Ron Paul: The Reluctant Candidate

Ron Paul 2 SC Ron Paul: The reluctant Candidate

By (Editor’s note: These opinions are solely those of the author.)
Rumor has it that when Dr. Ron Paul was first approached and was asked to run for President in the 2008 election cycle, he said he didn’t want to be President. He was told that he couldn’t win anyway, and with that, he decided to run. He could get his ideas out and educate the public on the evils of the Federal Reserve banking system and how to change it. The idea of Liberty and self responsibility could be spread once again across this great land. Did the rumor have any basis in fact? I do not know, but his incredible success in the 2008 election cycle helped to get the conversation about the Fed started, and it continues today. Now we know, and we can’t “unknow” it.
It has also been said that anyone who wants to be the President of the United States of America is automatically unqualified. I agree. Of the 300 million+ people in this land, there are less than 2 dozen who aspire to the the office of President of the United States of America. When a new casino opens in Las Vegas, Nevada, there are thousands of applicants for the few card dealing jobs available. The lines of applicants are long for the jobs of maids, groundskeepers, janitors, and secretaries, but the job of President of the United States of America has few applicants.
Anyone who will spend other people’s money to tell us how great he or she is should be put in a small room with padded walls and windows that can’t be reached. The one who shouts the loudest of how great he or she is should be put under guard and watched 24/7. The pandering fool currently being provided free room and board at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D. C. has been the loudest narcissist here of late. Megalomania is a serious psychological problem. Many with that disease are locked up and force-fed drugs. But more than 500 of them are living and working in that swamp – and breathing the swamp gases – of Washington, District of Criminals. Who in their right mind would want to be the leader of such a motley gathering of men and women? And who in their right mind would want to be part of that crew?
Aaron Russo’s movie America: Freedom to Fascism, informed us of the history of the evildoers of the last century and their plans of a One World Government. Edward Griffin’s book The Creature from Jekyl Island informed us of the people involved and how the Federal Reserve banking system came about. Now we know, and we can’t “unknow” it. For most of the American people, the Fed is now in their lexicon. It cost tens of millions of little green pieces of paper, and perhaps billions of words spewed from keyboards and mouths, but still only a small percentage of the dollars and words spent on hiding the destruction done to the greatest country in the known history of the human race. To take over and control the education system in order to instill in the millions of young minds that the government is all powerful, and God should not be allowed in our lives, was not cheap nor was it easy. That nefarious group of scoundrels that brought us the Federal Reserve also gave us the less-than-great education system with which we punish our children. That is not to take away from the millions of men and women who taught, because they too are a product of the same system.
When Congressman Ron Paul announced that he would not campaign during the remainder of the primary season but asked that his supporters continue getting delegates that would support him at the convention in Tampa, many of his supporters, myself among them, were angry and dismayed. Nasty things were said and written. After a day or so, though, the heat went down, and cooler thoughts were thought.
Dr. Paul actually promotes the idea of divesting the office of the President of much of the power amassed in that office. While all the rest of the field are braying about what they will be doing for us if we give them all of our money and our firstborn, if we are allowed to have a firstborn, Dr. Paul talks of self-responsibility and self-regulation. Freedom, what a novel idea! It has only been around since man.
Dr. Paul promotes peace, the dream of man since man could dream. Dr. Paul promotes the idea that we should own ourselves and our property. Marx, Hitler, Clinton, Bush, Romney, and the fool in the White House, along with Mao, Castro, and Chavez, think otherwise.
If the chief narcissist is re-elected, or if the hairdo from Massachusetts is elected, the dark ages loom before us as the tsunami loomed over Japan.
We must send as many delegates for Dr. Ron Paul as possible to Tampa, Florida. He can win the nomination, and even a desultory campaign can put him in the White House. I believe he would serve, though reluctantly, and do a much better job than any in the last 100 years.
George Washington refused to accept the title of King. He served well and was relieved to be out of the office. Thomas Jefferson barely campaigned for his second term as President. They were good men and true. The good doctor, Congressman Ron Paul, is of that caliber.

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Michigan Shocker! Ron Paul picks up more delegates

Doug Wead

There is good news and bad news.  The good news comes out of Michigan.  But first, the bad news, let’s get that out of the way and then have some fun.
Remember my warning that there were votes in a locked box taken from the state convention in Arizona?  And that the Ron Paul victory there could be reversed if someone wanted to cheat?  Well they did, and we lost it.  I am gathering the facts and it is stunning, with 100 new ballots appearing out of the Romney ether.
Worse, there is evidence that the Ron Paul victory in Louisiana, a victory that even the media acknowledged and proclaimed to the world, may be reversed as well.  I will give you the details Monday.
Meanwhile, there is evidence of a full scale purge of any Ron Paul delegate, from any state, to the RNC.  If you are a delegate, keep your head down.  They are looking for you.  More on all of that this Monday.
Meanwhile, I like to mix my bad news with a touch of positive, and when you are riding the wave of a popular counter revolution, there are so many committed believers in so many places, doing so many wonderful things, that there is always good news to report.  And the good news is this: Adam de Angeli and the Ron Paul team in Michigan, against all odds, have secured some delegates there.  It is one of Romney’s three proclaimed “home states.”  (Remember, we also picked up some in Massachusetts.)
Here is Adam de Angeli’s report:
As you may have heard, Ron Paul won delegates from Michigan last night.
-We won both delegates, alternates, and one “in-waiting” delegate in the first district.  Due to the RNC penalty for having an early primary, each district elected an “in-waiting” delegate and alternate in case the RNC reverses its penalty on Michigan for its early primary.
-We won both delegates and the “in-waiting” delegate in the 2nd district.
-We won both delegates and an alternate in the 9th district.
-We won one delegate and one alternate in the 4th district.
-We won an alternate and one in-waiting alternate in the 12th district.
-We won in-waiting alternates in the 3rd, 8th, and 13th districts.
-We won all the alternates (including the in-waiting alternate) in the 5th district.
-In the sixth district our slate was defeated, the party officials admitted to running an illegal caucus where rules were broken, but on the establishment’s slate we had a Ron Paul supporter (still waiting verification whether delegate or alternate.)
-We won in-waiting alternates in the 3rd and 13th districts.
But here is the most amazing thing.  DO NOT MISS THIS:
Michigan, unlike any other states I know of, had a special party rule forbidding any precinct delegate vacancies from being filled at county conventions until after the state delegates and alternates were chosen.
In other words, countless  Ron Paul supporters attending county convention were forcibly blocked from  being able to vote or make motions, because they weren’t elected precinct delegates in 2010–long before the Ron Paul 2012 campaign began.
We faced a disadvantage no other state faced.  All the state delegates were elected NOT by Ron Paul supporters flooding into county conventions, but by Republican Party regulars.
And STILL we won 3 of 14 districts, plus a delegate in the 4th.
There’s also a fairly huge body of evidence of party tricks to disenfranchise us, including documented instances in multiple counties where county party officials “edited” the state delegation lists after the county conventions adjourned.  Egregious violations of rules (and possibly statute).
The point is: if Ron Paul can win 3 of 14 districts in Michigan:  Michigan, Romney’s home state; Michigan, where rules literally shut us out from having a voice at county conventions, then he can delegates anywhere else.
The rules were rigged against us in Michigan.  But still we won national delegates.
If we could win anything here, we can win everything everywhere else.
Update:  This from Adam just mintues ago:
The e-mail I sent last night was accurate about the delegate counts, but the most important point that must be made is that Michigan has a party rule unique to us that prevented us from having a majority of state delegates.
Rule 5b, passed in 1988 in response to Pat Robertson’s campaign running a similar convention strategy as ours, states that “no precinct delegate vacancies may be filled in county conventions until all the state delegates have been chosen.”
What this means is that the state delegates were all elected by the precinct delegates elected in 2010–nearly a full year before Ron Paul announced his candidacy.  There was no way for Ron Paul supporters to take over their county conventions by filling precinct delegate vacancies.
Not to mention, in many counties the party used shenanigans to deny our delegates.  In Genesee County, for example, 42 precinct delegates and 100 Ron Paul supporters attended county convention to elect 66 delegates and 66 alternates–but rather than let the Ron Paul supporters in convention have the available seats, they filled them with their friends and family who weren’t even at the convention.  In other counties, state delegate lists were modified after the county convention was adjourned–a major violation of party rules.
So the state delegates, by and large, were NOT Ron Paul supporters.  They were ordinary Republicans.
And still, we won numerous national delegates.  In Romney’s home state.
The critical message, then, is that if Ron Paul could win this many national delegates in Michigan, with its unique party rule that kept us out of the convention, then he can win national delegates everywhere.
This report from Matt Collins:
We just elected 11 more delegates from MNGOP Convention to RNC who are Ron Paul supporters. That gives us 32 out of 37 delegates from Minnesota who are Ron Paul supporters!Or you could say that Ron Paul won Minnesota at 86%!!!!

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Ron Paul Speech at 2012 Minnesota Republican State Conference

Bullshit: 3 terror suspects at NATO summit were plotting to hit Obama's campaign HQs

By Michael Martinez and Paul Vercammen

  • NEW: Defense says 3 suspects are Occupy protesters, but police say they're "Black Bloc" anarchists
  • Three suspects allegedly stockpiled Molotov cocktails and planned attacks on police
  • Defense teams calls the allegations "propaganda" and says police infiltrated a peaceful group
  • Judge sets bails for each of the three suspects at $1.5 million
Chicago (CNN) -- Three men charged with conspiring to commit domestic terrorism during the NATO summit were plotting to attack President Obama's Chicago campaign headquarters, the Chicago mayor's home and police stations, authorities said Saturday.
A police investigation that began early this month revealed that the three suspects are "self-proclaimed anarchists" and members of the "Black Bloc" group who traveled together from Florida to Chicago to commit violence as a protest against the NATO summit, authorities said in a statement.
"Black Bloc" was the group blamed for violence that occurred in recent "Occupy" protests, such as in Rome last year when anarchists in ski masks torched cars and clashed with police and even other Occupy protesters.
The three men were planning to destroy police cars and attack four Chicago police district stations with destructive devices as a way to undermine police response to other planned actions at the NATO summit, according to a statement by Cook County State's Attorney Anita Alvarez and Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy. Downtown Chicago financial institutions were also among the proposed targets, authorities said.
An Illinois judge set bail at $1.5 million for each of the three suspects: Brian Church, 22, of Fort Lauderdale, Florida; Jared Chase, 27, of Keene, New Hampshire; and Brent Betterly, 24, who told police he resides in Massachusetts, authorities said.
The three men were charged with material support for terrorism, conspiracy to commit terrorism, and possession of explosives or incendiary devices, authorities said. The three men were arrested Wednesday, and charges were announced Saturday, according to authorities.
According to authorities, Church said he wanted to recruit four groups of four co-conspirators -- or 16 people -- and that reconnaissance had already been done on the Chicago Police Department headquarters.
The three men also possessed or built improvised exposive or incendiary devices, a mortar gun, swords, a hunting bow, throwing stars, and knives with brass-knuckle handles, authorities said.
In court, prosecutors accused the three men of preparing for "violence and destruction," such as stockpiling Molotov cocktails.
But a defense attorney called those accusations "propaganda" and contended authorities "infiltrated" a peaceful group and set up the three men.
The three defendants stood expressionless in court, each handcuffed behind the back.
A couple dozen of their supporters in the courtroom could be heard faintly scoffing at prosecutor Matthew Thrun as he called the defendants "self-proclaimed anarchists ... making preparations for violence and destruction."
Thrun said one of the defendants could be heard planning an attack and quoted him as saying, "this city does not know what it is in for, and it will never be the same."
According to Thrun, the defendants bought gasoline at a BP station, cut bandanas for fuses, and had four empty beer bottles to be used as Molotov cocktails.
Thrun told the court that Church made a remark while assembling the Molotov cocktails: "Ever seen a cop on fire?"
Defense attorney Michael Deutsch accused authorities of "police misconduct," saying undercover agents infiltrated a "peaceful" group.
"They even bought the makings of Molotov cocktails and gave it to them," Deutsch said in court.
The National Lawyers Guild, which says it's representing the three defendants, said Chicago police arrested a total of nine activists Wednesday at a house in Chicago's Bridgeport neighborhood and then released six of them.
The guild described the three defendants as "Occupy activists" and said police provided no evidence of criminal intent or wrongdoing.
"It's outrageous for the city to apply terrorism charges when it's the police who have been terrorizing activists and threatening their right to protest," attorney Sarah Gelsomino with the lawyers guild and the People's Law Office, said in a statement.
Judge Edward Harmening set the three defendants' next court date for Tuesday.
On Sunday, NATO kicks off its two-day summit in Chicago, and the war in Afghanistan is expected to dominate discussions. Afghan President Hamid Karzai and Pakistani President Asif Zardari are both expected to attend the meeting.
NATO leaders are currently on a timetable to withdraw all of the alliance's combat troops from Afghanistan in 2014.
CNN's Paul Vercammen reported from Chicago and Michael Martinez from Los Angeles.

Ron Paul: A Big Victory in Minnesota!

Just moments ago, at the Minnesota State Convention, one of “our own” - Kurt Bills - won the support of the Minnesota Republican Party in his bid for the U.S. Senate!

That’s truly great news.

But it means our work is just beginning

So won’t you please act right now to make sure Kurt’s campaign hits the ground running by making a generous contribution to his campaign?

I hope you will.

With your help, I believe Kurt can take on and DEFEAT incumbent Democrat Senator Amy Klobuchar.

And I believe his win at the Minnesota GOP convention proves our R3VOLUTION is just getting started!

You see, Kurt is truly one of our own.

In fact, as a high school economics teacher, Kurt actually used my book, End the Fed, in the classroom!

As the Republican nominee, Kurt can take on Amy Klobuchar in ways no one else can because Kurt:

***    Opposes the unconstitutional Patriot Act and the dreaded SOPA legislation, which threatens to virtually shut down the internet;

***    Supports a common-sense foreign policy that puts America’s security first – instead of wasting American lives and tax dollars on utopian nation-building schemes or policing the world;

***    Will fight to audit and finally END the out-of-control Federal Reserve, which is destroying the purchasing power of our dollar and the middle class;

***    Supports constitutionally limited government, fiscal responsibility, and free markets.

So please make the most generous contribution you can afford to Kurt’s campaign immediately.

Kurt’s race will not be an easy one.

His liberal Democrat opponent is part of the Big Government, big spending status quo in Washington.

That means she’s going to have George Soros and the Big Labor bosses dumping millions of dollars into her campaign coffers to try to keep their gravy train rolling in Washington.

You and I must help stop them by making sure Kurt has the funds to fight back.

So please, dig deep and help another patriot by donating to Kurt’s campaign right away.

If elected to the U.S. Senate, Kurt will join my son Rand in leading the fight for individual liberty, free markets, sound money, and constitutional government in Washington.

So please keep our liberty movement going full speed ahead by helping Kurt Bills make it to Washington.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul

P.S.  My good friend, and champion of individual liberty – Kurt Bills – just won the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate in Minnesota!

This proves what you and I have known all along – the R3VOLUTION is alive and well.

But Kurt needs your help if he’s going to win in November and join my son Rand in fighting to restore constitutional government in Washington.

So please, dig deep and help another patriot by donating to Kurt’s campaign right away.

Paid for by Liberty PAC.
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Ron Paul: My Father's Words

Growing up, I watched my father fight day in and day out to restore the Founding principles of individual liberty, free markets, sound money, and constitutional government in America.

I often wondered how he continued to fight so hard when he was so often the lone voice standing against Washington, D.C.’s status quo.

But I could tell he always tell he knew the country he loved would return to her founding principles.

It wasn’t easy to see back then.

But today, after my watching my father battle for nearly over three decades, I believe one thing is for certain.

You and I are the future.  Our time has come.

But our job isn’t yet over.

So can my dad count on you for a generous contribution to his Rise for Liberty Money Bomb?

This is likely the final Money Bomb of his career – and I know he’s counting on you to come through for him one last time.

Of course, my dad’s fight against Big Government hasn’t earned him a lot of friends in Washington, D.C. over the years.

Instead, his friends are the millions of Americans all across the country who are fed up with politics-as-usual – and are fighting every day to take our country back.

Right now - all across our great nation - Ron Paul Republicans are influencing the Republican Party, gaining positions, shifting the debate in Washington, and just beginning to chart a new course for our country.

Thousands and thousands of Americans who were previously disengaged from the process, are now active and are having a tremendous impact.

During my father’s last campaign, I remember seeing signs that read, “Ron Paul Cured My Apathy.”

I can only guess that these were carried by men and women, young and old, who finally felt like they finally had a voice – who finally felt like they mattered.

They couldn’t be right.

Your voice and opinion do matter.

And trust me, the Washington establishment has taken notice, and they know that their days are numbered.

They know YOU are the future of the Republican Party.

That means no more supporting bailouts, debt, printing money out of thin air, and policing the world.

You and I will finally restore America.  And that time will be very soon.

But my dad must have the resources to finish the fight and continue picking up delegates in State Conventions that have yet to occur.

So please, make the most generous contribution you can afford to Ron Paul’s Rise for Liberty Money Bomb.

Help my dad Restore America Now!

For Liberty,

Rand Paul

P.S. My dad’s long-fought R3VOLUTION is bearing fruit – and thanks to your hard work and dedication, you are now the future of the Republican Party.

But the job isn’t over yet – and it’s crucial my dad has the resources to continue picking up as many delegates as possible in the states yet to have conventions.

So please, make the most generous contribution you can afford to Ron Paul’s Rise for Liberty Money Bomb.

Paid for by Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee