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Law prof: Fox anchor wrong on eligibility
When Fox News anchor Bret Baier posted online his explanation of "natural born citizen" earlier this week, he was posting above his pay grade, to borrow a phrase from Barack Obama.
A top constitutional expert takes Baier to task ...
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As the media-fueled Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman firestorm rages, a number of black-on-white assaults have been reported in which the assailants have declared "justice for Trayvon" prompted the attack.
But if you're expecting to see Attorney General Eric Holder rush to open an investigation, don't hold your breath ...
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Latest From Wayne Allyn Root May 3, 2012
Atlas Shrugged: Is American Business On Strike Against Obama? Atlas Shrugged: Is American Business On Strike Against Obama? »
Under President Barack Obama, Atlas Shrugged has come to life, explains Wayne Allyn Root. Obama's tax-and-spend philosophy is a dismal failure, causing business owners to go on strike — permanently.  More »

Outside The Asylum

Obama 2012: Taking Credit Where Credit Isn't Due Obama 2012: Taking Credit Where Credit Isn't Due »
May 2, 2011 was a pretty good day. The U.S. military and intelligence community managed to nail down a solid location on al-Qaida mastermind and erectile dysfunction sufferer Osama bin Laden. U.S. Navy SEALs swooped down in a daring raid and punched bin Laden's ticket to the underworld.  More »


America's Corporate State Media America's Corporate State Media »
The newfound widespread distrust of the mainstream media has led many people to seek out other sources of information. This has led to a rise in the national appetite for alternative media, and the gradual lessening of corporatist and statist control over news and information.  More »

Personal Liberty News
Despite Evidence, Keynesians Want More Fiat Money Despite Evidence, Keynesians Want More Fiat Money »
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Secret Service Has History Of Bad Behavior Secret Service Has History Of Bad Behavior »
In the aftermath of the Cartegena prostitution scandal, old news is making new headlines. Among other things, it appears Secret Service agents have been involved in sex scandals before.  More »

Diver Claims He Has Located Bin Laden's Body Diver Claims He Has Located Bin Laden's Body »
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Breaking News from Western Journalism

May 03, 2012 02:33 pm | Doug Book
A Michigan police department has made it clear that freedom of speech and the Constitutional right to peaceably assemble may only be enjoyed upon approval by the terror-promoting, Islamic group CAIR. On January 26th, Michigan State Representative David Agema and… Continue to Post

May 03, 2012 02:23 pm | Kevin "Coach" Collins
A CINO (Catholic In Name Only) Democrat Ohio State Senator has become the latest abortion/gay “marriage” supporter to discover that the Catholic Church is serious about standing up for Her teachings about the sanctity of life and morality. Those who… Continue to Post

May 03, 2012 02:16 pm | Daniel Noe

May 03, 2012 02:06 pm | Cagle Cartoons

May 03, 2012 01:57 pm | Marita Noon
Frequent readers of my column might be surprised to see that I am defending Al Armendariz, the newly resigned EPA Administrator of Region 6. In his recently revealed “crucify” comments, Armendariz was merely reflecting the view from the top—though the… Continue to Post

May 03, 2012 01:54 pm | Matt Barber
They used to arrest middle-aged perverts who get their jollies from talking dirty to children. Today, they get a television show, a nationally syndicated column, a lecture circuit, and multiple visits to the Obama White House. You know: “Forward.” The… Continue to Post

May 03, 2012 01:53 pm | Kris Zane

May 03, 2012 01:52 pm | Breaking News
Senator Rand Paul has issued a press release in which he vows to lead the charge to “end the TSA” and put a stop to the needless and humiliating groping of toddlers and grandmothers. Earlier this year, Paul was detained by… Continue to Post

May 03, 2012 01:49 pm | Michael Reagan
Cuba is a one-party state. North Korea is a one-party state. California is a one-party state. I’m not trying to draw any false parallels. But I’ve noticed bad things happen when one political party has complete control of a government… Continue to Post

May 03, 2012 01:45 pm | Daniel Noe

May 03, 2012 01:44 pm | Breaking News
As the media-fueled Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman firestorm rages, a number of black-on-white assaults have been reported in which the assailants have declared “justice for Trayvon” prompted the attack. But according to former Department of Justice attorney J. Christian Adams, don’t… Continue to Post

May 03, 2012 01:35 pm | Breaking News
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May 03, 2012 01:34 pm | Jarrett Skorup
Editor’s note: A version of this article first appeared through the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. As spring bloomed, the president addressed the nation on energy. The president told us, “Without our planning for the future, it will get worse … The… Continue to Post

May 03, 2012 01:27 pm | Debbie Leininger
Thursday, May 3, is an annual observance set aside by Congress as the National Day of Prayer.  It is a day for Americans to seek God’s guidance and blessing upon America and its leaders. On this day, millions of people… Continue to Post

May 03, 2012 01:17 pm | Daniel Noe

May 03, 2012 01:10 pm | Breaking News
Occupy protesters must ask serious questions about their open-arms policy in light of charges brought against five members accused of trying to blow up an Ohio bridge, a top Cleveland official said Wednesday. The city declined to renew the group’s… Continue to Post

May 03, 2012 12:52 pm | Breaking News
After a week where the one-year anniversary of the killing of Osama bin Laden effectively dominated the political news arena, Republicans are looking to shift the message back to a critical examination of President Obama’s economic record. The Republican National… Continue to Post

May 03, 2012 12:51 pm | Daniel Noe

May 03, 2012 12:47 pm | Breaking News
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May 03, 2012 12:43 pm | Breaking News

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The federal website released the first round of public comments on the administration’s proposed anti-conscience mandate on Wednesday. The comments were overwhelmingly opposed to the measure: out of 211 comments submitted, only six, less than 3%, offered support for… Continue to Post

May 03, 2012 12:34 pm | Daniel Noe

May 03, 2012 12:25 pm | Breaking News
In letters from his last hideout, Osama bin Laden fretted about dysfunction in his terrorist network and crumbling trust from Muslims he wished to incite against their government and the West. A selection of documents seized in last year’s raid… Continue to Post

May 03, 2012 12:00 pm | Breaking News
President Barack Obama arrived in Kabul on Tuesday to sign a strategic partnership agreement with Afghan President Hamid Karzai. The deal outlines the next phase of the U.S. role in Afghanistan after combat missions wind down at the end of… Continue to Post

May 03, 2012 11:38 am | Breaking News
The office of Vice President Joe Biden overruled State and Justice Department officials in denying the political asylum request of a senior Chinese communist official last February over fears the high-level defection would upset the U.S. visit of China’s vice… Continue to Post

May 03, 2012 11:16 am | Cagle Cartoons

May 03, 2012 09:33 am | Cagle Cartoons

Ron Paul 2003 Speech Predicts Iraq Invasion - Loss Of Freedom & Privacy After 9/11 - U. of Texas

US government using copyright infringement to take over the Internet?

Homosexual Lobby has found a way around the Constitution

Advocate Banner

A major plank in the Gay Bill of Special Rights has just been enacted by Federal bureaucratic decree!

That’s right -- the Homosexual Lobby has found a way around the Constitution and the U.S. Congress to give special employments privileges to transsexuals.

Just a few days ago, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) decided to redefine the rules already on the books to make it nearly impossible for any employers to ever turn down or fire a transsexual person.

No new law was passed by Congress.

And no one had any say in this but the Obama-appointed bureaucrats who have allied themselves with the Homosexual Lobby.

As you know, special employment rights are at the heart of the Gay Bill of Special Rights.

The Homosexual Lobby wants to make it impossible for any company, church or even daycare center to ever fire homosexuals or transsexuals.

Public Advocate has steadfastly opposed the Gay Bill of Special Rights every time it has been brought up in Congress -- countless times over the decades.

But in just the past few months Obama has started threatening to pass key elements of the bill by Executive Order.

He’s declared that he has the power to make “homosexual preferred employment policies” a reality for all Federal departments and any company doing business with the Federal government.

And now the EEOC is going even further.

They are reinterpreting current laws to reflect their idea of what fair employment should be.

And now business and churches are risking a Federal lawsuit anytime they fire or refuse to hire a transsexual.

My friend, we are coming dangerously close to a de facto passage of the Gay Bill of Special Rights and the creation of a superior class of Americans.

And Public Advocate is the only organization in the country that is fighting against these unlawful and immoral changes.

It’s not because the majority of Americans do not care -- the hundreds of thousands of Public Advocate supporters prove otherwise.

It’s because so many of the supposed champions of the Family have been scared out of the fight.

But I promise you right now, I will never give up.

For the Family,

Eugene Delgaudio
President, Public Advocate of the United States

P.S. Please prayerfully consider chipping in with a donation of $10 or more to help Public Advocate fight for traditional values.

Obama Signs Executive Order Declaring International Law for the United States

by Henry Shivley

On May 1, 2012, our Glorious Leader, Premier Barack Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat, signed yet another Executive Order – Promoting International Regulatory Cooperation.  This dictate is designed to standardize regulations between the United States and it’s so called trading partners.
What is a regulation?  A law.  So what is actually being attempted here is a standardization of international law.  It is an absolute violation of the Constitution for the United States to legislate our law outside of our borders.

Considering the many international security agreements the traitors occupying our highest seats of power have entered into, this latest executive order can absolutely be used to institute gun confiscation laws/regulations, without any consent by our Congress or our Judicial.  And once these foreign laws are brought to the United States under the various security agreements, foreign troops will be brought in to enforce the foreign laws upon the people of the United States.
So look at what we have now.
  • The Patriot Act which allows unlimited spying on the American people by the government.
  • The National Defense Authorization Act with Sections 1021 and 1022 for the military arrests and indefinite detention of American nationals without any due process of the law.
  • HR 347 Trespass Law for the implementation of Sections 1021 and 1022 of the National Defense Authorization Act upon any citizen who dares to speak out against the insurgency.
  • Executive Order National Defense Resources Preparedness Act, which allows the dictator to confiscate every resource of the United States, including we the people as conscripts to be put in servitude to the insurgency.
This is exactly what the Bolsheviks did to the Russian people in 1917.  Now we have this new executive order for the implementation of laws not legislated by our Congress.  If we were to allow ourselves to be disarmed by these international soviet socialists, the next step would be to eliminate everyone who refuses to acquiesce to collective slavery.
This latest executive order is nothing more than another act of blatant treason and we the American people must reject it absolutely.
Here is the Executive Order.  Read and interpret it for yourself.
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By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to promote international regulatory cooperation, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1Policy. Executive Order 13563 of January 18, 2011 (Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review), states that our regulatory system must protect public health, welfare, safety, and our environment while promoting economic growth, innovation, competitiveness, and job creation. In an increasingly global economy, international regulatory cooperation, consistent with domestic law and prerogatives and U.S. trade policy, can be an important means of promoting the goals of Executive Order 13563.
The regulatory approaches taken by foreign governments may differ from those taken by U.S. regulatory agencies to address similar issues. In some cases, the differences between the regulatory approaches of U.S. agencies and those of their foreign counterparts might not be necessary and might impair the ability of American businesses to export and compete internationally. In meeting shared challenges involving health, safety, labor, security, environmental, and other issues, international regulatory cooperation can identify approaches that are at least as protective as those that are or would be adopted in the absence of such cooperation. International regulatory cooperation can also reduce, eliminate, or prevent unnecessary differences in regulatory requirements.
Sec2Coordination of International Regulatory Cooperation. (a) The Regulatory Working Group (Working Group) established by Executive Order 12866 of September 30, 1993 (Regulatory Planning and Review), which was reaffirmed by Executive Order 13563, shall, as appropriate:
(i) serve as a forum to discuss, coordinate, and develop a common understanding among agencies of U.S. Government positions and priorities with respect to:
(A) international regulatory cooperation activities that are reasonably anticipated to lead to significant regulatory actions;
(B) efforts across the Federal Government to support significant, cross-cutting international regulatory cooperation activities, such as the work of regulatory cooperation councils; and
(C) the promotion of good regulatory practices internationally, as well as the promotion of U.S. regulatory approaches, as appropriate; and
(ii) examine, among other things:
(A) appropriate strategies for engaging in the development of regulatory approaches through international regulatory cooperation, particularly in emerging technology areas, when consistent with section 1 of this order;
(B) best practices for international regulatory cooperation with respect to regulatory development, and, where appropriate, information exchange and other regulatory tools; and
(C) factors that agencies should take into account when determining whether and how to consider other regulatory approaches under section 3(d) of this order.
(b) As Chair of the Working Group, the Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) shall convene the Working Group as necessary to discuss international regulatory cooperation issues as described above, and the Working Group shall include a representative from the Office of the United States Trade Representative and, as appropriate, representatives from other agencies and offices.
(c) The activities of the Working Group, consistent with law, shall not duplicate the efforts of existing interagency bodies and coordination mechanisms. The Working Group shall consult with existing interagency bodies when appropriate.
(d) To inform its discussions, and pursuant to section 4 of Executive Order 12866, the Working Group may commission analytical reports and studies by OIRA, the Administrative Conference of the United States, or any other relevant agency, and the Administrator of OIRA may solicit input, from time to time, from representatives of business, nongovernmental organizations, and the public.
(e) The Working Group shall develop and issue guidelines on the applicability and implementation of sections 2 through 4 of this order.
(f) For purposes of this order, the Working Group shall operate by consensus.
Sec3Responsibilities of Federal Agencies. To the extent permitted by law, and consistent with the principles and requirements of Executive Order 13563 and Executive Order 12866, each agency shall:
(a) if required to submit a Regulatory Plan pursuant to Executive Order 12866, include in that plan a summary of its international regulatory cooperation activities that are reasonably anticipated to lead to significant regulations, with an explanation of how these activities advance the purposes of Executive Order 13563 and this order;
(b) ensure that significant regulations that the agency identifies as having significant international impacts are designated as such in the Unified Agenda of Federal Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions, on, and on;
(c) in selecting which regulations to include in its retrospective review plan, as required by Executive Order 13563, consider:
(i) reforms to existing significant regulations that address unnecessary differences in regulatory requirements between the United States and its major trading partners, consistent with section 1 of this order, when stakeholders provide adequate information to the agency establishing that the differences are unnecessary; and
(ii) such reforms in other circumstances as the agency deems appropriate; and
(d) for significant regulations that the agency identifies as having significant international impacts, consider, to the extent feasible, appropriate, and consistent with law, any regulatory approaches by a foreign government that the United States has agreed to consider under a regulatory cooperation council work plan.
Sec. 4Definitions. For purposes of this order:
(a) “Agency” means any authority of the United States that is an “agency” under 44 U.S.C. 3502(1), other than those considered to be independent regulatory agencies, as defined in 44 U.S.C. 3502(5).
(b) “International impact” is a direct effect that a proposed or final regulation is expected to have on international trade and investment, or that otherwise may be of significant interest to the trading partners of the United States.
(c) “International regulatory cooperation” refers to a bilateral, regional, or multilateral process, other than processes that are covered by section 6(a)(ii), (iii), and (v) of this order, in which national governments engage in various forms of collaboration and communication with respect to regulations, in particular a process that is reasonably anticipated to lead to the development of significant regulations.
(d) “Regulation” shall have the same meaning as “regulation” or “rule” in section 3(d) of Executive Order 12866.
(e) “Significant regulation” is a proposed or final regulation that constitutes a significant regulatory action.
(f) “Significant regulatory action” shall have the same meaning as in section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866.
Sec5Independent Agencies. Independent regulatory agencies are encouraged to comply with the provisions of this order.
Sec6General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:
(i) the authority granted by law to a department or agency, or the head thereof;
(ii) the coordination and development of international trade policy and negotiations pursuant to section 411 of the Trade Agreements Act of 1979 (19 U.S.C. 2451) and section 141 of the Trade Act of 1974 (19 U.S.C. 2171);
(iii) international trade activities undertaken pursuant to section 3 of the Act of February 14, 1903 (15 U.S.C. 1512), subtitle C of the Export Enhancement Act of 1988, as amended (15 U.S.C. 4721 et seq.), and Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1979 (19 U.S.C. 2171 note);
(iv) the authorization process for the negotiation and conclusion of international agreements pursuant to 1 U.S.C. 112b(c) and its implementing regulations (22 C.F.R. 181.4) and implementing procedures (11 FAM 720);
(v) activities in connection with subchapter II of chapter 53 of title 31 of the United States Code, title 26 of the United States Code, or Public Law 111-203 and other laws relating to financial regulation; or
(vi) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.
(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.