(Compiled by Rev. Stephen L. Testa)
“And ye shall know the truth, and the
truth shall
make you free.” —Jesus in John 8:32
Notice: These dates are in many cases
approximate. Many of these heresies had been current in the Church years
before, but only when they were officially adopted by a Church council and
proclaimed by the pope as dogma of faith, did they become binding on
And doctrine to be true must conform to the
Word of God. “To the law and to the testimony; if they speak not
according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.”
(Isaiah 8:20)
At the Reformation in the 16th Century these
heresies were repudiated as having no part in the Religion of Jesus as
taught in the New Testament.
t the Reformation in the 16th Century these
heresies were repudiated as having no part in the Religion of Jesus as
taught in the New Testament.
Heresy Date OF ALL THE HUMAN TRADITIONS taught and
practiced by the Roman Catholic Church, which are contrary to the
Bible, the most ancient are the prayers for the dead and the
sign of the Cross. Both began 300 years after Christ.310 Wax Candles introduced in
church. about320 Veneration of angels and dead
saints.375 The Mass, as a daily
celebration, adopted.394 The worship of Mary, the mother
of Jesus, and the use of the term, "Mother of God", as applied to
her, originated in the Council of Ephesus431 Priests began to dress differently
from the laity500 Extreme Unction 526 The doctrine of Purgatory was first
established by Gregory the Great593 The Latin language, as the
language of prayer and worship in churches, was also imposed by Pope
Gregory I. 600 years after Christ
The Word of God forbids praying and teaching in an unknown tongue.
(1st Corinthians 14:9).600 The Bible teaches that we pray to God
alone. In the primitive church never were prayers directed to
Mary, or to dead saints. This practice began in the Roman Church
(Matthew 11:28; Luke 1:46; Acts 10:25-26; 14:14-18)600 The Papacy is of pagan origin.
The title of pope or universal bishop, was first given to the
bishop of Rome by the wicked emperor Phocas
This he did to spite Bishop Ciriacus of Constantinople, who had
justly excommunicated him for his having caused the assassination of
his predecessor emperor Mauritius. Gregory 1, then bishop of Rome,
refused the title, but his successor, Boniface III, first assumed
title "pope."
Jesus did not appoint Peter to the headship of the apostles and
forbade any such notion. (Luke 22:24-26; Ephesians 1:22-23; Colossians 1:18;
Corinthians 3:11).
Note: Nor is there any mention in Scripture, nor in history, that
Peter ever was in Rome, much less that he was pope there for 25
years; Clement, 3rd bishop of Rome, remarks that "there is no real
1st century evidence that Peter ever was in Rome."610 The kissing of the Pope's feet
It had been a pagan custom to kiss the feet of emperors. The Word of
God forbids such practices. (Read Acts 10:25-26; Revelation 19:10; 22:9).709 The Temporal power of the Popes
When Pepin, the usurper of the throne of France, descended into
Italy, called by Pope Stephen II, to war against the Italian
Lombards, he defeated them and gave the city of Rome and surrounding
territory to the pope. Jesus expressly forbade such a thing, and He
himself refused worldly kingship. (Read Matthew 4:8-9; 20:25-26; John
18:38).750 Worship of the cross, images and
relics was authorized
This was by order of Dowager Empress Irene of Constantinople, who
first caused to pluck the eyes of her own son, Constantine VI, and
then called a church council at the request of Hadrian I, pope of
Rome at that time.
Such practice is called simply IDOLATRY in the Bible, and is
condemned. (Read Exodus 20:4; 3:17; Deuteronomy 27:15; Psalm 115).788 Holy Water, mixed with a pinch
of salt and blessed by the priest, was authorized850 The veneration of St. Joseph
began890 The baptism of bells was
instituted by Pope John XIV965 Canonization of dead saints,
first by Pope John XV
Every believer and follower of Christ is called saint in the Bible.
(Read Romans 1:7; 1st Colossians 1:2).995 Fasting on Fridays and during
Lent were imposed
Imposed by popes said to be interested in the commerce of fish.
(Bull, or permit to eat meat), some authorities say, began in the
year 700. This is against the plain teaching of the Bible. (Read
Matthew 15:10; 1st Corinthians 10:25; 1st Timothy 4:1-3).998 The Mass was developed
gradually as a sacrifice; attendance made obligatory in the 11th
The Bible teaches that the sacrifice of Christ was offered once and
for all, and is not to be repeated, but only commemorated in the
Lord's Supper. (Read Hebrews 7:27; 9:26-28; 10:10-14).The celibacy of the priesthood
was decreed by Pope Hildebrand, Boniface VII
Jesus imposed no such rule, nor did any of the apostles. On the
contrary, St. Peter was a married man, and St. Paul says that
bishops were to have wife and children. (Read 1st Timothy 3:2,5, and 12;
Matthew 8:14-15).1079
The Rosary, or prayer beads was
introduced by Peter the Hermit, in the year 1090. Copied from Hindus
and Mohammedans
The counting of prayers is a pagan practice and is expressly
condemned by Christ. (Matthew 6:5-13).1090 The Inquisition of heretics was
instituted by the Council of Verona in the year 1184. Jesus never
taught the use of force to spread His religion1184 The sale of Indulgences,
commonly regarded as a purchase of forgiveness and a permit to
indulge in sin.
Christianity, as taught in the Bible, condemns such a traffic and it
was the protest against this traffic that brought on the Protestant
Reformation in the 16th century.1190 The dogma of Transubstantiation
was decreed by Pope Innocent III, in the year
By this doctrine the priest pretends to perform a daily miracle by
changing a wafer into the body of Christ, and then he pretends to
eat Him alive in the presence of his people during Mass. The Bible
condemns such absurdities; for the Lord's Supper is simply a
memorial of the sacrifice of Christ. The spiritual presence of
Christ is implied in the Lord's Supper. (Read Luke 22:19-20; John
6:35; 1st Corinthians 11:26).1215 Confession of sin to the priest
at least once a year was instituted by Pope Innocent III., in the
Lateran Council
The Bible commands us to confess our sins direct to God. (Read Psalm
51:1-10; Luke 7:48; 15:21; 1st John 1:8-9).1215 The adoration of the wafer
(Host), was decreed by Pope Honorius
So the Roman Church worships a God made by human hands. This is
plain idolatry and absolutely contrary to the spirit of the Gospel.
(Read John 4:24).1220 The Bible forbidden to laymen
and placed in the Index of forbidden books by the Council of
Jesus commanded that the Scriptures should be read by all. (John
5:39; 1st Timothy 3:15-17).1229 The Scapular was invented by
Simon Stock, and English monk
It is a piece of brown cloth, with the picture of the Virgin and
supposed to contain supernatural virtue to protect from all dangers
those who wear it on naked skin. This is fetishism.1287 The Roman Church forbade the cup
to the laity, by instituting the communion of one kind in the
Council of Constance
The Bible commands us to celebrate the Lord's Supper with unleavened
bread and the fruit of the vine. (Read Matthew 26:27; 1st Corinthians
11:26-29).1414 The doctrine of Purgatory was
proclaimed as a dogma of faith by Council of Florence
There is not one word in the Bible that would teach the purgatory of
priests. The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sins. (Read
1st John 1:7-9; 2:1-2; John 5:24; Romans 8:1).1439 The doctrine of 7 Sacraments
The Bible says that Christ instituted only two ordinances, Baptism
and the Lord's Supper. (Read Matthew 28:19-20; 26:26-28).1439 The Ave Maria, part of the last
It was completed 50 years afterward and finally approved by Pope
Sixtus V, at the end of the 16th century.1508 The Council of Trent, held in the year
1545, declared that Tradition is of equal authority with the
By tradition is meant human teachings. The Pharisees believed the
same way, and Jesus bitterly condemned them, for by teaching human
tradition, they nullified the commandments of God. (Read Mark
7:7-13; Colossians 2:8; Revelation 22:18).1545 The apocryphal books were added
to the Bible also by the Council of Trent
These books were not recognized as canonical by the Jewish Church.
(See Revelation 22:8-9).1546 The Creed of Pope Pius IV was
imposed as the official creed 1560 years after Christ and the
True Christians retain the Holy Scriptures as their creed. Hence
their creed is 1500 years older than the creed of Roman Catholics.
(Read Galatians 1:8).1560 The Immaculate Conception of
the Virgin Mary was proclaimed by Pope Pius IX
The Bible states that all men, with the sole exception of Christ,
are sinners. Mary herself had need of a Savior. (Read Romans 3:23;
5:12; Psalm 51:5; Luke 1:30,46,47).1834 In the year 1870 after Christ, Pope
Pius IX proclaimed the dogma of Papal Infallibility
This is a blasphemy and the sign of the apostasy and of the antichrist
predicted by St. Paul. (Read 2nd Thessalonians 2:2-12; Revelation 17:1-9;
Many Bible students see the number of the beast (Rev. 13:18), 666 in
the Roman letters of the Pope's title: "VICARIVS FILII DEI." -- V-5,
I-1; C-100, I-1; V-S, I-1; L-50, I-1; I-1; D-500, I-l — Total, 666.1870 Pope Plus X, in the year 1907,
condemned together with "Modernism", all the discoveries of modern
science which are not approved by the Church
Pius IX had done the same thing in the Syllabus of 1864.1907 In the year 1930 Pius XI, condemned
the Public Schools1930 In the year 1931 the same pope Pius
XI, reaffirmed the doctrine that Mary is "the Mother of God"
This doctrine was first invented by the Council of Ephesus in the
year 431. This is a heresy contrary by Mary's own words. (Read Luke
1:46-49; John 2: l-5).1931 In the year 1950 the last dogma was
proclaimed by Pope Pius XII, the Assumption of the Virgin Mary1950
What will be the next invention? The Roman
Church says it never changes; yet, it has done nothing else but invent new
doctrines which are contrary to the Bible, and has practiced rites and
ceremonies taken bodily from paganism. Some scholar has found that 75%
of the rites and ceremonies of the Roman Church are of pagan origin.
Note: Cardinal Newman, in his book, “The
Development of the Christian Religion,” admits that ... “Temples,
incense, oil lamps, votive offerings, holy water, holidays and season of
devotions, processions, blessing of fields, sacerdotal vestments, the
tonsure (of priests and monks and nuns), images ... are all of pagan
origin...” (Page
HERESIES are those doctrines and practices
which are contrary to the Bible. They are also called "human traditions"
or "doctrines of men". Both Peter and Paul predicted and warned that in
the later times "false teachers" would rise within the Church and bring in
"damnable heresies" and "doctrines of devils".
(Read 2nd Peter 2:1-3,
and 1st Timothy 3:2-5). Jesus rebuked the Pharisees, for they
transgressed the commandments of God by keeping their traditions. “in vain,” He said,
"they worship me by keeping for doctrines the commandments of men"
(Matthew 15:3,9).
The real heretics therefore, are the Roman
Catholics and the true orthodox are the Evangelical Christians.
BRETHREN! The Word of God commands us
to get out of Babylon, saying: "Come out of her, my people, that ye be
not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues."
(Revelation 18:4). All true Christians will remain faithful to the religion of
Christ as taught in the Bible, and heed the warning of the Apostle Paul,
who said: "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other
Gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be
accursed." (Galatians 1:8).
Senate To Vote On Legislation That Allows U.S. Military to Detain Americans Without Charge or Trial
Senate To Vote On Legislation That Allows U.S. Military to Detain Americans Without Charge or Trial
Mac Slavo
Remember that debate between Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich, where Mr. Gingrich suggested we should expand and strengthen the Patriot Act in the name of protecting US citizens from terrorists? Mr. Gingrich indicated that there exists a line between criminal law and the war on terror, and that we need not worry the government will overstep its bounds.
While Americans enjoy the Thanksgiving weekend and join the annual running of the bulls celebration at malls and retail outlets, something sinister is taking place in Congress – and it should scare the hell out of you. If the President and Senate have their way, your front lawn will soon become a battlefield, and you’ll be subjected to military, not criminal, law.
From the ACLU Via The Daily Sheeple:
The Senate is gearing up for a vote on Monday or Tuesday that goes to the very heart of who we are as Americans. The Senate will be voting on a bill that will direct American military resources not at an enemy shooting at our military in a war zone, but at American citizens and other civilians far from any battlefield — even people in the United States itself.
The Senate is going to vote on whether Congress will give this president—and every future president — the power to order the military to pick up and imprison without charge or trial civilians anywhere in the world. Even Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) raised his concerns about the NDAA detention provisions during last night’s Republican debate. The power is so broad that even U.S. citizens could be swept up by the military and the military could be used far from any battlefield, even within the United States itself.
The worldwide indefinite detention without charge or trial provision is in S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act bill, which will be on the Senate floor on Monday. The bill was drafted in secret by Sens. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.) and passed in a closed-door committee meeting, without even a single hearing.
I know it sounds incredible. New powers to use the military worldwide, even within the United States? Hasn’t anyone told the Senate that Osama bin Laden is dead, that the president is pulling all of the combat troops out of Iraq and trying to figure out how to get combat troops out of Afghanistan too? And American citizens and people picked up on American or Canadian or British streets being sent to military prisons indefinitely without even being charged with a crime. Really? Does anyone think this is a good idea? And why now?
This is happening right now – IN AMERICA! A law that is designed to specifically bypass Constitutional protections and one that will undoubtedly be used against the American people to further advance and expand the national police state.
Read more at www.shtfplan.comOnce signed into law the President (or anyone of his minions within the Justice Department or Homeland Security acting on his behalf) can issue orders to arrest, detain and imprison an American citizen in the United States without due process. Since most terror arrests fall into the realm of national security, and therefore are secret, no evidence would ever need to be presented for the permanent detainment (and who knows what else) of an American imprisoned under this law.
What if your place was destroyed?
A blinding flash of light – a blasting wind – and fallout.
Consider, for a moment, the awful possibility that your
hometown was forever wiped out. Can you imagine what future
generations might find?
Has it occurred to you that our noblest buildings today are
scarcely more than facades supported by thin tendons of
Even with no disaster, our main cities would be little more
than rubble in a thousand years. Our motorways would be
crumpled pieces of hardness beneath vegetation. Our once
complex railway network would be red dust blowing in the
Make no mistake about it. Few house chattels would survive
the corrosion of time. Generally, paper books cannot last
more than a few centuries (hence the need to recopy).
Plastics will eventually disintegrate when exposed for long
periods outside. The same goes for everything metallic.
Yes, that’s right. Hair dryers, automobiles and carpets
would be reduced to dust, along with photographic plates and
What is more, all iron and steel buildings would rust and
crumble to earth. Nothing would be left except a few stone
structures downtown and maybe a few statues.
Stone is the only indestructible material; it will survive a
dead civilization. Isn’t it ironic? Nature allows dressed
blocks of stone to survive, but not thick iron girders.
Probably there would not be one item left in the suburbs to
show that they even existed—except for the odd stone axe-head.
In the event of a total catastrophe, the survivors would be
driven to the countryside, to live primitively.
They might, for a time, be able to salvage and use certain
elements of their civilized technology.
Eventually the last machine would break down, with nobody
remembering how to repair it. The transistors, toasters and
x-ray machines, though revered, would be useless.
To the grandchildren and their descendants they would become
The "magic mirror" that could see events far away; the metal
bird that could fly above the clouds; the room that could move
up and down inside big houses — these would become "magical"
myths of a people whose survival instinct would direct them
back into the rapidly encroaching forests.
Archaeologists 4,000 years later could claim that 21st
century man was not yet familiar with iron.
(If they found cassettes with tapes, these would be a
meaningless puzzle to them.) What do you think of that?
Texts speaking of gigantic cities with houses several
hundred feet high would be classed as myths.
Do you begin to see the picture? It is this very situation
of meagre clues that confronts us in relation to the original
super world.
I can think of four reasons for this.
Numerous ancient cities now lie below ground level; many are
covered by desert sands or swallowed by dense jungle; while
others still may lie intact under the mile-deep ice of
On the other hand, exposed remains can disappear so fast.
Take, for example, the 4,000-year-old ruins of Tiahuanaco,
in Bolivia.
As recently as the 16th century there still stood immense
walls with massive rivets of silver in the stonework as well
as lifelike statues of men and women in a thousand
animated poses.
Even until last century, travellers could admire and sketch
imposing colonnades.
Of these there is no trace today. The Spaniards and more
recently the Bolivian government plundered them for building
Again, many scale replicas of ancient apparatuses probably
perished when the Spanish conquistadors melted down all the
gold artifacts they could find in Central and South America.
The scale of destruction over the centuries will never be
The destruction of printed records has been much greater than
was originally thought.
The great library of Alexandria once contained one million
volumes in which the entire science, philosophy and mysteries
of the ancient world were recorded (including a complete
catalogue of authors in 120 volumes, with a brief biography
of each author).
In a single act of vandalism, Julius Caesar destroyed
700,000 priceless scrolls.
In the seventh century, the Arabs completed the wipeout.
Do you know how they did it? They used the books as a fuel
supply to heat the city’s 400 public baths for six months.
Totally destroyed also were the papyri of the library of
Ptah in Memphis.
Carthage, with a library of 500,000 volumes, was razed
in a seventeen-day fire by the Romans in 146 B.C.
The library of Pergamos in Asia Minor (with 200,000
volumes) likewise perished.
When the famous collection of Pisistratus in Athens was
wiped out (in the 6th century), surprisingly Homer’s
writings escaped.
In the 8th century, Leo Isaurus burned 300,000 books
in Constantinople.
In China, Emperor Tam Shi Hwang-ti issued an edict
(213 B.C.) to destroy innumerable books.
Thousands of Druidic scrolls in Autun, France, on
philosophy, medicine, astronomy and other sciences,
were obliterated by Julius Caesar. Not one survived.
Much classical literature was systematically destroyed
by the papal Inquisition.
Spanish conquerors searched out and destroyed the entire
Mayan literature (except for four documents now in
European museums).
It was related that Mayan scholars screamed in agony as
they saw their life’s purpose go up in flames. Some
committed suicide.
The Council of Lima (1583) decreed the burning of the
knotted cords ("quipas") on which the Incas had recorded
their history and that of their predecessors.
What a story of carnage, in which the greatest
depositories of knowledge from the ancient world are
lost forever!
(Yet somehow the Indian books escaped.)
Did you know that even of the Greek and Roman literature,
less than 1 percent has come down to us?
Is it any wonder we are ignorant of our early heritage?
I agree with Andrew Tomas that "we have to depend on
disconnected fragments, casual passages and meagre
"Our distant past is a vacuum filled at random
with tablets, parchments, statues, paintings and various
"The history of science would appear totally different
were the book collection of Alexandria intact today."
Undeciphered still are writings at Easter Island,
tablets at Mohenjo-Daro in Pakistan, and Mayan scripts.
Some finds will remain unsolved forever.
There are no inscriptions awaiting us at Tiahuanaco or
Machu Picchu.
Then there are many museum relics, whose significance
may have eluded us.
A methodical reexamination of pieces labelled "art
objects," "cult objects" and "unidentified objects"
would yield much new data.
So would a systematic exploration of museum vaults.
It is a well-known fact that museums are in the habit of
"burying" objects that do not coincide with current
theories, or that are not beautiful to look at.
The vaults of the Smithsonian Institution and the Museum
of Prehistory of Saint Germain-en-Laye are full of crates
of incomprehensible objects that nobody is studying.
Could it be that many objects we have discovered had a
purpose that we do not yet understand? The ancients may
have achieved results similar to ours by quite different
(For instance, look at what happened to German technology.
It diverged tremendously from that of other countries in
just twelve years, from 1933 to 1945, when Germany was
progressively isolated from the rest of the world.)
Then again, is it possible that some of the antedeluvian
artifacts we have found cannot yet be identified, simply
because they are ahead of our technology?
A point to remember. As any technology advances, its
methods and equipment do not become more complex; they
become simplified.
(Take, for example, printed circuits, silicon chips. Nano
Such equipment may not be recognizable to a civilization
of inferior knowledge.
The point is we may be looking at objects—quite exciting
objects—without recognizing them.
Who would have expected that items in Baghdad Museum,
long labelled as "ritual objects," would prove to be
components of batteries? Do you see what I mean?
Here is a tantalizing thought. Some authentic and
incredibly ancient documents are known to be safely
locked away. We may never see them.
These forbidden treasures are known to be concealed in
four places:
1. Catacombs beneath the Potala in Llasa, Tibet
2. Vaults in the Vatican Library, to which even the
pope does not have access
3. Morocco, where Moslem leaders are fiercely opposed
to making them public
4. A secret place known to a few initiated rabbis
(believed to be in Spain)
But this is not all. There must be numerous lost cities
Hold it, I hear you say. That’s overdoing things, isn’t
it? An occasional ruin, maybe, but numerous lost cities?
There aren’t any unknown areas in this day and age!
On the contrary, there are many totally unexplored areas
left about.
Quite a lot of things occur in out-of-the-way corners of
the world—and some not so out-of-the-way—that most persons
never hear of.
Still not explored from the ground are immense expanses
of the interior of Central and South America, New Guinea,
Asia and Australia.
Although Europeans have lived and worked in India for
some centuries, building bridges, railways and modern
cities, the jungles have scarcely been investigated.
There are remote villages that have never seen a white
In the trackless Central Australian desert, a structure
from an unknown civilization was discovered when vehicles
from a nearby atomic test site drove into it purely by
The largest unexplored jungle area in the world is the
Amazon Basin. This region is so little known that a river
tributary 200 miles long was only recently discovered —
and then only by satellite.
The Amazon system comprises 50,000 miles of navigable
"trunk rivers" and an estimated 16,000 tributaries.
The jungle on each side of the rivers is almost totally
impenetrable, at least for a European.
I know of settlers who have lived on riverbank clearings
for forty years and never ventured more than a mile back
into the jungle.
The Amazon contains some of the most solid jungles and
hostile environments to be found anywhere.
Surprisingly, this now mysterious region was once the
center of a very intense and highly active population.
Large cities flourished here, with high volume commercial
traffic to the Andes.
Despite satellite technology, we face almost insurmountable
problems in locating any remains.
A pilot over the Amazon may spy towers, villages or ruins,
pinpoint them and report them. A few days later, someone
setting out to verify the data will find they have already
vanished—swallowed again by the jungle since that forest
fire or whim of weather that exposed them.
Karl Brugger mentions that the "Transamazonica spur of the
road between Manaus and Barcellos on the lower Rio Negro,
built in 1971, was overgrown by tropical vegetation within
a year.
"The technicians even had difficulties locating the
approximate direction of the road. It is not surprising
therefore that there are no more signs of 'white cities.'"
Again, there are vast stretches where the fog never lifts,
and in others it doesn’t clear until late afternoon.
There is an area in Eastern Ecuador from which natives
have been carrying out thousands of artifacts belonging
to what they describe as giant pyramids and immense
deserted cities.
But don’t get carried away. This is a forbidden region;
local Indians still massacre inquisitive outsiders.
Intruders in the Matto Grosso region of Brazil can expect
a similar welcome. Yes, believe it! Documented accounts
are numerous.
Once an entire patrol of 1,400 vanished in the jungle
without trace.
This trackless, unexplored "green hell" swallows visitors.
The ruins clasp their secret.
Think of it. Five thousand years ago (when our forefathers
were supposed to be existing in caves or crude settlements)
a highly advanced culture reached over the whole globe —
from Siberia to Antarctica, from Greenland to Africa.
This super world vanished so completely we thought it never
It is not unlikely a whole empire could disappear like this.
The more advanced the culture, the more easily it could
vanish without a trace.
If it were so advanced, then its powers of destruction must
also have been enormous.
What an epic! The wonder is that despite wholesale
obliteration of evidence, many thousands of pieces do survive
— written records, oral traditions and physical remains.
In one book alone (Dead Men's Secrets) I was able to
catalogue about one thousand of the more interesting exhibits.
Yet these can never be more than a tantalizing peep at this
astonishing, unknown world, shrouded in opaque clouds of
Tantalising Hints of a Lost Super Race
ATF bans scrub-pad stockpiles
Put down the Chore Boy and back away from the pots and pans!
No joke! ATF bans scrub-pad stockpiles
Feds warns kitchen staple considered part of 'silencer'
By Bob Unruh
"Put down the Chore Boy and back away from the weaponry!"
It's an order that actually could be heard, given that a letter has surfaced from the federal government warning against consumers stockpiling Chore Boy household scrubbers because they can be considered a component of a gun silencer and, therefore, regulated by federal gun laws.
The letter is from the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the ATF. It was obtained by David Codrea, who publishes online as the Gun Rights Examiner.
And it comes from a federal agency that earlier determined a 14-inch-long piece of shoestring must be regulated under federal gun laws and restrictions because it is a "machinegun."
The latest unusual determination from the agency is found in a letter submitted to the agency on behalf of a client. The letter is dated Nov. 26, 2010, and Codrea said it was obtained recently.
In it, an attorney was asking about a repair that a client wished to make on an already-registered silencer for a .22 caliber rifle.
"Does sound/gas absorbing materials manufactured from Chore Boy copper clean pads, along with fiberglass insulation, constitute a silencer part as defined in 18 U.S.C 921(a)(24)?" he asked.
"Yes," confirmed the letter signed by John R. Spencer, the chief of the Firearms Technology Branch. "Gas/sound-absorbing material is the same as a baffle in that it is designed to reduce/trap hot gases within the expansion tube to allow cooling before they are released from the silencer, subsequently reducing sound."
Spencer, responding to a question about whether such material which becomes worn in a silencer could be replaced, said it would be a violation of federal law.
"Replacement of any component part or parts of a registered silencer, other than a silencer wipe, would be a violation of the NFA if performed by a non-licensed manufacturer," the letter said.
The correct procedure would be for the owner of the registered silencer to submit an application to the ATF and pay a $200 tax, the letter said.
"Further, he would have to submit a 'no-marking' variance to FTB since there is no viable area in which to apply a serial number to the sound-absorbing material," Spencer wrote.
He also noted that it would not be lawful for the owner of the registered silencer to "have a stockpile of sound-absorbing materials for his own use in replacing deteriorated sound-absorbing material."
Here's Page 1 of the letter, which is available online:
Codrea pointed out that not even two years ago, ATF seized toy guns designed to shoot plastic BBs and said it would take only a "quick retooling" to make them fire live ammunition.
The "retooling" would involve replacing the barrel, bolt, upper and lower receivers and trigger assembly, he said.
Here's the letter, from 2004, describing the string as a "machinegun:"
The letter from Sterling Nixon, then-chief of the branch, said any part designed and intended for use in converting a weapon into a machinegun is a machinegun.
"The FTB examined and classified a 14-inch long shoestring with a loop at each end. The string was attached to the cocking handle of a semiautomatic rifle and was looped around the trigger and attached to the shooter's finger. The device caused the weapon to fire repeatedly until finger pressure was released from the string. Because this item was designed and intended to convert a semiautomatic rifle into a machingun, FTB determined that it was a machinegun as defined in 26 U.S.C. 5845(b)."
Codrea said the Chore Boy letter just became available to him, and he blacked out the name of the attorney to keep identities confidential.
Codrea told WND that the government's responses to the questions were "ridiculous."
"They have created a condition where a Chore Boy pad can be considered a silencer," he said.
States already have begun rebelling against federal rules for guns, with eight formally adopting laws that exempt guns made, sold and kept within the states from federal regulations.
Read more at www.wnd.comA court case over that law is in the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
Remember When Newt Gingrich Was Sponsored By a Human Chip-Implant Company?
Hey, Remember When Newt Gingrich Was Sponsored By a Human Chip-Implant Company?
Jim Edwards
(MoneyWatch) Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich once spoke at an Alzheimer's conference sponsored by PositiveID (PSID), the human microchip implant company that came under fire for injecting 200 Alzheimer's patients with wireless chips in Florida without properly obtaining their consent.
The issue of whether Americans should receive subcutaneous wireless RFID chip implants that can link to their electronic medical records emerged again in Wisconsin this week, where former governor and Bush Administration secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy Thompson is considering a run for Senate. Thompson was a former board member of VeriChip, the company that renamed itself PositiveID, and once appeared on CNBC with PositiveID CEO Scott Silverman to advocate that everyone receive a chip from birth:
Naturally, conservatives and privacy advocates were appalled. Thompson has not yet announced whether he will run. Gingrich, obviously, is already campaigning for the White House in 2012. His campaign faltered recently when he criticized the House GOP Medicare reform plan as an example of "right-wing social engineering." Many conservatives similarly believe that implanted health record microchips are a gross invasion of privacy.
Gingrich was the June 4 keynote speaker at the 2010, Alzheimer's Educational Conference in West Palm Beach, Fla. The conference was "presented by PositiveID," and CEO Silverman was one of two "conference co-chairs." A PositiveID press release touted Silverman's role in bringing Gingrich to the conference:Read more at www.cbsnews.comIn this role, Mr. Silverman and PositiveID partnered with the Center for Health Transformation to bring Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives and Founder, Center for Health Transformation, Newt Gingrich as the keynote speaker.
The conference occurred a little more than three months after the James Randi Educational Foundation -- which debunks pseudoscience -- reported that PositiveID had performed a "study" on 200 Alzheimer's patients in a Florida nursing home without the ethical supervision of an institutional review board. An IRB panel -- made up of experts and laypersons -- must sign off on all medical experiments on humans. The patients were unable to consent to the experiment themselves, so PositiveID obtained consent forms from their guardians, the Randi Foundation reported. The company should have obtained consent from both the patients and their guardians, the foundation stated.
Gingrich was at the conference, in part, to promote his "National Alzheimer's Strategic Plan." The plan doesn't say anything specific about chips and Alzheimer's patients, but it does call for a massive new investment in digital health records (which PositiveID believes could be linked to its VeriChip/VeriMed/Health Link microchip product):This value case should integrate systems to enhance the interoperability of electronic health records across traditional healthcare providers and with community agencies that provide key services to individuals and their caregivers.
As noted by the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, interoperable, standards based electronic health information systems and health records are a critical infrastructure for delivering such care. However, it is essential that this infrastructure be designed to effectively address the challenges that health professionals encounter when providing care to patients with dementia.
Thompson left the board of VeriChip in 2007 and apparently did not get a chip himself.
- Does Newt Gingrich Favor Microchipping Alzheimer's Patients? His Sponsor Sure Does
- When Business Meets Religion: Why I Signed a Contract With the Mark of the Beast
Image by Wikimedia, CC.
Mother Teresa's 'Missionaries of Charity' Orphanage Matron Arrested For Selling Children
Orphanage Matron Arrested
By Ranee Mohamed
The matron of Prem Nivasa, a children’s home in Moratuwa which is embroiled in a controversy over the alleged sale of children was arrested Friday night (Nov 25) by a team of police officials. The matron, a missionary of Indian origin was produced before a Magistrate and was later remanded.Read more at
Police on Friday night also took an under-aged pregnant girl and two other females from the home and placed them in the custody of another home in the area.
“The matron of this home has been remanded till December 1. Steps are also being taken to impound her passport,” said the Police Media Spokesperson Ajith Rohana when contacted by The Sunday Leader yesterday.
“We could not accept the way this home was being run. There was no proper procedure..,” said Anoma Dissanayake, Chairperson of the National Child Protection Authority. It is learnt that when NCPA police raided this children’s home on Wednesday they found several pregnant, under-aged women and 12 infants in the home. They also found people who had ‘paid’ and were ‘ready to pay’ waiting to get children
The case against Prem Nivasa working on the theme – missionaries of charity - heightened when it was found to be linked to an adoption agency which advertised children from Ukraine, Liberia, Uganda and Sri Lanka. The going rate for a child, it was discovered through payment receipts, is U.S. Dollars 10,000.
When the Sunday Leader contacted Prem Nivasa Saturday morning for their side of the story, a member of the staff who answered the phone said that they were getting ready for a religious gathering and were unable to comment.