Duct Tape For Obama

Why I am in Love with Liberty

HELL NO!: Will Ron Paul supporters jump on the Romney band wagon

  Ron Paul baseball bat

by Joel McDurmon

Joe Wolverton II writes for The New American,
The reports of Ron Paul’s demise are greatly exaggerated. A spokesman for the campaign has repeatedly affirmed that Ron Paul isn’t going away and that he has neither ended nor suspended his campaign for the presidency. In fact, the Texas congressman’s drive to accumulate delegates at the state Republican conventions seems to be gaining momentum.
Although the Paul camp has acknowledged “Governor Romney has what is very likely an insurmountable lead,” they are fighting on and will undoubtedly leverage their increasing cache of committed delegates to strengthen their platform-influencing position in Tampa in August.
It has been observed that “it’s way too late to keep Paul from having a sizable presence at the Republican National Convention.” It’s also way too late to believe that the Paul bloc of the Republican Party will go gentle into that good night and to stand idly by as the Romney wing converts its candidate’s policy pronouncements into the GOP platform for 2012.
A writer at the Washington Post reckons that Ron Paul will push for votes “on a few platform issues” but ultimately settle for “platform committee losses” on most of his key policy stances with “one or two minor victories” as a consolation prize.
With all due respect, the Washington Post doesn’t seem to be paying attention to the state convention chaos that has erupted nationwide as Romney surrogates try to muzzle the vociferous and informed platoons of Ron Paul backers. . . .
An article published earlier this week in The Atlantic rightly reckons that:
“If Romney wants to win the Paul vote, it seems, it won’t be good enough to put an audit-the-Fed plank in the Republican Party platform. He’d have to actually embrace and campaign on Paul’s issues, which could, in case it needs to be said, be a tricky proposition where the mass of the electorate is concerned.”
These dedicated freedom activists know Ron Paul, they’ve worked for Ron Paul and they know that Mitt Romney is no Ron Paul.

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This is Why Obama Should NOT Be Presidentt!

Today Is a HUGE Day For The Ron Paul Campaign!

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