Obama Born in Kenya, Literary Agency Wrote

A 1991 promotional booklet used by the literary agency Acton & Dystel to promote a collection of authors describes Barack Obama as "born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii." In addition, that description of Obama was consistently used by the agency all the way until April of 2007, just two months before Obama announced his candidacy for president of the United States.

Report: Zimmerman Yelled for Help 14 Times

Police reports indicate that during the struggle with Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman called out for help 14 times. Two witness reports were also released by police officers which support Zimmerman's assertion that Martin was on top of him and throwing punches during the encounter.

News, Commentary, Discussions

Can Liberals 'Wish' Socialist Utopia Into Existence?
California is in the midst of a debt crisis, the inescapable result of its leading Democrats having gambled on an annual deficit less than $9.2 billion (an immense sum in itself), but now facing a shortfall of nearly twice that amount.
New Poll Show Romney's Favorability on the Rise
Mitt Romney has not only wrapped up the GOP presidential nomination, he is also started to win over more supporters. In a new Gallup Poll, Romney's favorability rating has jumped eleven points to his highest level yet.
Extend the Bush Tax Cuts Now
House Speaker John Boehner is playing a heroic role right now. In his efforts to prevent the Bush tax cuts from expiring, Boehner is aggressively taking on President Obama's leadership ineptitude on the economy.
Progressives Need Some New Epithets
Oh, those Republicans are a nasty, hateful lot! Listening to the musings of Senator Harry Reid, the Reverend Al Sharpton, Governor Howard Dean, just plain Cher, and others on the far left, it's hard to reach any other conclusion.
The Left's One-Percent Problem
In the aftermath of Vice President Joe Biden's 'Howard Dean' moment in Ohio this week, I was struck by the sheer magnitude of the Progressive-Democrat Left's hypocrisy when it comes to their political attacks on the so-called 'rich.'
How the Gay-Marriage Mob Slimed Manny Pacquiao
Boxing champion Manny Pacquiao is guilty -- of being true to his Catholic faith. The gay-marriage mob is guilty -- of the very ugly bigotry it claims to abhor.

The Conservative Byte

Today's Featured Article:
 AP Declared Obama “Kenyan-Born”

Today's Politically Incorrect Laugh:
Biden Bound

Today's Politically Incorrect Headlines:

only RON PAUL Avatar and Cover


UNITED NATIONS, May 17 (Reuters) - A U.N. panel of experts that monitors compliance with sanctions on North Korea is investigating reports of possible weapons-related shipments by Pyongyang to Syria and Myanmar, the panel said in a confidential report seen by Reuters on Thursday.
Mexico Army Generals Investigated For Drug Cartel Ties
In Afghanistan, New Mantra Is 'Get Rich By 2014' -- Or Bust
China's Most-Wanted Fugitive Receives Life Sentence
'Accidental Millionaire' Out Of Luck
American Jihadi's 'Privileged' Childhood


Sean Hannity criticized Mitt Romney on Thursday, saying that he was wrong to disavow a proposal to attack President Obama's past association with Jeremiah Wright.
WATCH: MSNBC Guest Confronts Martin Bashir
WATCH: Bill O'Reilly Taunts Glenn Beck
Press Blocked From Talking To Biden
CNN Pundit's Mormon Warning To Romney

Breaking News from Western Journalism

May 18, 2012 02:36 pm | Floyd Brown

May 18, 2012 02:35 pm | Daniel Noe
I got back home yesterday evening just after 6 pm after a busy day at work from the Western Center for Journalism. Usually, the first thing I do when I get home is to turn on my computer and check… Continue to Post

May 18, 2012 02:34 pm | Breaking News
Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett is threatening to keep President Obama’s name off the state’s ballot in November unless he receives confirmation from Hawaii that it has a valid birth certificate on file for him. Bennett, who spoke to… Continue to Post

May 18, 2012 02:29 pm | Daniel Noe

Obama church

May 18, 2012 02:21 pm | Cagle Cartoons

May 18, 2012 02:16 pm | Kevin "Coach" Collins
When Barack Obama announced his support for gay “marriage”, it caused a predictable firestorm among black ministers. Coming immediately after the 32nd straight loss for Gay “marriage”, Obama’s announcement was transparently cynical and widely recognized as a politically desperate move. One… Continue to Post

May 18, 2012 02:12 pm | Floyd Brown

May 18, 2012 02:11 pm | Rev Michael Bresciani
Just when you thought there was no way possible to cover or subdue the record of $5 trillion in debt and the most joblessness since the depression, the master politician starts making announcements that catch the attention, not just of… Continue to Post

May 18, 2012 02:08 pm | NewsEditor

Jeremiah Wright finger 4

May 18, 2012 01:59 pm | Kevin "Coach" Collins
In 2008, Barack Obama won Wisconsin by a landslide 56/42, but according to a new Marquette Law School (MLS) poll, that was then, this is now (and “now” isn’t looking very good for Obama.) Because the 2010 election of Wisconsin’s… Continue to Post

May 18, 2012 01:50 pm | NewsEditor

Jeremiah Wright finger 4

May 18, 2012 01:41 pm | Breaking News
Congratulations to for reporting a story the site clearly didn’t care to publish. It seems that in 1991, Barack Obama was indeed representing himself to his literary agency as “born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.” This documented… Continue to Post

May 18, 2012 01:32 pm | Floyd Brown

May 18, 2012 01:23 pm | Breaking News
A district-court judge has suspended enforcement of a law that could strip U.S. citizens of their civil rights and allow indefinite detention of individuals President Obama believes to be in support of terror. The Obama administration has refused to ensure… Continue to Post

May 18, 2012 01:13 pm | Floyd Brown

May 18, 2012 01:12 pm | Breaking News
Miriam Goderich, who was identified as the person who edited the text of the 1991 brochure listing Barack Obama as having been born in Kenya, has issued a statement that seeks to accept personal blame for the “mistake” but which… Continue to Post

May 18, 2012 01:03 pm | NewsEditor

Jeremiah Wright finger 4

May 18, 2012 01:02 pm | Michael Nellett
Barack Obama and his Democratic minions all claim to be lookng out for the middle and working classes, providing protection from the heartless Republicans and their evil followers, the rich. The question I have is, “why then is Obama allowing… Continue to Post

May 18, 2012 12:59 pm | NewsEditor

Jeremiah Wright finger 4

May 18, 2012 12:54 pm | Marita Noon
Global warming has been off the energy-news radar as high gas prices have usurped the spotlight—however Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has brought it back. “Defense Secretary?” you might ask. “Not Energy Secretary Steven Chu or EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson?” No.… Continue to Post

May 18, 2012 12:45 pm | NewsEditor

Jeremiah Wright finger 4

May 18, 2012 12:44 pm | Breaking News
As we explained on Thursday, evidence continues to surface in the George Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin case. We recently reported on the autopsy of Martin, the medical report detailing Zimmerman’s injuries, and even Martin’s bullet wound. And now we have new, bloody… Continue to Post

May 18, 2012 12:40 pm | NewsEditor

Jeremiah Wright finger 4

May 18, 2012 12:33 pm | Breaking News
A showdown looms in the House over whether to end the indefinite detention without trial of terrorist suspects, even U.S. citizens seized within the nation’s borders. Democrats and tea party Republicans lobbied their colleagues furiously ahead of Friday’s vote, arguing… Continue to Post

May 18, 2012 12:28 pm | Floyd Brown

May 18, 2012 12:24 pm | Breaking News
Among the more controversial chapters in Suicide of a Superpower, my book published last fall, was the one titled, “The End of White America.” It dealt with the demographic decline of the white majority and what it portends for education,… Continue to Post

May 18, 2012 11:13 am | Breaking News
Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign has released a new television ad outlining steps Romney would take on the first day of his presidency. It’s the campaign’s first TV ad since the former Massachusetts governor became the presumptive Republican nominee. The ad… Continue to Post

Ron Paul is the Only Candidate Who Matters in this Election

I have said repeatedly that in terms of actually changing the status quo in American politics, only Ron Paul’s presidential candidacy matters. Here is a Washington Times piece by Tom Mullen from way back in April when Santorum and Gingrich were still running. Mullen makes the same point concerning Paul’s integral relevancy and impact:
Ron Paul matters much more than Newt Gingrich in this year’s Republican nomination race, according to The Washington Post. Both men trail frontrunners Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum by a wide margin in terms of primary victories…
However, the Post article misses the most important point. Ron Paul doesn’t just matter more than Newt Gingrich. He also matters more than Romney, Santorum or even President Obama. Ron Paul has already had a greater impact on America than any U.S. President in generations…
It is apparent that both conservatives and progressives have completely lost touch with reality. Nothing has changed since Obama replaced George W. Bush. Nothing would change if Mitt Romney or Rick Santorum replaced Obama, either.
Americans elected Obama in 2008 to not be George W. Bush. Bush was reviled by voters for what they believed was an unnecessary war in Iraq, for spying on American citizens, for being too cozy with Wall Street, and for assuming executive powers not delegated to him by the Constitution. Obama promised to change all of that.
Four years later, Obama has started at least three new wars while expanding the boondoggle in Afghanistan. He has continued spying on Americans and sought to expand this authority in the courts. He has filled his cabinet with Wall Street insiders and has bested George W. Bush on expanding executive powers…
Nothing changes. Obama is no different than Bush. Neither Romney, Santorum, nor Gingrich would be any different than Obama. They don’t even propose to cut Obama’s spending. The spending “cuts” they propose are actually just reductions in spending increases in future years. In other words, they have no objection to Obama’s spending now. They all admit this, yet their supporters continue in their missionary zeal as if their candidates represent some sort of radical change.
Then there is Ron Paul. He doesn’t just talk about cutting spending. He published his first year budget, cutting $1 trillion dollars. He doesn’t just talk about individual liberty. He wants to end the failed drug war and repeal the Patriot Act. He promises to bring troops home from all over the world and allow young people to opt out of unsustainable entitlement programs. Ron Paul proposes real solutions to real problems, regardless of the political consequences.
Ron Paul is the first presidential candidate in my lifetime to actually use the words “role of government” as if the subject should be debated. He challenges the status quo – the whole, multi-trillion dollar monster in Washington, D.C. that purports to care for 300 million people from cradle to grave and police the entire world. Ron Paul has dared to speak the unspeakable and millions of people all over the world are listening.
That’s why Ron Paul is more important than whoever wins the Republican nomination or the presidency this year. Presidents have come and gone for decades while the federal government has continued to trample our liberties, loot our wealth, and propagate new enemies around the world, regardless of which party has been in power.
Then along came Ron Paul, an overnight sensation thirty-six years in the making. To those who understand what is happening, the presidential election seems almost irrelevant as Paul’s audiences explode into the thousands.
Long after history has deemed Bush, Obama and this year’s winner indistinguishable postage stamps on the road to disaster, it will remember the man who planted new seeds during the election of 2012.
As George Washington once said, “Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth.”

Tom Woods Interviews Rand Paul on the Budget, Ron Paul, and More

Worldwide Incumbents Facing the Wrath of Angry Voters

Activist Post

As angry citizens around the world are becoming aware of how broken the global economic and political systems are, their desperation for real change has resulted in dramatic shifts in political majorities in the Western world. In March of this year, voters in Australia miffed by Gilliard’s reversal on her pledge not to introduce carbon taxes, nearly wiped out her Labor party in Queensland.
The majority Labor party went from holding 51 seats to just 7 in what operatives called “devastating” and a “stunning reversal” in the nation’s political party power.
Just last week, U.K.’s prime minister David Cameron had to apologize for terrible election losses where hundreds of his fellow Conservative councillors lost their seats “against a difficult national backdrop.”  Pundits called it “embarrassing.”
Cameron blamed voter sentiment on his “difficult decisions to deal with the debt, the deficit and the broken economy that we inherited,” decisions which he vowed to “go on making” with or without public support. This weekend saw two more European powerhouses take big hits.  France’s president Nicolas Sarkozy lost his re-election bid, while Angela Merkel’s conservative Christian Democrats (CDU) party in Germany took a nose dive in state elections spelling trouble for her re-election next year.

Also over the weekend, a major power shift happened in Greece as furious voters delivered a “humiliating defeat” to the “bank bailout and austerity” parties that previously held majority rule.
What does this wave of anti-incumbent sentiment mean for Obama and the Democrats in U.S. elections this fall? And, will replacing one party with another actually solve anything?
The mounting anger manifesting as the Tea Party and the Occupy Wall Street movements does not bode well for incumbents in the United States. If these recent elections in Europe and Australia are any indication, Obama may be heading for the same fate.
Tracking polling shows that Obama is neck-and-neck with either GOP front-runner Mitt Romney or GOP hopeful Ron Paul.  With the general election still half-a-year away and economic conditions worsening for most Americans, it seems Obama could face defeat in November.
To the question of whether these “radical” shifts in power will actually mean anything; many view it as just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.  And they’re likely correct.
Voters may believe that by voting for candidates who oppose bank bailouts and austerity, somehow the iceberg of debt owed to criminal bankers will vanish.  Perhaps if newly elected leaders follow the Iceland model of debt forgiveness and real monetary reform, these countries may stand chance.
Without that, however, playing musical chairs in the false left-right paradigm will likely do no good.