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Ron Paul's Legacy

After spending over 30 years fighting for a return to constitutional government, Ron Paul's incredible political career will be one for the history books.

He’s a man that stands for principles he's believed in his entire life – no matter the pressure he receives.

Today, you and I are his legacy.  You and I are his R3VOLUTION.

And the battles you and I are fighting right now will determine whether the founders' vision for our country – the vision Dr. Paul has spent so many decades fighting for - is ever restored.

Today is likely the final Money Bomb of Ron Paul’s career.

So I’m hoping you’ll help him finish what he started by making a generous contribution to the Rise for Liberty Money Bomb his grassroots supporters are holding today.

In fact, I'm counting on it.

In just a few months, Ron Paul will march into Tampa leading an army of delegates.

His aim is to change the direction of our Republican Party – and ultimately the entire country.

But to succeed, we still have many battles to fight.

Many State Conventions are yet to occur, where Ron Paul supporters will be angling for national delegate spots or positions of power within the Republican Party.

Each victory will mean you and I can make even more of an impact on the Republican Party’s platform and rules – which can help future liberty candidates as they run for office.

And of course, our battle won’t end in Tampa.  Ron Paul is going to be counting on your help moving forward.

But with your continued support, I believe the future of the Republican Party is ours.

I believe you and I will succeed in restoring free markets, sound money, respect for individual liberty, and constitutional principles in America.

And that will be Dr. Paul’s shining legacy.

He deserves no less.

So please, help Ron Paul finish the job he started more than 30 years ago by making a generous contribution to today's Rise for Liberty Money Bomb.

We are the future.  We are here to stay.

And we can – and will – Restore America NOW!

For Liberty,

John Tate
Campaign Manager

P.S.  After leading the fight for individual liberty, free markets, sound money, and constitutional government for more than 30 years now, this is likely the final Money Bomb of Ron Paul’s career.

I hope you’ll stand with Ron Paul one final time by making a generous donation to today's Rise for Liberty Money Bomb!

Help Ron Paul finish the job and shift the direction of the Republican Party – and our nation – back to the path of liberty.

Paid for by Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

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Perhaps he was inspired by the Bible story of King Solomon's great compromise to determine which of two women was the real mother of a baby brought before him.
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No word yet if the ACLU will agree to "Thou shalt not commit adultery."
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Did Obama Just Lose To A Prison Inmate? Did Obama Just Lose To A Prison Inmate? »
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Still Separate And Unequal

Fifty-eight years ago today, the United States Supreme Court decided Brown v. the Board of Education of Topeka and ruled that separate but equal school facilities stamped an inherent badge of inferiority on black students and public school systems were required to integrate "with all deliberate speed."

Did integration accomplish what the court sought to accomplish? Hardly. Today, thanks to the Department of Education, children are required to attend a school near their home, with few exceptions. Most minorities now live in cities, while most white students now live in the suburbs and rural areas.  More »

The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii'

Note from Senior Management:
Andrew Breitbart was never a "Birther," and Breitbart News is a site that has never advocated the narrative of "Birtherism." In fact, Andrew believed, as we do, that President Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on August 4, 1961.
Yet Andrew also believed that the complicit mainstream media had refused to examine President Obama's ideological past, or the carefully crafted persona he and his advisers had constructed for him.
It is for that reason that we launched "The Vetting," an ongoing series in which we explore the ideological background of President Obama (and other presidential candidates)--not to re-litigate 2008, but because ideas and actions have consequences.
It is also in that spirit that we discovered, and now present, the booklet described below--one that includes a marketing pitch for a forthcoming book by a then-young, otherwise unknown former president of the Harvard Law Review
It is evidence--not of the President's foreign origin, but that Barack Obama's public persona has perhaps been presented differently at different times.
Breitbart News has obtained a promotional booklet produced in 1991 by Barack Obama's then-literary agency, Acton & Dystel, which touts Obama as "born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii."
The booklet, which was distributed to "business colleagues" in the publishing industry, includes a brief biography of Obama among the biographies of eighty-nine other authors represented by Acton & Dystel.
It also promotes Obama's anticipated first book, Journeys in Black and White--which Obama abandoned, later publishing Dreams from My Father instead.
Obama’s biography in the booklet is as follows (image and text below):

Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.  The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation.   He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago’s South Side. His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book, Journeys in Black and White.
The booklet, which is thirty-six pages long, is printed in blue ink (and, on the cover, silver/grey ink), using offset lithography. It purports to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of Acton & Dystel, which was founded in 1976.

Front cover (outside) - note Barack Obama listed in alphabetical order

Front cover (inside)
Jay Acton no longer represents Obama. However, Jane Dystel still lists Obama as a client on her agency's website.
According to the booklet itself, the text was edited by Miriam Goderich, who has since become Dystel's partner at Dystel & Goderich, an agency founded in 1994. Breitbart News attempted to reach Goderich by telephone several times over several days. Her calls are screened by an automated service that requires callers to state their name and company, which we did. She never answered.
The design of the booklet was undertaken by Richard Bellsey, who has since closed his business. Bellsey, reached by telephone, could not recall the exact details of the booklet, but told Breitbart News that it "sounds like one of our jobs, like I did for [Acton & Dystel] twenty years ago or more."

The parade of authors alongside Obama in the booklet includes politicians, such as former Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill; sports legends, such as Joe Montana and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar; and numerous Hollywood celebrities.
The reverse side of the page that features Barack Obama includes former Green Party presidential candidate Ralph Nader and early-1990s "boy band" pop sensation New Kids On the Block.

Acton, who spoke to Breitbart News by telephone, confirmed precise details of the booklet and said that it cost the agency tens of thousands of dollars to produce.
He indicated that while "almost nobody" wrote his or her own biography, the non-athletes in the booklet, whom "the agents deal[t] with on a daily basis," were "probably" approached to approve the text as presented.
Dystel did not respond to numerous requests for comment, via email and telephone. Her assistant told Breitbart News that Dystel "does not answer questions about Obama."
The errant Obama biography in the Acton & Dystel booklet does not contradict the authenticity of Obama's birth certificate. Moreover, several contemporaneous accounts of Obama’s background describe Obama as having been born in Hawaii.
The biography does, however, fit a pattern in which Obama--or the people representing and supporting him--manipulate his public persona.
David Maraniss's forthcoming biography of Obama has reportedly confirmed, for example, that a girlfriend Obama described in Dreams from My Father was, in fact, an amalgam of several separate individuals.
In addition, Obama and his handlers have a history of redefining his identity when expedient. In March 2008, for example, he famously declared: "I can no more disown [Jeremiah Wright] than I can disown the black community. I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother."
Several weeks later, Obama left Wright's church--and, according to Edward Klein's new biography, The Amateur: Barack Obama in the White House, allegedly attempted to persuade Wright not to "do any more public speaking until after the November [2008] election" (51).
Obama has been known frequently to fictionalize aspects of his own life. During his 2008 campaign, for instance, Obama claimed that his dying mother had fought with insurance companies over coverage for her cancer treatments. 
That turned out to be untrue, but Obama has repeated the story--which even the Washington Post called "misleading"--in a campaign video for the 2012 election.
The Acton & Dystel biography could also reflect how Obama was seen by his associates, or transitions in his own identity. He is said, for instance, to have cultivated an "international" identity until well into his adulthood, according to Maraniss.

Regardless of the reason for Obama's odd biography, the Acton & Dystel booklet raises new questions as part of ongoing efforts to understand Barack Obama--who, despite four years in office remains a mystery to many Americans, thanks to the mainstream media.

Larry O'Connor contributed to this report.


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