John F. Kennedy Assassination Witness List and Testimonies

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Alphabetical list of witnesses and testimony

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Ables, Don R.WC TestimonyJail Clerk, Dallas Police Department.
Abt, John J.WC TestimonyNew York City attorney.
Adamcik, John P.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Adams, R. LWC TestimonyPlacement interviewer, Texas Employment Commission.
Adams, Victoria ElisabethWC TestimonyEmployee, Texas School Book Depository (TSBD).
Aguilar, GaryARRB TestimonyAssassination researcher.
Akin, Gene ColemanWC TestimonyDoctor, Parkland Hospital.
Alba, Adrian ThomasWC TestimonyAcquaintance of Oswald in New Orleans.
Alcock, JamesShaw trial closing arguments, Rebuttal argumentsShaw trial prosecution attorney.
Alcorn, DanielARRB TestimonyAssassination researcher.
Aleman, JoseHSC TestimonyAnti-Castro Associate of Santos Trafficante
Allen, Mrs. J. U.AffidavitSecretary, Chainberlin-Hunt Academy.
Altgens, James WWC Testimony.Witness at assassination scene.
Anderson, Eugene D.WC TestimonyMarine Corps markmanship expert.
Andrews, Dean Adams Jr.WC Testimony., 11/29/63 FBI report, Shaw Grand Jury testimony 1, 2, 3New Orleans attorney.
Applin, George Jefferson, Jr.WC Testimony., Deposition.Witness of Oswald arrest.
Arce, Danny GarciaWC Testimony, Affidavit.Employee, TSBD.
Archer, Don RayWC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Armstrong, Andrew Jr.WC Testimony, HSC depositionDallas associate of Jack Ruby
Arnett, Charles OliverWC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Aschkenasy, ErnestHSC TestimonyExpert on accoustical evidence.
Ault, Cecil1/10/64 FBI ReportWitness at assassination scene.
Austin, AlbertFBI ReportWitness in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene.
Aycox, James ThomasWC TestimonyAcquaintance of Jack Ruby
Azcue, EusebioHSC TestimonyFormer Cuban Cosul in Mexico City
Backes, JosephARRB TestimonyAssassination researcher.
Baden, MichaelHSC TestimonyHead of the House Forensic Pathology Panel.
Baker, MarrionWC Testimony, 11/22/63 Affidavit, 8/11/64 AffidavitMember, Dallas Police Department. Witness at assassination scene.
Baker, Mrs. Donald (AKA Virgie Rachley)WC Testimony, FBI ReportEmployee, TSBD
Baker, Robert BarneyHSC depositionUnion Organizer contacted by Ruby prior to the Assassination
Baker, T. L.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Ballew, RogerFBI ReportWitness in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene.
Ballen, Samuel B.WC TestimonyAcquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas.
Barbe, Emmett Charles, Jr.AffidavitEmployee, William B. Reily Co.
Bargas, TommyWC TestimonySuperintendent, Leslie Welding Co.
Barger, James E.HSC Testimony 1, 2Accoustics expert
Barkley, MartinARRB TestimonyAssassination researcher.
Barnes, W. E.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Barnett, Welcome EugeneWC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Barnhorst, ColinWC TestimonyDesk Clerk, YMCA, in Dallas
Bashour, FouadWC TestimonyDoctor, Parkland Hospital.
Batchelder, Endicott A.Shaw preliminary hearing testimonyDirector of students' records at Tulane University
Batchelor, CharlesWC Testimony, 2, 3Assistant Chief, Dallas Police Department.
Bates, John S. Jr.HSC TestimonyFirearms expert.
Bates, Pauline VirginiaWC TestimonyPub1ic stenographer, Fort Worth.
Baxter, Charles RufusWC Testimony, ARRB TestimonyDoctor, Parkland Hospital
Beaty, Buford LeeWC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Beers, Ira Jefferson "Jack"WC TestimonyNewspaper photographer, Dallas.
Beavers, William RobertWC TestimonyPsychiatrist, Dallas
Belin, DavidARRB TestimonyWarren Commision lawyer.
Bellocchio, Frank WC TestimonyAcquaintance of Jack Ruby
Belmont, Alan H.WC TestimonyAssistant to the Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
Benavides, DomingoWC TestimonyWitness in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene.
Bennett, Glen A.Original Report, Notes taken on 11/22/63 Agent, U.S. Secret Service. Witness at assassination scene.
Benton, Joseph NelsonWC TestimonyTelevision reporter, CBS.
Betzner, Hugh William Jr.11/22/63 AffidavitWitness at the assassination scene
Biddison, JeffShaw trial testimonyLong time associate of Clay shaw
Bieberdorf, Fred A.WC TestimonyFirst aid attendant, Dallas Health Department.
Biggio, William S.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Bishop, Curtis Freeman3/19/64 FBI reportWitness at assassination scene.
Bishov, Jay11/25/63 FBI reportWitnessed Jack Ruby while in Cuba
Blalock, VanceWC TestimonyObserved Oswald in New Orleans.
Bledsoe, Mary E.WC Testimony, Affidavit.Oswald's former landlady in Dallas.
Bond, WilmaShaw Trial TestimonyWitness at the assassination scene
Bogard, Albert GuyWC TestimonyAutomobile salesman, Dallas
Boggs, Hale12/16/63 Executive session, 1/22/64 Executive sessionU.S. Congressman and Warren Commission member
Boggs, LindyARRB TestimonyWife of Warren Commission member Hale Boggs
Bookhout, James W.WC TestimonyDeputy Sheriff, Dallas County.
Boone, EugeneWC Testimony, 11/22/63 Sheriff's report #1, 11/22/63 Sheriff's report #2Deputy Sheriff, Dallas County.
Boswell, Thorton J.WC Testimony, ARRB DepositionDoctor, Bethesda Naval Hospital.
Botelho, James AnthonyWC AffidavitAcquaintance of Oswald in Marine Corps.
Bouck, Robert InmanWC TestimonyAgent, U.S. Secret Service
Boudreaux, AnneWC TestimonyAcquaintance of Oswald during his youth.
Bouhe, George A.WC TestimonyAcquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas.
Bowers, Lee E.WC Testimony, Affidavit, 11/22/63 Sheriff's reportEmployee, Union Terminal Co.
Bowley, T. F.12/2/63 AffidavitWitness in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene
Bowron, Diana HamiltonWC TestimonyNurse, Parkland Hospital
Boyd, Elmer L.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Braden, JimDepositionPerson in the vicinity of the assassination scene
Branch, John HenryWC TestimonyAcquaintance of Jack Ruby
Brauneis, RobertARRB TestimonyAssociate Professor of George Washington University Law School and an expert on the takings issue
Brehm, CharlesFBI ReportWitness at assassination scene
Brennan, Howard LeslieWC Testimony1, 2, 3, 11/22/63 Affidavit, 5/7/64 AffidavitWitness at assassination scene
Brewer, E.D.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Brewer, Johnny CalvinWC Testimony, 12/6/63 AffidavitWitness of Oswald arrest.
Brian, V. J.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Bringuier, CarlosWC TestimonyCuban attorney, now a resident of New Orleans.
Brock, Alvin R.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department
Brock, MaryAffidavit, FBI ReportWitness in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene.
Brock, RobertAffidavit, FBI ReportWitness in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene.
Brooks, Donald E.WC TestimonyEmployment counselor, Texas Employment Commission.
Brown, C. W.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Brown, Earle V.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department
Brown, Peter MegargeeAffidavitCounsel for Community Service Society, New York.
Bundy Vernon J. Jr.Shaw preliminary hearing testimonyWitness to an alleged meeting between Clay Shaw and Lee Harvey Oswald
Burcham, John W.AffidavitChief of Unemployment Insurance, Texas Employment Commission.
Burkley, George G.HSCA Affidavit, interview by William McHugh for the John F. Kennedy LibraryJFK's personal Physician.
Burns, DorisWC TestimonyEmployee, TSBD.
Burroughs, Warren H.WC TestimonyEmployee, Texas Theatre.
Burt, Jimmy EarlFBI ReportWitness in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene.
Butzman, Jonas J.Shaw trial testimonyGuarded Clay Shaw while he was in the Central Lockup
Cabell, EarleWC TestimonyMayor of Dallas. Witness at assassination scene.
Cabell, Mrs. EarleWC TestimonyWife of Mayor Cabell. Witness at assassination scene.
Cadigan, James C.WC Testimony 1, 2Questioned document expert, FBI.
Call Richard, DennisWC AffidavitAcquaintance of Oswald in the Marine Corps.
Callaway, TedWC Testimony, 11/22/63 AffidavitWitness in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene.
Camarata, Donald PeterWC AffidavitAcquaintance of Oswald in the Marine Corps.
Campbell, Ochus11/24/63 FBI reportWitness at assassination scene.
Campisi, JosephHSC testimonyDallas organized crime figure.
Canning, ThomasHSC TestimonyExpert in bullet trajectory analysis
Carlin, Bruce RayWC Testimony 1, 2Acquaintance of Jack Ruby
Carlin, Karen Bennett4/15/64 WC Testimony, 8/64 WC TestimonyAcquaintance of Jack Ruby
Carr, Richard RandolphShaw Trial TestimonyWitness at assassination scene.
Carr, WaggonerWC TestimonyAttorney general of State of Texas.
Carrico, Charles JamesWC Testimony1, 2Doctor, Parkland Hospital
Carro, JohnWC TestimonyProbation officer, New York City, 1952-54.
Carroll, Bob K.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Carswell, RobertWC Testimony1, 2Special assistant to Secretary of the Treasury.
Carter, Clifton C.AffidavitAssistant to President Johnson.
Cason, FrancesWC TestimonyTelephone clerk, Dallas Police Department.
Cason, Jack CharlesAffidavitPresident, TSBD
Caster, WarrenWC TestimonyAssistant manager, Southwestern Publishing Co., TSBD.
Castro, FidelHSC InterviewsPremier of Cuba
Champagne, DonaldHSC TestimonyFirearms expert.
Chayes, AbramWC Testimony1, 2Legal Adrift, Department of State.
Cheek, BerthaWC TestimonyAcquaintance of Jack Ruby
Chetta, Nicholas J.Shaw preliminary hearing testimonyCoroner for the Parish of Orleans
Chism, John Arthur11/22/63 Affidavit, December 18, 1963, FBI reportWitness at the assassination scene
Chism, Marvin Faye11/22/63 AffidavitWitness at the assassination scene
Church, Mrs. George B., Jr.AffidavitPassenger with Oswald on SS Marion Lykes.
Cimino, FrankFBI ReportWitness in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene.
Cimino, PeterFBI ReportBrother of Frank Cimino
Clardy, Barnard S.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Clark, Max E.WC TestimonyAcquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas.
Clark, Richard L.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Clark, RoseJanuary 10, 1964, FBI reportWitness at assassination scene.
Clark, Thomas LouisShaw Grand Jury testimonyAssociate of David Ferrie
Clark, William KempWC TestimonyDoctor, Parkland Hospital
Clements, Manning C.WC TestimonyAgent, FBI
Cobb, LloydShaw trial testimonyPresident of the International Trade Mart in New Orleans
Cole, AlwynWC Testimony 1, 2Questioned document examiner, Treasury Department.
Collins, CorrieShaw trial testimonyWitnessed Lee Oswald, Clay Shaw and David Ferrie together in Clinton Lousiana
Combest, B. H.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Connally, John Bowden.WC Testimony, HSC TestimonyGovernor of Texas.
Connally, Mrs. John BowdenWC Testimony, HSC TestimonyWife of the Governor of Texas. Witness at assassination scene.
Connick, Harry F., Sr.ARRB TestimonyDistrict Attorney of New Orleans
Connor, Peter FrancisWC AffidavitAcquaintance of Oswald in the Marine Corps.
Conway, DebraARRB TestimonyAssassination researcher.
Conway, HiramWC TestimonyFort Worth neighbour of the Oswalds in Oswald's youth.
Corporon, JohnAffidavitOfficial of New Orleans radio station.
Cooper, John Sherman12/16/63 Executive session, 1/22/64 Executive session, HSC TestimonyMember of the Warren Commission.
Couch, Malcolm O.WC TestimonyTV news cameraman, Dallas. Witness at assassination scene.
Coulter, HarrisWC TestimonyState Department interpreter.
Cowsert, Ewell William3/19/64 FBI reportWitness at assassination scene.
Cox, Roland A.WC TestimonyReserve force, Dallas Police Department.
Crafard, Curtis LaVerneWC TestimonyAcquaintance of Jack Ruby
Craig, Roger D.WC Testimony, 11/23/63 Sheriff's Report, 11/22/63 FBI report, Shaw trial testimonyWitness at assassination scene.
Crawford, James N.WC TestimonyWitness at assassination scene.
Creel, Robert J.AffidavitEmployee, Louisiana Department of Labor, New Orleans.
Crowe, William D.WC TestimonyAcquaintance of Jack Ruby.
Crowley, James D.AffidavitSpecialist in intelligence matters, Department of State.
Croy, Kenneth HudsonWC TestimonyReserve force, Dallas Police Department.
Crull, Elgin E.WC TestimonyCity Manager of Dallas
Cunningham Cortlandt C.WC Testimony1, 2, 3Firearms identification expert, FBI.
Cunningham, Helen P.WC Testimony, Affidavit Employment Counselor, Texas Employment Commission
Curole, LouisShaw trial testimonyNew Orleans Police Captain, on duty when Shaw delivered to Central lockup.
Curry, Jesse EdwardWC Testimony 1, 2, 3, 8/10/64 AffidavitChief, Dallas Police Department.
Curtis, Don TeelWC TestimonyDoctor, Parkland Hospital.
Cutchshaw, Wilbur JayWC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Daniels, John L.WC TestimonyEmployee, Dallas parking lot.
Daniels, Napoleon J.WC TestimonyFormer member, Dallas Police Department.
Davis, Barbara JeanetteWC Testimony, 11/22/63 AffidavitWitness in the vicinty of the Tippit crime scene.
Davis, Eugene C.Shaw Grand Jury testimonyNew Orleans associate of Dean Andrews
Davis, Floyd GuyWC TestimonyOperator, Sports Drome Rifle Range
Davis, George A.3/19/64 FBI reportWitness at assassination scene.
Davis, Virginia (Mrs. Charles)WC Testimony, 11/22/63 AffidavitWitness in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene.
Davis, Virginia LouiseWC TestimonyWife of Floyd Guy Davis
Day, J.C.WC Testimony 1, 5/7/64 and 6/23/64 AffidavitsLieutenant, Dallas Police Department.
Dean, Mrs. Joseph Eddie11/25/63 FBI reportWitness at assassination scene.
Dean, Patrick TrevoreWC Testimony 1, 2Member, Dallas Police Department.
Decker, J.E. (Bill)WC TestimonySheriff, Dallas County
Dedon, Mrs. BobbieShaw trial testimonyDoctor's assistant at East Louisiana State Hospital
Delgado, NelsonWC TestimonyAquaintance of Oswald in Marine Corps.
De Mohrenschildt, GeorgeWC TestimonyAquaintance of Oswalds in Texas
De Mohrenschildt, JeanneWC TestimonyAquaintance of Oswalds in Texas.
Dhority, C. N.WC Testimony, 5/12/64 AffidavitMember, Dallas Police Department.
Dietrich, Edward C.WC TestimonyGuard, Armored Motor Service.
DiEugenio, JamesARRB TestimonyAssassination researcher.
Dillard, Tom C.WC TestimonyPhotographer-Journalist, Dallas.
Dillon, C. DouglasWC TestimonySecretary of the Treasury
Dobbs, FarrellWC TestimonyInternational Secretary, Socialist Workers Party.
Dodd, Richard Calvin3/18/64 FBI reportWitness at assassination scene.
Donabedian, GeorgeWC TestimonyCaptain, U.S. Navy.
Donovan, John E.WC TestimonyAcquaintance of Oswald in the Marine Corps.
Dougherty, Jack EdwinWC Testimony, AffidavitEmployee, TSBD
Dowe, Kenneth LawryWC TestimonyAcquaintance of Jack Ruby.
Dox, IdaHSC TestimonyMedical illustrator for the House Select Committee.
Dulany, Richard B.WC TestimonyDoctor, Parkland Hospital.
Dulles, Allen W.12/16/63 Executive session, 1/22/64 Executive sessionFormer Director of the CIA and Warren Commission member
Duncan, William GlennWC TestimonyEmployee, radio station, Dallas.
Dunn, William E. Sr.Shaw trial testimonyWitness at Registration Office in Clinton Louisiana
Duran, SylviaSee Tirado, Sylvia
Dymitruk, LydiaWC TestimonyAcquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas.
Dymond, IrvinShaw trial opening arguments, closing argumentsShaw defense attorney
Dziemian, ArthurWC TestimonyWound ballistics expert, U.S. Army.
Eberhardt, A. M.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Ebersole, John H.HSCA DepositionRadiologist, Bethesda Naval Hospital.
Edisen, Adele E. U.ARRB TestimonyReports prewarned of assassination by Jose Rivera
Edwards, Robert EdwinWC Testimony, 11/22/63 AffidavitEmployee, Dallas City Courthouse. Witness at assassination scene.
Einspruch, Burton C.HSC TestimonySylvia Odio's Psyhciatrist
Elkins, Harold E.11/26/63 reportDeputy Sheriff, County of Dallas
Euins, Amos LeeWC Testimony, 11/22/63 AffidavitWitness at assassination scene.
Evans, JulianWC TestimonyHusband of Myrtle Evans.
Evans, MyrtleWC TestimonyAcquaintance of Marguerite Oswald in Oswald's youth.
Evans, Sidney, Jr.WC TestimonyResident of Ruby's apartment house.
Everard, WayneARRB TestimonyArchivist of New Orleans Public Library Record of JFK Assassination
Fain, John WytheWC TestimonyAgent, FBI.
Fatter, Esmond A.Shaw preliminary hearing testimonyFatter New Orleans Physician, Hypnotist Specialist
Faulkner, Jack11/22/63 Sheriff's reportDeputy Sheriff, County of Dallas
Feldsott, LouisAffidavitPresident, Crescent Firearms, Inc.
Fehrenbach, George WilliamWC TestimonyResident of Ashland, Oreg
Fenley, Robert GeneWC TestimonyReporter, Dallas.
Finck, Pierre A.WC Testimony, HSCA Deposition, Shaw trial testimony, ARRB DepositionDoctor, Bethesda Naval Hospital.
Fischer, Ronald B.WC Testimony, 11/22/63 AffidavitAuditor, City of Dallas. Witness at assassination scene.
Fleming, Harold J.WC TestimonyEmployee, Armored Motor Service, Inc.
Florer, Larry11/22/63 AffidavitMan who used a phone in the County Records Building after the assassination
Folsom, Allison G.WC TestimonyLt. Col., U.S. Marine Corps.
Ford, Declan P.WC TestimonyHusband of Katherine N. Ford and acquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas.
Ford, Gerald12/16/63 Executive session, 1/22/64 Executive session, HSC TestimonyWarren Commission Member.
Ford, KatherineWC TestimonyAcquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas.
Foster, J. W.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Franzen, Jack11/24/63 FBI reportWitness at the assassination scene.
Franzen, Mrs. JackNovember 25, 1963, FBI reportWitness at the assassination scene.
Frazier, Buell WesleyWC Testimony 1, 2, Affidavit, Shaw trial testimonyEmployee, TSBD and neighbour of the Paines in Irving, Tex.
Frazier, Robert A.WC Testimony, 2, 3, Shaw trial testimonyFirearms Identification Expert, FBI.
Frazier, William BennettWC TestimonyCaptain, Dallas Police Department.
Fritz, John WillWC Testimony 1, 2, AffidavitCaptain, Dallas Police Department
Fuqua, Harold R.WC TestimonyParking attendant in basement of city hall.
Gale, James H.HSC TestimonyAssistant Director in charge of the Inspection Division of the FBI.
Gallagher, John F.WC TestimonyAgent, FBI
Gangl, Theodore FrankAffidavitEmployee, Padgett Printing Corp.
Garner, Jesse J.AffidavitNeighbor of the Oswalds in New Orleans.
Garner, Mrs. Jesse J.WC Testimony, Shaw trial testimonyLandlady of Oswald in New Orleans.
Garrison, JimShaw trial opening arguments, closing summationNew Orlean District Attorney.
Gauthier, Leo J.WC TestimonyInspector, FBI
George, M. WaldoAffidavitLandlord of Oswalds in Dallas
Geraci, PhilipWC TestimonyResident of New Orleans who met Oswald.
Gibson, Mrs. DonaldWC TestimonyAcquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas
Gibson, JohnWC TestimonyWitness to Oswald arrest
Giesecke, Adolph H.WC TestimonyDoctor, Parkland Hospital
Givens, Charles DouglasWC Testimony, AffidavitEmployee, TSBD
Glover, Everett D.WC TestimonyAcquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas
Goin, Donald EdwardWC TestimonyArmored car operator
Goldstein, DavidAffidavitOwner, Dave's House of Guns
Goodson, Clyde FranklinWC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department
Graef, John G.WC TestimonyOswald's supervisor, Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall, Dallas.
Graf, Allen, D.WC AffidavitAcquaintance of Oswald in Marine Corps.
Grant, EvaWC Testimony 1, 2Sister of Jack Ruby
Graves, GeneAffidavitSecretary, Leslie Welding Co.
Graves, L. C.WC Testimony 1, 2Member, Dallas Police Department.
Gravitis, DorothyWC TestimonyAcquaintance of Mrs. Paine in Dallas.
Gray, VirginiaAffidavitEmployee, Duke University Library.
Green, DavidHSC TestimonyAccoustics expert
Greener, Charles W.WC TestimonyProprietor, Irving Sports Shop.
Greer, William RobertWC Testimony, Original ReportAgent, U.S. Secret Service
Gregory, Charles FrancisWC Tesimony 1, 2Doctor, Parkland Hospital
Gregory, Paul RoderickWC TestimonySon of Peter Paul Gregory and acquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas.
Gregory, Peter PaulWC TestimonySon of Peter Paul Gregory and acquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas.
Griffin, Burt W.HSC TestimonyAssistant Counsel for the Warren Commission
Groden, RobertHSC TestimonyAssassination researcher
Gruber, Alexander PhilipHSC depositionDallas associate of Jack Ruby
Gunn, T. JermeyARRB TestimonyWitness to the possession and use of the Zapruder film
Guinn, Vincent P.HSC TestimonyExpert on Neutron Activation Analysis
Guinyard, SamWC Testimony, AffidavitWitness in the vicinity of Tippit crime scene.
Habighorst, AloysiusShaw trial testimonyNew Orleans Police Department, Bureau of Identification
Hall, C. RayWC DepositionAgent, FBI
Hall, Elena A.WC TestimonyAcquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas.
Hall, John RaymondWC TestimonyHusband of Elena A. Hall and acquaintance of the Oswalds.
Hall, Marvin E."Bert"WC TestimonyEmployee, Armored Motor Service, Dallas.
Hallmark, Garnett ClaudWC TestimonyAcquaintance of Jack Ruby.
Hamblen, C. A.WC TestimonyEmployee, Western Union Telegraph Co.
Hamburg, EricARRB TestimonyCo-producer of the film,NIXON, Former Congressional Staff Assistant
Hankal, Robert LeonardWC TestimonyDirector, television station, Dallas.
Hansen, Timothy M., Jr.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department
Hardiman, JamesShaw trial testimonyUS Postal worker, New Orleans
Hardin, MichaelWC TestimonyCity ambulance driver.
Hargis, Bobby W.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department. Witness at assassination scene.
Harkness, D. V.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department
Harrison, William J.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department
Hart, JohnHSC TestimonyCIA employee who studied the Nosenko defection.
Hartmann, WilliamHSC TestimonyPhotography expert
Hartogs, RenatusWC TestimonyPsychiatrist, New York City.
Hathaway, Philip Ben11/22/63 AffidavitWitnessed a man carying a gun case on the day of the assassination
Hawkins, RayWC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Haygood, Clyde A.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Hayward, FrankShaw Preliminary hearing testimonyDetective in the New Orleans Police Department
Heindel, John ReneWC AffidavitAcquaintance of Oswald in Marine Corps.
Helmick, Wanda Yvonne or Wanda Sweat.WC TestimonyEmployee of Ralph Paul, an acquaintance of Jack Ruby.
Helms, RichardWC Testimony, Affidavit, HSC TestimonyDeputy Director for Plans, CIA.
Henchliffe, Margarte M.WC TestimonyNurse, Parkland Hospital
Henderson, RubyDecember 6, 1963, FBI reportWitness at assassination scene.
Henslee, Gerald DaltonWC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Herndon, Bell P.WC TestimonyPolygraph operator, FBI
Hess, JacquelineHSC TestimonyExpert in statistical analysis
Hester, Charles11/22/63 Affidavit, 11/25/63 FBI reportWitness at assassination scene.
Hester, Mrs. CharlesNovember 25, 1963, FBI reportWitness at assassination scene
Hicks, J. B.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Hicky, George W Jr.Original ReportAgent, U.S. Secret Service
Hill, Clinton J.WC Testimony, Original ReportAgent, U.S. Secret Service
Hill, Gerald LynnWC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Hill Jean LollisWC Testimony, 11/22/63 AffidavitWitness at assassination scene.
Hine, Geneva L.WC TestimonyEmployee, TSBD
Hodge, Alfred DouglasWC TestimonyOwner, Buckhorn Trading Post.
Holland, MaxARRB TestimonyAdvocate for disclosures of the Assassination Records
Holland S.M.WC Testimony, 11/22/63 AffidavitWitness at assassination scene.
Holly, Harold B., Jr.WC TestimonyReserve force, Dallas Police Department.
Holmes, Harry D.WC Testimony 1, 2U.S. Post Office inspector
Hooker, JeannetteJanuary 10, 1964, FBI reportWitness at assassination scene.
Hoover, J. EdgarWC TestimonyDirector, FBI
Hopson, Mrs. AlvinDecember 4, 1963, FBI reportWitness at assassination scene
Hosty, James Patrick Jr.WC TestimonyAgent, FBI
Howlett, John JoeWC TestimonyAgent, U.S. Secret Service.
Hudson, Emmett JWC Testimony, 11/22/63 AffidavitWitness at assassination scene.
Huffaker, Robert S.WC TestimonyEmployee of Dallas YMCA
Hulen, Richard LeroyWC TestimonyEmployee of Dallas YMCA
Hulse, C. E.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Humes, James J.WC Testimony, HSC Testimony, ARRB DepositionDoctor, Bethesda Naval Hospital.
Hunley, BobbAffidavitEmployee, Louisiana Department of Labor, New Orleans.
Hunt, Bob RHSC TestimonyPhotographic expert.
Hunt, Jackie HansenWC TestimonyDoctor, Parkland Hospital
Hunter, GertrudeWC TestimonyWitness concerning alleged encounter with Oswald.
Hutchison, Leonard EdwinWC TestimonyOwner of grocery store in Irving.
Hutson, Thomas AlexanderWC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Hutton, PatReportNurse at Parkland Hospital.
Isaacs, MartinWC TestimonyEmployee, Special Services Welfare Center, New York.
Ivon, LouisShaw trial testimonyChief Investigator, District Attorney's Office, New Orleans
Jacks HurchelStatementDriver of the Vice Presidential Limousine
Jackson, RichardShaw trial testimonyUS Post Office, New Orleans
Jackson, Robert HillWC TestimonyNews photographer, Dallas.
Jackson, TheodoreWC TestimonyAttendant at Dallas parking lot.
James, Virginia H.WC TestimonyInternational Relations Officer, 0ffice of Soviet Affairs, State Department.
Jarman, James Earl Jr.WC Testimony, AffidavitEmployee, TSBD.
Jenkins, Marion ThomasWC TestimonyDoctor, Parkland Hospital.
Jenkins, Ronald LeeWC TestimonyNews editor, radio station, Dallas.
Jimison, R. J.WC TestimonyOrderly, Parkland Hospital.
Johns Thomas L.Original ReportAgent, U.S. Secret Service
Johnson, C. W.Shaw preliminary hearing testimonyDistrict Director of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, New Orleans
Johnson, Arnold SamuelWC TestimonyDirector of Information and Lecture Bureau, Communist Party, U.S.A.
Johnson, Arthur CarlWC TestimonyOwner of roominghouse in Dallas where Oswald resided.
Johnson, Clemon Earl3/18/64 FBI reportWitness at assassination scene.
Johnson, Joseph Weldon, Jr.WC TestimonyAcquaintance of Jack Ruby
Johnson, Mrs. Arthur CarlWC TestimonyWife of A. C. Johnson
Johnson, Mrs. Lyndon B.WC StatementWife of the President of the United States.
Johnson, Lyndon B.WC StatementPresident of the United States
Johnson, MarvinWC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department
Johnson, Priscilla Mary PostWC Testimony, ARRB TestimonyNewspaper reporter who interviewed Oswald in Russia.
Johnson, SpeedyWC TestimonyAcquaintance of Jack Ruby.
Johnston, David L.WC TestimonyJustice of the peace, Dallas.
Jones, C. M.11/22/63 Sheriff's reportDeputy Sheriff, County of Dallas
Jones, Orville AubreyWC TestimonyCaptain, Dallas Police Department.
Jones, Ronald CoyWC Testimony, ARRB TestimonyDoctor, Parkland Hospital
Judge, JohnARRB TestimonyExecutive Secretary of the Coalition on Political Assassinations
Kaminsky, EileenWC TestimonyJack Ruby's sister
Kaiser, FrankieWC TestimonyEmployee, TSBD.
Kantor, SethWC TestimonyReporter.
Katzenbach, NicholasHSC TestimonyUnited States Attorney General
Kaufman, Stanley M.WC TestimonyAcquaintance of Jack Ruby
Kellerman, Roy S.WC Testimony, Original ReportAgent, U.S. Secret Service.
Kelley, Thomas J.WC Testimony1, 2, HSC TestimonyInspector, U.S. Secret Service.
Kelly, EdwardWC TestimonyPorter, Dallas City Hall
Kelly, WilliamARRB TestimonyCo-Founder of the Committee for an open archives
Kemp, Mrs. MaxineShaw trial testimonySecretary, Personnel Office at East Louisiana State Hospital
Kennedy, JacquelineWC TestimonyWidow of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
Kennedy, RegisShaw trial testimonyFBI agent, New Orleans
Kenny, James J.Shaw preliminary hearing testimonyAgency Manager of Equitable Assurance
Killion, Charles L.AffidavitFirearms identification expert, FBI.
King, Glen D.WC TestimonyCaptain, Dallas Police Department.
Kinneth, FrancisFBI ReportWitness in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene
Kinney, Samuel A.Original ReportAgent, U.S. Secret Service.
Kirk, CecilHSC Testimony 1, 2, 3Director Mobile Crime Laboratory, Metropolitan Police Dept., Washington, D.C.
Kivett, Jerry D.Original ReportAgent, U.S. Secret Service.
Klause, Robert G.WC TestimonyPrinter of handbill attacking President Kennedy
Kleinman, AbrahamWC TestimonyAcquaintance of Jack Ruby
Kleinlerer, AlexanderAffidavitAcquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas.
Kline, WilliamAffidavitAgent, U.S. Customs
Knight, Frances G.WC TestimonyDirector, Passport Office, Department of State.
Knudsen, Robert L.HSCA DepositionWhite House photographer.
Kommer, RexShaw trial testimonyMeteorologist, US Weather Bureau
Kounas, Dolores11/25/63 FBI reportWitness at assassination scene.
Kramer, MonicaAffidavitTourist in Minsk in 1961
Kravitz, Herbert B.WC TestimonyAcquaintance of Jack Ruby
Kriss, Harry M.WC TestimonyReserve force, Dallas Police Department.
Krystinik, Raymond FranklinWC TestimonyFellow employee of Michael R. Paine in Texas
Kurtz, Michael L.ARRB TestimonyHistory Professor, Author of CRIME OF THE CENTURY
Landis, Paul E. JrOriginal ReportAgent, U.S. Secret Service.
Lane, Doyle E.WC TestimonyClerk, Western Union Telegraph Co.
Lane, MarkWC Testimony 1, 2Lawyer, author of PLAUSIBLE DENIAL, RUSH TO JUDGMENT
Latona, Sebastian F.WC TestimonyFingerprint expert, FBI
Lawrence, John Stevens Rutter11/22/63 AffidavitWitness to a man with a rifle.
Lawrence, Patricia Ann11/24/63 FBI reportWitness at assassination scene.
Lawrence, Perdue WilliamWC TestimonyCaptain, Dallas Police Department.
Lawson, Winston G.WC Testimony, Original ReportAgent, U.S. Secret Service.
Leavelle, James R.WC Testimony 1, 2Member, Dallas Police Department.
LeBlanc, Charles JosephWC TestimonyMaintenance man, William B. Reily Co.
Lee, Ivan D.AffidavitAgent, FBI
Lee, Vincent T.WC Testimony, AffidavitOfficial, Fair Play for Cuba Committee.
Lehrer, JamesWC TestimonyReporter, Dallas.
Lesar, JamesARRB Testimony 1, 2Lawyer, Washington, DC
Leslie HelenWC TestimonyMember of Russian-speaking community in Dallas.
Levey, Julian L.Shaw preliminary hearing testimonyNew Orleans Official Court Reporter
Levine, LowellHSC TestimonyForensic dentist
Lewis, Aubrey LeeWC TestimonyEmployee, Western Union Telegraph Co.
Lewis, Clinton11/22/63 Sheriff's reportDeputy Sheriff, Dallas County.
Lewis, C. L. "Lummie"11/23/63 Sheriff's reportDeputy Sheriff, Dallas County.
Lewis, Erwin DonaldWC AffidavitAcquaintance of Oswald in Marine Corps.
Lewis, L.J.Affidavit, FBI ReportWitness in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene
Lidin, Harold JeromeShaw preliminary hearing testimonyNews Director WVUE
Liebeler, WesleyHSC Testimony, ARRB TestimonyWarren Commission lawyer
Lifton, DavidARRB TestimonyAssassination researcher
Light, Frederick W. Jr.WC TestimonyWound ballistics expert, U.S. Army.
Link, RobertShaw trial testimonyAttorney and Notary Public Parish of Orleans
Litchfield, Wilbyrn Waldon (Robert), IIWC TestimonyAcquaintance of Ruby
Livingstone, HarrisonARRB TestimonyAssassination researcher.
Logan, DavidTelephone convesation with James AlcockDiscusses attendees of a party
Lord, Billy JoeAffidavitPassenger with Oswald on SS Marion Lykes.
Lowery, Roy LeeWC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department
Lovelady, Billy NolanWC TestimonyEmployee, TSBD.
Lujan, Daniel GutierrezWC TestimonyAppeared in lineup with Oswald.
Lutz, MontyHSC TestimonyFirearms expert.
Lux, J. PhilipAffidavitEmployee, H. L. Green Co
Mabra, W. W.11/27/63 ReportDallas County Sheriff Deputy
Mack, GaryARRB TestimonyAssassination researcher.
Macphearson, DuncanInterview by Joel GrantBallistics Expert
Malley, James R.Affidavit, HSC TestimonyInspector, FBI
Mallory, KatherineAffidavitTourist in Minsk in 1961
Mamantov, Ilya A.WC TestimonyMember of Russian-speaking community in Dallas.
Manchester, JohnShaw trial testimonyTown Marshal, Clinton, Louisiana
Mandella, ArthurWC TestimonyFingerprint expert, New York City Police Department.
Marcus, Jack12/2/63 FBI reportAttorney, acquaintance of Jack Ruby
Markham, HelenWC Testimony 1, 2, 3Witness in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene.
Marrs, JimARRB TestimonyAssassination researcher.
Martello, Francis L.WC Testimony, AffidavitLieutenant, New Orleans Police Department.
Martin, Billy JoeWC Testimony, Shaw trial testimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Martin, Dwight W.Shaw preliminary hearing testimonyWDSU employee
Martin, Frank M.WC TestimonyCaptain, Dallas Police Department.
Martin, James HerbertWC TestimonyFormer business manager for Mrs. Lee Harvey Oswald.
Matthews, Russel DouglasHSC depositionEx-bar owner in Cuba
Maxey, Billy JoeWC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Mayo, Logan W.WC TestimonyReserve force, Dallas Police Department.
McBride, Palmer E.11/26/63 FBI interviewAcquaintance of Lee Harvey Oswald.
McCaghren, PaulHSC TestimonyFormer lieutenant of the Dallas Police Department
McCamy, Calvin S.HSC Testimony, 2, 3, 4Photographic expert
McCarthy, ElizabethShaw trial testimonyHandwriting expert
McClelland, Robert NelsonWC Testimony, ARRB TestimonyDoctor, Parkland Hospital.
McCloy, John J.12/16/63 Executive session, HSC TestimonyWarren Commission member
McCone, John A.WC TestimonyDirector, Central Intelligence Agency.
McCullough John G.WC TestimonyReporter, Philadelphia.
McCurdy, Danny PatrickWC TestimonyAcquaintance of Jack Ruby
McCurley, A.D.11/22/63 Sheriff's reportDallas Deputy Sheriff
McDonald, M. N.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
McFarland, John BryanAffidavitPassenger on bus with Oswald to Mexico City in 1963.
McFarland, MerylAffidavitPassenger on bus with Oswald to Mexico City in 1963.
McGehee, Edwin LeaShaw trial testimonyBarber - Jackson, Louisiana
McIntyre, William T.Original ReportAgent, U.S. Secret Service.
McKeown, Robert RayHSC testimonyDallas Associate of Jack Ruby
McKinzie, LouisWC TestimonyPorter, Dallas City Hall
McLain, H. B.HSC TestimonyMember of Dallas Police Department,Witness at assassination scene
McLaughlin JohnARRB TestimonyAKA John Bevilaqua, assassination researcher
McNally, JosephHSC Testimony 1, 2Handwriting expert
McMillon, Thomas DonaldWC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
McVickar, John A.WC Testimony1, 2Foreign Service officer stationed at American Embassy in Soviet Union in 1959-61.
McWatters, Cecil J.WC TestimonyBusdriver, Dallas.
McWillie, LewisHSC Testimony, 11/27/63 FBI reportRuby associate with purported mob ties.
Melanson, PhilipARRB TestimonyAuthor, SPY SAGA
Meller, Anna N.WC TestimonyAcquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas.
Mercer, Julia Ann11/22/63 AffidavitDallas Resident
Meros ThomasARRB TestimonyDallas visit May 1992 with Dee McCarell
Meyers, Lawrence V.WC Testimmony, HSC depositionAssociate of Jack Ruby
Michaelis, Heinz W.WC TestimonyManager, Seaport Traders, Inc.
Milam, WallaceARRB TestimonyAssassination Researcher
Miller, Austin L.WC Testimony, 11/22/63 AffidavitWitness at assassination scene.
Miller, Dave L.WC TestimonyAcquaintance of Jack Ruby
Miller, Louis D.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department
Miller, Page PutnamARRB TestimonyNational Coordinating Committee for the Promotion of History in Washington
Millican, A. J.11/22/63 AffidavitWitness at assassination scene.
Mirabal Diaz, AlfredoHSC TestimonyCuban Consul Mexico City
Mitchell, Mary AnneWC TestimonyWitness at assassination scene
Molina, Joe R.WC TestimonyEmployee, TSBD
Montgomery, L. D.WC Testimony 1, 2Member, Dallas Police Department.
Mooney, LukeWC Testimony, 11/23/63 Sheriff's reportDeputy Sheriff, Dallas County.
Mooneyham, LillianJanuary 10, 1964, FBI reportWitness at assassination scene.
Moore, Goldie NaomieShaw trial testimonyClay Shaw's secretary
Moore, Henry M.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Moore, Russell Lee (Knight)WC TestimonyAcquaintance of Jack Ruby
Moore, T. E.1/10/64 FBI reportWitness at assassination scene.
Moorman, Mary Ann11/22/63 Affidavit, 11/23/63 FBI report, Shaw trial testimony Witness at assassination scene
Morgan, ReevesShaw trial testimonyTestified that Lee Oswald came to his home near Jackson Louisiana in 1963
Mumford, PamelaWC TestimonyPassenger on bus with Oswald to Mexico City in 1963
Murphy, Joe E.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Murphy, Paul EdwardWC AffidavitAcquaintance of Oswald in Marine Corps.
Murphy, Thomas J.3/20/64 FBI reportWitness at assassination scene.
Murrah, DavidARRB TestimonyDirector of the Southeast Collection at Texas Tech University
Murray, David Christie Jr.WC AffidavitAcquaintance of Oswald in Marine Corps.
Murret, Charles D. (Dutz)WC TestimonyUncle of Lee Harvey Oswald, New Orleans.
Murret, John, M. (Boogie)WC TestimonyCousin of Lee Harvey Oswald.
Murret, LillianWC Testimony, Affidavitaunt of LHO.
Murret, Marilyn DorotheaWC TestimonyCousin of LHO.
Naman, RitaAffidavitTourist in Minsk in 1961
Nelson, Doris MaeWC TestimonyNurse, Parkland Hospital.
Newman, Gayle11/22/63 Affidavit, 11/24/63 FBI report, Shaw trial testimonywitness at the assassination scene.
Newman, Jean11/22/63 Affidavit, 11/24/63 FBI reportwitness at the assassination scene.
Newman, JohnARRB TestimonyMember of COPA
Newman, William Eugene11/22/63 Affidavit, 11/24/63 FBI report, Shaw trial testimonywitness at the assassination scene.
Newman, William J.WC TestimonyReserve force, Dallas Police Department.
Newnam, John WilkinsWC TestimonyAdvertising department employee, Dallas newspaper.
Newquist, Andrew M.HSC TestimonyFirearms expert.
Nichols, Alice ReavesWC TestimonyAcquaintance of Jack Ruby.
Nichols, H. LouisWC TestimonyFormer president, Dallas bar association.
Nichols, JohnShaw trial testimonyPhysician, Pathology
Nicol, Joseph D.WC TestimonyFirearms identification expert, Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation, Illinois Department of Public Safety.
Norman, HaroldWC Testimony, 12/4/63 AffidavitEmployee, TSBD
Norton, Robert L.WC TestimonyAcquaintance of Jack Ruby
O'Brien, Lawrence F.WC TestimonyAssistant to President Kennedy
O'Donnell, EdwardShaw trial testimonyPolice Officer, Lieutenant, Assistant Commanding Officer, Homicide Division, New Orleans Police Department
O'Donnell, Kenneth P.WC TestimonySpecial Assistant to President Kennedy
O'Sullivan, Frederick S.WC TestimonyAcquaintance of Oswald at Beauregard Junior High School, New Orleans
Odell, J.G.11/23/63 Sheriffs reportEyewitness of Lee Oswald on a bus just after the assassination.
Odio SylviaWC TestimonyFormer citizen of Cuba now residing in Dallas.
Odum, Bardwell D.AffidavidAgent, FBI
Ofstein, Dennis HymanWC TestimonyEmployee, Jaggers-Chiles-Stovall, Dallas.
Olds, Gregory LeeWC TestimonyPresident, Dallas Chapter, American Civil Liberties Union.
Oliver Massegee, BeverlyARRB Testimony
Oliver, Revilo PendletonWC TestimonyMember of the council of the John Birch Society.
Olivier, Alfred G.WC Testimony, Excerpts from Rockefeller Commission testimonyWound ballistics expert, U. S. Army.
Olsen, Harry N.WC TestimonyFormer member, Dallas Police Department.
Olsen, Kay HelenWC TestimonyAcquaintance of Jack Ruby.
Orth, HerbertShaw trial testimonyLife Employee who prepared slides from the Zapruder film
Osborn, SteveARRB Testimony
Osborne, MackWC AffidavitAcquaintance of Oswald in Marine Corps.
Oser, AlvinShaw trial closing arguments, Rebuttal argumentsProsecutor in the Clay Shaw case
Oswald, MargueriteWC Testimony 1, 2, 3, 4, 5Mother of Lee Harvey Oswald
Oswald (Porter), MarinaWC Testimony1, 2, HSC Testimony 1, 2, 3, HSCA Depositions, Shaw trial testimonyWidow of Lee Harvey Oswald
Oswald, Robert Edward LeeWC TestimonyBrother of Lee Harvey Oswald.
Owens, Calvin BudWC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Owens, Ernest11/22/63 Affidavitwitnessed a man with a rifle on 11/21/63.
Oxford. J. L.11/23/63 ReportDallas County Sheriff Deputy
Paine, Michael RalphWC Testimony 1, 2, 3Acquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas.
Paine, Ruth HydeWC Testimony 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Affidavit, Shaw trial testimonyWife of Michael R. Paine and acquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas.
Palmer, Henry EarlShaw trial testimonyWitnessed Clay Shaw, David Ferrie, and Lee Oswald together in Clinton Louisiana
Palmer, Thomas StewartWC TestimonyAcquaintance of Jack Ruby.
Panitz, Meyer R.1/14/64 FBI report
Panzeca, SalvatoreShaw trial testimonyClay Shaw defense attorney
Papale, Antonio EdwardShaw preliminary hearing testimonyDean of the Law School of Loyola University
Pappas, Icarus M.WC TestimonyReporter, radio station, New York City.
Patrick, LeonardHSC depositionAssociate of Jack Ruby
Patterson, B.M.Affidavit, FBI ReportWitness in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene.
Patterson, Bobby G.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Patterson, Robert CarlWC TestimonyAcquaintance of Jack Ruby
Paul, RalphWC TestimonyAcquaintance of Jack Ruby
Pena, OrestWC TestimonyOwner, Habana Bar, New Orleans.
Pena, RupertoWC TestimonyBrother of Orest Pena
Perkins, John N.Shaw trial testimonyPolice Officer, Central Lockup, B of I Division, New Orleans Police Department
Perry, Malcolm OliverWC Testimony 1, 2, ARRB TestimonyDoctor, Parkland Hospital.
Perry, W. E.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Peterman, ViolaWC TestimonyNeighbor of Oswald family in New Orleans.
Peters, Paul ConradWC Testimony, ARRB TestimonyDoctor, Parkland Hospital
Peterson, Joseph AlexanderWC TestimonyAcquaintance of Jack Ruby
Petty, Charles S.HSC TestimonyForensic pathologists serving on the select committee autopsy panel
Phelan, JamesShaw trial testimonyFreelance writer
Phenix, George R.WC TestimonyTelevision cameraman and reporter, Dallas.
Pic, Edward John Jr.WC Testimony, AffidavitFirst husband of Marguerite Oswald.
Pic, John EdwardWC TestimonyHalf brother of Lee Harvey Oswald.
Pierce, Edward E.WC TestimonyEmployee, Dallas City Hall.
Pierce, Rio S.WC Testimony 1, 2Lieutenant, Dallas Police Department.
Pinkston, Nat A.WC TestimonyEmployee, TSBD.
Piper, EddieWC Testimony1, 2, 11/23/63 AffidavitEmployee, TSBD.
Pitts, ElnoraWC TestimonyAcquaintance of Jack Ruby
Pizzo, FrankWC TestimonyAssistant manager of auto agency, Dallas.
Player, Charles Polk 11/22/63 Sheriff's reportDeputy Sheriff, County of Dallas
Poe, J. M.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Postal, JuliaWC TestimonyCashier, Texas Theatre.
Potter, Nolan H.3/19/64 FBI reportWitness at assassination scene.
Potts, Walter E.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Powell, Nancy M. (a.k.a. Tammie True)WC TestimonyAcquaintance of Jack Ruby.
Powers, Daniel PatrickWC DepositionAcquaintance of Oswald in Marine Corps.
Powers, David F.AffidavitAssistant to President Kennedy.
Price, Charles JackWC TestimonyAdministrator, Parkland Hospital.
Price, J. C.11/22/63 AffidavitWitness at the assassination scene.
Price, Malcolm H., Jr.WC TestimonyPatron, Sports Drome Rifle Range.
Priddy, Hal, Jr.WC TestimonyRelief dispatcher, O'Neil Funeral Home in Dallas.
Pryor, Roy A.WC TestimonyAcquaintance of Jack Ruby
Pugh, OranAffidavitAgent, U.S. Customs
Pullman, Edward J.WC TestimonyAcquaintance of Jack Ruby
Putnam, James A.WC Testimony 1, 2Member, Dallas Police Department.
Quigley, John LesterWC TestimonyAgent, FBI.
Rachal, John R.AffidavitEmployee, Louisiana Department of Labor, New Orleans.
Rachley, VirgieSee Baker, Mrs. Donald.
Rackley, George W. Sr.WC TestimonyEmployee, Coordinated RR. Co.
Raigorodsky, Paul M.WC TestimonyMember of Russian-speaking community in Dallas.
Randle, Linnie MaeWC Testimony, 11/23/63 FBI reportBuell Wesley Frazier's sister and neighbour of Ruth Paine.
Rankin, Lee J.12/16/63 Executive session, 1/22/64 Executive session, HSC Testimony, HSC Excutive Session Testimony, ARRB TestimonyWarren Commission General Counsel
Ray, Natalie.WC TestimonyAcquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas.
Ray, Thomas M.WC TestimonyHusband of Natalie Ray and acquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas.
Ray, ValentinaWC TestimonyAcquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas.
Rea, Billy AndrewWC TestimonyAdvertising staff, Dallas newspaper.
Ready, John D.Original Report
Rector, Clarence A.11/30/63 FBI report
Redlich, Dean NormanHSC TestimonyWarren Commission Staff Member
Reeves, HueyWC TestimonyAcquaintance of Jack Ruby.
Reid, RobertJanuary 10, 1964, FBI reportWitness at assassination scene.
Reid, Mrs. Robert A.WC TestimonyEmployee, TSBD.
Reilly, Frank E.WC TestimonyWitness at assassination scene.
Reilly, John F.Shaw preliminary hearing testimonyPolice Officer, Central Lockup, B of I Division, New Orleans Police Department
Revill, JackWC Testimony 1, 2, HSC TestimonyLieutenant, Dallas Police Department.
Reynolds, JohnieFBI Report
Reynolds, Warren AllenWC Testimony, 1/22/64 FBI ReportWitness in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene.
Rheinstein, FredericWC TestimonyProducer-director, NBC
Rich, Joe HenryStatementDriver of the Vice-Presidential Limousine
Rich, Nancy PerrinWC TestimonyAcquaintance of Jack Ruby.
Richey, Marjorie R.WC TestimonyAcquaintance of Jack Ruby.
Richey, Warren E.WC TestimonyTV engineer, Fort Worth
Riebe, FloydARRB Deposition
Riggs, AlfreadiaWC TestimonyPorter, City Hall
Riggs, Chester Allen, Jr.AffidavitLandlord of the Oswalds in Fort Worth.
Ritchie, James L.WC TestimonyPassport Officer, Department of State.
Roberts, EarleneWC TestimonyHousekeeper at Oswald's roominghouse in Dallas.
Roberts, Emory P.Original Report
Robertson, Mary JaneWC TestimonyEmployee, Dallas Police Department.
Robertson, Victor F.WC TestimonyReporter, Dallas.
Rodriguez, EvaristoWC TestimonyBartender at Habana Bar, New Orleans.
Rogers, EricWC TestimonyNeighbor of the Oswalds in New Orleans.
Rolland, Rowland CharlesShaw trial testimonyPresident of Winterland Ice Skating Rink
Romack, JamesWC TestimonyWitness at assassination scene.
Rose, Guy F.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Ross, Henrietta M.WC TestimonyTechnician, Parkland Hospital.
Roussel, Henry J.WC AffidavitAcquaintance of Oswald in Marine Corps.
Rossi, JosephWC TestimonyAcquaintance of Jack Ruby.
Rowland, Arnold LouisWC Testimony, 11/22/63 AffidavitWitness at assassination scene.
Rowland, Barbara WalkerWC Testimony, 11/22/63 AffidavitWitness at assassination scene.
Rowley, James J.WC Testimony, HSC TestimonyChief, U.S. Secret Service.
Rubenstein, HymanWC TestimonyBrother of Jack Ruby
Ruby, EarlWC Testimony, HSC TestimonyBrother of Jack Ruby
Ruby, JackWC Testimony 1, 2Convicted slayer of Oswald.
Ruby, SamWC TestimonyBrother of Jack Ruby
Rusk, DeanWC TestimonySecretary of State.
Russell, DickARRB Testimony
Russell, Richard12/16/63 Executive sessionU.S. Senator and member of the Warren Commission
Russell, HaroldAffidavit, 1/22/64 FBI ReportWitness in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene.
Russo, Perry RaymondShaw Grand Jury testimony 1, 2, Shaw preliminary hearing testimony 1, 2, 3, 4, Shaw trial testimony 1, 2, Transcript of Jim Kemp interviewWitness to alleged meeting between Clay Shaw, David Ferrie, and Lee Harvey Oswald
Ryan, JosephShaw trial testimonyDirector, Office of Personnel, New Orleans Post Office
Ryder, Dial DuaneWC Testimony, 2Employee, Irving Sports Shop.
Salerno RalphHSC TestimonyExpert on the mob
Salyer, Kenneth EverettWC TestimonyDoctor, Parkland Hospital.
Sanders, CharlesARRB Testimony
Sanders, Pauline E.11/24/63 FBI reportWitness at assassination scene.
Saunders, Richard L.WC TestimonyWitness at the assassination scene.
Sawyer, J. HerbertWC TestimonyInspector, Dallas Police Department.
Sawyer, MildredWC TestimonyNeighbor and acquaintance of Oswald as a youth in New Orleans.
Schaeffer, RoyARRB Testimony
Schmidt, Hunter Jr.WC TestimonyCity editor, Dallas.
Schmidt, VolkmarInterview by KellyAquaintance of Oswald
Schuster, PeterShaw preliminary hearing testimony, Shaw trial testimonyPhotography expert
Scoggins, William W.WC TestimonyWitness in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene.
Scott, Peter DaleARRB TestimonyAssassination researcher.
Scibor, Mitchell J.WC TestimonyEmployee, Klein's Sports Goods.
Sedgebeer, Fenner O.Shaw Grand Jury testimonyInvestigator for New Orlean DA
Seely, Carroll Hamilton Jr.WC TestimonyAssistant Chief, Legal Division, Passport Office, Department of State.
Semingsen, W. W.WC TestimonyEmployee, Western Union Telegraph Co.
Senator, GeorgeWC TestimonyRoommate of Jack Ruby
Servance, John OlridgeWC TestimonyHead porter, City Hall and Municipal Building.
Shackelford, MartinARRB TestimonyAssassination researcher.
Shaneyfelt, Lyndal L.WC Testimony 1, 2, Shaw trial testimonyPhotography expert, FBI
Shasteen, Clifton M.WC TestimonyOwner of barbershop in Irving, Tex.
Shaw, ClayShaw trial testimonyTried and acquitted as a conspirator in the assassination of JFK
Shaw, Robert RoederWC Testimony 1, 2Doctor, Parkland Hospital.
Shelley, William H.WC Testimony 1, 2Employee, TSBD
Shields, EdwardWC TestimonyEmployee, TSBD.
Shires, George T.WC TestimonyDoctor, Parkland Hospital.
Siegel, Evelyn Grace StrickmanWC TestimonySocial worker, New York City.
Simmons, James3/19/64 FBI report, Shaw trial testimonyWitness at assassination scene.
Simmons, RonaldWC TestimonyWeapons evaluation expert, U.S. Army Weapons System Division.
Simon, ArtARRB Testimony
Sims, Richard M.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Sitzman, MarilynInterview with Josiah ThompsonWitness at assassination scene
Skelton, Royce G.WC Testimony, 11/22/63 AffidavitWitness at assassination scene.
Slack, Garland Glenwill11/22/63 AffidavitPatron, Sports Drome Rifle Range.
Slack, Willie B.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Slaughter, Malcolm R.WC TestimonyResident in Jack Ruby's apartment building.
Slawson, W. DavidHSC TestimonyWarren Commission Assistant Counsel
Smart, Vernon S.WC TestimonyLieutenant, Dallas Police Department.
Smith, BennieritaWC TestimonyAcquaintance of Oswald at Beauregard Junior High School in New Orleans.
Smith, Edgar Leon Jr.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Smith, Glenn EmmettWC TestimonyService station attendant in Dallas.
Smith, Hilda L.AffidavitEmployee, Louisiana Department of Labor, New Orleans.
Smith, Joe MarshallWC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Smith, John AllisonWC TestimonyTV technician, Fort Worth.
Smith, KennethARRB Testimony
Smith, L.C.Sheriff's reportmember Dalls County Sheriff's Department
Smith, William ArthurWC Testimony, FBI ReportWitness in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene.
Snow, Clyde CollinsHSC Testimony
Snyder, Richard EdwardWC TestimonyForeign Service officer, stationed in the Embassy in the Soviet Union, 1959-61.
Solomon, James MauriceWC TestimonyCaptain, Dallas Police Department.
Solon, John J.January 6, 1964, FBI reportWitness at assassination scene
Sorrels, Forrest V.WC Testimony 1, 2, affidavitAgent, U.S. Secret Service.
Specter, ArlenHSC TestimonyWarren Commission Counsel
Spencer, SaundraARRB Deposition
Springer, PearlDecember 5, 1963, FBI reportWitness at assassination scene
Standridge, Ruth JeanetteWC TestimonyHead nurse of operating rooms, Parkland Hospital.
Standifer, Roy E.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Staples, Albert F.AffidavitDentist at Baylor University College of Dentistry.
Stass, Frank JosephShaw preliminary hearing testimonyRegistrar, Loyola University
Statman, IrvingWC TestimonyAssistant District Director of Dallas District, Texas Employment Commission.
Steele, Charles Hall, Jr.WC TestimonyResident of New Orleans who assisted Oswald in distribution of handbills.
Steele, Charles Hall, Sr.WC TestimonyFather of Charles Hall Steele, Jr.
Steele, Don FrancisWC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Stevenson, M. W.WC Testimony 1, 2Deputy Chief, Dallas Police Department.
Stombaugh, Paul MorganWC TestimonyHair and fiber expert, FBI.
Stovall, Richard S.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Stovall, Robert L.WC TestimonyPresident, Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall, Dallas, Tex.
Strehly, Harold11/27/63 ReportDallas County Sheriff Deputy
Stringer, John T.ARRB Deposition
Strong, Jesse M.WC TestimonyEmployee, Western Union Telegraph Co.
Stuckey, William KirkWC TestimonyRadio program director, New Orleans.
Studebaker, Robert LeeWC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Sturdivan, LarryHSC Testimony
Summers, Malcolm11/22/63 Affidavit
Surrey, Robert AlanWC TestimonyPublisher of handbill attacking President Kennedy.
Sutherland, LawrenceARRB Testimony
Sweatt, Allan11/23/63 reportChief Criminal Deputy, Dallas County Sheriff
Tadin, NicholasShaw trial testimonyClaimed to have seen Clay Shaw and David Ferrie together at the New Orleans Airport in 1964.
Tadin, MatildaShaw trial testimonyClaimed to have seen Clay Shaw and David Ferrie together at the New Orleans Airport in 1964.
Tague , James ThomasWC TestimonyWitness at assassination scene.
Talbert Cecil E.WC Testimony 1, 2Captain, Dallas Police Department.
Tanenbaum, RobertARRB Testimony
Tasker, Harry T.WC TestimonyTaxicab driver in Dallas
Tatro, EdgarARRB Testimony
Tatum, Jack RayHSC InterviewWitness in the vicinity of the Tippit shooting
Taylor, Gary E.WC Testimony 1, 8/4/64 AffidavitAcquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas.
Taylor, Warren W.Original Report
TenBrink, PhilipARRB Testimony
Thompson, JosiahARRB Testimony
Thompson, Llewellyn E.WC TestimonyFormer U.S. Ambassador to Russia.
Thornley, Kerry WendellWC TestimonyAcquaintance of Oswald in Marines.
Tice, Wilma MayWC TestimonyResident of Dallas
Tirado, SilviaHSC Testimony
Tilley SteveARRB Testimony 1, 2, 3
Tobias, Mahlon F., Sr.WC TestimonyManager of apartment house where the Oswalds resided, Dallas.
Tobias, Mrs. Mahlon F.WC TestimonyWife of M. F. Tobias, Sr.
Todd, James RobertHSC depositionAssociate of Jack Ruby
Todd, L. C.11/27/63 ReportDallas County Sheriff Deputy
Tomlinson, Darrell C.WC TestimonySenior engineer, Parkland Hospital.
Tormey, James J.WC TestimonyExecutive secretary, Hall-Davis Defense Commission.
Trafficante, SantosHSC Testimony
Trask, RichardARRB Testimony 1, 2
Truly, Roy SansomWC Testimony1, 2, AffidavitSuperintendent, TSBD.
Turner, F. M.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Turner, JimmyWC TestimonyTV director, Fort Worth
Twiford, EstelleAffidavitWife of Horace Elroy Twiford
Twiford, Horace ElroyAffidavitMember, Socialist Labor Party, Houston, Tex.
Tyler, StephenARRB Testimony
Underwood, James RobertWC TestimonyAssistant news director TV and radio, Dallas.
Vaughn, Roy EugeneWC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Verb, HalARRB Testimony
Verdacia, JoseHSC Testimony
Vernon, RobertARRB Testimony
Vinson, Phillip EugeneWC TestimonyReporter, Fort Worth.
Voebel, EdwardWC TestimonyAcquaintance of Oswald in Beauregard Junior High School, New Orleans.
Voshinin, Igor VladimirWC TestimonyMember of Russian-speaking community in Dallas.
Voshinin, Mrs. Igor VladimirWC TestimonyAcquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas.
Wade, HenryWC TestimonyDistrict attorney, Dallas County.
Waldman, William J.WC TestimonyVice President, Klein's Sporting Goods, Inc.
Waldo, Thayer WC TestimonyReporter, Forth Worth.
Walker, C. T.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Walker, Edwin A.WC TestimonyResident of Dallas and object of shooting in April 1963.
Walker, Ira N., Jr.WC TestimonyBroadcast technician, Fort Worth.
Wall, Breck (a.k.a. Billy Ray Wilson)WC TestimonyAcquaintance of Ruby
Walters Ralph11/23/63 Sheriff's reportDeputy Sheriff, County of Dallas
Walther, CarolynDecember 5, 1963, FBI reportWitness at assassination scene
Walthers, Eddy Raymond (Buddy)WC Testimony, Sheriff's reportDeputy sheriff, Dallas County.
Walton, Elizabeth CarolynShaw trial testimonyWitness at assassination scene
Warner, Roger C.AffidavitAgent, U.S. Secret Service
Waren, Earl12/16/63 Executive sessionChairman of the Presidential Commission to Investigate
the Asassination of President Kennedy
Waterman, BerniceWC TestimonyAdjudicator, Passport Office, Department of State.
Watherwax, Arthur WilliamWC TestimonyPrinter, Dallas newspaper.
Watson, James C.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
Watson, RadioSheriff's reportMember Dalls County Sheriff's Department
Watts, Clyde J.WC TestimonyAttorney representing Maj. Gen. Edwin A. Walker
Weatherford, Harry11/23/63 Sheriff's reportDeputy Sheriff, County of Dallas
Weatherly, DarylARRB TestimonyAssassination researcher
Wecht, Cyril H.HSC TestimonyDissenting member of the House Forensic Pathology Panel
Wegmann, Cynthia AnneARRB TestimonyDaughter of Edward Wegmann
Wegmann, Edward F.Shaw trial testimony Attorney working for Clay Shaw
Weiner, Irwin SigneyHSC depositionAssociate of Jack Ruby
Weinstock, LouisAffidavitGeneral manager, the Worker.
Weiss, MarkHSC TestimonyAccoustic expert.
Weissman, Bernard WilliamWC Testimony 1, 2Codraftsman and signer of November 22, 1963, full-page advertisement.
Weitzman, MosesARRB TestimonyPhotographic expert who has worked with the Zapruder film.
Weitzman, SeymourWC TestimonyDeputy constable, Dallas County.
West, Troy EugeneWC TestimonyEmployee, TSBD.
Westbrook, W. R.WC TestimonyCaptain, Dallas Police Department.
Wester, Jane CarolynWC TestimonyNurse, Parkland Hospital.
Whalen, Edward JamesGarrison Report onAssociate of David Ferrie
Whaley, William WayneWC Testimony 1, 2, 3Taxicab driver in Dallas.
White, J.C.WC TestimonyMember, Dallas Police Department.
White, Jack D.HSC TestimonyAssassination researcer.
White, Martin G.WC TestimonyDoctor, Parkland Hospital.
Whitworth, EdithWC TestimonyManager, used furniture store, Irving, Tex.
Wiggins, WoodrowWC TestimonyLieutenant, Dallas Police Department.
Wilcott, James B. HSCA Executive session testimonyFormer CIA Employee.
Wilcox, Laurance R.WC TestimonyDistrict manager, Western Union Telegraph Co.
Williams, Bonnie RayWC TestimonyEmployee, TSBD.
Willens, Howard P.HSC Testimony, HSC Executive Session TestimonyWarren Commission Staff Member
Willis, Linda KayWC TestimonyDaughter of Phillip L. Willis.
Willis, Mrs. PhillipShaw trial testimonyWitness at assassination scene
Willis, Phillip L.WC Testimony, Shaw trial testimonyWitness at assassination scene
Wilson, Steven F.January 9, 1964, FBI reportWitness at assassination scene
Wilson, ThomasARRB TestimonyAssassination researcher.
Winborn, Walter Luke3/10/64 FBI reportWitness at assassination scene.
Wiseman, John11/23/63 ReportDeputy Sheriff, Dallas County
Witt, Louie StevenHSC TestimonyWitness at assassination scene.
Wittmus, Ronald G.AffidavitFingerprint expert, FBI
Wood, HomerWC TestimonyPatron, Sports Drome Rifle Range
Wood, Sterling CharlesWC TestimonySon of Dr. Homer Wood
Wood, TheresaWC TestimonyWife of Dr. Homer Wood
Woodward, Mary Elizabeth December 7, 1963, FBI reportWitness at assassination scene
Worley, Gano E.WC TestimonyReserve Force, Dallas Police Department.
Worrell, James Richard, Jr.WC Testimony, 11/23/63 AffidavitWitness at assassination scene.
Wright, Milton T.StatementDriver of the car carying Earl Cabell.
Wright, Norman EarlWC TestimonyAcquaintance of Jack Ruby
Wulf, William E.WC TestimonyAcquaintance of Oswald in his youth.
Yarborough, Ralph W.AffidavitU.S. Senator from Texas.
Yeargan, Albert C. Jr.AffidavitEmployee, H. C. Green, Dallas.
Youngblood, Rufus W.WC Testimony, Original ReportAgent, U.S. Secret Service.
Zahm, James A.WC TestimonyMarine Corps expert on marksmanship.
Zaid, Mark S.ARRB TestimonyAssassination researcher
Zapruder AbrahamWC Testimony, Shaw trial testimony 1, 2Witness at assassination scene.

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