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Farmer Obama And The War On Kids

WND EXCLUSIVE: 'War' promised if IRS attacks church speech

Dispute erupts when bishop criticizes assault on religious liberties

By Dave Tombers

Hitler24While a group that opposes expressions of Christianity in public forums wants the IRS to use its formidable power to crack down on what pastors say, one legal foundation says, “Bring it on,” promising a “legal war” if churches are attacked on such issues.
Americans United for the Separation of Church and State Executive Director Barry Lynn recently wrote a letter to the IRS demanding help in quashing the speech of a leader in the Roman Catholic Diocese in Peoria, Ill.
The April 19 letter calls a recent homily given by Bishop Daniel Jenky a violation of IRS regulations relating to the tax-exempt status of the church, because Jenky cited atrocities of past governments, specifically naming Hitler and Stalin, and then cited the failings of the Obama administration.
The homily was also reprinted in the Catholic Post, and urged Catholics to stand by their religious convictions, even outside the walls of the church.
“Hitler and Stalin, at their better moments, would just barely tolerate some churches remaining open, but would not tolerate any competition with the state in education, social services, and health care,” he said.
“In clear violation of our First Amendment rights, Barack Obama – with his radical, pro-abortion and extreme secularist agenda, now seems intent on following a similar path,” the homily says.
The homily included the plea, “Now things have come to such a pass in America that this is a battle that we could lose, but before the awesome judgment seat of Almighty God this is not a war where any believing Catholic may remain neutral.”
Jenky even included a dire prediction for the nation if Catholics don’t stand by their convictions.
“This fall, every practicing Catholic must vote, and must vote their Catholic consciences, or by the following fall our Catholic schools, our Catholic hospitals, our Catholic Newman centers, all of our public ministries – only excepting our church buildings – could easily be shut down.
“Because no Catholic institution, under any circumstance, can ever cooperate with the intrinsic evil of killing innocent human life in the womb,” he said.
He was opposing the Obamacare mandate that employers, including schools, hospitals and others, pay for abortions for employees.
American’s United tells the IRS that this homily puts the Catholic bishop afoul of the law, and demands that an investigation of the priest be undertaken.
In the letter to the IRS, AU says in part, “Bishop Jenky compared Obama to Hitler and Stalin and accused him of pursuing policies that will close Catholic institutions.
“Moments later he exhorted members of his flock not to vote for candidates who fail to uphold Catholic values.
“It is impossible to interpret this as anything but a command to vote against Obama,” Lynn said.
The Thomas More Society says that the law and the Bill of Rights is on the bishop’s side, and promises a “free and aggressive legal defense to any religious leaders targeted or victimized for the robust exercise of their free speech rights.”
“The Internal Revenue Service has no legal right to investigate, let alone threaten or penalize the Catholic Diocese of Peoria for illegal ‘electioneering’ after Bishop Daniel Jenky, C.S.C., referred to policies of Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin while delivering a robust, wholly legitimate critique of current federal efforts to quash and curtail religious liberties,” says Thomas Brejcha, president of the Thomas More Society.
“References to egregious, historical mistakes on the part of political leaders of the past in messages to congregations, even in an election year, are fully protected by the First Amendment, whether those messages are delivered from the pulpit or on soap boxes in the public square,” he continued.
“We think the law is very clear,” said Brejcha.
“Well-settled federal law does not prohibit churches and other tax-exempt non-profits from speaking out against government policies at odds with the common good or – as in this case – constitutionally obnoxious.”
“Where would the civil rights movement have been were it not for the courage of those of our religious leaders who spoke truth to power on behalf of the disenfranchised?” Brejcha added.
“When Bishop Jenky said, ‘…every practicing Catholic must vote, and must vote their Catholic consciences…,’ he’s simply telling people that their religious convictions and values matter outside the church walls,” said Brejcha.
Twice recently the Thomas More Society has faced down the IRS on behalf of religious groups. The society said one case was when the IRS was holding up approval of the Coalition for Life of Iowa’s request for tax-exempt status, while simultaneously pressing its pro-life members to stop conducting prayer vigils outside a Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Iowa City.
“After TMS challenged the IRS’s legal position, the service’s demands to stop the picketing were suddenly dropped and the Coalition promptly received IRS approval for tax-exempt status,” the organization reported.
In another case the group challenged the IRS for “highly improper demands” made by the agency about prayer vigils conducted by the Christian Voices for Life.
Upon being challenged, the agency backed down.

USC Title 26Subtitle AChapter 1Subchapter FPart I§ 501(c)(3)

Exemption from tax on corporations, certain trusts, etc.

(c) List of exempt organizations

(3) Corporations, and any community chest, fund, or foundation, organized and operated exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, testing for public safety, literary, or educational purposes, or to foster national or international amateur sports competition (but only if no part of its activities involve the provision of athletic facilities or equipment), or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals, no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual, no substantial part of the activities of which is carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting, to influence legislation (except as otherwise provided in subsection (h)), and which does not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office.

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'War' promised if IRS attacks church speech
While a group that opposes expressions of Christianity in public forums wants the IRS to use its formidable power to crack down on what pastors say, one legal foundation is saying, "Bring it on!"
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Elite media killing Romney 2012

The establishment elite and its media are finding themselves in a rapidly growing dilemma as years of contrived silence about the election process, namely the GOP’s and how it actually works, is now coming back to haunt them in a profound way.
Despite Tuesday’s so-called “5 state sweep” for Romney, all over the country Ron Paul’s Delegates have swarmed the states that utilize a delegate selection processes that is separate from their original caucus or primary. Yet ironically, that very silence is now allowing that tidal-wave of delegates for Paul to continue winning state after state for Paul’s 2012 campaign.
Even as America awoke on Wednesday to the media parading its favorite establishment candidate as winning "all 5" states the night before, Ron Paul continues to rack up delegates himself at a pace that has his campaign trailing by much less than the media would like everyone to believe.
Just hours before Tuesday thru Wednesday’s completely disingenuous national Romney propaganda parade, Ron Paul had officially taken Iowa over the weekend, and himself swept Minnesota and Colorado the weekend prior.
In fact, not only was Ron Paul already basically taking the majority of the caucus County, District and State Conventions around the country, the vast majority of Rick Santorum’s very conservative Delegates have also decided to spite the “front-running” big-government 1%’r who’s backed by Wall Street and join the Ron Paul Revolution instead.
This situation has, in effect, propelled Ron Paul into the fore-front and now close to neck and neck with Romney, or even better.
Prior to Tuesday’s Primaries a very conservative estimate, based on the reality of how the race is truly playing out behind the scenes, had Romney with approx. 600 delegates and Ron Paul with around 400, despite the establishment’s desperate attempt to have people believe otherwise. It’s very likely much closer than that.
Even with Tuesday’s primary states supposedly going to Romney, not only is it still nowhere near enough to have the nomination wrapped up, but even some of these states will also go through a post-primary delegate selection process that is also sure to see  much of those delegates go for Paul as well.
Nowhere in the rule-book does it state that the delegates attending Precinct, County, District or State Conventions are bound to vote for the winner of the original Straw Poll, “Caucus” or “Primary” that took place in the state, prior to the actual delegate selection process.
All this is now happening, in effect, because the establishment elite and its media have decided to attempt keeping the people in the dark over the years about how elections actually work. Unfortunately, this example only scratches the surface about how much this establishment's media actually keeps people in the dark about.
But now, thanks to incredibly dedicated campaign volunteers and a remarkable online election process education, it’s mainly Paul’s “young” supporters that are privy to how the game is being played.
One of the ways the establishment tried to fool everyone into thinking otherwise was by making sure everyone was clearly told that the “straw polls” that take place, prior to the official beginning of the nomination process at January’s Iowa Caucus, means virtually nothing. When in actuality, many of the caucuses and primaries themselves, including Iowa’s, also only serve as a precinct-level overall straw poll, leaving only the actual post-caucus delegate selection process to determine the true eventual outcome.
This is something the establishment wanted to keep very quiet and has successfully done so over the years. It allowed for the old guard to play with the delegate selection process the way they saw fit after everyone went home. This made it very easy to get their candidates elected
Now, however, thanks to the internet, articles like this one, very popular “Truther” radio shows and non-establishment co-opted Tea Party supporters who are actually informed of the truth, young politicians are then taking advantage of forums and sites like Facebook and Twitter to inform each other about the facts and election laws and are actually participating in the process. Whereas the older and ignorant mainstream-news-believing supporters of mostly Romney and Gingrich are losing out as a result of being left out of the loop.
Romney is truly only supposedly leading the race currently, despite having an almost identical political record and historical political philosophy as Barack Obama, because of how incredibly hard the media has pushed him as the “likely” candidate, including misleading its unwitting followers about who’s actually winning.
Establishment rhetoric has also left their followers severely complacent and incredibly over-confident in their candidates, much like 2010’s mid-term elections that watched many self-proclaimed “Tea Party” politicians instantly change the face of politics in America with many “surprising” victories. Again, only surprising, however, to those who trust “mainstream” sources exclusively.
Ironically, even as the so-called “conservative” Fox News keeps their “Republican” constituents in the dark about what is actually playing out in the 2012 “Republican” nomination process, it was the radically-left MSNBC who decided to continue recently detailing what is actually playing out behind the scenes on Monday.
Although they too continued to be dishonest about Paul’s chances, even as they ironically told their unwitting viewers that Ron Paul is continuing to win many states, it may be that they were given the task of initially breaking the news because the establishment knows they’ve lost the majority of their viewers over the last couple years. Especially so-called “conservatives” who may have also once watched “left” leaning news from time-to-time but no longer do..
Had the media been able to sell Romney as a true conservative and one worthy of representing the “Republican” Party in the general election, and/or been honest with the people and the supporters it needs to help its candidate win, it is possible many of Santorum’s Delegates may have decided to side with the establishment’s Romney when Santorum was unable to continue.
Overwhelmingly, however, Santorum’s "young" Delegates have decided to side with Paul, now clearing the way for what looks to be an almost certain “brokered” National Convention in Aug. Something the Conspiracy Examiner has been warning readers about for quite some time.
Even worse for the establishment and its candidate is that during the Republican National Convention this August it is still possible that many of the delegates that originally thought to side with Romney have the ability to change their minds when it truly comes time to cast their official votes this summer. Something even the establishment’s media admitted is far more likely than Paul’s or even Santorum’s former delegates changing their minds in favor of Romney. Even though, as the RNC approaches, they’re likely to tell you isn’t supposed to happen or is somehow against the rules.
Perhaps, as it is now playing out, one of the main reasons for the establishment elite to keep desperately pushing incredibly overreaching internet censorship bills like SOPA and now CISPA is because of what is now ironically playing out, right under much of America’s nose.
Because of the media silence about how elections work, more specifically the GOP nomination process as defined by “Robert’s Rules of Order,” Ron Paul and his delegates have taken advantage of the internet’s free-flow of information to train each other about the actual election laws and have gone out and practiced what they’ve learned on the political battlefield.
Regardless of how the GOP elite and the media has or will eventually try to hide or thwart what is now emerging, Ron Paul supporters are completely acting in accordance with the law and are merely doing what every American that cares about his country and the outcome of an election should be doing, participating.
This, and many other examples of the internet having a profound effect in exposing many former understandings about the world around us, as extremely unnerving fallacies, has the establishment hierarchy losing massive amounts of sleep.
Right now, for instance, Mitt Romney is truly in big trouble. Even the people who really don’t know the truth about the race and how the GOP Nomination process truly takes place are soon going to find themselves wondering what happened to “all those delegates” Romney supposedly had as this swarm of Paul Delegates start making their final official votes at the RNC in Aug. If the truth ultimately has anything to do with it, that is.
The truth, however, we may continue to find, isn’t always what takes precedent when it comes to the establishment, its media and its politics. They're likely to continue to do and say anything to insure a Romney victory anyway. After all, Romney is arguably the candidate, out of all that initially entered the race, that most politically resembles Obama and the most likely to continue 'their' major campaign contributors' "1%'r" political agendas.
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Supporting Medium:
Politico, lying to the public: Primary results 2012: Mitt Romney 's 5-state sweep
Bedford Patch: Why Mitt is in a Panic
FOX 19 Cincinnati: Why isn't the "mainstream" media being honest about who's actually winning?
Seattle Times: King County GOP leader illegally boots caucus outside after Ron Paul backers take over
Ron Paul 2012: Ron Paul Wins Minnesota, Colorado Delegates to RNC
MSNBC: I think Ron Paul just won Iowa! (YouTube)
International Business Times: Ron Paul 2012 Wins Majority Of Washington Delegates To Convention, Other States Expected To Follow
Examiner: Ron Paul winning delegates
PolicyMic: Ron Paul Winning Delegates With Santorum Support Coalition
Lemon Global News: Ron Paul Has 380 Delegates!!! (Romney has 601)
theIntelHub: CNN Loses Half Its Viewers: Corporate Media Downhill Plunge Continues As Alternative Media Explodes
Natural News: SOPA mutates into much worse CISPA, the latest threat to internet free speech
Official GOP election handbook, “Robert’s Rules of Order.”

Romney Nightmare: Ron Paul Resurfaces Yet Again

By Robert Ringer

Conservative Republicans knew they were in trouble when one-time conservative Ann Coulter suddenly refocused her swooning from Chris Christie to Mitt Romney.  Even Nutty Newt is jumping on board, for fear of being left outside the establishment tent, which could hurt his lobbying business.  Ditto most of Romney’s other bloodied and bruised competitors.
Except for one — that country doctor nutcase who just doesn’t seem to understand how the political game is played in Washington.  Yep, to the chagrin of the Republican establishment, Ron Paul doesn’t seem to have an interest in joining their ranks.
While the media has done everything possible to make Ron Paul invisible to the public, he keeps doing annoying little things to grab people’s attention — like belatedly winning the most delegates in both Iowa and Minnesota.  And showing up in Rasmussen polling as the only Republican who could beat Barack Obama.  The truth is often hard to swallow.
And the truth that establishment Republicans are trying hardest to ignore is that Paul could create a nightmare for Romney at the Republican Convention in Tampa.  If he can prevent Mittman from getting to the magic 1,144 mark before August 27, all hell could break loose at the convention.
And if that happens, it’s not unthinkable that many Romney supporters who have been holding their noses could start shifting to Paul.  Too crazy to contemplate?  Pretty crazy, yes — but not totally crazy. 
I have said from the outset of the primaries that, contrary to what pundits would like us to believe, the candidate the Obamaviks most fear is Ron Paul.  Why so?  Because he could peel off a huge number of dissatisfied Obama supporters who are attracted to his foreign policy positions.
Further, if Paul actually secured the nomination, the Obama smear machine would find him to be a very difficult target.  I guess they would have to try to make him out to be an enemy of the poor, but there’s no Bain Capital in his background.  He’s just a good-natured country doctor from Texas, whose trademark is defending the Constitution.
Paul’s positions have been bold and consistent throughout his long tenure in Washington — consistent on both social and economic issues.  His platform, in a nutshell:  Cut government down to its lawful constitutional size and unshackle the individual.  Period!
America-hating, Constitution-hating, capitalism-hating Barack Obama would find himself fumbling and stumbling around trying to figure out how to get in a below-the-belt shot at Paul.  It would be great fun to watch his frustration.
Reminder:  I know times have changed, but in 1920, had there been a Las Vegas, bookmakers probably would have given 100-1 odds against Warren Harding’s winning the Republican nomination after he finished the first ballot with less than 7 percent of the vote.  After a record-setting ninth ballot, he still only garnered 38 percent of the vote.
But after a lot of behind the scenes deal-making, Harding won the nomination on the tenth and final ballot with 70-plus percent of the vote.  He only served two years before a heart attack took him out, but that led to six years of Calvin Coolidge, perhaps the greatest free-market president of the past hundred years.  The Marxmeister in the White House must croak whenever he hears someone quote Coolidge’s most famous sound bite:  “The business of America is business.”
Maybe such a scenario is a pipedream for Ron Paul supporters, but, at a minimum, the Romney establishment crowd had better think long and hard about whether it’s a good idea to prevent Paul from addressing the convention.
I agree with Grover Norquist, who wrote in the British Guardian, “Ron Paul is the only candidate for the Republican nomination whose endorsement will matter to Mitt Romney.  It is the only endorsement that will bring votes and the only endorsement, if withheld, that could cost Romney the general election.”
Considering who is in the White House right now, what happens in Tampa could be one of the most pivotal events in American history.  The only question is which way the Republican Party will pivot.
You have permission to reprint this article so long as you place the following wording at the end of the article:

Copyright © 2012 Robert Ringer
ROBERT RINGER is a New York Times #1 bestselling author and host of the highly acclaimed Liberty Education Interview Series, which features interviews with top political, economic, and social leaders. He has appeared on Fox News, Fox Business, The Tonight Show, Today, The Dennis Miller Show, Good Morning America, The Lars Larson Show, ABC Nightline, and The Charlie Rose Show, and has been the subject of feature articles in such major publications as Time, People, The Wall Street Journal, Fortune, Barron's, and The New York Times.