Liberal Media Has New Heroine: The Slut Of GeorgeTown Univeristy

Indiana House approves self-defense against illegal police entry

by Joel McDurmon on Mar 3, 2012
The Evansville Courier-Press reports,
Hoosiers could legally defend themselves against police officers who enter their home under a measure that the Indiana House approved on a 74-24 vote, moving it another step toward becoming law, on Thursday.
The measure would overturn last year’s Indiana Supreme Court decision. The court ruled that homeowners do not have the right to use force against law enforcement officials who they believe are illegally entering their homes. . . .
Proponents said the measure provides police with additional legal protection, while affirming the “Castle Doctrine” idea that homeowners have the right to resist anyone, including police, who invades their homes. . . .
Rep. Mike Speedy, R-Indianapolis, said the measure would help Hoosiers who would otherwise “lose freedom” to “the coercive power of government.” He said without action, police officers who kill citizens in their own homes would be protected. . . .
Rep. Matt Pierce, D-Bloomington, said the measure protects Hoosiers from “rogue cops,” but said he thinks there will be few instances when police improperly enter homes, or where Hoosiers use force against police officers because of the measure.
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Family Alert: I need your help now

Public Advocate Banner

Due to the overwhelming show of support from Public Advocate supporters last week, Tennessee’s Classroom Protection is almost back on track.

Politicians in Nashville could not believe the amount of pressure you and I were able to bring in a single day.

And now they are getting back on board.

This bill is absolutely vital in our fight to save American’s school children from the Homosexual Lobby’s California Homosexual Indoctrination method and the Federal Homosexual Classrooms Act.

The Classroom Protection Act will prohibit any teacher or counselor from bringing up homosexuality -- or especially endorsing it -- with their youngest students.

But to see it passed, I need your help with another hurdle: Tennessee’s governor.

You see, he has sworn he will not sign this legislation.  He claims that it is unnecessary -- completely ignoring what is happening in state after state across the country.

Well it's up to you and me to change his mind.

We have to make sure he supports this bill and signs it into law as soon as he gets it!

So please, call Governor Bill Haslem at (615)741-2001 right away and demand that he announce his support for Sen. Campfield's Classroom Protection Act (SB49/HB229).

For the Family,

Eugene Delgaudio
President, Public Advocate of the United States

P.S. Please prayerfully consider chipping in with a donation of $10 or more to help Public Advocate fight for traditional values.