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Newsweek cover: Obama ‘first gay president’

It won't be nearly as controversial as Time magazine's breastfeeding cover, but Newsweek's May 21 issue declares Barack Obama the country's "first gay president."
The accompanying cover story was written by Andrew Sullivan, the popular--and openly gay--political blogger. The magazine even gives the commander-in-chief a rainbow halo.
Obama, Sullivan writes, "had to discover his black identity and then reconcile it with his white family, just as gays discover their homosexual identity and then have to reconcile it with their heterosexual family."
The full cover story is not yet online, but in a blog post published earlier this week, Sullivan wrote that Obama's support of gay marriage brought him to tears:
I do not know how orchestrated this was; and I do not know how calculated it is. What I know is that, absorbing the news, I was uncharacteristically at a loss for words for a while, didn't know what to write, and, like many Dish readers, there are tears in my eyes.
So let me simply say: I think of all the gay kids out there who now know they have their president on their side. I think of Maurice Sendak, who just died, whose decades-long relationship was never given the respect it deserved. I think of the centuries and decades in which gay people found it impossible to believe that marriage and inclusion in their own families was possible for them, so crushed were they by the weight of social and religious pressure. I think of all those in the plague years shut out of hospital rooms, thrown out of apartments, written out of wills, treated like human garbage because they loved another human being. I think of Frank Kameny. I think of the gay parents who now feel their president is behind their sacrifices and their love for their children.
The interview changes no laws; it has no tangible effect. But it reaffirms for me the integrity of this man we are immensely lucky to have in the White House. Obama's journey on this has been like that of many other Americans, when faced with the actual reality of gay lives and gay relationships. Yes, there was politics in a lot of it. But not all of it. I was in the room long before the 2008 primaries when Obama spoke to the mother of a gay son about marriage equality. He said he was for equality, but not marriage. Five years later, he sees--as we all see--that you cannot have one without the other. But even then, you knew he saw that woman's son as his equal as a citizen. It was a moment--way off the record at the time--that clinched my support for him.
Today Obama did more than make a logical step. He let go of fear. He is clearly prepared to let the political chips fall as they may. That's why we elected him.

(The New Yorker)
The New Yorker, which is also out with a cover story on gay marriage, took a bit more subtle approach with its May 21 issue.
"It's a celebratory moment for our country, and that's what I tried to capture," Bob Staake, the artist behind the New Yorker cover, said. "I don't especially like those rainbow colors, but they are what they are—I had to use them."
He added: "I wanted to celebrate the bravery of the President's statement—a statement long overdue—but all the more appreciated in this political year. We are on the right side of history."

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Ron Paul stuns in Arizona, upset win is game changer!

In a repeat of Iowa, where a Mitt Romney State Chairman held up accurate results of the vote for weeks, the  Arizona State Convention has gone into overtime.  Ballots are supposedly locked up, waiting to be counted “tomorrow.”  But citizens and journalists on the floor had no trouble discerning that Ron Paul forces had seized the day and if the vote is fair, he will likely win the majority of delegates from Arizona to the Republican National Convention in Tampa.
If the victory in Arizona proves true, and remember, there is a tantalizing and suspicious delay, then Ron Paul will likely win the right to be nominated on the floor of the Republican National Convention in Tampa.  It isn’t over yet, there are some Ron Paul states that have been won at the County or District level, that still need the formality of winning the state convention, but barring parliamentary jujitsu, it is on track to happen.  It is big news.
The past weekend began with infuriating news for the Ronulans, from Norman, Oklahoma, where Santorum and Romney forces united to shut out the Ron Paul people at the Oklahoma State GOP Convention.  By some estimates Ron Paul supporters were a majority on the floor of the convention and thus should have walked away with another win.  Others, basing the vote on an attempt to elect Ron Paul supporter, Richard Engle as national committeeman, suggested that they actually accounted for 48.2% of the state convention vote.
Said Engle, “Under a one man, one vote scenario, I  had a majority.  This was acknowledged as the roll call came in from each county.  When the program to apportion the votes was done 48.2% was reported.  I am challenging the results and calling for a recount as the difference between victory and defeat is less than 2% as we have proof of prior mis-reporting of county numbers as well as a history of making rounding errors.  Regardless, the actual majority of Delegates did support me.  There is no way of knowing if that directly represents a majority for Dr. Paul.”
And we may never know.  Frightened that the Ron Paul delegates had become the majority in the convention, the establishment GOP, running the event, used its own errors in the Credentials Report to stall the convention for several hours.  On the premise that the time for the convention hall rental was coming to an end they refused to hold a final vote on credentials or to acknowledge the calls for a roll call vote on the Delegates and Alternates as required under the rules.
Said Engle, “They played fast and loose with the rules.  If they had not used a roll call vote on my race I would have won and then they used a voice vote on 50 members of the Delegation and refused a roll call vote at that point.  The chair ruled that a roll call was not required when the party rule was shown him in plain English.  When the ruling of the chair was challenged he called for a voice vote and proceeded to rule that his decision was upheld despite the overwhelming sound of Delegates against him.”
The final slate was 62% Romney, 22% Santorum, 4% Gingrich and 4% Ron Paul.  A devastating defeat for the majority.
Paul delegates who had give up weeks and months of their lives to get elected as delegates at the precinct and county levels were scandalized.  Taking a chapter from Missouri, they tried to convene outside the venue in the parking lot, claiming a plurality and calling to do things in order.  But was it too late?   Challenges will surely follow.
Meanwhile, in Phoenix, Arizona, cocky Romney forces led by Nathan Sproul saw defeat snatched from the jaws of victory.  Ironically, the Ron Paul forces came to the state GOP convention to play nice.  They offered a deal.  ”You know our knack for organizing?” They said, ” You know we have the numbers? Why don’t we make sure there are no surprises and nothing embarrassing.  Your candidate has the nomination, we will give you 50% plus one of the delegation to Tampa, that gives you the majority, and let us have a nice delegation of the leftovers for our man too.”
But no.  The Mitt Romney forces insisted on scorched earth.  ”You can have one,” they said.
The Romney team then proceeded to fall apart.  It was so bad that Ron Paul operative Shawn Dow couldn’t have given them a victory if he had wanted it.  Said a Ron Paul staffer, “No matter how we tried, the Romney people wouldn’t move off their one delegate offer.  We had no choice.  We had to win.”
Sydney Hay, a Ron Paul spokesman who is sometimes seen on the Bill Mahr Show and once won a congressional nomination in Arizona , gave a positive, conciliatory speech to the convention.  And Josh Romney was well received by all.  And then, in a moment poorly handled, he returned to the microphone to pitch his daddy’s green ballot, with the Romney slate.
Yes, indeed, at that point there were boos but they came from the whole floor, even from Romney supporters who had worked hard to get their names considered as delegates.  No one was in the mood to let outsiders dictate a list of his friends who should go to Tampa.  It was yet another example of a poorly run machine.  The Romney kid should never have been given such an assignment.
“Why make Josh Romney get involved in a precinct level fight for delegates?” asked Sydney Hay. “Here was a presidential candidate’s son down in the gutter in a  fight.  They never should have put him in this place.”
Ron Paul took 11 of 18 delegates decided in the district caucuses.  It was the “at large” delegates that were left in the air.  The Romney forces stalled for hours, hoping to outlast the Ronulans who stayed put as Romney delegates, disgusted with their own organization, finally began to drift away.
In a last ditch effort the Romney forces tried to declare that there was now no quorum and other motions were offered.  When the vote for the “at large” delegates was finally taken it was sealed, under lock and key, with the promise that “tomorrow we will count those and sort things out.”
Uh huh.
Finally, the lights were turned out and the Ronulans were sent home, exhausted and weary, unaware that they had probably just made history and put their man into nomination at Tampa.  For the Romneyites, the unthinkable had happened.  It is not done yet, but Ron Paul may very well see his name entered into nomination in Tampa.
This last weekend was perhaps the most mean spirited of all.  One has to wonder, if Mitt Romney has won the nomination, why can’t they communicate that message to the state conventions?  The fact is that something bigger is happening than the nomination of a candidate.  The Republican Party is being remade in the image of Ron Paul, the Thomas Jefferson of our generation.  The Ronulan invasion continues.  It is not a conspiracy. It is organic.  It is natural.  And it cannot be stopped.
Update:  Friends in Oklahoma insist that the convention which continued on the parking lot outside was indeed legal, had the quorum needed,  and resulted in another win for Ron Paul.  I hope they are right and we need to support that process legally and follow the challenges involved.

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Ron Paul is Winning in Virginia!

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Obama’s Father Was Blacklisted as an “Anti-American, Anti-White” Terrorist in 1959, U.S State Department and British Secret Service Documents Reveal

Barack Obama’s controversial and legally-contested hold on the executive office just got a great deal more complicated. Documents released this week by the British Foreign Secretary reveal that the president’s father, Barack Hussein Obama, Senior, was the target of an international investigation due to his ties to Kenyan terrorists groups. The top secret files, which had been suppressed for decades, were privately condemned by administration officials who feared they would undermine the president as polls show him trailing Republican contender Mitt Romney by at least five points. They also highlight the mounting public evidence tying Barack Jr. to communist sleeper cells and long range plots to undermine American democracy.
(In other disturbing Obama news, it was leaked today that the President frequenty ate dog meat as a child. He is the first and only United States President to have ever eaten a family pet. Apparently, such an act is a ritualistic part of Muslim religious training, and the young Obama found the meat, “quite satifsying.”)
barack obama seniorThe shocking dossier on Obama Sr. came to light after a lengthy case in the British High Court brought by a team of professors at Oxford University. The records hark back to a time when Kenya was still a British colony and Obama Sr. was a Kenyan national who traveled to Hawaii for a college education, despite his political radicalism and poor academic record. The suspicious move prompted a closer look by security agents who worried about the young man’s sudden fixation on entering the United States. Barack Jr. hatched a very similar scheme to network his way from academia to the Halls of Congress, despite his equally mediocre educational record.
On September 1, 1959, one British ambassador penned a highly classified communiqué that stated, “I have discussed with the State Department. They are as disturbed about these developments as we are. They point out that Kenya students have a bad reputation over here for falling into the wrong hands and for becoming both anti-American and anti-white.”
Despite the warnings, Obama Sr. was allowed to stay in Hawaii were he met and married Stanley Ann Dunham. Sometime afterward, the couple traveled to Indonesia where the President was born and raised with a traditional Muslim upbring, complete with Imans and Madrasas. While this is not the story told by the mainstream media, far too many questions have been raised about the incredibly fraudulent birth certificate the Washington insiders tried to pass off on the public a few years back.
Despite this long string of earth-shattering revelations, the U.S. State Department does not appear likely to release any FBI or CIA files they have on the President’s father. It is imagined that under Director J. Edgar Hoover, such a dangerous man would have been watched closely and the evidence against him would be exhaustive.
barack obama senior
Curiously enough, Barack Jr.’s avowed anti-white, anti-American policies appear to be a continuation of his father’s very own radical socialist ideology. Obama Sr. was an agent of the African American Students Foundation (AASF), a trade unionist agitation group which fronted for foreign socialist interests. Just like his father, Barack Jr. went from Hawaii to Harvard, with the assistance of many leftwing political organizations (such as ACORN, the Weather Underground and the Fabian Socialists).
Will the mainstream media continue to hide this vital information about Obama’s presidency? Will the State Department ever release Barack Sr.’s file? By no stretch of the imagination should this man he trusted with one ounce of power, yet somehow he has schemed his way to the very top of our body politic. This is nothing less than the greatest crime America has ever known.
The evidence released this week suggests that the Obama plot to undermine Christianity through socialism may indeed stretch back half a century. While this comes as a shock to many, others have been worried about the Barack Obama Jr. since his early days in the Senate. There are just too many questions swirling around this President for the U.S. public to trust him. For people of faith, it reminds us to be weary of false prophets and those who push the heinous terrorism of Islam on our homeland. The Bible warns us repeatedly about such a man who rises to power and begins a series of events prophesized as the End Times. Could Barack Obama be that cloven hoofed creature we have been warned about? Tragically, most citizens are simply too moronic to worry about this very real possibility.
barack obama senior

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