Rick Perry: I’ll be back

Spinners and Winners

Don't count Rick Perry out just yet. Spinners and Winners caught up with the Texas governor and former Republican presidential candidate at the annual gathering of conservatives in Washington over the weekend, where it sounded a heck of a lot like he is going to run again in 2016.
"You may run again?" ABC's Jonathan Karl asked.
"Absolutely," said Perry.
Perry skyrocketed to the top of the Republican charts last August only to have his campaign fizzle out last month. Perry revealed what he was really thinking during some of those memorable debate moments on the campaign trail: the $10,000 bet, Mitt Romney laying a hand on Perry's shoulder, and Perry's devastating 'oops' moment.
Although Perry has thrown his support behind former rival Newt Gingrich, he had some advice for Mitt Romney: "Governor you gotta stand up in front of the American people and say what you did on health care in Massachusetts was wrong," he told Karl. "You need to stand up and clearly distance yourself from the biggest issue that's out there with this president."

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Tennessee’s Classroom Protection Act

Advocate Banner

I need you to act right now.

We have less than 48 hours before Tennessee’s Classroom Protection Act comes up for a vote in their House of Representatives.

I have been in direct contact with the capitol and they tell me your calls are making a huge difference.

Some of these politicians want to do the right thing, but they are afraid of standing all alone.

And the Radical Homosexual Lobby are experts at making so much noise that they drown everythone else out.

They are like one of those tiny dogs.  They bark so much that no one can think, but when you actually see them, you realize how small they really are.

Well, right now Nashville is being absolutely drowned in their radical racket, so much so that our pro-Family allies are feeling cut off from support.

We have to keep the calls up!

We have to let them know that they are not alone; that there are countless supporters of what they are doing.

So please, I need you to make two phone calls.

One to Senator Stacey Campfield to thank him for championing the senate version of this bill last year.

He has come under a lot of hateful fire lately and deserves our gratitude.

And two, I need you to call the man who is currently pushing the Classroom Protection Act in the House, Dr. Joey Hensley.

Let him know that you support his efforts 100%!

Your call will mean so much to each of them.

Senator Stacey Campfield: (615) 741-1766

Representative Joey Hensley, Dr: (615) 741-7476

For the Family,

Eugene Delgaudio
President, Public Advocate of the United States

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