Ron Paul: The Only Candidate For Real Reform
So you can be sure the establishment is gearing up to pull out every dirty trick in the book to SHUT OUT Ron Paul supporters from the National Convention.
You and I can’t allow that to happen.
That’s why I hope you’ll pledge to contribute to Ron Paul’s Taxpayer Freedom Money Bomb coming up on April 15.
Your generous contribution will help our campaign double down on our efforts to pick up delegates where it really counts.
The truth is, these next two months will be make-or-break for our campaign to Restore America NOW!
During this time, more than nine states will be holding massive Conventions to select National Delegates to Tampa, Florida – the delegates that will ultimately choose the Republican nominee.
National Delegates will also be chosen at numerous District Conventions taking place all across the country.
At each of these Conventions, Ron Paul supporters have an excellent chance to secure crucial delegate spots.
There are also the Texas and California primaries – where hundreds of delegates will be up for grabs.
And after all the hard work we’ve all put in over the past year, I hope you agree that we can’t afford to cut back now.
So please pledge to contribute to Ron Paul’s April 15 Taxpayer Freedom Money Bomb!
Make no mistake, this fight isn’t going to be easy.
If we’re going to stop the establishment from shutting out Ron Paul, our campaign must have the resources to fight back against their election machine.
That means hundreds of thousands of phone calls must be made, targeted direct mail and emails need to be sent out, and we must be able to run hard-hitting TV and radio ads.
Since we know they’re going to get really nasty, there’s also the cost of lawyers, legal fees, and other resources we’ll need to stop their dirty schemes.
I’m confident if we have the resources to effectively fight back, we will be able to overcome their tactics and elect a large number of National Delegates for Ron Paul.
And it’s absolutely vital we have the funds to get his message of peace and prosperity out to undecided voters in Texas, California, and as many other upcoming states as possible.
But Ron Paul’s ability to win depends on the generosity and support of good folks like you.
Take St. Charles County, Missouri, for instance.
As you remember, the original caucus there was canceled after the establishment attempted to railroad Ron Paul supporters – leading to riot police and the arrest of Ron Paul supporter Brent Stafford.
The caucus re-do took place this past Tuesday and was run by the State Party to ensure fairness.
Thanks to your continued support, Ron Paul supporters turned out in droves – outnumbering Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum’s combined attempt to shut Ron Paul delegates out.
Brent Stafford was elected Caucus Chair, and he ran the caucus in a very professional and fair manner.
When all was said and done, Ron Paul WON every single delegate and alternate delegate out of St. Charles – which is the largest Republican County in the entire state of Missouri.
I hope you’ll pledge to contribute to Ron Paul’s April 15 Money Bomb so we can report even more stories of victory!
Over the past year, you and I have fought hard against the establishment.
We’ve overcome their backroom deals, flat-out lies, and other manipulation tactics.
As a result, Ron Paul is in a position to compete at the National Convention.
But at these final conventions is where our battle gets really heated. We must be able to fight back so we can win as many delegates as possible for Ron Paul.
So please, pledge your most generous contribution to Ron Paul’s April 15 Taxpayer Freedom Money Bomb to help us take this fight all the way to Tampa, Florida.
Together, you and I can Restore America NOW!
For Liberty,
John Tate
Campaign Manager
P.S. Over the next two months, Ron Paul supporters will be competing for National Delegate spots at over nine State Conventions – as well as dozens of Congressional District Conventions all across the country.
And we’ll also be going all-out to pick up as many delegates as possible in the Texas and California Republican Primaries.
That’s why I’m counting on you to pledge a generous contribution to Ron Paul’s Taxpayer Freedom Money Bomb to make sure our campaign has the resources to take this fight all the way to Tampa, Florida.
Rand Paul: Standing up for mom
You may have heard the attack on Ann Romney by a prominent Democratic insider, who is also a frequent visitor to the White House, saying she “never worked a day in her life.”
This is another example of the disdain the inside-the-beltway elites hold for the values you and I - and millions of Americans - hold dear.
I have witnessed first-hand, with both my mother and my wife, that you cannot place a dollar sign on the work a mother puts into raising her children.
You and I know the family is the backbone of any good and prosperous society and mothers whose calling is to raise their families full time at home should be praised, not put down by an elitist, partisan attack dog.
Moms every where were outraged.
So I wanted to pass along the reaction from my wife, Kelley, to this attack on the family.
“I've seen both sides of the equation. I worked for a decade in marketing for the telecommunications industry and for more than a decade raising three sons.
I stand with Ann Romney and millions of other moms who know that being a full time mom to young children is definitely hard work.
This administration's attack dogs and their cynical attempts to rally their extreme base will backfire. They should call a cease fire to their war on the family.”
I think that pretty much sums it up.
For Liberty,
Rand Paul
United States Senator
P.S. RANDPAC depends on the voluntary support of grassroots Americans in our fight to stand up for the family. Please click here to chip in a contribution and help defend our values.
“Gay Pride” rainbow flag flown above an operating U.S. military base
This is an outrage.
It is being reported right now that the “gay pride” rainbow flag was flown above an operating U.S. military base in Afghanistan.
That’s right, the radical Homosexual Lobby is trying to claim dominance over our troops fighting over seas!
The very idea that any American would be pleased by this disgusting display and breach of the military’s procedures is beyond me -- but the Homosexual Lobby is praising this story for all its worth.
It doesn’t matter to them that the majority of men and women serving in uniform are utterly appalled by the Homosexual Agenda.
This incident is a direct result of the Homosexual Lobby’s skyrocketing influence in military affairs -- starting with the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.
Soldiers are not allowed to speak up against pro-homosexual displays without risking punishment.
And worst of all, while Obama instantly apologized for the accidently burning of Korans, he has not said one word against the despicable flight of the homosexual flag over a military base.
My friend, this is their vision for our future:
One nation, bound in sin, obedient to the Homosexual Agenda.
Thankfully this incident is under investigation, but the lack of outrage from leadership in the military or the White House is a troubling indicator that they will let this violation of the military pass.
Pro-Family Americans have to let the establishment know that we demand better.
For the Family,
Eugene Delgaudio
President, Public Advocate of the United States
P.S. Please prayerfully consider chipping in with a donation of $10 or more to help Public Advocate fight for traditional values.
Do the Pope and Bible Believers Really Have That Much in Common?
In the popular Bible study program, The Alpha Course, near the end of the 13th session, video presenter Nicky Gumbel quotes a high Vatican official stating why Christians should work in unity with Roman Catholicism: “What unites us as Christians, right across the denominations, is infinitely greater than what divides us.”
Bible believers, who know the unbiblical teachings of the pope, know that this is a bold lie. Yet, this deception has become a central theme of Rome’s attempt to woo back the “separated brethren,” the unprotesting “Protestants.” After executing tens of millions of “heretics” over several centuries, Catholic leaders decided to change tactics. The Reformation succeeded in putting a spotlight on the atrocities of the Inquisitions. Satan saw that he must change the tactics he was using through this false “church.” When Hitler failed to establish a new Holy Roman Empire, the Vatican came up with the Vatican Ecumenical Council II. This produced the propaganda that Roman Catholicism had somehow changed to become just another Christian denomination with a little different “worship tradition.” Protestants were no longer heretics, but separated brethren; all “Christians” must work together for “peace and justice,” finding common causes such as abortion, poverty, and world hunger. The old ideas of the pope being the anti-Christ and Catholics needing to be born again were now obsolete. This new tactic, called “ecumenism,” has succeeded in blunting the Protestant efforts at winning Roman Catholics to full assurance of salvation in Christ.
So, why is this Alpha statement a lie? Do Bible believers really have more in common with Roman Catholics than our differences? Author Rick Jones was raised a Roman Catholic and saw firsthand its teachings. In his book, Understanding Roman Catholicism, he examines 37 doctrines held by the pope that directly contradict biblical teachings. Jones points out at the beginning that Bible believers and Catholicism disagree at the very basic level: what is the final authority for truth.
Jones quotes from the official 1994 Catechism of the Catholic Church showing that Roman Catholic Tradition and something called the “Magisterium” stand equal with the Bible in authority. In fact, the Magisterium trumps the Bible because it delegates to the “church” the sole right to interpret the Bible.
Thus, when Catholics are told it is okay to read the Bible, they are warned that they won’t understand it because they need the “church” to explain it to them. For example, where Mark 6:3 speaks of Jesus having brothers and sisters, Rome teaches that these were actually cousins or other relatives because Jesus’ mother, Mary, was a perpetual virgin after she gave birth to Jesus. (See also Matt. 13:55 and Galatians 1:19.) This interpretation is necessary because it would not be appropriate for the Virgin Mary goddess to have born other, normal children.
Jones goes on to explain how Roman teaching on salvation is unbiblical since it must come through the “church” and not through Christ alone. And it is not simple salvation by faith, alone, but requires certain good works and rituals.
Couple these with other unbiblical teachings such as purgatory, worship of the wafer god, the pope’s priestcraft hierarchy, infant baptism, prayer to saints, bowing to idols, confession to a priest instead of God, forbidding to marry, and vain repetition in prayer, and there is no way that what we agree on is greater than what we disagree on. Let’s expose this lie every chance we get. Over a billion precious souls are deceived by this masterpiece of Satan. Chick Publications provides a wide range of tracts and books exposing this prostitute church as the great Whore of Revelation 17 and 18.
Read the full issue:
Bible believers, who know the unbiblical teachings of the pope, know that this is a bold lie. Yet, this deception has become a central theme of Rome’s attempt to woo back the “separated brethren,” the unprotesting “Protestants.” After executing tens of millions of “heretics” over several centuries, Catholic leaders decided to change tactics. The Reformation succeeded in putting a spotlight on the atrocities of the Inquisitions. Satan saw that he must change the tactics he was using through this false “church.” When Hitler failed to establish a new Holy Roman Empire, the Vatican came up with the Vatican Ecumenical Council II. This produced the propaganda that Roman Catholicism had somehow changed to become just another Christian denomination with a little different “worship tradition.” Protestants were no longer heretics, but separated brethren; all “Christians” must work together for “peace and justice,” finding common causes such as abortion, poverty, and world hunger. The old ideas of the pope being the anti-Christ and Catholics needing to be born again were now obsolete. This new tactic, called “ecumenism,” has succeeded in blunting the Protestant efforts at winning Roman Catholics to full assurance of salvation in Christ.
So, why is this Alpha statement a lie? Do Bible believers really have more in common with Roman Catholics than our differences? Author Rick Jones was raised a Roman Catholic and saw firsthand its teachings. In his book, Understanding Roman Catholicism, he examines 37 doctrines held by the pope that directly contradict biblical teachings. Jones points out at the beginning that Bible believers and Catholicism disagree at the very basic level: what is the final authority for truth.
Jones quotes from the official 1994 Catechism of the Catholic Church showing that Roman Catholic Tradition and something called the “Magisterium” stand equal with the Bible in authority. In fact, the Magisterium trumps the Bible because it delegates to the “church” the sole right to interpret the Bible.
Thus, when Catholics are told it is okay to read the Bible, they are warned that they won’t understand it because they need the “church” to explain it to them. For example, where Mark 6:3 speaks of Jesus having brothers and sisters, Rome teaches that these were actually cousins or other relatives because Jesus’ mother, Mary, was a perpetual virgin after she gave birth to Jesus. (See also Matt. 13:55 and Galatians 1:19.) This interpretation is necessary because it would not be appropriate for the Virgin Mary goddess to have born other, normal children.
Jones goes on to explain how Roman teaching on salvation is unbiblical since it must come through the “church” and not through Christ alone. And it is not simple salvation by faith, alone, but requires certain good works and rituals.
Couple these with other unbiblical teachings such as purgatory, worship of the wafer god, the pope’s priestcraft hierarchy, infant baptism, prayer to saints, bowing to idols, confession to a priest instead of God, forbidding to marry, and vain repetition in prayer, and there is no way that what we agree on is greater than what we disagree on. Let’s expose this lie every chance we get. Over a billion precious souls are deceived by this masterpiece of Satan. Chick Publications provides a wide range of tracts and books exposing this prostitute church as the great Whore of Revelation 17 and 18.
Read the full issue:
Pastor Calls Santorum Followers to Vote for Ron Paul
Many Christians are saddened to learn that Rick Santorum suspended his Presidential campaign. "Christians must seek God and ask who is the most God-fearing person running for President," says Pastor Steven Andrew, President of USA Christian Ministries. He is calling whole churches and individual Christians to fast and pray every Wednesday through January 2013 to seek God's counsel and help for our nation.
"I want to ask you now to join me in getting America back on track with God," he says.
The ministry president believes God wants a government and nation after God's own heart. This means that if Republicans fail to give a Christian candidate, Christians should look elsewhere. However, he believes that after Santorum, then Ron Paul is the most God-fearing Presidential candidate that Christians should support (Exodus 18:21).
"Christians are to vote for Christians, not non-Christians Mitt Romney and Barack Obama," he adds.
The pastor explains that the First Commandment tells us to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength (Mark 12:30). And the first of the Ten Commandments say to have no other God before the LORD (Exodus 20:3). Therefore, God calls Christians to vote for Christians, not the lesser of two evils.
"If a pastor or a Christian leader says to support Romney or Obama, don't listen to them. They are going against Scripture," he continues. "The Bible teaches that Romney and Obama believe in a different Jesus, not the Biblical Jesus Christ."
"God says Romney and Obama are 'accursed' and therefore those who vote for them are also accursed. No one wants to be accursed," he adds. This is based on Galatians 1:9 which says, "____". In addition, the Holy Bible says, "____" (2 Chronicles 19:2).
Obama covers Jesus' name and cross at Georgetown, advocates to leave living babies to die who survive botched abortions, promotes homosexual sin and opposes religious liberty.
"I want to ask you now to join me in getting America back on track with God," he says.
The ministry president believes God wants a government and nation after God's own heart. This means that if Republicans fail to give a Christian candidate, Christians should look elsewhere. However, he believes that after Santorum, then Ron Paul is the most God-fearing Presidential candidate that Christians should support (Exodus 18:21).
"Christians are to vote for Christians, not non-Christians Mitt Romney and Barack Obama," he adds.
The pastor explains that the First Commandment tells us to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength (Mark 12:30). And the first of the Ten Commandments say to have no other God before the LORD (Exodus 20:3). Therefore, God calls Christians to vote for Christians, not the lesser of two evils.
"If a pastor or a Christian leader says to support Romney or Obama, don't listen to them. They are going against Scripture," he continues. "The Bible teaches that Romney and Obama believe in a different Jesus, not the Biblical Jesus Christ."
"God says Romney and Obama are 'accursed' and therefore those who vote for them are also accursed. No one wants to be accursed," he adds. This is based on Galatians 1:9 which says, "____". In addition, the Holy Bible says, "____" (2 Chronicles 19:2).
Obama covers Jesus' name and cross at Georgetown, advocates to leave living babies to die who survive botched abortions, promotes homosexual sin and opposes religious liberty.
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