Breaking News from Western Journalism
May 14, 2012 02:20 pm | Doug Book
Darrell Issa has any thoughts of the full House voting on his Oversight
Committee’s citation of contempt against Eric Holder, he will first
have to clear the idea with the Attorney General’s staunchest allies and
political defenders—Republican Speaker John… Continue to Post
May 14, 2012 02:18 pm | Kevin "Coach" Collins
In 2008 Barack Obama
won Oregon by 17 points but a new SurveyUSA poll shows he is leading by
just 4 points. If that was all the bad news out of The Beaver State it
would be bad enough for… Continue to Post
May 14, 2012 02:14 pm | Floyd Brown
May 14, 2012 02:09 pm | Alan P. Halbert
after or concurrent to the Stimulus initiative in late February or
early March of 2009 of our timeline was the Auto Bailouts. During the
discussions with Congress and GM & Chrysler, numerous irregularities
were noted the most egregious was… Continue to Post
May 14, 2012 02:05 pm | Floyd Brown
May 14, 2012 01:50 pm | Kevin Probst
Obama has certainly made his mark on the history of the United States.
Our children will one day read about him in American History books as
the first black president, the first foreign born president and the
first president… Continue to Post
May 14, 2012 01:40 pm | Thomas Lucente
“Dear Mr. Lucente: You are a total wing nut.”
Do I really need to read the rest of the letter?
Actually, dear letter writer, I am a libertarian. Or, as I prefer, a classical liberal.
I consider myself a person… Continue to Post
May 14, 2012 01:39 pm | Floyd Brown
May 14, 2012 01:31 pm | Floyd Brown
May 14, 2012 01:10 pm | Tim Powers
he has been doing for the past four years,Obama is criss-crossing the
United States on the taxpayer dime in hopes of finding support for his
failed policies and re-election. Unfortunately for him,the lack lustre
of his last campaign has… Continue to Post
May 14, 2012 01:02 pm | Breaking News
( – In this election year, even Mother’s Day presented a political opportunity for the Obama White House.
On Sunday, the White House Web site posted two Mother’s Day e-cards — “to help you show some appreciation for the mom… Continue to Post
May 14, 2012 12:57 pm | Breaking News
Homeland Security Chairman Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) announced Sunday
that he will hold the first hearings on the Secret Service prostitution
scandal this month.
“On May 23, at which we’re going to have Director Mark Sullivan of the
Secret Service… Continue to Post
May 14, 2012 12:33 pm | Kris Zane
May 14, 2012 12:25 pm | Breaking News
Christian pollster asserts that the only way to change politics and the
country is for believers to live out their Christianity and share it
with others.
Scott Rasmussen of Rasmussen Reports is one of the nation’s leading
pollsters and… Continue to Post
May 14, 2012 12:14 pm | Breaking News
(WJZ)– Just days after President Barack Obama announced his support for
same-sex marriage, pastors and priests around Maryland took to their
own pulpits with their reaction– and in some cases– condemnation of the
Derek Valcourt explains the president’s… Continue to Post
May 14, 2012 11:12 am | Breaking News
his first House campaign a dozen years ago, would-be Arizona Sen. Jeff
Flake has worked diligently to cast himself as a conservative gadfly,
willing to buck GOP leaders and even a Republican president.
But as a result of the… Continue to Post
GOPUSA Eagle: Midday Report
Introducing 'Green' Beef
Concerned about fossil fuels and the impact it may have on so-called
"man-made global warming"? Forget it. The real concern is cow
flatulance, and Sweden is embarking on a new endeavor to create "green"
meat. |
GOP: Economy tops gay marriage as campaign issue
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama delighted his liberal base by
coming down on the side of gay marriage, but he cheered the opposition,
too. Republican activists now want to use Obama's stance on the issue -
public opinion is about evenly split - to paint the president as a
flip-flopper and to boost Mitt Romney's image in the eyes of
conservatives who are still warming to him. |
Obama Hit Squad Targets Private Citizens
And people said the Nixon administration was bad? Just take a look at
what the Obama campaign is doing with their own "enemies" list. |
Rev. Wright Offered Hush Money During Obama Campaign
When sermons of Obama’s Chicago pastor, Jeremiah Wright, surfaced during the Iowa primaries, it threatened to derail Obama’s campaign. ABC aired one where Wright screamed, “Goddamn America!” Edward Klein interviewed Wright, who told him Obama’s team tried to buy his silence.
‘Man, the media ate me alive,” Wright told me when we met in his office at Chicago’s Kwame Nkrumah Academy. “After the media went ballistic on me, I received an e-mail offering me money not to preach at all until the November presidential election.”
“Who sent the e-mail?” I asked Wright.
“It was from one of Barack’s closest friends.”
“He offered you money?”
“Not directly,” Wright said. “He sent the offer to one of the members of the church, who sent it to me.”
“How much money did he offer you?”
“One hundred and fifty thousand dollars,” Wright said.
“Did Obama himself ever make an effort to see you?”
“Yes,” Wright said. “Barack said he wanted to meet me in secret, in a secure place. And I said, ‘You’re used to coming to my home, you’ve been here countless times, so what’s wrong with coming to my home?’ So we met in the living room of the parsonage of Trinity United Church of Christ, at South Pleasant Avenue right off 95th Street, just Barack and me. I don’t know if he had a wire on him. His security was outside somewhere.
“And one of the first things Barack said was, ‘I really wish you wouldn’t do any more public speaking until after the November election.’ He knew I had some speaking engagements lined up, and he said, ‘I wish you wouldn’t speak. It’s gonna hurt the campaign if you do that.’
“And what did you say?” I asked. “I said, ‘I don’t see it that way. And anyway, how am I supposed to support my family?’ And he said, ‘Well, I wish you wouldn’t speak in public. The press is gonna eat you alive.’
“Barack said, ‘I’m sorry you don’t see it the way I do. Do you know what your problem is?’ And I said, ‘No, what’s my problem?’ And he said, ‘You have to tell the truth.’ I said, ‘That’s a good problem to have. That’s a good problem for all preachers to have. That’s why I could never be a politician.’
“And he said, ‘It’s going to get worse if you go out there and speak. It’s really going to get worse.’
“And he was so right.”
When sermons of Obama’s Chicago pastor, Jeremiah Wright, surfaced during the Iowa primaries, it threatened to derail Obama’s campaign. ABC aired one where Wright screamed, “Goddamn America!” Edward Klein interviewed Wright, who told him Obama’s team tried to buy his silence.
‘Man, the media ate me alive,” Wright told me when we met in his office at Chicago’s Kwame Nkrumah Academy. “After the media went ballistic on me, I received an e-mail offering me money not to preach at all until the November presidential election.”
“Who sent the e-mail?” I asked Wright.
“It was from one of Barack’s closest friends.”
“He offered you money?”
“Not directly,” Wright said. “He sent the offer to one of the members of the church, who sent it to me.”
“How much money did he offer you?”
“One hundred and fifty thousand dollars,” Wright said.
“Did Obama himself ever make an effort to see you?”
“Yes,” Wright said. “Barack said he wanted to meet me in secret, in a secure place. And I said, ‘You’re used to coming to my home, you’ve been here countless times, so what’s wrong with coming to my home?’ So we met in the living room of the parsonage of Trinity United Church of Christ, at South Pleasant Avenue right off 95th Street, just Barack and me. I don’t know if he had a wire on him. His security was outside somewhere.
“And one of the first things Barack said was, ‘I really wish you wouldn’t do any more public speaking until after the November election.’ He knew I had some speaking engagements lined up, and he said, ‘I wish you wouldn’t speak. It’s gonna hurt the campaign if you do that.’
“And what did you say?” I asked. “I said, ‘I don’t see it that way. And anyway, how am I supposed to support my family?’ And he said, ‘Well, I wish you wouldn’t speak in public. The press is gonna eat you alive.’
“Barack said, ‘I’m sorry you don’t see it the way I do. Do you know what your problem is?’ And I said, ‘No, what’s my problem?’ And he said, ‘You have to tell the truth.’ I said, ‘That’s a good problem to have. That’s a good problem for all preachers to have. That’s why I could never be a politician.’
“And he said, ‘It’s going to get worse if you go out there and speak. It’s really going to get worse.’
“And he was so right.”
CBS Poll: Will President Obama's support of gay marriage change the way you vote in November?
Will President Obama's support of gay marriage change the way you vote in November?
Rand Paul: Major endorsement in New Mexico
I hope you agree with me that we need more men and women in the U.S. Senate like Senator Jim DeMint and Senator Mike Lee. We need more who will take a strong stand for the Paul/DeMint 5 year balanced budget plan.
I was sent by my fellow citizens to fight the Washington Machine. But I need more reinforcements.
It's time to take our government back.
Back from the Washington establishment, the CAREER politicians, the corporate lobbyists, and the liberal media.
However, you can't change Washington by sending the same old people there.
This is why I am proud to endorse Greg Sowards for US Senate in New Mexico in his Republican primary against former Congresswoman Heather Wilson.
Greg will bring his small business experience, and common sense, constitutional conservative values to Washington and instill reason and sensibility back to the government.
Will you join me in supporting Greg today?
Friend, if you and I don't do all we can today to elect Greg Sowards to the United States Senate we will be forced to accept a liberal Republican or an Obama supporting Democrat. That's not a choice!
That's why I'm asking you to join me in making a generous contribution of $35, $50, $75, $100, $250, $500 or more to ensure we can send a true constitutional conservative to the US Senate.
You see, although Greg seems like the perfect candidate for not only New Mexico, but our nation - he is facing a tough Republican Primary (as I did in my first election to the US Senate). He is running against liberal Republican Congresswoman Heather Wilson who has done little in Washington to stand up for our conservative values.
You see, Heather Wilson's extensive liberal track - record includes:
** Voted FOR the $700 Billion bank bailout,
which sent billions of taxpayer dollars to
large Wall Street financial firms that not only acted irresponsibly from
a business operating perspective, but had lavishly financed the
** Voted to INCREASE our national debt limit on multiple occasions, easing the way for our national
debt to balloon almost 200% over the last 6 years - from $8 Trillion in 2006 to nearly $16 Trillion today;
** Failed to
stand up to out-of-control Federal spending... in addition to her frequent votes to increase the debt limit, Heather Wilson voted FOR the $168
Billion "stimulus" package in 2008;
** Voted FOR the radical environmentalist, anti- US Sovereignty, and anti-growth
Kyoto Protocol, which sought to implement a worldwide "Cap-and-Trade" program that would increase taxes, hurt U.S. business, and limit
our nation's ability to operate in our best interest;
** Voted FOR Federally-mandated and regulated healthcare,
voting for S-CHIP, the
precursor to ObamaCare that was one of the largest tax-hikes, welfare
expansions and government run-and-rationed healthcare plans in the
history of
our country. Wilson also voted for Medicare Part D which wreaked havoc
on both our nation's budget and the users of Medicare;
** Voted
AGAINST Life & Family Issues with her votes in favor of funding Planned Parenthood with taxpayer dollars and not against restricting the
interstate transport of minors to get abortions without parental consent.
** Voted FOR and Co-Sponsored legislation to force states to
allow for the unionizaiton of public employees. In addition to the extraordinary amount of mandates imposed Wilson and Obama, Wilson has
been attempting to extend the burden of collective bargaining upon every state and local government.
time we stood up not only to liberal Democrats like Harry Reid but also
to members of our own party like Heather Wilson and said - no more. We
not allow them to vote in Washington on our behalf any longer - and that
will begin by ensuring they are not elected this fall. Greg Sowards will represent New Mexico with clear conservative solutions. He will stand up to Obama's liberal policies and present ideas to put an end to the era of big spending that has taken over our government.
I need Greg Sowards alongside me in the Senate to fight for what is right- and I need your help to guarantee he is elected. Will you join conservatives across the nation by following this link to make a secure online donation of $25, $35, $50 or more?
Rand Paul
United States Senator
P.S. Greg needs our immediate support. His primary is rapidly approaching and we need to make certain his campaign has the funds necessary to reach voters in New Mexico and share his conservative message. Please follow this link to make a secure online donation to his campaign today.
P.P.S. Our future rests on the outcome on the 2012 elections. All eyes are on the Senate race in New Mexico and our friend Greg needs our help. Let's stand together to support Greg today.
Judge Napolitano on Use of Drones in US: Congress Is Going to Look the Other Way and Let the Air Force Spy in Our Backyards
The FAA is expected to announce plans to expand the use of domestic drones in American airspace. These would be similar to the unmanned aircraft that the U.S. has been using to target terrorists abroad. In the U.S., the surveillance systems would be used to track terrorists, drug dealers or to find missing children. But critics warn that the use of drones presents a major threat to our personal privacy.
Jonathan Hunt reports that there could be as many as 30,000 drones flying overhead within the next decade.
Judge Andrew Napolitano commented that officials don’t have the authority to spy on us from above and that “bureaucrats gave themselves the authority to capture images of us in the privacy of our backyards.”
Judge Napolitano Blog: What If the Government Rejects the Constitution?
MI Police Using High-Tech Device to Retrieve Info from Cellphones
Napolitano Reacts to Reports That One Texas Sheriff’s Office May Be Getting a Drone
The judge said pointedly that this is not permitted by the Constitution or federal law, and wondered why more people, including Congress, aren’t up in arms about it. He said, “The same Congress that let the president bomb Libya is going to let his Air Force spy in our backyards and like potted plants, they’ll look the other way.”
He concluded, “The Third Amendment, the Fourth Amendment, the Fifth Amendment and the Ninth Amendment were written to guarantee us the right to be left alone … Suddenly the government, silently, from 30, 000 feet above is violating those amendments.”
Ron Paul has NOT Suspended His Campaign
There is a strategy shift: The campaign will not spend resources campaigning in primary states but WILL BE focusing on winning delegates in caucus states ... Rest assured, he is not dropping out ... We must now redouble our efforts. We are doing extremely well, and the chance of a brokered convention in Tampa is extremely good, and the delegates we have collected so far are many hundreds, unlike what the media is lying to us about.
There is a moneybomb coming up on May 17th. Please, pour everything you've got into the moneybomb. It's absolutely so vital that we do that. We have to keep the campaign going. ~ Israel
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