I don't know about you, but I believe there is something wrong with a government that adds over 4.1 BILLION dollars to its national debt every day.
Spending is out of control. I hope you agree this is a problem.
Our federal deficit now stands at 1.5 trillion dollars and our national debt is a staggering 14.1 trillion dollar ball and chain on our economy -- over $45,500 for every American (even children).
I have a plan to put a stop to it. Right now.
Last year, Republicans in Washington overwhelmingly voted for both a Balanced Budget amendment to the constitution, and for the Cut, Cap and Balance plan.
What do those two things have in common? Both of them required the budget to be in balance in less than 5 years.
I am happy to announce that I have introduced a full budget plan in the US Senate to do just that.
TO CUT four cabinet agencies, including the Department of Education.
TO CAP welfare and medicaid programs, block grant them, and send them back to the states.
TO BALANCE in its 5th year, with years 6-10 in surplus.
My plan spends trillions less than both the President's laughable budget and the House-passed Ryan budget, which does not go far enough in controlling spending.
I am writing you today because I need your help leading the fight to reduce federal spending by passing the Paul Balanced Budget Plan.
Americans are demanding the reduction of government spending, but we must unite to make it clear to Congress that there are only two options.
Vote to massively reduce federal spending or pay the price in 2012.
Congress saw the strength of the Tea Party movement in November, but it will mean nothing if you and I let up now.
Right now there are numerous bills from both parties that only reduce spending by a fraction.
These big government politicians want to splash out a drop when we need to pour the bucket!
They believe you will be appeased by them merely cutting a billion here and there when we need to cut trillions.
Well, their tricks aren't going to work this time.
Will you take the first step now by signing the RAND-PAC Paul Budget Petition?
Your petition will make it clear to your senators that federal spending is a major problem and it must be drastically cut now.
Specifically, my budget will:
** ELIMINATE four cabinet agencies.
** CUT most domestic spending back to 2008, pre-stimulus levels.
** FIX the defense sequester.
** ENACT meaningful welfare and medicaid reform.
** TEAR UP the old tax code and replace it with a Flat Tax.
The good news is, because of Senate rules, there WILL be a vote on the Paul Balanced Budget in the coming weeks, perhaps as early as the week I return to Washington later this month.So time is short.
Your signed petition will enable RAND-PAC to lead the fight in forcing a vote on this crucial legislation.
In fact, RAND-PAC has plans to reach over 3 million like-minded conservatives in the next 30 days to garner support for the Paul Balanced Budget.
Will you work with me to pass the Paul Balanced Budget?
If so, please click here to sign the petition right away.
Together I know you and I and millions of fed up Americans will return our government to a functional level of spending that allows our economy to thrive and create jobs.
Unfortunately, our plan to contact these millions of Americans isn't cheap.
Which is why I hope you will agree to make a generous contribution of $25, $50, $100 or more to RAND-PAC after signing your petition.
If that is too much, please consider chipping in with a donation of $10.
I know you are sick and tired of the direction our country is headed. And I'm sure you don't need me to tell you that you are not alone in your frustration. Isn't it time you and I and every other beaten-down American banded together for change?
I believe it is.
Is it too much to ask that our government spend within in reason so you and future generations aren't stripped of every hard-earned penny?
I don't think so.
If you agree, stand with me by clicking here to sign the Paul balanced budget petition now.
I know I can count on you.
For Liberty,
Rand Paul
United States Senator
P.S. Our government's spending is out of control.
Our national debt is at 14.1 trillion dollars and grows by over 4 billion dollars per day!
I am leading the fight along with RAND-PAC to see to it that government spending is reduced through my Balanced budget.
And I want to invite you to be among the first to stand with me and RAND-PAC by signing the petition by clicking here.
After you sign the petition, I hope you will make a donation to RAND-PAC of $25, $50, $100 or more.
If that is too much, please consider chipping in with a donation of $10 or more.
Your donation will be vital in reaching the millions of Americans like you who are fed up with out-of-control federal spending.
Will you join with me in fighting for reduced government spending?