is moral and right. The only act of treason is the imposter in the White House imposing his agenda alien to the people that is illegal and unconstitutional.
To arrest the Governor and send the Military to invade the states not going along with Obama’s illegal decrees asserting State’s rights. If he dares try it, there might be very harsh consequences he never anticipated that will be his demise. Pray for your state governors who are standing up to the Federal government so they have the courage to do what is right. They can use all the help they can get.