Jailing Americans for Profit: The Rise of the Prison Industrial Complex

By John W. Whitehead 

“Mass incarceration on a scale almost unexampled in human history is a fundamental fact of our country today—perhaps the fundamental fact, as slavery was the fundamental fact of 1850. In truth, there are more black men in the grip of the criminal-justice system—in prison, on probation, or on parole—than were in slavery then. Over all, there are now more people under ‘correctional supervision’ in America—more than six million—than were in the Gulag Archipelago under Stalin at its height.”—Adam Gopnik, “The Caging of America”
In an age when freedom is fast becoming the exception rather than the rule, imprisoning Americans in private prisons run by mega-corporations has turned into a cash cow for big business. At one time, the American penal system operated under the idea that dangerous criminals needed to be put under lock and key in order to protect society. Today, as states attempt to save money by outsourcing prisons to private corporations, the flawed yet retributive American “system of justice” is being replaced by an even more flawed and insidious form of mass punishment based upon profit and expediency.
As author Adam Gopnik reports for the New Yorker:
[A] growing number of American prisons are now contracted out as for-profit businesses to for-profit companies. The companies are paid by the state, and their profit depends on spending as little as possible on the prisoners and the prisons. It’s hard to imagine any greater disconnect between public good and private profit: the interest of private prisons lies not in the obvious social good of having the minimum necessary number of inmates but in having as many as possible, housed as cheaply as possible.
Consider this: despite the fact that violent crime in America has been on the decline, the nation’s incarceration rate has tripled since 1980. Approximately 13 million people are introduced to American jails in any given year. Incredibly, more than six million people are under “correctional supervision” in America, meaning that one in fifty Americans are working their way through the prison system, either as inmates, or while on parole or probation. According to the Federal Bureau of Prisons, the majority of those being held in federal prisons are convicted of drug offenses—namely, marijuana. Presently, one out of every 100 Americans is serving time behind bars.
Little wonder, then, that public prisons are overcrowded. Yet while providing security, housing, food, medical care, etc., for six million Americans is a hardship for cash-strapped states, to profit-hungry corporations such as Corrections Corp of America (CCA) and GEO Group, the leaders in the partnership corrections industry, it’s a $70 billion gold mine. Thus, with an eye toward increasing its bottom line, CCA has floated a proposal to prison officials in 48 states offering to buy and manage public prisons at a substantial cost savings to the states. In exchange, and here’s the kicker, the prisons would have to contain at least 1,000 beds and states would have agree to maintain a 90% occupancy rate in the privately run prisons for at least 20 years.
The problem with this scenario, as Roger Werholtz, former Kansas secretary of corrections, recognizes is that while states may be tempted by the quick infusion of cash, they “would be obligated to maintain these (occupancy) rates and subtle pressure would be applied to make sentencing laws more severe with a clear intent to drive up the population.” Unfortunately, that’s exactly what has happened. Among the laws aimed at increasing the prison population and growing the profit margins of special interest corporations like CCA are three-strike laws (mandating sentences of 25 years to life for multiple felony convictions) and “truth-in-sentencing” legislation (mandating that those sentenced to prison serve most or all of their time).
And yes, in case you were wondering, part of the investment pitch for CCA and its cohort GEO Group include the profits to be made in building “kindler, gentler” minimum-security facilities designed for detaining illegal immigrants, especially low-risk detainees like women and children. With immigration a persistent problem in the southwestern states, especially, and more than 250 such detention centers going up across the country, there is indeed money to be made. For example, GEO’s new facility in Karnes County, Texas, boasts a “608-bed facility still smelling of fresh paint and new carpet stretch[ing] across a 29-acre swath of farmland in rural South Texas. Rather than prison cells, jumpsuits, and barbed wire fencing, detainees here will sleep in eight-bed dormitory-style quarters, wearing more cozy attire like jeans and T-shirts. The facility's high walls enclose lush green courtyards with volleyball courts, an AstroTurfed soccer field, and basketball hoops, where detainees are free to roam throughout the day.” All of this, of course, comes at taxpayer expense.
“And this is where it gets creepy,” observes reporter Joe Weisenthal for Business Insider, “because as an investor you’re pulling for scenarios where more people are put in jail.” In making its pitch to potential investors, CCA points out that private prisons comprise a unique, recession-resistant investment opportunity, with more than 90% of the market up for grabs, little competition, high recidivism among prisoners, and the potential for “accelerated growth in inmate populations following the recession.” In other words, caging humans for profit is a sure bet, because the U.S. population is growing dramatically and the prison population will grow proportionally as well, and more prisoners equal more profits.
In this way, under the pretext of being tough on crime, state governments can fatten their coffers and fill the jail cells of their corporate benefactors. However, while a flourishing privatized prison system is a financial windfall for corporate investors, it bodes ill for any measures aimed at reforming prisoners and reducing crime. CCA understands this. As it has warned investors, efforts to decriminalize certain activities, such as drug use (principally possession of marijuana), could cut into their profits. So too would measures aimed at reducing the prison system’s disproportionately racist impact on minorities, given that the incarceration rate for blacks is seven times that of whites. Immigrants are also heavily impacted, with roughly 2.5 million people having been through the immigration detention system since 2003. As private prisons begin to dominate, the many troubling characteristics of our so-called criminal justice system today—racism, economic inequality, inadequate access to legal representation, lack of due process, etc.—will only become more acute.
Doubtless, a system already riddled by corruption will inevitably become more corrupt, as well. For example, consider the “kids for cash” scandal which rocked Luzerne County, Penn., in 2009. For ten years, the Mid Atlantic Youth Service Corporation, which specializes in private prisons for juvenile offenders, paid two judges to jail youths and send them to private prison facilities. The judges, who made over $2.6 million in the scam, had more than 5,000 kids come through their courtrooms and sent many of them to prison for petty crimes such as stealing DVDs from Wal-Mart and trespassing in vacant buildings. When the scheme finally came to light, one judge was sentenced to 17.5 years in prison and the other received 28 years, but not before thousands of young lives had been ruined.
In this way, minor criminals, from drug users to petty thieves, are being handed over to corporations for lengthy prison sentences which do nothing to protect society or prevent recidivism. This is the culmination of an inverted justice system which has come to characterize the United States, a justice system based upon increasing the power and wealth of the corporate-state.
No matter what the politicians or corporate heads might say, prison privatization is neither fiscally responsible nor in keeping with principles of justice. It simply encourages incarceration for the sake of profits, while causing millions of Americans, most of them minor, nonviolent criminals, to be handed over to corporations for lengthy prison sentences which do nothing to protect society or prevent recidivism. This perverse notion of how prisons should be run, that they should be full at all times, and full of minor criminals, is evil.

Ron Paul At Texas A&M Black This Out

Can Ron Paul Revolution Lead to Pennsylvania Ave.?

Ron Paul: An Easy Endorsement,Thomas Massie

It isn't often that an endorsement is this easy for me. 

The candidate I am writing to tell you about deserves your support right now.  He is in a Republican primary to be the next Congressman from the 4th district of Kentucky.  And he can win. 

He has the right message, the right principles, and is running in a district that my son Rand carried in both his primary and his general election by wide margins.

His name is Thomas Massie, and I am proud to endorse him today and to tell you more about him in the hope that you will join me in supporting his candidacy.

Thomas Massie has been a part of our Revolution for years.  His political beliefs and personal principles led him to a strong adherence to liberty, and he has worked to show his family, neighbors, and friends the path to freedom.

Thomas grew up in Kentucky, in the area where he now resides with his wife and four children.  He left briefly to attend MIT and to start a career as an inventor and entrepreneur.  Thomas knows what it is like to try to get an idea through the business and governmental mazes set up for job creators.  He has been successful for himself, his family, his investors, and his workers.

Thomas eventually decided to move back to Lewis County, Kentucky, where he grew up - wanting his kids to grow up there, too.

It was from there that he was such a strong supporter of my 2008 campaign, as well as the beginning of Campaign for Liberty. 

And he was invaluable to my son Rand when he ran for office, taking an early interest in Rand's race, helping him meet folks in his area, raising money, campaigning - you name it, Thomas did it for Rand's race in 2010.

Thomas also saw that there was a problem in his local government.  Spending and regulations continued to grow, teaming up to put a stranglehold on his local economy.  So Thomas decided to do something about it.

He ran against an incumbent Republican in a primary for Judge Executive of his county (the head of the county government in Kentucky) and surprised everyone by beating him 2-1.  He ended up winning the general election and marched into office determined to save his county's finances.  In just a few short months, Thomas had found enough in savings in his small county to pay his own county salary for three years!

Principles put into quick action!

Thomas has also made all the right kind of enemies, both as an activist and a county executive.  The establishment can't stand him.  The tax-and-spenders fear him.  The people Rand refers to as "the beseechers" don't even bother with him.

Sometimes your enemies tell you just as much about you as your friends.

Thomas is the real deal.  He will only vote for constitutional laws, and he will fight to restore our lost rights if he is elected to Congress.  I've seen his agenda, and it is one every single one of us can get behind!
**       Supporting a Balanced Budget Amendment and only voting for budgets that are in balance.  House Republicans this past year did not produce a balanced budget.  Republicans should always fight for this goal.  Thomas will join Rand in both voting against unbalanced budget plans and in supporting Rand's 5-year balanced budget plan.
**       Fighting the out-of-control EPA.  The Obama EPA has declared war on Kentucky coal.  Thomas will join Rand as a strong advocate for repealing Obama's rules and stripping bureaucratic power by passing legislation like the REINS Act, which was sponsored by Rand and the retiring Congressman Davis.
**       Protecting our rights by standing up for gun owners and the 4th amendment.  Our government's war on our privacy must stop.
**       Fighting for a fairer, flatter tax that lowers tax rates and eliminates tax loopholes for special interests.
**       Fighting the special interests in Washington by standing up against wasteful spending.
Thomas has already stood up publicly for these things.  He has simultaneously cut taxes, spending, AND debt in his county!

Believe me, that is a record that is sorely needed in Congress.

Some might still try to tell you that Thomas doesn't have the political experience necessary.  His main opponents are multi-term state legislators and county executives.

Well, having spent a good bit of time in Washington myself, I can tell you firsthand - the LAST thing it needs is more professional politicians.

It needs more people with real principles, who will stand up and fight.

Thomas is absolutely one of those people.  I am sure of it.

There has been some talk about who could take my place in Congress now that I'm retiring.  I often dismiss talk like that, but I want to tell you, my strongest supporters, that Thomas Massie has the principles and guts to stand up to Big Government as I have. 

He has the principles of Liberty to fight for ALL of our Bill of Rights, and he believes in smaller government both here and overseas.

There aren't many candidates out there of the caliber of Thomas Massie, so I hope you'll take the time today to get involved with his campaign.

The best thing you can do for him now is to CLICK HERE to contribute.

Thomas has TWO establishment opponents who are raking in special interest money.  One of them just had a fundraiser in which he raised over $100,000 in one night for the primary!

Thomas must raise $250,000 in the next 2 weeks in order to have the funds he needs to get his message out.

As I've said, Thomas has the right principles.  There is no question in my mind about that.  He will stand up for Liberty in Congress.

And he has the right team.  His campaign manager, consultant, and media team were all key parts of Rand's victory in 2010.  They have the tv ads, direct mail, and GOTV plans ready to go.

What they must have now is your help to raise the $250,000 they will need in the next few weeks, as they work for a victory.

Please do all you can today.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul

P.S.  Thomas Massie is running in the Republican primary for Congress in the 4th district of Kentucky.  He has the right principles, message, and team to win this race - but he needs you to join me in supporting him.

I've sent Thomas Massie $5,000 from Liberty PAC, the maximum allowed by law.  I hope you'll join me in making YOUR maximum possible contribution to Thomas Massie for Congress today by clicking HERE.

Paid for by Liberty PAC.
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.>

Donate to Ron Paul on April 15th, 2012 for the In-It-To-Win-It moneybomb!
On April 15th, 2012, tens of thousands of Americans will stand together to send a very clear message. We the people proclaim that we are 'In It To Win It'. We stand as one, behind Ron Paul and his message of peace, prosperity and liberty.

Mitt Romneys Plan to Beat Ron Paul Exposed!

Rand Paul: You need to hear this

I've recorded an important message for you detailing how we can finally overturn Roe v. Wade.

Would you take just a moment to listen to it?

I feel so strongly about this message that I wanted to tell you with my own words rather than writing it down in an email.

Please click here or on the image below to hear my short message.

Listed to Rand Paul's short message here

Rand Paul
Rand Paul
U.S. Senator (R-KY)

Evangelicals turn to Ron Paul

In the wake of Senator Rick Santorum’s departure from the presidential race there are signs that some evangelical leaders are refusing to jump on board the Mitt Romney bandwagon and are turning to Congressman Ron Paul  instead.  The Texas congressman spoke to several thousand people last night at the Will Rogers Auditorium in downtown Fort Worth but met quietly afterward with evangelical leaders.
Why Ron Paul?  And why now, when the race is being declared “done” by the main stream media?
“Because you don’t give away your support without getting something in return,” says a former congressman who has been at the heart of the Christian right movement since its beginning.   The longer that Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich stay in the race, the more likely that Romney will be forced to take a evangelical conservative as his vice presidential nominee.
Why not turn to Speaker Newt Gingrich, a Catholic who is a former Southern Baptist, with views that resonate with evangelicals?
“If we had to do it over again, we should have gone with Gingrich,” one of Santorum’s supporters told me today.  But if we switch to Gingrich now we risk another drop out.”  The former Speaker reportedly has debts of $ 4.2 million and has asked the Romney campaign for help in retiring them.  Romney reportedly declined.
Meanwhile, the Ron Paul campaign, with cash on hand, has begun airing television ads in Texas and launches another moneybomb this weekend.
“I have one question for you,” one of the ministers reportedly said in the private meeting last night with Dr. Ron Paul, “Are you going to drop out?  Or will you stay in all the way to Tampa?”
“I’m in,” the Texan replied.
“That’s all I need to know,” the minister said.
The evangelical community began reaching out to Dr. Paul almost immediately after Senator Rick Santorum dropped out of the presidential race.  Yesterday, Pastor Steven Andrew of USA Christian Ministries announced his support of the congressman, calling for a day of prayer and fasting.  Andrew released a statement saying that, “After Santorum, Ron Paul is the most God-fearing Presidential candidate [and] the Republican party should endorse him.”  Andrew said that “If Republicans don’t give a Christian candidate, Christians should look elsewhere – even to a third party.”
The Christian Wire service ran an article yesterday saying that Christians like the fact that Ron Paul “opposes tyranny, would cut the deficit and is prolife.”
A prominent television evangelist , speaking on the promise of anonymity, says that there was great disappointment in Rick Santorum’s withdrawal from the race.  “No one faults a man for being a good father, and dropping out to take care of a child, but it hurts many of us very deeply.  We were counting on him to lead our cause.”
Foster Freiss, the Wyoming billionaire who financed the Santorum Super Pac, has publicly said he will now help Mitt Romney.
Meanwhile, evangelical leaders are skeptical of any of their brethren who are now pledging to Romney.  “They are trotting out the same old bought and paid for names, Richard Land and Jay Sekulow, and acting like they are new.”  A Gingrich supporter who is quite vocal about his disappointment with the Santorum campaign suspects that evangelical leaders who supported Santorum, did so in return for donations to their nonprofit organizations.  “They will now try to repeat the same thing with Romney and are already in the news laying the foundation for their appeal.  It is appalling.”
But the rank and file evangelicals are not for sale and many seeking an end to the corruption in Washington see Ron Paul, a born again Christian, as their best voice of protest and the best way to force
Romney to deal with them.
Steve Scheffler, president of the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition and a GOP national committeeman, is dumbfounded that the Romney’s campaign had so far made no effort to reach out to evangelicals.
“The presidential race is likely to be truly competitive,” Mr. Scheffler said, “in about a dozen states, including Iowa, and the Republicans will need to motivate people to volunteer at calling centers and put up signs. I don’t think there’s much room for error.”
Meanwhile, the Ron Paul people continue to fill the vacuum.  In Iowa they are helping Scheffler and other Santorum people get re-elected to their positions.  They can afford to be generous, they have everything else.
Says Brian Jacobs, a former consultant to Billy Graham and to evangelical leaders such as Kenneth Copeland, “Ron Paul is a born again Christian who is untainted by this corruption that has engulfed Washington.  It should be no big surprise that evangelicals are discovering him.”
Ron Paul speaks to 3,000 at Will Rogers Auditorium, Ft. Worth, Texas, 4/11/12.

Purpura and Moran v Obama Hearing Natural Born Citizen

Tennessee’s Classroom Protection Act

Public Advocate Banner

It is not too late to help!

Tennessee’s Classroom Protection Act (SB 49/H.R. 229) has not come up for a vote yet in the Education Committee -- but it's still on the schedule.

My liaison to the House of Representatives thinks the vote will happen on Tuesday.

Which means we only have five days to make sure that the Committee votes the right way.

I have been in constant contact with our allies in Nashville and they are telling me that the phone calls and emails are helping -- but they need more of them.

If this bill fails to pass the Tennessee House it will open the door for Mandatory Homosexual Education.

We have to see this bill through the legislative weeds.

That’s why I need your help right now with two things:

1) Please contact Representative Richard Montgomery, Chairman of the Education Committee.  He has worked against the bill so far and I need as many supporters as possible to let him know that mainstream America opposes the Homosexual Agenda and supports this Bill.

Phone: (615)741-5981;

2) I also need you to email Representative John Ragan.  He is a staunch defender of the Family and he needs to know that Public Advocate and the pro-Family Movement are supporting SB49/H.R.229 -- the Classroom Protection Act.


I have promised our allies in Nashville that Public Advocate and its members will not leave them to this fight alone -- that we will come to their aid.

So please, call and email right now.

For the Family,

Eugene Delgaudio
President, Public Advocate of the United States

P.S. Please prayerfully consider chipping in with a donation of $10 or more to help Public Advocate fight for traditional values.