Romney to skip Texas GOP convention

For their state convention in early June, Texas Republicans will have to settle for an also-ran after being spurned by the presumptive nominee for president.
Rick Santorum, the former Pennsylvania senator who suspended his White House campaign a few weeks ago, will be one of the featured speakers at the convention's June 8 banquet in Fort Worth. Mitt Romney will not.
"The (Romney) campaign was extended an invitation, and we never heard back," state party spokesman Chris Elam said.
Romney campaign spokesman Ryan Williams blamed a scheduling conflict.
"I am very pleased that we have been able to confirm Senator Santorum's appearance at our Convention Gala," said Texas Republican Party Chair Steve Munisteri in a statement. "His campaign was very active in Texas during the primary season, and I am excited to offer our convention attendees the opportunity to hear from a major national figure in our party," he said.
Rice University political scientist Mark Jones, acknowledging that he does not know the specific circumstances of Romney's Texas turn-down, said the political benefits of a convention appearance are overshadowed by the liabilities.
"Given his need to pivot back to the center, the state convention of the Texas Republican Party is not an ideal venue for that," he said. "The Texas Republican Party is one of the most conservative in the country, and the activists who will be attending the convention are even more conservative."
Jones also noted that Romney is likely to win Texas in November regardless, so spurning the convention probably is of no significance.
Minds are changing
According to the results of a Public Policy Polling survey released last week, Texas Republicans are coalescing behind Romney, however reluctantly. They initially supported their favorite son, Texas Gov. Rick Perry. When he dropped out of the race in January, they sashayed over to Santorum.
Now that the former Pennsylvania senator is out of the race, Romney leads Texas with 45 percent to 35 percent over Newt Gingrich - who is scheduled to withdraw from the race on Tuesday - and 14 percent for Texas Congressman Ron Paul.
Favorable poll
A Public Policy Polling survey in January showed Texas voters were divided in their feelings about the former Massachusetts governor, with 44 percent rating him favorably and 44 percent rating him unfavorably. The recent poll put him at 66 percent favorable, 23 percent unfavorable.
Romney is winning Tea Party voters, 44 percent to 38 percent, although evangelicals still support Gingrich, 45 percent to 40 percent.
"Strong might not be the word to describe Mitt Romney's position in Texas," Dean Debnam, president of Public Policy Polling, said in a news release. "Voters in the state don't like him all that much, but he's still the favorite for both the primary and general elections."
Perry, who had his differences with Romney during the extended debate season and who endorsed Gingrich after his own campaign ended, switched his endorsement to Romney last week.

Fox News anchor declares Obama IS eligible

Fox News anchor declares Obama IS eligible ...
"Here's the deal," says this prominent anchor on the Fox News Channel, before trying to explain why Barack Obama is eligible to be president.

Find out his explanation, and why he's not so correct ...

Click here to read the full article.

Rand Paul: Trap. Search. Abuse.

Campaign for Liberty

Sometimes our liberty slips away silently, and it is almost hard to notice what went wrong and where. The one fortunate thing about the TSA is that they certainly don’t fit that definition.

The American people shouldn’t be subjected to harassment, groping, and other public humiliation simply to board an airplane. As you may have heard, I have some personal experience with this, and I’ve vowed to lead the charge to fight back.

Please read the email below from my friend Matt Hawes at Campaign for Liberty. Campaign for Liberty is leading the fight to pressure Congress to act now and restore our liberty. It’s time to END the TSA and get the government’s hands back to only stealing our wallets instead of groping toddlers and grandmothers.

I hope you will join Campaign for Liberty in this fight.

In Liberty,

Campaign for Liberty
Senator Rand Paul

Campaign for Liberty

The government literally has its hands in our pants.

Everyone knows they've done it for years - reaching in and grabbing our wallets while forcing huge tax bills and piles of debt on us.

But now they've gone too far.

Every inch of our person has become fair game for government thugs posing as "security" as we travel around the country.

The TSA simply must be stopped.

It is out of control, and it gets worse every day.

And it's not even useful in protecting our nation from terrorism.

The TSA tells us that being harassed at the airport "makes us safer," but, time and again, only quick-thinking actions by passengers have stopped dangerous situations on airplanes - from people the TSA let right through security.

One Israeli security expert, who certainly knows a thing or two about how to guard against constant threats, referred to the full-body scanners as "useless."

And just recently, an activist exposed a critical flaw in the TSA's body scanners when he repeatedly got through them just by putting a metal object in a pocket he had sewn on the side of his shirt.  Because the scanner uses a dark background, the item blended right in.

These are the kind of results you get when you leave security up to bureaucrats.

Senator Rand Paul has a plan to do away with the TSA for good, but he needs our help.

Click to sign

Will you fill out your petition urging your representative to support - and your senators to co-sponsor - Senator Paul's END THE TSA bill?

Senator Paul got a lot of attention recently for his own encounter with the TSA, where he was detained, harassed, and missed his flight before ultimately being "allowed" to continue his journey.  If that is what happens to a U.S. senator at an airport, imagine what is happening to people across the country.

Actually, you don't have to imagine.

More and more Americans are coming forward to tell their stories of the abusive TSA.

The TSA has declared war.  I think everyone from Janet Napolitano to Alex Jones would agree with that.  What we don't agree on is on whom they have declared war.

Toddlers in wheelchairs.  Mothers with babies.  94-year-old grandmothers.  Well-known United States senators.

Do any of those sound like potential terrorist threats?

They do if you are the TSA.

Just recently, we heard about how a young mother was stopped and forced through some very extra-thorough screening.  Her crime?

She was attempting to board the plane with a breast pump to provide milk during the trip for her infant.  The distraught mom was forced to pump the milk in a public restroom to satisfy the TSA's demands.

In 2010, a three-year-old boy in a wheelchair was subjected to intensive screening and a thorough pat-down.

The parents were forced to stand by helplessly - not even allowed to touch their child to reassure him everything would be ok.

But everything is not ok.

The TSA is part of a growing problem in our government - where it now has the power to do whatever it wants without any regard to our rights:
***  The so-called "Patriot" Act allows for warrantless searches and wiretaps, government snooping through your bank records, and the issuing of blatantly unconstitutional National Security Letters (NSLs);
***  The recently passed National Defense Authorization Act codifies into law the idea that the government could indefinitely detain a U.S. citizen without trial;
***  The National Counterterrorism Center is now authorized to store your personal information - even with no suspicion of terrorist activity - for up to 5 years.
Our rights aren't simply eroding.

They are being taken out to sea in the wake of a tsunami from our government.

Now, the TSA is working on assaulting Americans outside of the airport, too.

With its "VIPR" program, the TSA is expanding to train stations, bus terminals, and even checking vehicles on public roads.

Soon, we won't be safe from their grabbing hands anywhere.

And as the TSA keeps harassing more customers out of the airports, an already hurting airline industry will continue to struggle - ultimately costing jobs, further driving up the costs of travel, and creating calls from politicians for yet another government bailout to "save" an industry their TSA is helping to destroy.

So will you join Senator Rand Paul and Campaign for Liberty in fighting back?

Click to sign

For over 10 years, the TSA has increasingly become the most visible and harassing arm of the new police state.  There are countless more examples of abuse from the TSA:
***  A TSA agent patting down a young girl at New Orleans' Louis Armstrong International Airport in 2011.  The video shows a cooperative family, and when the girl's mother asks, "Can't you just re-scan her?" the agent replies, "No" and proceeds to grope the poor child;
***  A cancer survivor in Charlotte was forced to remove a prosthetic breast;
***  A young mother of a two-week-old infant in Florida was harassed to open the bottles of baby formula she was traveling with on her flight, which would have spoiled the only food available to the infant;
***  Detroit TSA officers ignored a man's warning about a colostomy bag, breaking it and forcing him to board a plane covered in urine.
The only limit to the stories of abuse that I could tell you in this letter is space.  There is no shortage of stories.  There are more every day.

It is time you and I stood up and said "ENOUGH."

Senator Rand Paul has a plan to get the government out of your pants and the TSA out of your life.

His END THE TSA bill will fully privatize the TSA, getting the government out of the airport entirely.

And Campaign for Liberty has a plan to force action on this bill in the coming months, but to make this happen, we must have your support today.

First, please complete your END THE TSA petition.

Campaign for Liberty will deliver it, along with hundreds of thousands of others from outraged Americans.

If we can raise the necessary funds, Campaign for Liberty will also run a full, targeted media campaign to convince representatives and senators to either get on board or be held responsible for this continuing outrage.

But carrying out these plans requires you to chip in a contribution of $10 - or whatever you can afford - today.

Campaign for Liberty has certainly had our hands full this year with multiple battles on a variety of fronts.  So we simply cannot take on this battle without your support.

Whatever you can chip in would go a long way toward fighting back against the out-of-control TSA.

So please, fill out your petition and chip in a contribution to Campaign for Liberty today.

As always, thank you for all you do for the cause of Liberty.

In Liberty,

Campaign for Liberty

Matt Hawes
Vice President

P.S. The TSA grows more and more out of control every day.  Far from protecting us from terrorists, they are instead setting their sights on small children, mothers with infants, the elderly, and the disabled.

You and I must stop these abuses once and for all and take back our rights.

Please complete your petition in support of Senator Paul's END THE TSA bill, and chip in contribution of $10 to C4L right away.

Click to sign

Obama's evil 'Matrix' is alive and expanding

Obama's evil 'Matrix' is alive and expanding ...
There's an evil "matrix" of deceit and delusion enveloping America with its toxic tentacles, and Obama and his minions on the dark side are doing their best to keep their secret system alive.

You really need to know this ...

Click here to read the full article.

The FBI Role in 9/11, Conning America

The FBI Role in 9/11, Conning America

Ron Paul FLIX Daily News - May 1 2012 - YouTube Removes Ron Paul Channel - Delegate Wins!

ER visits after drinking may not be covered

Kaiser Health News

Up to half of the people who are treated at hospital emergency departments and trauma centers are under the influence of alcohol, experts say. That may be a sobering statistic, yet a recent study found that emergency departments can capitalize on this “teachable moment” to discourage problem drinking in the future.
But laws in more than half the states permit insurers to deny payment for medical services related to alcohol or drug use and that can derail hospitals’ best intentions, experts say. Faced with the prospect of not getting paid for care, some emergency department personnel may sidestep the problem by simply not testing patients’ blood or urine for alcohol.
In the study, published online in the Annals of Emergency Medicine in March, nearly 600 emergency department patients who were identified as hazardous or harmful drinkers (defined for men as drinking more than 14 drinks per week or more than four on any single occasion, and for women as more than seven weekly drinks or three on any one occasion) took part in a seven-minute interview. During the interview, an emergency department staff member discussed the link between a patient’s injuries and alcohol, as well as guidelines for low-risk drinking, and encouraged the patient to discuss what was stopping him from drinking less and to set a drinking goal.
Compared with those who received standard care, patients who took part in the sessions reduced their average number of weekly drinks significantly as well as their episodes of binge drinking and drinking and driving over the next 12 months.
“In the emergency department on a weekend, all the cases may be drug or alcohol related, and yet we don’t do” screening and intervention, says Gail D’Onofrio, the study’s lead author who is chair of emergency medicine at Yale University School of Medicine. “Our goal is to normalize this in the emergency department.”
Although some of the nearly 4,000 emergency departments screen patients for drug or alcohol use, it’s not required. Level 1 and 2 trauma centers, however, which are typically equipped to handle emergency patients suffering from serious injuries sustained, for example, in major car accidents, must screen for problem drinkers. Level 1 trauma centers must also be able to provide counseling.
Such screening and counseling can be effective, says Larry Gentilello, a trauma surgeon who has published studies on injury prevention and substance abuse.
“Most of the people who are injured don’t need to go into treatment,” he says. “They aren’t alcoholics or alcohol dependent. That’s why one counseling session can help them by talking about the risks of drinking.”
The extent to which so-called alcohol-exclusion laws deter emergency medical personnel from screening and counseling patients for alcohol or drugs is unknown.
The laws have a long history. Since 1947, more than 40 states have passed measures allowing health plans to refuse to pay for care if the patient’s injuries occurred while he was under the influence of alcohol or, in some states, drugs, say experts. As people came to understand alcohol addiction and the possibility of treatment, however, it became clear that the laws were counterproductive. In 2001, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners recommended against them.
Since then, at least 15 states have repealed or amended their laws and now prohibit exclusions of coverage for drinking or drugs, according to data from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Maryland and the District of Columbia are among them; Virginia’s law remains in place.
Regardless of state law, self-insured companies that pay their employees’ health care costs directly can refuse to cover employees for alcohol-related claims.
The laws have ensnared both problem and occasional drinkers.
Gentilello describes the case of a Seattle woman who was celebrating her 25th wedding anniversary and had a few glasses of champagne at dinner with her family. It was a rainy night and she was dressed up and wearing high heels. As she and her husband tried to hail a cab, she tripped on a curb, fell and broke her ankle. In the emergency department, her chart noted that she had a few drinks. Her insurer refused to pay. Washington subsequently adopted a prohibition on alcohol-related claims exclusions in 2004.
It’s unclear how frequently insurers continue to apply such laws to avoid paying claims. Susan Pisano, a spokeswoman for America’s Health Insurance Plans, a trade organization, says the group doesn’t know what member practice is. Cynthia Michener, a spokeswoman for Aetna, says that “to our knowledge” the company doesn’t apply such exclusions. Other insurers, including UnitedHealthcare and Humana, didn’t provide information about their practices.
But a professor who has written about such laws says there are indications that health plans continue to use them to deny payment.
“There are tons of these cases,” says Sara Rosenbaum, a professor of health law and policy at George Washington University’s School of Public Health and Health Services.  “The only evidence we have suggests that these cases go on.”
“There’s no reason to think that insurers, eager to hold down costs, wouldn’t continue” to deny payment based on such exclusions, she adds.

"Pledge breakers" feel the heat from National Pro-Life Alliance members

National Pro-Life Alliance

Your activism continues to make a huge difference.

Only a couple of weeks ago your National Pro-Life Alliance launched a campaign to target five House freshmen "pledge breakers" -- politicians who promised to defend the unborn, but once safely in office got a case of amnesia about their promise to cosponsor the Life at Conception Act.

That's why NPLA geared up for a strong fundraising campaign to target these pledge breakers with tens of thousands of hard-hitting letters, post cards, emails and advertisements, with one message; "Keep your pledge to the unborn, or pay the political price."

Alabama Abortion Mill

And thanks to tremendous response from you and other NPLA members, we've actually beat our original goal and expanded our target to a total of eight.

With the message running in target districts in multiple media, thousands of their pro-life constituents have been reminded over and over again to demand their Congressman cosponsor our Life at Conception Act.

Now while our efforts continue to grow, I'm excited to tell you about our preliminary results.

After just two and a half weeks of grassroots pressure, we have already picked up six of our eight targets, leaving only freshmen pledge breakers Scott Tipton of Colorado and Frank Guinta of New Hampshire.

Thanks again for all you do.

For Life,
Martin Fox
Martin Fox, President      
National Pro-Life Alliance

P.S. If you can, please consider chipping in with a donation to help the National Pro-Life Alliance to expand our ongoing programs.

Poll: Do You Want Obama Re-elected? Vote in Urgent National Poll

Mitt Romney vs. Barack Obama
Who Do You Support?
You ask me? Neither!
RON PAUL 2012!!!
Vote in This Urgent Poll

Scroll down to vote, one of America's leading online news services, is conducting an urgent national online poll about President Obama, Mitt Romney and the 2012 election.
This election may be one of the most critical in the nation’s history.

Newsmax will provide the results of this poll to major media outlets. Newsmax's results also will be shared with popular radio talk-show hosts across America.

Newsmax reports have been cited by major media outlets, including CNN, ABC News, Fox News, CBS, MSNBC, and other major networks.

Don't miss this opportunity to let your voice be heard! Many media outlets and national leaders are interested in your opinion. Hundreds of media outlets have reported on Newsmax's online polls.

Vote Today!

Read more on Romney vs Obama
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!
Do you support the full repeal of President Obama's healthcare plan Congress passed in 2010?
Yes, repeal it completely
No, don’t repeal it at all
No, repeal just parts of it
Should Congress restore $500 billion in Medicare benefits for seniors that the Obama plan cut?
Yes, restore the Medicare benefits
No, don't restore the Medicare benefits
Do you support President Obama's desire to give 12 million illegal aliens amnesty and a path to citizenship?
Yes, I support Obama's amnesty plan
No, I oppose it
What do you believe Congress' top priority should be in 2012?
Cutting spending
Cutting taxes
Paying down the national debt
Improving the nation's security
Creating Jobs
Do you plan on voting to re-elect President Obama in 2012?
Yes, re-elect
No, for another candidate
Not sure right now

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Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

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