By (Editor’s note: These opinions are solely those of the author.)
Rumor has it that when Dr. Ron Paul was first approached and was asked to run for President in the 2008 election cycle, he said he didn’t want to be President. He was told that he couldn’t win anyway, and with that, he decided to run. He could get his ideas out and educate the public on the evils of the Federal Reserve banking system and how to change it. The idea of Liberty and self responsibility could be spread once again across this great land. Did the rumor have any basis in fact? I do not know, but his incredible success in the 2008 election cycle helped to get the conversation about the Fed started, and it continues today. Now we know, and we can’t “unknow” it.
It has also been said that anyone who wants to be the President of the United States of America is automatically unqualified. I agree. Of the 300 million+ people in this land, there are less than 2 dozen who aspire to the the office of President of the United States of America. When a new casino opens in Las Vegas, Nevada, there are thousands of applicants for the few card dealing jobs available. The lines of applicants are long for the jobs of maids, groundskeepers, janitors, and secretaries, but the job of President of the United States of America has few applicants.
Anyone who will spend other people’s money to tell us how great he or
she is should be put in a small room with padded walls and windows that
can’t be reached. The one who shouts the loudest of how great he or she
is should be put under guard and watched 24/7. The pandering fool
currently being provided free room and board at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
in Washington, D. C. has been the loudest narcissist here of late.
Megalomania is a serious psychological problem. Many with that disease
are locked up and force-fed drugs. But more than 500 of them are living
and working in that swamp – and breathing the swamp gases – of
Washington, District of Criminals. Who in their right mind would want to
be the leader of such a motley gathering of men and women? And who in
their right mind would want to be part of that crew?
Aaron Russo’s movie America: Freedom to Fascism, informed us of the history of the evildoers of the last century and their plans of a One World Government. Edward Griffin’s book The Creature from Jekyl Island informed us of the people involved and how the Federal Reserve banking system came about. Now we know, and we can’t “unknow” it. For most of the American people, the Fed is now in their lexicon. It cost tens of millions of little green pieces of paper, and perhaps billions of words spewed from keyboards and mouths, but still only a small percentage of the dollars and words spent on hiding the destruction done to the greatest country in the known history of the human race. To take over and control the education system in order to instill in the millions of young minds that the government is all powerful, and God should not be allowed in our lives, was not cheap nor was it easy. That nefarious group of scoundrels that brought us the Federal Reserve also gave us the less-than-great education system with which we punish our children. That is not to take away from the millions of men and women who taught, because they too are a product of the same system.
When Congressman Ron Paul announced that he would not campaign during the remainder of the primary season but asked that his supporters continue getting delegates that would support him at the convention in Tampa, many of his supporters, myself among them, were angry and dismayed. Nasty things were said and written. After a day or so, though, the heat went down, and cooler thoughts were thought.
Dr. Paul actually promotes the idea of divesting the office of the President of much of the power amassed in that office. While all the rest of the field are braying about what they will be doing for us if we give them all of our money and our firstborn, if we are allowed to have a firstborn, Dr. Paul talks of self-responsibility and self-regulation. Freedom, what a novel idea! It has only been around since man.
Dr. Paul promotes peace, the dream of man since man could dream. Dr. Paul promotes the idea that we should own ourselves and our property. Marx, Hitler, Clinton, Bush, Romney, and the fool in the White House, along with Mao, Castro, and Chavez, think otherwise.
If the chief narcissist is re-elected, or if the hairdo from Massachusetts is elected, the dark ages loom before us as the tsunami loomed over Japan.
We must send as many delegates for Dr. Ron Paul as possible to Tampa, Florida. He can win the nomination, and even a desultory campaign can put him in the White House. I believe he would serve, though reluctantly, and do a much better job than any in the last 100 years.
George Washington refused to accept the title of King. He served well and was relieved to be out of the office. Thomas Jefferson barely campaigned for his second term as President. They were good men and true. The good doctor, Congressman Ron Paul, is of that caliber.
Rumor has it that when Dr. Ron Paul was first approached and was asked to run for President in the 2008 election cycle, he said he didn’t want to be President. He was told that he couldn’t win anyway, and with that, he decided to run. He could get his ideas out and educate the public on the evils of the Federal Reserve banking system and how to change it. The idea of Liberty and self responsibility could be spread once again across this great land. Did the rumor have any basis in fact? I do not know, but his incredible success in the 2008 election cycle helped to get the conversation about the Fed started, and it continues today. Now we know, and we can’t “unknow” it.
It has also been said that anyone who wants to be the President of the United States of America is automatically unqualified. I agree. Of the 300 million+ people in this land, there are less than 2 dozen who aspire to the the office of President of the United States of America. When a new casino opens in Las Vegas, Nevada, there are thousands of applicants for the few card dealing jobs available. The lines of applicants are long for the jobs of maids, groundskeepers, janitors, and secretaries, but the job of President of the United States of America has few applicants.
Aaron Russo’s movie America: Freedom to Fascism, informed us of the history of the evildoers of the last century and their plans of a One World Government. Edward Griffin’s book The Creature from Jekyl Island informed us of the people involved and how the Federal Reserve banking system came about. Now we know, and we can’t “unknow” it. For most of the American people, the Fed is now in their lexicon. It cost tens of millions of little green pieces of paper, and perhaps billions of words spewed from keyboards and mouths, but still only a small percentage of the dollars and words spent on hiding the destruction done to the greatest country in the known history of the human race. To take over and control the education system in order to instill in the millions of young minds that the government is all powerful, and God should not be allowed in our lives, was not cheap nor was it easy. That nefarious group of scoundrels that brought us the Federal Reserve also gave us the less-than-great education system with which we punish our children. That is not to take away from the millions of men and women who taught, because they too are a product of the same system.
When Congressman Ron Paul announced that he would not campaign during the remainder of the primary season but asked that his supporters continue getting delegates that would support him at the convention in Tampa, many of his supporters, myself among them, were angry and dismayed. Nasty things were said and written. After a day or so, though, the heat went down, and cooler thoughts were thought.
Dr. Paul actually promotes the idea of divesting the office of the President of much of the power amassed in that office. While all the rest of the field are braying about what they will be doing for us if we give them all of our money and our firstborn, if we are allowed to have a firstborn, Dr. Paul talks of self-responsibility and self-regulation. Freedom, what a novel idea! It has only been around since man.
Dr. Paul promotes peace, the dream of man since man could dream. Dr. Paul promotes the idea that we should own ourselves and our property. Marx, Hitler, Clinton, Bush, Romney, and the fool in the White House, along with Mao, Castro, and Chavez, think otherwise.
If the chief narcissist is re-elected, or if the hairdo from Massachusetts is elected, the dark ages loom before us as the tsunami loomed over Japan.
We must send as many delegates for Dr. Ron Paul as possible to Tampa, Florida. He can win the nomination, and even a desultory campaign can put him in the White House. I believe he would serve, though reluctantly, and do a much better job than any in the last 100 years.
George Washington refused to accept the title of King. He served well and was relieved to be out of the office. Thomas Jefferson barely campaigned for his second term as President. They were good men and true. The good doctor, Congressman Ron Paul, is of that caliber.