Personal Liberty Alerts

Latest From Chip Wood April 27, 2012
So Now It's Doggiegate? So Now It's Doggiegate? »
Last week in this space, I predicted that this year's Presidential contest would be the dirtiest in our history. Guess I should have added that some of the attacks against Mitt Romney, the presumptive Republican nominee, would also be among the silliest we've seen. More »

Freedom Watch

Rubio Puts On His Big-Boy Britches And Talks Tough Rubio Puts On His Big-Boy Britches And Talks Tough »
Florida Senator Marco Rubio (R-Tea Party sellout) donned his big-boy britches Wednesday and unveiled a hawkish foreign policy that surely endeared him to the military-industrial complex. Rubio unveiled "new proposals on foreign policy" at the Brookings Institution that sound like more of the same empire building and interventionism.  More »

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Politicians Avoiding Questions Pertaining To Policy Politicians Avoiding Questions Pertaining To Policy »
I still remember the yellow tint of the dodgeball that crushed my face in seventh grade. Had I been more like a Senate or House candidate, I would have been able to avoid the pugnacious projectile altogether. More »

Personal Liberty News
Military Terror Training Ramping Up Military Terror Training Ramping Up »
In May, the United States will invite airborne troops from Russia to hold joint anti-terror drills in Colorado. It will be the first time that the Russian airborne forces have held exercises with the U.S. airborne forces on the U.S. territory. More »

Conceal In Style Conceal In Style »
Iconic clothier Woolrich has designed a pair of $65 chino pants that have the clean profile of a standard pair of pants with no external cargo or utility pocketing, but offer the added advantage of a hidden chamber pocket strategically placed for weapons concealment. More »

Burger King Agrees To Use Cage-Free Eggs And Pork Burger King Agrees To Use Cage-Free Eggs And Pork »
The burgers at Burger King may be double-stacked, but the pigs and chickens used to produce their products won't be. By 2017, Burger King plans to buy all its eggs and pork from cage-free facilities.  More »

Chip Shots

‘Even Obama Is Doing Worse Under President Obama’

Thanks for the laugh, Jay. Jay Leno cracked me up last week with this observation in his opening monologue: "President Obama released his tax returns. It turns out he made $900,000 less in 2011 than he did in 2010. You know what that means? Even Obama is doing worse under President Obama." More »

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Now, a U.S. District judge in Tennessee is saying the same thing about the meaning of the constitutional phrase "natural born citizen" in a case challenging Barack Obama's eligibility for a state ballot.
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SPLC: Public Advocate is a hate group

Public Advocate Banner

Public Advocate is once again under attack in national news.

You see, the radical Homosexual Lobby has specifically targeted Public Advocate for destruction.

They want us shut down for good.

They have demanded you and I stop all operations... that I step down from all public roles... that we cease to talk about the radical homosexual agenda entirely.

Silenced.  Disbanded.  Destroyed.

It wasn’t that long ago that the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) launched an online petition to have Public Advocate banned from the internet -- banned from sending any emails at all.

But now the Homosexual Lobby has upped the ante through their allies at the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

According to the SPLC, Public Advocate is a hate group.

They claim that our defense of true marriage and traditional morals is an act of hate and offensive to homosexuals.

They have placed Public Advocate on its Watch List and announced to every radical homosexual and sympathizer that I have to be stopped at all cost.

With our looming victory in Tennessee and the growing fights for real marriage in Maryland, Washington and California -- we have become Enemy #1.

And now even silencing us is not safe enough for them.

With the SPLC leading the charge, they want to destroy Public Advocate once and for all.

You see, Southern Poverty Law Center has literally written the book on discrediting conservative groups.

They label anyone who disagrees with the ever-changing Liberal Agenda as “hatemongers” or “evil.”

Now they are focused on you and me because the Homosexual Lobby has become increasingly central to the SPLC’s mission.

They want to destroy any belief in morality, or traditional families, or even in gender -- and they have as much as $168 million in assets.

It is heartbreaking to see how much cash they command. But it is nothing less than a sign of God’s favor that you and I are holding them off with only a fraction of the resources.

It is up to you and me to fight them every time; for every classroom... for every church... for every family.

But now they are beating the war drums and gathering their army -- and they are finding many allies.

With the SPLC’s declaration of war, the entire radical Liberal Lobby is taking aim at me.

Big Media has taken SPLC’s side -- repeating the same unfounded accusations and outright lies -- while leaders in the Democrat Party have launched public smear campaigns against me personally.

They want to destroy my credibility and my mission.

And so I have a personal request of you today.

The SPLC and their allies have demanded that I stop talking to you about their agenda.

I could never do that...

But they have also demanded that Public Advocate cease all fundraising operations.

And so I am asking you, right here and right now, to give them your answer.

Will you tell them no?

Will you chip in a quick donation of $10 or more today?

It's only through your financial support and the support of other pro-Family Americans that Public Advocate continues to fight.

The very best way for Public Advocate to answer the SPLC’s hate-filled attack is with an overwhelming show of support.

Every little bit helps.

It is important to me to know you are still with me.

For the Family,

Eugene Delgaudio
President, Public Advocate

P.S. The Southern Poverty Law Center has declared Public Advocate to be a hate group for defending tradional morality and true marriage.

They have joined with Human Rights Campaign and even leaders of the Democrat Party in a desperate attempt to destroy Public Advocate once and for all.

They have demanded that I step down and desist in all fundraising and community activities, but I have told them absolutely not!

To show the Homosexual Lobby that we will not be beaten down, Would you please defiantly answer them by chipping in a quick $10 donation or more today?