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Today's Featured Article: Obama Intimidates Romney Contributors?

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Holey Jihad

Today's Politically Incorrect Headlines:

Obama's New Math

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Today's Featured Article:

Government Issues Study of a Study About Studies..... Really

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American Vision News

Reality Check: Foiled Underwar Bomb May Point To The Failure of Airport...

Watch 2 Canadians Discover That The US Is Now A Police State

Welcome to Amerika! Exactly when did she become a police state? "We don't need any grounds. We're the United States" Watch this experience, at the border, by two Canadian citizens coming to the US to go shopping. While millions pour across the Mexican border ILLEGALLY, Canadians must beware of attempting to LEGALLY go shopping in the US. Should tourists go to jail for not bowing to arrogant border guards? Why would anyone want to come to spend money in the United States? Oh well, the economy is so good that maybe Niagara Falls is too prosperous to need the money. Should we you feel safer now that we know how well we are being protected from Canadian terrorists who travel with their wives? But who will protect us from our protectors? People who are not citizens also have the "unalienable" rights to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. ARREST MEANS TO STOP OR DETAIN. DEMANDING HIS KEYS WAS DETAINING. If you are not free to go, then you are under arrest. The act of the taking of car keys accomplishes detention. Exactly what had this Canadian couple done BEFORE the storm trooper made a DE FACTO ARREST, by demanding their keys? INSULTED, FALSLEY ACCUSED, THREATENED, AND ASSAULTED, WHAT WOULD YOUR MOOD BE? THESE JACK BOOTS UNDERSTAND THE CLIMATE THEY CREATE BY SUCH REPREHENSIBLE BEHAVIOR. THEN, AFTER SUCH REPREHENSIBLE BEHAVIOR THEY WANT TO JUDGE YOU ON HOW POLITE YOU ARE? Of course, any innocent person will be upset, when they are unlawfully arrested. An emotional response is predictable, and it is inconceivable that the storm troopers would not be aware of this. That emotional response was then used to justify the arrest. UNALIENABLE RIGHTS ARE ENDOWED BY OUR CREATOR. NOT BY CANADA. NOT BY THE US. NOT BY THE UN. TYRANTS DENY UNALIENABLE RIGHTS ENDOWED BY A CREATOR. DO NOT FALL FOR THAT LIE. THE JACK BOOTS ADMITTED TO BE ASSERTING THIS LIE WHEN THEY SAID THAT YOU ARE IN AN "INTERNATIONAL" INSPECTION STATION. THERE IS A UNITED NATIONS FLAG IN THE CENTER OF THAT BRIDGE. THE UNITED NATIONS TRIES TO USURP TYRANICAL POWER ANYWHERE OUTSIDE OF ANY BORDER, AND EVEN INSIDE OF SOME COUNTRIES. GOOGLE THIS: "LOST" TREATY. COMMENTS FROM LAW ENFORCEMENT ARE WELCOME, BUT WE REQUIRE THAT YOU STATE YOUR REAL NAME, RANK, AND AGENCY. WE ESPECIALLY AWAIT COMMENTS FROM THE OFFICERS WHO WERE RECORDED. SO FAR YOUR SILENCE HAS BEE DEAFENING. More info visit:

TSA Conducting Random Searches on US Highways

Breaking News from Western Journalism

May 11, 2012 02:31 pm | Kris Zane

May 11, 2012 02:30 pm | Kevin "Coach" Collins
The day after Barack Obama’s election, a physical therapist from the old Soviet union, who came to Staten Island to live in freedom, got a call from her best friend (a fellow Soviet immigrant who lives in the Russian section… Continue to Post

May 11, 2012 02:20 pm | Alan P. Halbert
Next up in our investigation is the run-up to the election after clinching the Democrats’ Nominee as their candidate for president.  Barry has sequestered and locked away all of his personal records in some safe dark place where they will… Continue to Post

May 11, 2012 02:15 pm | Kevin Probst
It has been framed as a shocking event.  The President supports gay marriage!!  This is not a shock.  This is the same president who repealed the military’s ban on openly gay service members.  This is the same president who ordered… Continue to Post

May 11, 2012 02:06 pm | Daniel Noe

May 11, 2012 01:56 pm | Cagle Cartoons

May 11, 2012 01:46 pm | Breaking News
Providing proof that Sheriff Joe Arpaio intends to continue his investigation of President Obama’s eligiblity, his Cold Case Posse has pressed the director of the Selective Service System not to destroy any microfilm records that may yet exist of Obama’s… Continue to Post

May 11, 2012 01:40 pm | Breaking News
Bill Clinton thought so little of President Obama — mocking him as an “amateur” — that he pressed his wife last summer to quit her job as secretary of state and challenge him in the primaries, a new book claims,… Continue to Post

May 11, 2012 01:33 pm | Daniel Noe

May 11, 2012 01:31 pm | Phil Kerpen
With the increasingly likelihood that Obama’s health care law will be struck down in court or repealed next Congress, the administration has been working hard to cement another dubious legacy: the destruction of the coal industry. Obama’s war on coal… Continue to Post

May 11, 2012 01:30 pm | Cynthia Dunbar
Newt Gingrich’s exit from the presidential primary last Wednesday left voters with clear battle lines. Americans are confronted with the choice between Obama and Romney. With that knowledge in mind, I find it inconceivable that any evangelical could still act… Continue to Post

May 11, 2012 01:26 pm | Breaking News
A course for U.S. military officers has been teaching that America’s enemy is Islam in general, not just terrorists, and suggested that the country might ultimately have to obliterate the Islamic holy cities of Mecca and Medina without regard for… Continue to Post

May 11, 2012 01:16 pm | Daniel Noe

May 11, 2012 12:58 pm | Breaking News
When former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin endorsed Nebraska Republican senate candidate Deb Fischer on Wednesday, Palin gave Fischer the name identification across the state that Fischer’s two opponents, attorney general Jon Bruning and treasurer Don Stenberg, had in spades from… Continue to Post

May 11, 2012 12:56 pm | Breaking News
The Koch brothers and Big Labor. The tea party and progressives. Teachers, gun owners, environmentalists, abortion-rights advocates, conservative billionaires, the national parties — name the interest group or outside party and chances are they’ve played a role in the June… Continue to Post

May 11, 2012 12:43 pm | Breaking News
When relationships go bad, an early warning sign is that one side doesn’t really hear what the other is saying. That’s certainly the case today in the relationship between voters and America’s Political Class. Many in Washington, D.C. took comfort… Continue to Post

May 11, 2012 12:38 pm | Daniel Noe

May 11, 2012 11:52 am | Breaking News
Adults who want sex-change surgery or hormone therapy in Argentina will be able to get it as part of their public or private health care plans under a gender rights law approved Wednesday. Senators approved the Gender Identity law by… Continue to Post

Martial Law 2012 DHS Informant: "We are Preparing for a Massive Civil War"

Whatever happened to the 'In It To Win It' Money Bomb Contest for Ron Paul?

I won 1st place in the avatar contest and have not heard another word about receiving the prize! I got an email from the contest organizer requesting my personal info about where to send the prize, and haven't heard another word. The winners of the contest were never posted either. Was this contest a scam? Their actions reflects badly on the Official Ron Paul 2012 Campaign! Thanks, Blaine Lee Bosserman
On April 15th, 2012, tens of thousands of Americans will stand together to send a very clear message. We the people proclaim that we are 'In It To Win It'. We stand as one, behind Ron Paul and his message of peace, prosperity and liberty.