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The Rot Can No Longer Be Contained The Rot Can No Longer Be Contained »
Federal government employees understand that in the United States, money does indeed grow on trees (or at least in Federal Reserve computers). They view the American taxpayer as a bottomless pit. They have come to think of themselves as a privileged class and believe rules of decorum and normal conduct do not apply to them. More »

On Your Own

Be Prepared For A Blackout Be Prepared For A Blackout »
During emergency situations, you may find your home and community in the dark. That can be a very frightening thing — especially for children. We have all experienced a power outage. We need alternative sources of light during blackouts. More »

Personal Liberty News

Panetta: U.S. Within An Inch Of Another War Panetta: U.S. Within An Inch Of Another War »
The United States has been at war for more than a decade in the Middle East, and last week Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said that every day it becomes more likely that the Nation will go to war with North Korea. "We're within an inch of war almost every day in that part of the world," Panetta said. More »

The Collectivist War On Women And Everyone Else The Collectivist War On Women And Everyone Else »
Currently, the "war on women" and "war for women voters" memes are hot topics among the Nation's news media as President Barack Obama and establishment-declared Republican front-runner Mitt Romney duke it out over women in America. More »

Facebook Faster Than Department Of Defense Facebook Faster Than Department Of Defense »
Ariell Taylor-Brown, the wife of Staff Sergeant Christopher Brown, recently received news of her husband's death in Afghanistan. But the news didn't come from the Department of Defense; she got the message via Facebook. More »

Women With Heart Disease Have Baby Girls Women With Heart Disease Have Baby Girls »
Good news for single men: The number of women in the population will likely be rising in coming years. The occurrence of heart disease continues to increase, and researchers have found an interesting by-product. Women with heart disease are more likely to give birth to female babies. More »

Questions For Bob

The Senator Is A Liar

Dear Bob,

I called my Senator in Missouri and asked him about the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act mentioned on page one of the February issue of The Bob Livingston Letter. The Senator said that an amendment had been put into place that states this Act will not be enforced on U.S. citizens unless some type of crime of treason had been committed. I would like to know the truth.


Donald K.
 More »

Reality Check: Does CISPA Mean The End of internet Privacy?

Breaking News: American Vision News

Obama: Forget Congress - I'll do it Myself

President takes routes around congressional Republicans blocking his agenda 



One Saturday last fall, President Obama interrupted a White House strategy meeting to raise an issue not on the agenda. He declared, aides recalled, that the administration needed to more aggressively use executive power to govern in the face of Congressional obstructionism.
“We had been attempting to highlight the inability of Congress to do anything,” recalled William M. Daley, who was the White House chief of staff at the time. “The president expressed frustration, saying we have got to scour everything and push the envelope in finding things we can do on our own.”
For Mr. Obama, that meeting was a turning point. As a senator and presidential candidate, he had criticized George W. Bush for flouting the role of Congress. And during his first two years in the White House, when Democrats controlled Congress, Mr. Obama largely worked through the legislative process to achieve his domestic policy goals.
But increasingly in recent months, the administration has been seeking ways to act without Congress. Branding its unilateral efforts “We Can’t Wait,” a slogan that aides said Mr. Obama coined at that strategy meeting, the White House has rolled out dozens of new policies — on creating jobs for veterans, preventing drug shortages, raising fuel economy standards, curbing domestic violence and more.
Each time, Mr. Obama has emphasized the fact that he is bypassing lawmakers. When he announced a cut in refinancing fees for federally insured mortgages last month, for example, he said: “If Congress refuses to act, I’ve said that I’ll continue to do everything in my power to act without them.”
Aides say many more such moves are coming. Not just a short-term shift in governing style and a re-election strategy, Mr. Obama’s increasingly assertive use of executive action could foreshadow pitched battles over the separation of powers in his second term, should he win and Republicans consolidate their power in Congress.
Many conservatives have denounced Mr. Obama’s new approach. But William G. Howell, a University of Chicago political science professor and author of “Power Without Persuasion: The Politics of Direct Presidential Action,” said Mr. Obama’s use of executive power to advance domestic policies that could not pass Congress was not new historically. Still, he said, because of Mr. Obama’s past as a critic of executive unilateralism, his transformation is remarkable.
“What is surprising is that he is coming around to responding to the incentives that are built into the institution of the presidency,” Mr. Howell said. “Even someone who has studied the Constitution and holds it in high regard — he, too, is going to exercise these unilateral powers because his long-term legacy and his standing in the polls crucially depend upon action.”
Mr. Obama has issued signing statements claiming a right to bypass a handful of constraints — rejecting as unconstitutional Congress’s attempt to prevent him from having White House “czars” on certain issues, for example. But for the most part, Mr. Obama’s increased unilateralism in domestic policy has relied on a different form of executive power than the sort that had led to heated debates during his predecessor’s administration: Mr. Bush’s frequent assertion of a right to override statutes on matters like surveillance and torture.
“Obama’s not saying he has the right to defy a Congressional statute,” said Richard H. Pildes, a New York University law professor. “But if the legislative path is blocked and he otherwise has the legal authority to issue an executive order on an issue, they are clearly much more willing to do that now than two years ago.”
The Obama administration started down this path soon after Republicans took over the House of Representatives last year. In February 2011, Mr. Obama directed the Justice Department to stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act, which bars federal recognition of same-sex marriages, against constitutional challenges. Previously, the administration had urged lawmakers to repeal it, but had defended their right to enact it.
In the following months, the administration increased efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions through environmental regulations, gave states waivers from federal mandates if they agreed to education overhauls, and refocused deportation policy in a way that in effect granted relief to some illegal immigrants brought to the country as children. Each step substituted for a faltered legislative proposal.
But those moves were isolated and cut against the administration’s broader political messaging strategy at the time: that Mr. Obama was trying to reach across the aisle to get things done. It was only after the summer, when negotiations over a deficit reduction deal broke down and House Republicans nearly failed to raise the nation’s borrowing limit, that Mr. Obama fully shifted course.
First, he proposed a jobs package and gave speeches urging lawmakers to “pass this bill” — knowing they would not. A few weeks later, at the policy and campaign strategy meeting in the White House’s Roosevelt Room, the president told aides that highlighting Congressional gridlock was not enough.
“He wanted to continue down the path of being bold with Congress and flexing our muscle a little bit, and showing a contrast to the American people of a Congress that was completely stuck,” said Nancy-Ann DeParle, a deputy chief of staff assigned to lead the effort to come up with ideas.
Ms. DeParle met twice a week with members of the domestic policy council to brainstorm. She met with cabinet secretaries in the fall, and again in February with their chiefs of staff. No one opposed doing more; the challenge was coming up with workable ideas, aides said.
The focus, said Dan Pfeiffer, the White House communications director, was “what we could do on our own to help the economy in areas Congress was failing to act,” so the list was not necessarily the highest priority actions, but instead steps that did not require legislation.
Republican lawmakers watched warily. One of Mr. Obama’s first “We Can’t Wait” announcements was the moving up of plans to ease terms on student loans. After Republican complaints that the executive branch had no authority to change the timing, it appeared to back off.
The sharpest legal criticism, however, came in January after Mr. Obama bypassed the Senate confirmation process to install four officials using his recess appointment powers, even though House Republicans had been forcing the Senate to hold “pro forma” sessions through its winter break to block such appointments.
Mr. Obama declared the sessions a sham, saying the Senate was really in the midst of a lengthy recess. His appointments are facing a legal challenge, and some liberals and many conservatives have warned that he set a dangerous precedent.
Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the Senate Democratic leader, who essentially invented the pro forma session tactic late in Mr. Bush’s presidency, has not objected, however. Senate aides said Mr. Reid had told the White House that he would not oppose such appointments based on a memorandum from his counsel, Serena Hoy. She concluded that the longer the tactic went unchallenged, the harder it would be for any president to make recess appointments — a significant shift in the historic balance of power between the branches.
The White House counsel, Kathryn Ruemmler, said the Obama administration’s legal team had begun examining the issue in early 2011 — including an internal Bush administration memo criticizing the notion that such sessions could block a president’s recess powers — and “seriously considered” making some appointments during Congress’s August break. But Mr. Obama decided to move ahead in January 2012, including installing Richard Cordray to head the new consumer financial protection bureau, after Senate Republicans blocked a confirmation vote.
“I refuse to take ‘no’ for an answer,” Mr. Obama declared, beneath a “We Can’t Wait” banner. “When Congress refuses to act and — as a result — hurts our economy and puts people at risk, I have an obligation as president to do what I can without them.”
The unilateralist strategy carries political risks. Mr. Obama cannot blame the Republicans when he adopts policies that liberals oppose, like when he overruled the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposal to strengthen antismog rules or decided not to sign an order banning discrimination by federal contractors based on sexual orientation.
The approach also exposes Mr. Obama to accusations that he is concentrating too much power in the White House. Earlier this year, Senator Charles E. Grassley, Republican of Iowa, delivered a series of floor speeches accusing Mr. Obama of acting “more and more like a king that the Constitution was designed to replace” and imploring colleagues of both parties to push back against his “power grabs.”
But Democratic lawmakers have been largely quiet; many of them accuse Republicans of engaging in an unprecedented level of obstructionism and say that Mr. Obama has to do what he can to make the government work. The pattern adds to a bipartisan history in which lawmakers from presidents’ own parties have tended not to object to invocations of executive power.
For their part, Republicans appear to have largely acquiesced. Mr. Grassley said in an interview that his colleagues were reluctant to block even more bills and nominations in response to Mr. Obama’s “chutzpah,” lest they play into his effort to portray them as making Congress dysfunctional.
“Some of the most conservative people in our caucus would adamantly disagree with what Obama did on recess appointments, but they said it’s not a winner for us,” he said.
Mr. Obama’s new approach puts him in the company of his recent predecessors. Mr. Bush, for example, failed to persuade Congress to pass a bill allowing religiously affiliated groups to receive taxpayer grants — and then issued an executive order making the change.
President Bill Clinton increased White House involvement in agency rule making, using regulations and executive orders to show that he was getting things done despite opposition from a Republican Congress on matters like land conservation, gun control, tobacco advertising and treaties. (He was assisted by a White House lawyer, Elena Kagan, who later won tenure at Harvard based on scholarship analyzing such efforts and who is now on the Supreme Court.)
And both the Reagan and George Bush administrations increased their control over executive agencies to advance a deregulatory agenda, despite opposition from Democratic lawmakers, while also developing legal theories and tactics to increase executive power, like issuing signing statements more frequently.
The bipartisan history of executive aggrandizement in recent decades complicates Republican criticism. In February, two conservative advocacy groups — Crossroads GPS and the American Action Network — sponsored a symposium to discuss what they called “the unprecedented expansion of executive power during the past three years.” It reached an awkward moment during a talk with a former attorney general, Edwin Meese III, and a former White House counsel, C. Boyden Gray.
“It’s kind of ironic you have Boyden and me here because when we were with the executive branch, we were probably the principal proponents of executive power under President Reagan and then President George H. W. Bush,” Mr. Meese said, quickly adding that the presidential prerogatives they sought to protect, unlike Mr. Obama’s, were valid.
But Jack L. Goldsmith, a Harvard law professor who led the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel during the George W. Bush administration, said the Obama administration’s pattern reflects how presidents usually behave, especially during divided government, and appears aggressive only in comparison to Mr. Obama’s having been “really skittish for the first two years” about executive power.
“This is what presidents do,” Mr. Goldsmith said. “It’s taken Obama two years to get there, but this has happened throughout history. You can’t be in that office with all its enormous responsibilities — when things don’t happen, you get blamed for it — and not exercise all the powers that have accrued to it over time.”
This story, "Shift on Executive Power Lets Obama Bypass Rivals," first appeared in The New York Times.

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StantonPro-Life SC

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Mitt Romney Breaks Another Law By Hiding $10,000 Donation to Hate Group

A person who is inclined to conceal their true feelings and intentions, or not to disclose requested information is considered secretive and it is well within reason to distrust such a person if they are seeking a political office. The only reason a politician would conceal information from voters is to obscure questionable business practices associated with their political office or to conceal damaging financial information that may show unlawful or dubious activities to avoid paying taxes or circumvent regulations. It is important for presidential candidates to disclose prior years’ tax returns so voters can judge whether or not the candidate is trustworthy or if there are potential conflicts of interest that may influence their decision-making process. There are federal disclosure requirements for presidential candidates, but Willard Romney claims he is exempt from reporting all the details of his business investments made through Bain Capital because of confidentiality agreements with Bain. It becomes obvious then, that Romney is attempting to hide something from the American people.
There have been repeated questions about whether or not Romney avoided paying taxes by hiding assets in offshore accounts or through an unusual Bain Capital Individual Retirement Account, and it prompted him to refuse to release any more tax returns until President Obama “releases the full transcripts of all classified meetings with foreign heads of state, including Israel.” First, there is no relation whatsoever to a candidate releasing tax returns and classified meetings between the President of the United States and foreign heads-of-state, and second; classified meetings with foreign leaders are classified for security reasons. Since Willard has never been a world leader, he cannot be expected to comprehend that simple concept even though any semi-intelligent human being grasps the importance of classified meetings being kept classified. Romney is using any tactic to avoid releasing financial information and it is easy to understand why based on the recent exposure of his donations to a hate-group, National Organization for Marriage (NOM), during the 2008 Proposition 8 campaign to deny same-sex-couples the right to marry in California.
On Friday, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) released previously undisclosed IRS documents that revealed a donation from a Romney PAC in Alabama to NOM that may be a violation of California disclosure laws because it was made with express goal of influencing a California election and did not show up on Romney’s PAC filings with the Federal Election Commission. Romney’s PAC, “Free and Strong America” and NOM did not disclose the donation in California which was required because it was made in the final weeks of the contentious Prop 8 campaign. It is a shady practice, but establishing a PAC in a state with less stringent disclosure laws like Alabama is a frequent practice to conceal and protect donors from unwanted publicity such as donating $10,000 to a hate group intent on pushing discriminatory laws like California’s Prop 8 which has been struck down time and again in the 9th Circuit Court.
It is no secret that Romney is a staunch NOM supporter because he signed their radical marriage pledge, and apparently followed directives from his religious cult to “spare no expense” to defeat gay marriage in California. Mormons in Utah spent millions of dollars for television attack-ads that spewed hateful lies and propaganda about the dangers to traditional marriage and 2nd grade school children if same-sex couples were allowed to pledge their love and devotion to their partners. Earlier this week, HRC released documents from Maine that revealed NOM “devoted virtually all of its resources in 2008 toward the Prop 8 campaign in California,” that  lends credence to the idea that Romney’s donation was explicitly to support the ban on same-sex-marriage.
The HRC President, Joe Solmonese, noted that Romney’s tactic of funding a “hate-filled campaign designed to drive a wedge between Americans is beyond despicable,” and “whether this whole thing was an attempt for Mitt Romney to fund the Prop. 8 battle without his own fingerprints.” It is reasonable to assume that by not disclosing the $10,000 donation to NOM in California or federal disclosures, Romney was concealing his affiliation with a divisive hate-group. Late last month, it was revealed that NOM’s long-termstrategic goal … is to drive a wedge between gays and blacks — two key Democratic constituencies. Find, equip, energize and connect African American spokespeople for marriage; develop a media campaign around their objections to gay marriage as a civil right; provoke the gay marriage base into responding by denouncing these spokesmen and women as bigots.” NOM also attempted to divide the Latino vote by implying that the process of assimilation into the Anglo culture might “lead Hispanics to abandon traditional family values,” and that NOM “must interrupt this process of assimilation by making support for marriage a key badge of Latino identity — a symbol of resistance to inappropriate assimilation.”
It is no wonder Romney concealed his donation to NOM because not only will he damage his chances at securing the LGBT vote, most Americans will be repulsed he supports a group whose stated intentions are dividing the population along racial lines. There is a reason the more Americans learn about Romney, the more they dislike him and it is more than his out of touch wealthy elitism towards working-class Americans’  or his promise to give more entitlements to his wealthy friends. A necessary aspect to appeal to voters is a semblance of trust that one assumes they know who they are entrusting to run this country. Willard may garner trust from Mormon cultists and wealthy cohorts on Wall Street, but he has not given voters any reason to trust one word he says. Between his outright lies and his refusal to release his tax returns, there is no telling what else the man is hiding. Obviously, there are secrets Romney is concealing and it is possible it is related to his secretive religion, but whatever he is hiding, it relates to his aversion to the truth.
Romney must release his tax returns, investments through Bain Capital, and donations to hate groups so Americans know exactly what his experience was as a corporate buyout specialist and divisive homophobe. He cannot be permitted to exploit federal ethics laws to avoid paying taxes or shield his assets. Romney’s claim of adhering to a Bain confidentiality agreement does not explain hiding a $10,000 donation to a hate-group, but it does explain his attempt to defeat the federal disclosure requirements that no candidate can avoid regardless if they have something egregious to hide or they think they are elite enough to be a law unto themselves. Romney is not immune from following the law and he is not secretive. He is a deceitful liar who cannot be trusted to unite this country’s population, transport his family pet safely, or sit in the Oval Office.

Bible character dies after hanging self in Jesus play

In horrific twist of fatal irony, an actor portraying this famous biblical character accidentally hanged himself onstage while re-creating a scene from the New Testament.

'Judas' dies again after hanging self in Jesus play

Dangles 4 minutes onstage before fellow actors realize something wrong


by Joe Kovacs


An actor portraying the apostle Judas in a play about the final moments of Jesus Christ’s life has died after accidentally hanging himself onstage in Brazil.
Actor Tiago Klimeck, 27, was re-enacting the scene of the real-life Judas in which the apostle commits suicide after betraying Jesus to the Romans for 30 pieces of silver.
Klimeck was reportedly dangling for four minutes before fellow actors realized there something was wrong. He was already unconscious by the time he was taken down from the apparatus.
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The Passion play was being performed on Good Friday, April 6, in Itarare, Brazil, some 200 miles west of Sao Paulo.
Klimeck was rushed to Santa Casa de Itapeva Hospital where he remained in a coma on life support before the machine was switched off Sunday. Medical scans revealed he suffered from cerebral anoxia due to the lack of oxygen going to his brain. The hospital says an autopsy will take place.
News reports suggest the safety vest the actor was wearing under his robe rode up around his neck, strangling him.
Investigators think the rope attached to the apparatus from which Klimeck was hanging may have been improperly secured. Police are not sure if any charges will be filed.
Judas Iscariot was one of the 12 original apostles of Jesus who, according to New Testament, was “entered” by Satan the devil during the famous Last Supper, the final Passover meal Jesus ate with His disciples. (Luke 22:3)
After betraying Jesus by identifying the Messiah to Roman soldiers by kissing Him, Judas tried returning the money he was paid, saying, “I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood.” (Matthew 27:4)
The Pharisees then bought a field with the money Judas threw back at them. (Matthew 27:7)
Judas hanged himself in that field, and his dead body eventually fell onto the ground, bursting open “and all his intestines spilled out.” (Acts 1:18)


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